Author has written 12 stories for Danny Phantom, Marvel, Xiaolin Showdown, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, Warcraft, Gravity Falls, Trigun, and Spider-Man. celeste a. p., born june 22nd in san diego - california. infp, cancer sun w/ virgo rising. Bi, Wiccan. Hufflepuff, waterbender. It's splendiforous to meet you, want to be friends? My original account is Neversaid-I-Madesense, but it's just so old and full of so much clutter, I felt it was time for a new account. Other sites; Fictionpress. deviantART. Tumblrs; meta-power, pinkmoons-in-orbit, phantomaniacal, ulihelisdi. I go by anything from Arro, Moons, Quack, to Celly and I have a penchant for the outlandish. GLUDIUS. |