Reviews for Imp Invasion
OriksGaming chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
Eh, decent story, terrible writing. Please edit your stories in the future.
Ex Prisoner of Azkaban chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
This made me laugh so hard I almost cried
The Peverells chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
That ending paragraph was perfect.
Arnia chapter 1 . 3/9/2012 friend ...are a GENIUS! *what it held most dear* Oh poor Arthur! He'll never anger Merlin again, let alone think of taking his scarf. *giggles uncontrollably*
Kitty O chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
*grins* epicness. Haha... I'm stil laughing, that's great!
hpenchantress chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
Another super funny fic! The last part was so funny! I laughed so hard!
Ellen-Thalia chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
I dont think Arthur and Merlin had guns or knew of the incredible Hulk but other than that it was awesome. my sister is looking at me like I'm a freak of nature because of how much I've been laughing in the last few minutes...Then again that is only a very slight exagerration...

I loved the "Merlin’s face contorted into that of a savage beast." bit. Can I borrow that? I won't be able to spell it but oh well.

Happy writing.

Love Thalia x
ErinnMellas chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
*claps wildly* OMG I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD!
Girly 411 chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Okay, so this one seems amazing. World War... XD well more like Chamber Wars, but eh... that sounds odd...


oh wow... that's hilarious. Arthur just storms in and grabs Merlin totally ignorign yet but another sign of magic right under his nose. makes me giggle. XD

This was just too funny:

“Do you know what’s in my chambers?” The prince yelled aggressively, grabbing Merlin’s arm and dragging him back through the door.

“Umm…no.” Merlin squeaked.

“Well, neither do I but they’re not pleasant!”

~ Totally in character there. That's one thing I notice you do very well... you keep perfectly in character throughout all these situations. XD

Great job!

Oh my gosh I can totally see all that happening! Great job with the descriptions btw... makes it seem like i'm actually looking into the room with them. XD love the way you described the pillow. XD teehee...

mysterious white sneeze-provoking dust? awshum. XD


"Arthur flinched every time a particularly loud yelp or thud issued from behind the door. He was beginning to wonder if he had sent Merlin to his death."

Ooh insane guilt trip for Arthur. *giggles almost evilly* that's just amazing. poor Merlin.

~Luvd this:

"Suddenly there was a desperate pounding on the door and a shout of some kind, perhaps a plea to open the door and stop being such a prat."

Just purely hilarious. can totally see that too! Awshum job!


"It turned out he did so when Arthur and a slightly calmer Merlin returned to the door, wearing overly sized protective helmets and each brandishing a spray gun filled with a violent orange liquid they were quite prepaid for the diabolical inhabitants of Arthur’s room."

AH! reminds me of Ghostbusters! Luv that!

Excellent job!

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

Yup I'd call in Arthur and Merlin as the swat team anyday.


~“One…” Arthur began to count, “Two…two and a half…three!”

They kicked open the doors and leapt in, Merlin declaring something about war and how however took his scarf was going to pay dearly.

Arthur kicked a horde of gremlins and sprayed them with the orange liquid as they flew at him like a living wave of small green (not to mention smelly) men. Merlin battled fiercely with one of the imps, playing tug of war with his scarf.


was Arthur partially chickening out there? XD Too amazing. way too cute. XD *squees*


They were hopelessly outnumbered and soon they were both overpowered and at the mercy of the goblins, each tied to a bedpost by what could no longer be called curtains.

“Do you surrender?” One of the goblins asked, tying Merlin scarf around its horrid little neck and dancing in front of the two captives victoriously.

“Never!” Arthur spat.


that's just oh wow... luv that image. i can totally see them tied up at the mercy of little green men. XD


Arthur watched with fascination as Merlin’s face contorted into that of a savage beast. He appeared to be undergoing an ‘incredible hulk’ transformation, growing and growing until the curtains binding him to the bedpost snapped and he was free.

The goblins scattered in terror as he leapt into the fray and grabbed the goblin that had destroyed his scarf.

*The following scene has been removed due to inappropriate behaviour, including a goblin, what it held most dear and an extremely angry Merlin. You should feel lucky. Poor Arthur had to endure the whole thing.*


oh. my. gosh. poor Arthur... he's seriously gonna be scarred for life. XD

oh wow... Luvd this! way too funny. wow... the little man was askin for it. gremlins... shouldn't mess with the neckercheif. *smirks* wow... that was just way too hilarious. Laughing the whole time. nonstop. still hafta feel bad for the two though. Merlin lost his scarf... and Arthur prob lost his will to see. XD Keep it up!
Lilet chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
Loved it! But did poor Merlin get his scarf back? XD
FireChildSlytherin5 chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
haha! Great one-shot. :)
Krox1 chapter 1 . 10/14/2009
Loved this one too. How ocme you write so good storys? :L
RandomCheesecake chapter 1 . 9/30/2009
I love this story so much! I was laughing so much about the scarf! I laughed so much I nearly fell out of my seat! I'm in the local coffee shop while I'm reading this and everyone was looking at me like I was mad when I suddenly burst out laughing! I mean, how would you react if you were in a cafe and some dude started randomly laughing!


Yes they have, Merlin. Yes they have...
Miss Enthusiasimal chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
yeah it was great but how would Arthur even know what the incredible hulk was? But the scarf things great.
TheStripedyZebra chapter 1 . 9/21/2009

I was giggling like a gremlin throughout the whole thing. xD

'incredible hulk transformation'...hysterical mental image.
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