Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.

Arthur looked at the carnage that the battle had wrought. Several of his knights were dead, slayed by sorcerers and soldiers alike. But, the battle was won. It wasn't all for naught.

"Hey, Arthur," Merlin appeared behind him, grinning goofily, and the king noticed that he could see his face. He frowned, but figured that Merlin would be court sorcerer soon, anyway. That was when his knights approached him.


"Uh, hey."

Author's note: Okay, really short, but this is mostly just so that I could tell you about the sequel! I haven't thought of a title, and I will update here when I have and it is posted, so keep an eye out. It's going to be more of a drama, involving Morgana becoming good again. That's all I have figured out so far, so It'll be a while. You can expect the knights reactions in the sequel, by the way.

Anyway, if you're feeling super disappointed in me right now, as I am in myself, I have posted the Harry Potter crossover I was talking about, so I'll be working on that while I develop the sequel. It's titled "Wizards and Warlocks," and I personally consider it my best work yet, so if you really hate me for leaving you on a cliffhanger, you can go over there and crush my dreams, okay?

Anyway, TTFN! Ta ta for now!