*make sure you didn't skip the previous chapter I updated twice in one day

Life is good.

Howard and I have grown closer as friends because of what happened, I've gained some self-confidence and Norrisville is once again safe. Kinda. More on that later.

Two days after the confrontation with McSorcerer (what else am I supposed to call him? Having two names is confusing) I went back to McFist Industries. Viceroy outfitted me with a custom prosthetic leg with what looks like real skin. He said it was made of silly-cone or something, but I was too busy making sure there was no surprises like with McFist's arm.

I also tried to return the powerball, but Viceroy refused to take it and I did not see McSorcerer so it's now buried somewhere in my backyard. If I can't give it back at least I can keep it safe from falling into the wrong hands. No one else knows about it, not even Howard.

Then there's Julian. After a thorough questioning, we've come to the conclusion he doesn't remember anything after the Sorcerer gave him the powerball to spy on the school. He was acting really weird though. Staring off into space, giggling, and generally acting childish. Howards says that's only to be expected with approximately three weeks of memory missing.

Theresa didn't mention he was acting strange, so he must be fine. I had called her as soon as the robo ape chauffeur dropped me off at my house. I said the Ninja had just found Julian and called me to tell her. She was relieved and wanted to know if she could thank the Ninja in person. I hadn't thought of that before. The scarf is gone. What will NHS think when he never shows himself again?

Not much actually. McSorcerer seems to be holding true to his promise to not stank anymore people. With no imminent danger, there's no need for a ninja. Only one person made a big deal over the Ninja's desertion and that was Debbie Kang. Go figure.

To my surprise, she and Theresa have been hanging out with us lately. Us being Howard and I. Since Kang is friends with Theresa and Theresa is friends with me and I'm friends with the Ninja… Yeah, that was a hard one to get out of.

Theresa and I have been getting along really well. In fact, I have a good feeling about this. And now that Debbie has been roped into hanging out with us, Howard's been happier too. He insists he isn't interested in her, but I know my bro better than that.

Back to Norrisville's safety.

The other reason Kang has been hanging out with us is because, according to her reporter instincts, something weird is happening in the swamp near the school. She wants someone to go out there and investigate with her… I guess the excitement from the beginning of the year is far from being over. However, that is a story for another day.

Unfortunately, not all of us got out of the McSorcerer mess scot-free. The NinjaNomicon is… not really dead, sleeping maybe? I don't know. When I open its pages, they are blank. A few formless doodles might spill out and float around like dust, but that's it.

I miss flying. A lot. I also miss the excitement. It's driven me to do some things I wouldn't have the guts to do before. Howard has scolded me a few times now about being too reckless and that's saying something. He's usually into crazy stunts. I mean sure trying to ride my bike off the roof and onto the neighbor's trampoline may have not been my best idea, and the spelunking in the Norrisville quarry… Howard has been filming everything.

Internet vids are getting really popular, which is why we are going to the swamp with Debbie. If something is out there, Howard and I might as well become inter-lebrities for it.

a/n: The results of the poll for the next fanfic are in favor of the continuation of Level 1. (check it out, if you liked this fic you'll prolly like that one) But if there is enough interest, I will also make a sequel to Wings. Some serious planning has to be done for whichever I continue, so don't expect much from me in the next two weeks. But whatever happens, I want the next fic to have longer chapters and more characters.

So tell me what you think in the reviews- Level 1 with McFist and the Sorcerer once again the villains, superpowers, and crazy school shenanigans or a sequel to wings with Booray and Mac as villains and Fowlham and Weinerkang as ships? (Level 1 will probably have minimal shipping)

Credit to not-a-cop for the word 'McSorcerer'