A/N: I'm claiming artistic license for my vague medical diagnosis in this chapter.

This is the last chapter, a little choppy in the end, but I hope you like it anyway.

Chapter 6

Felicity woke up groggily and with a dry mouth. Swallowing thickly she opened her eyes to find herself in a hospital bed. The events of the charity ball came back to her quickly after she tried to move and her stomach protested.

Her thoughts immediately went to Oliver, wondering if he was alright, if the man that had tried to stab him had somehow got to him. She didn't panic for long because as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting she noticed that the lump on the chair next her bed was in fact Oliver. He was asleep, sitting at a horrible angle, but a blanket was covering him except for the one arm nearest to her bed which was dangling over the side of the chair. He wasn't wearing a jacket, he never did if he could help it, but he was still in his shirt from the ball. If it was night now and Oliver was asleep, Felicity hated to think how long she had been unconscious.

The door to her room opened and Diggle quietly let himself in. When he looked at her Felicity gave him a tired smile but put her finger to her lips to indicate the sleeping Oliver.

Grinning widely Diggle walked over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You had us worried, Ms Smoak," he gently chided.

"Sorry," she whispered back and Diggle immediately passed her some water.

"You've been in and out of it the past day," Diggle explained without prompting. "You were asleep for a while but the charity ball was a little over twenty-four hours ago. Do you remember what happened?"

"I got stabbed. Thanks you know, for stopping me from bleeding out."

Diggle didn't dignify that with an answer. "Doc said you got off lucky. It was a small knife, was a clean cut and that really there was more blood than damage. You'll be a bit tender for a while but no complications."

Felicity let out a breath. "Good, that's good."

"Are we going to talk about why you got stabbed?"

"If it's all the same, not really." She nodded at Oliver, amazed that he was still asleep through their whispered conversation. "Did he do anything stupid?"

Diggle raised an eyebrow. "It's Oliver Queen, of course he did. He hasn't left since you got here and that's probably the only reason he hasn't gone and visited the guy that stabbed you in his jail cell."

"He got caught?"

"It took a second for everyone to realise what had happened but while me and Oliver helped you Roy managed to chase down the guy. Word is he lost his son in the Glades tragedy and wanted Moira Queen to feel the same pain as he did. Lance pulled a few stings and got a detective he trusts on the case."

"Yay, team," Felicity offered.

"You ready to face the music?" Diggle asked nodding at Oliver.

"I supposed he'd be grumpy if he found out I'd been awake for so long."

"Grumpy is not the half of it." Walking around to the other side of the bed Diggle carefully rested a hand on Oliver's should. "Oliver," he called and the younger man immediately woke up, tense and alert.

Oliver spared a glance at Diggle before zeroing in at the bed. When he saw the awake and smiling Felicity he sagged back into his chair.

"Felicity," he murmured.


"I'm just going to find a nurse," Diggle announced. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Oliver stood up and moved to sit on the side of her bed. Gently he cupped the side of her face, his other hand reaching out to reassuringly squeeze her hand. "You scared me," he admitted softly. "What were you thinking, Felicity?" he whispered, angry but mostly afraid of what could have been.

"You didn't see him and there wasn't enough time," Felicity answered. "I wasn't planning on being stabbed, I don't think anyone does really, but all I was trying to do was get in his way or distract him so you could do your whole ninja thing."

"Felicity, if the knife was any longer or any of a hundred different things changed we might not be having this conversation."

Reaching out to cup his own cheek Felicity made sure he had her attention. "I am fine, Oliver. A little sore but I will heal." Oliver tried to interrupt but she wouldn't let him. "You would have done exactly the same thing had our roles been reversed and unless you decide to never step in front of a bullet or a knife or anything vaguely life-threatening towards me, then you don't have a say in what I decide to do or not do to save your life. Do you understand?"


"Either we get to save each other's lives or not at all Oliver Queen, those are your two options if you want to have a relationship with me. Partners are equal and I will not spend my life wrapped up in cottonwool because the thought of me hurt is unpleasant for you."

Diggle returned then with a nurse who wanted to check over Felicity's wound now that she was fully awake. Oliver didn't want to leave but wasn't given much choice. Before he left he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and without words conveyed his understanding of her terms. He may not like it, but Felicity would look out for him the same way he would look out for her. He couldn't ask for anything less.

Felicity tried to get Oliver to go home and change or even sleep when Diggle promised to stay with her that night. She was already falling asleep again and assured him he wouldn't be missing much before she fully fell asleep. She assumed he went home though because when she woke up the next morning Diggle was gone and Oliver was wearing a different set of clothes and his stubble which was more of a beard the day before was back to normal.

"Morning," he greeted her as she rubbed her eyes. "How do you feel?" he asked as he handed over her glasses.

"Sore," she mumbled, "and ready to go home."

"This place isn't so bad," a voice said from the doorway.

"Tommy," Felicity said brightly as the man himself wheeled his chair in through the door. Walking wasn't on his list of achievements yet, not unless there were people helping him and a handrail. "Nice wheels," she said nodding at the wheelchair.

"The suspension is crap but I'm getting a hang of the handling," he laughed. "But for you I would bring you the stars, so absconding with a wheelchair while the nurses weren't looking was a piece of cake."

"Smooth," Felicity snorted.

"I thought so. Thea visited me earlier and told me what happened. Glad to see you awake, Smoak."

"Thanks, Tommy."

"But, look on the bright side."

"There is a bright side to this?" Oliver deadpanned.

"Sure, compared to this your second date is going to be delightful."

Oliver let out a snort and Felicity couldn't help but laugh. "Stop, please," she said wiping away a tear, "it hurts to laugh."

"Sorry," Tommy said taking her hand and kissing it.

They spent the next ten minutes in easy chatter before Tommy decided to leave, not wanting to incur the wrath of his nurses. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." He expertly turned his chair around and made his way out of the room. "Look after her Queen," he threw over his shoulder, "she's special."

"I know," Oliver said smiling down at Felicity.

Tommy was right though. After Felicity was released from hospital and suitably recovered Oliver took her out for their second date and it was delightful.

Tommy was also eventually released from hospital. He moved to a rehab facility, but his case looked good, and they all but guaranteed a full recovery.

And so a year after the Glades had fallen their entire group found themselves together again. Verdant was closed for the night and instead they were having their own celebration for those that lived and memorial for those that did not. Oliver and Tommy were laughing over drinks at the bar, like old friends again. Felicity was nearby sharing a private joke with John, keeping an eye on Oliver, her boyfriend of a year. Roy and Thea, and Laurel, would be arriving later after their previous arrangements, Roy promising to pick up some food on the way in.

It had been a long year, with its ups and downs, but they had survived. And out of the dust Oliver had found a new relationship and saved an old friendship. He was surrounded by friends and family and wouldn't change it for the world.

A/N: Thank you for reading, especially for those who have been reviewing/following since I started this little trilogy. This story is here because of you.