Author's note: Okay, this is my new story! I wrote this because I noticed the lack of completed fanfics with this plot, and I have found that this plot is incredibly hard to write, so now I know why. Anyway, this takes place after "Aithusa," so, spoilers. No slash, but I suppose that it could be there if you squint. The pairings that I wrote are Arwen, and I suppose there might be a little Freylin, but I didn't really plan on it if you see it.

I'll try to update this every day, but, as I said, this plot is very hard to write, and I'm not finished yet, so there may be pauses in updates.

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.

Arthur was grumpy.

He had been having a pleasant dream about Guinevere before Merlin had ripped open the curtains with his usual call of "Rise and Shine!" and Arthur's usual reaction of rolling over and groaning. Merlin was definitely not a good substitute for Guinevere, (though Gwaine would make jokes to the contrary,) and he did not want to have to deal with the bubbly manservant at the moment.

And Arthur felt different that morning, as though something was stirring inside him, and his body was reacting in a way opposite his mood, which, though it should have changed his attitude, made him even grumpier. What did his body think it was doing, rejoicing in gods know what, when he was forced to open his eyes and face the fact that his dream hadn't been real? He winced as the light streamed into his eyes, and he silently willed the curtains to close so he could get some sleep!

So, the curtains decided to close.

Arthur shot up, eyes wide as he searched for his sword and the culprit. Seeing nobody, he realized that there was only one answer- sorcery- but that didn't make sense! The only person who would want the curtians to close would be him, and he was no sorcerer. At least, he thought not.

Meanwhile, Merlin was panicked. His magic was out of control! He didn't even want those curtains closed, and yet there they are, shut! How could this happen?

Arthur made eye contact with Merlin, and there was an awkward moment of silence as they stared into each other's wide eyes. Then Arthur spoke:

"Must've been a breeze," Arthur said, trying to reassure himself as much as Merlin. He was no sorcerer.

"Yeah," Merlin swallowed, both of them knowing full well that the window was closed.

An unspoken agreement passed between the two of them. They would not speak of this again.

And the thought was soon pushed from both their heads as Merlin reopened the curtains and Arthur realized that the idiot was late, and he had a council meeting. He rushed out the door.


Arthur was exhausted. He plopped down on his bed, letting out a moan. Though his chair was very comfortable, his bottom ached from sitting for so long and his head hurt from the discussion of taxes. He ordered Merlin to get him ready for bed, and, after dismissing the manservant, promptly fell asleep.

He woke up in the middle of the night, feeling strangely light. He threw off his covers as he realized that they were holding him down, and gasped as he saw them fall down back onto the bed.

He was floating!

He yelped, falling to the ground as what he suspected was a spell broke, as well as the bed after his fall. Arthur was just sitting up with a groan when Merlin burst into the room like a good servant would, though he had no reason to be in that part of the castle at the time. The warlock gaped, mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"Merlin! What are you doing here?" Arthur exclaimed, not wanting his manservant to see him enchanted, because that was clearly what was going on, and Merlin shut his mouth quickly. He had just been on his way back to Gaius' chambers after calling the dragons to check on Aithusa when he heard a crash and quickly ran into Arthur's room to see what was wrong. After reflecting over this, he realized that he could quickly divert the topic.

"I heard a crash! What happened?"

Arthur frowned as he realized that his manservant had effectively avoided the question, then realized he didn't really have a logical answer to that question.

"I... broke the bed," Arthur stated, confused at what happened himself.

"You what! How did you manage that?"

Arthur paused. Why did Merlin have to always ask the right questions? He couldn't exactly say, "I was floating, and I fell," now, could he? That would raise too many questions, and he planned to find the person enchanting him himself, without Merlin's help, thank you very much!

"I don't know," Arthur lied, and Merlin raised an eyebrow.

"How do you break your bed without knowing how you did it! That's ridiculous!"

"I..." Arthur paused and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "...I don't know..." he answered, this time honestly. How could you break your bed without any recollection of the incident? Then the answer came to him.

"I must've been asleep," he said, and Merlin snorted.

"You were asleep! I think breaking your bed would wake you up!" Merlin said incredulously.

Arthur frowned. That didn't work. He sighed, "Well, I'll be needing a new bed if I want to sleep," he stated, raising an eyebrow at Merlin. The warlock gaped.

"And I expect you want me to get you one?" he asked.

"Yes," he said, and Merlin laughed.

"Well, I don't think I can afford one, sire," he explained, and Arthur frowned.

Looks like he was sleeping in the guest quarters.