A/N: NEW STORY! And it's (hopefully) going to be epic! *is pumped* This story might end up a bit longer than my others, though I'm not really sure. This story will come to you in three parts, subdivided into chapters. I want most of the chapters to be a reasonable length… Not too short. Now, Part One should be the shortest part... Only three or four chapters, I think... This is going to be AU of 3.13… and man, it's going to be really, REALLY AU. None of that change a scene or two, keep the dialogue. It's going to be an adventure with death and rebellion and even my first real reveal fic! So stay tuned! I hope to update pretty regularly, but I don't want to set a date or time; I'm hoping to be more flexible with this story.
Title: Assassins
Author: Kitty O
Rating: T
Part One: Refugees
Chapter One: A New Queen
Merlin didn't really hate Uther. He didn't like the man, not by a long shot, and yes, there were times when he considered detesting the man for things he'd done – like when he'd killed Gwen's father, or when he'd let that Witchfinder hurt Gaius – but when it came right down to it, he couldn't. Merlin came in contact with too many of his good qualities—all of them obvious and shining through Arthur, the future king. Besides, Uther loved Arthur, and for that, Merlin was grateful. And on top of everything else, Uther was a broken man, and there were times when Merlin felt too sorry for him to hate him.
This was one of those times.
Uther was on his knees, being held down by enemies, forced to bow before his own daughter. And above him, Morgana wasn't bothering to hide her smirk, and her eyes glittered more than her crown, which looked too heavy for her head. It was all wrong and no man should have to go through that. Merlin really pitied him.
He pitied Arthur, too. He could feel the prince's breaths quickening into desperate pants. When Merlin snuck a glance, he saw that anger and betrayal had caused Arthur's eyes to go wide. He was still lying on his stomach next to Merlin, but his body was tense as though he wanted nothing more than to leap forward, off this little balcony, down into that throne room… and then what? Rant and scream? Run the witches through and put the crown back on his father? Die valiantly?
It was a horrible sight. Merlin looked down again. There was Morgana with that satisfied smile. It didn't suit her. She looked harsher with that smile, not half as pretty as usual. Merlin surprised himself by feeling a bit of pity for her too. From scared of execution to queen, and not really looking all that happier.
Of course he also pitied himself. After all, who was probably going to have to pull all these shattered pieces back together and fix a fractured Camelot? Merlin, resident secret warlock and unappreciated life-saver, of course; who else?
Speaking of which…
Merlin knew the time to sit there and dwell on this new turn of events was over. The crowning had happened, and Morgana and Morgause might not stay in that room long. They had to get out of the castle… They had to get somewhere safe – the woods with Gwaine and Elyan – and it would be best if they did it before Arthur came out of shock. Or before that infection in his leg got so bad that Gaius couldn't treat it and he lost the limb. They'd take care of everything else later… Uther, Morgana, and even Gwen, who Merlin had spotted with her old mistress.
Now they just had to get away.
Merlin's hand found Arthur's arm, and Arthur jumped and looked at his servant with those wide, horrified eyes. Merlin swallowed thickly. He was feeling a bit overwhelmed too.
You aren't alone, Arthur. You're just the most shocked.
"We need to get out of here," Merlin hissed. "Now."
"My father…" Arthur said back, but Merlin shook his head.
"There are only two of us, and most of them can't be killed. We need to wait, Arthur…"
Arthur looked like he wanted to argue, but his eyes flickered over to his sister with the crown on her head – Queen Morgana Pendragon, Geoffrey had said – and he seemed to realize that he was in over his head. He nodded silently.
Merlin inched backwards over the floor, getting to his knees as soon as he was far enough from the edge not to be spotted at once. Arthur copied his movement, and they both got to their feet as they crept out into the hall.
Arthur was trembling, from pain or anger Merlin couldn't tell, but it worried him. They needed to get to the woods.
Merlin ducked into a niche, pulling in Arthur. A pair of guards passed leisurely, not even looking around, practically inviting an attacker. Arthur's hand clenched on his sword, but Merlin sent him a warning look.
Immortal, remember?
