Hi everybody! I'm trying something new- drabbles, but A to Z! This collection on drabbles probably won't be just Percabeth, but it depends. If you guys want Percabeth, you get Percabeth. But if you want a different couple, I'll write that too. It's completely up to you guys. (Within reason- some matches I won't write. Sorry.) So- this is the drabble for A… hope you enjoy!

Quick disclaimer: Nope, not mine. All rights to RR.

A is for Amazing

Annabeth's POV

It was hard not to laugh as I flipped through the old photo album that Grover had given me years ago as a wedding gift. "To remember all your adventures," he'd said, and the small, green book was indeed filled to the brim with pictures of my husband and me. I couldn't hold back the laugh when I caught sight of the picture of Percy asleep when he was 12, right after he'd come to camp.

"What's so funny?" Asked Percy as he came into the living room, leaning over the back of the couch to see the book in my lap.

"Oh… remind me to thank Grover for putting that picture in there." He said sarcastically. I laughed again and turned the page.

"I remember that." I said softly as my eyes landed on another picture- this one taken courtesy of the Stoll brothers- of Percy and me in the underwater bubble on his 16 birthday.

"That was one amazing kiss." I muttered quietly to myself. Unfortunately, Percy heard me.

"What was that?" Asked Percy, raising an eyebrow. "Did you just call me an amazing kisser?"

"No," I said, a bit to quickly as I felt a blush creep into my cheeks.

"You did!" Cried Percy triumphantly as he grinned down on me. "Admit it. I am, as you said, a what? An amazing kisser!"

"Oh please." I grumbled.

"You're not denying it!" Said my husband in a singsong voice.

"Don't get a big head over it." I muttered, standing up and walking over to him. He turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Want one of my amazing kisses?" He smirked. Yes, I thought.

"Nope." I lied.

"Sure," He said, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe I'm mad at you. Maybe I refuse to kiss you until you apologize," I threatened.

"You're right," He sighed, as if in defeat. "I'm sorry you think my kisses are so wonderful."

"Actually," I lied. "They're quite awful." Inside, however, I was thinking: You kiss like a god…

"Well," Smirked my husband. "You know what they say."

"What do they say?"

"Practice makes perfect." Grinned Percy, as he leaned down and kissed me.

One word: amazing.

Well, there you have it! Let me know which couple/word you want for the next one in the reviews. Speaking of reviews- Reviewer's Question: Favorite book series. (Besides PJO.) Mine would probably be Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson. Don't forget to check out my other stories! 'Till next time!