Reviews for In Bad Faith
RoseRainWithLove25 chapter 1 . 6/28
I was about to lose it when Sev came into the story I hope they can become friends. l really hope that he will come about more
SilverDragon1218 chapter 6 . 6/15
This was marvelous! Even if you never come back to this, I'm a so thankful that you posted it! It was so creative and interesting and just wow! Desdemona is such a well developed, intelligent oc! Thanks a million for posting this! I had a lot of fun! Hope you're happy and healthy! Have a good week!
DoUReallyCare chapter 6 . 6/13
The Flame and the Void shall shelter this fic's dead soul from the Shadow as it is commended to the Aetherius by the Eight Divines.

Kay that obituary done, here are my criticisms, though I see little point in stating them. This is 2020, 6 years since this fic died.

Politics for the sake of social relations alone seems...laborious to read. Give me something more tangible. Politics and dressing customs, politics and wand motion customs, wizard history and language differences - now these would be interesting topics.
I'm sure your kind of fic was uncommon back in the day but now all I can read are 'SI-OC born to MAaNHof_ and he/she pollitics way through early life". Try giving a twist dear.
TheVulcanNara chapter 6 . 6/11
The most perfect and loveable OC/SI fics in a looooooooong time. The actual best oc Malfoy fic ever.
wolfgirl232323 chapter 6 . 6/4
I love your book so far! Can you please update it if you get a chance?
Esmeralda Riddle chapter 6 . 5/19
R. I. P. In Bad Faith
You're an amazing fic. It's the greatest shame that you were only six ch old when you left us...
Novissima Autem Inimica Destruetur Mors.
Redrift chapter 6 . 4/29
This is so well written :( rest in peace a once engaging, immersive story.
Misty FoxTail chapter 6 . 4/12
Dammit! The Author dropped it in a cliffhanger! A CLIFFHANGER! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!
Srikar.a chapter 6 . 3/15
Damn one of best fics I have read
Shame it s been dropped though
Gregorvich chapter 4 . 3/15
This story suffers from the same problem that many other self inserts have. They get stuck in the early childhood stage in life and refuse to move onto the actual story. And by the time the plot remotely begins, the author runs out of steam and loses interest in the story. Its well written, dont get me wrong, but its almost as bad as stories that are almost entirely in the muggle world filled with original characters.
Gregorvich chapter 2 . 3/15
omg please make her grow up soon. who cares about them when they are babies? get to the fun part. Hogwarts.
Grantspride chapter 6 . 3/11
OMG this story is amazing. its a pity it's discontinued. I think i might cry a little at the though tht there will never be another chapter to this
Grantspride chapter 1 . 3/11
omg noooo! I love Snape! he is the bee's knee's! I love the queen Victoria thing. I didn't know that was a thing until you wrote it here. I proceeded to google it and laughed so hard! Made my year. 4 real. :)
curry-llama chapter 6 . 3/3
This story's too good. Any chance you'll ever continue it?
naejeiuol04 chapter 1 . 2/20
Sev and Dezzy. Great combo. Definitely hilarious
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