As soon as they were gone, Arthur checked to see if the coast was clear. His hand was still on his sword's hilt, white at the knuckles and eager to draw the weapon. It made Merlin nervous.
Pushing Arthur gently from the alcove, he pointed down the hallway. "Let's go find Gwaine and Elyan. Gaius will take care of that leg… Arthur?"
Arthur wasn't listening. He hadn't been listening for a long time, not to Merlin anyway. But from the look on his face, it was possible he was listening closely to some old memories.
Arthur looked at him. His face was tense. "She's my sister," he said, and the words were forced out past his moving Adam's apple.
"Yes," said Merlin. "Yes, she is." And he couldn't think of another word to say at the moment, so he just shut his mouth for once and turned to rush down the hall. There would be time for comfort when they were safe.
But he was kidding himself, and he knew it. Morgana was queen. They were now fighting a war to survive, a war against a woman so many people had considered a friend. There would be nowhere safe for them. And there would be very little time.
Morgana leaned back in her chair, her throne, feeling the strange way it fit into her back. When she breathed, it scratched a bit. This chair was so different from the one she had sat in before.
She liked it, but it was strange. It would all take getting used to, she figured, trying to get more comfortable without fidgeting.
Morgause stood before her, practically beaming. Gwen was… somewhere, doing something… Gwen-like. Probably picking flowers or something unimportant. Somehow that thought set her at ease. Her chair might be odd, but Gwen was reliable. Lovely, servile, never-to-be-queen Gwen.
She thrust her mind away from the dark-haired servant and back to the present. "Arthur and Merlin?" she asked of her sister, leaning forward.
"The prince was shot with a poisoned arrow," Morgause said, savoring each word, her usual way of talking. "He cannot have survived."
"But they did not see the body?"
That made her nervous. Arthur was the only one now who could possibly stand in her way. She wanted to see the body!
"He can't have survived," Morgause stressed, leaning forward, her heavily outlined eyes widening to get the point across. "My men told me there was no one around to give him medical attention except for the boy."
"And he survived?"
"Most likely," Morgause admitted. "But without his prince, what point would there be to return to Camelot? If he hears about your ascension to power, he will not return."
Morgana looked at her fingers. Her first decision as queen! How thrilling! But she kept her excitement inside. "Very well," she said. "But instruct the men to keep their eyes out for Merlin… He often has surprises, and in the worst way." She couldn't speak his name without a sneer. She almost wished he were here now. What would he think of her? She wasn't some powerless girl to be discarded anymore! She had the power… The power to have him poisoned, if she wished. And if she could find him.
Morgause nodded, almost a bow. She looked proud. This was what they had been working for.
Now that Uther was captured and Arthur was dead, she could move on to the next matter of business. Securing the loyalty of her people. And, failing that, she would have to secure their fear. One was rather like the other sometimes. She had begun to learn that.
A cave wasn't really a preferable place to treat an infected wound. It wasn't even an adequate place. But Gaius had to make do with what he had… Several instruments that a leery Arthur declared similar to those of torture, herbs, and several hands willing to help.
At last Gaius gently patted a tender but treated leg, saying in his dry way, "I think you are going to be very lucky, Sire… The infection should leave quickly, and within a few days you should be able to walk about as freely as ever."
"Thank you, Gaius," said Arthur, but he wasn't really feeling it. He looked distracted.
Merlin had sat by and watched with a concerned expression throughout the procedure, letting Gwaine and Elyan help, since they were both better medical assistants than he was.
Now, he stood quietly and left the cave, not saying a word to anyone. He navigated around the supplies and blankets and his own knapsack on the ground easily and slipped out the mouth of the cave.
Arthur didn't notice. He was staring rather pathetically at the air. Gwaine and Elyan didn't notice. They were talking in low voices.
Gaius heaved himself up onto his old, aching feet and followed the warlock.
"What did Arthur learn?" he asked Merlin's back. The warlock, who obviously had a death wish, stood in plain sight about five meters from the cave.
"What?" asked Merlin, turning.
"What all did he learn? What did he hear, see? It's not just the infection that's causing him to act this way."
Merlin sighed. "No, no, it's not. We watched Morgana be crowned queen, Gaius. He knows she's his sister. He knows about Morgause."
Gaius looked back towards the cave. "All the information at once…"
Merlin smiled a bit ironically. "He sure was surprised, but I don't think he just needs some sleeping potion to help him." The smile fled. "Gaius?"
"I think it's time to tell him."
"What do you mean, Merlin?"
"About me. I think it's time to tell him, Gaius. We're going to need my powers before this is through."
Something akin to panic for a child that was straying too close to open flame came to the surface in Gaius's old chest. "Merlin, no! After today, his heart is sure to be hardened against magic for the time being. He's not ready."
Merlin sighed and looked out to the sky. "Arthur's a grown man. How can we say if he's ready or not? Besides, Gaius, I've got a plan, but I don't know how to make it happen if Arthur doesn't know."
He looked back at the cave, making sure no one was listening in. "What can he really do, other than run me through at once? He's not the prince at the moment. And he might never be again if we don't get Morgana off the throne." He took a deep breath.
Arthur, I trust you with my life. I have for a long time, I won't stop now. I trust you with my life… with my life…
"I think he'll hear me out."
Gaius studied him with worry in his eyes. He wanted to argue. He wanted to talk Merlin out of this crazy course of action. But he might be right. It might not be so crazy after all… Perhaps Arthur was mature enough.
Whether Arthur was ready or not, Merlin was determined. Gaius recognized the signs. The set jaw, the steady gaze… Signs that Merlin wasn't budging from his position. Arguing would be futile.
Gaius sighed.
"Tell me the plan, Merlin."
"Gwaine, Elyan, Gaius wants your help with something outside."
Gwaine grunted as he pulled himself up. "No rest for the weary, I guess. Don't you know I need my strength to single-handedly save Camelot?" He winked as he spoke.
Elyan leapt up, cat-like and light in his cloak. "Come on, Gwaine," he said in that soft voice a little like Gwen's. "You can get your beauty sleep later."
They left, and Gwaine patted Merlin's shoulder as they went.
Merlin approached Arthur slowly, as though he were some wounded wild beast. Arthur was in the corner of the room, pacing painfully and stopping every once in a while.
"I'm sorry, Arthur," he said quietly, not bothering to reprimand the prince for getting up.
Arthur shook his head. "Doesn't matter."
"Of course it does," Merlin scoffed, rolling his eyes. "And I'm sorry. I know it's hard for you, the girl you grew up with…"
"I knew about her magic," Arthur said softly.
Now that threw Merlin. "What?"
Arthur threw his hands up in the air, like he was trying to shake off unseen tormentors. "Well, sort of," he confessed. "I guessed there was something there. All those dreams. They came true. She might not have thought we noticed, but I did. It scared me. I think it scared her too."
Merlin stared in wonderment. Arthur… had known?
Arthur looked up from the ground, his eyes sad, silently begging Merlin not to judge him, not to blame him for not telling the king of a budding magic-woman in their midst. "I thought… If that was it, and if the magic never went any farther… I thought surely that wouldn't corrupt her, not if I watched her closely enough."
Merlin shook his head as though getting water from his ears. "Arthur, I…"
"But I was wrong," Arthur said, his voice hardening. He stopped pacing to grab his sword and look impressive. "She has proven everything I knew about magic to be true. Magic corrupts; it is evil."
Merlin took two steps forward to be standing next to Arthur. He should back out now. While he had a chance, he should back out now. Gaius was right. They should just get another plan… And he would wait to tell Arthur.
But for how long?
"Arthur," he said, "sit down."
Arthur looked confused but remained standing, so Merlin gave him a small shove onto a ledge on the wall of the cave that worked as a seat.
"Really," he repeated, "sit down. Now, I hope you don't really believe what you just said, because Arthur" – deep breath – "I have something to tell you."
A/N: TBC! Anyway, I tried to catch all typos, but it isn't beta'd, so please excuse (or better, point out!) any mistakes!What did you think? You think it'll be a good story? I look forward to hearing from all of you…
~Kitty O of Awesomeness, PBO