Chapter 27: Return of the King

The time has come as Spottedleaf felt Firestar getting up. Spottedleaf lifts up her head to see Firestar looking down on his kits. He presses his nose to little Emberkit's fur, taking in the sweet scent of his son's body. Spottedleaf looks at him, "It's time isn't it."

Firestar cast a look at her as he nods. Then he looks at his kits, "I just want to be with them for a moment more, before I go and check everyone out before it is time to leave."

Spottedleaf looks at her kits laying beside her belly. Then she eyes Firestar, "They will be alright."

Firestar glances back at his mate. He can sense that her words contradict the way she feels. But he also knows that it is one hope that rings true. He then raises to his paws as he goes and puts his head to hers, "I will be back to get you when we are ready to part." He eyes her, "Are you sure you want to come to the battle field, I mean Cinderpelt can handle it and…"

Spottedleaf places her paw to his, "I will be fine, honey."

"I know you can, it's just…" Firestar pauses for a brief moment, "Just I don't want our kits to be parentless after the battle. I want one of us to be alive."

"Firestar, my love, stop with the 'what ifs' scenarios. We have to have faith, that both of us will see this through." Spottedleaf sat up as she talks to him. "I know you are scared of loosing me. I'm terrified myself. But we got to go into this battle with no fear, just only hope. We will succeed. I know we will. Okay." She then tucks her head under his chin, "Be the leader that StarClan has called you to be."

Firestar breathed in her scent and let her words of wisdom sink in to calm his nerves. Then he steps aside and gaze into her amber gaze, "Thank you. I just…I am scared I might fail."

"You won't. Not it StarClan is on your side," Spottedleaf smiles. "Now go, you only have a few moments before the dawn breaks."

Firestar cast a look at his kits, then back to her, "I want to give them a goodbye hug before we leave. Please."

Spottedleaf nods, "I will get them up now, while you go and inspect the came one last time."

Firestar dips his head as he padded out into the clearing of the camp. Spottedleaf goes over to Firestar's nest and gently wakes the three kits. "Wake up my darlings. The time has come."

Squirrelkit opens her beautiful green eyes, "is it time for battle?"

"Soon. Come on. Wake Leafkit and Emberkit, please." Spottedleaf meows.

Squirrelkit did what her mother instructed, and soon Leafkit and Emberkit was awake. Emberkit raced out of Firestar's den along with Squirrelkit. Only Leafkit stayed in her nest. Spottedleaf peers into her amber depths, "What's wrong, Leafkit?"

Leafkit peers up at her mother, "Is yu n' daddy, going to fiht?"

Spottedleaf looks at her, "Only, daddy is. I will be caring for the wounded, so I won't see battle."

"Is daddy going to die?" Leafkit asks. There was sadness in her voice.

Spottedleaf closes her eyes, not wanting to lie to her, but also don't want to hurt her. Spottedleaf reopens them as she focus in on her daughter. "There is a possibility yes, your father could die." Spottedleaf puts her paw under Leafkit's white chin, "But we must trust StarClan to watch over him as he faces our enemy, and pray to have him come home safely. All of the chosen warriors. Okay." Spottedleaf then gets up and padded to the opening of Firestar's den. She bacons her tail for her daughter to follow.

Everyone had their last meal together before they head out. Willowpelt is staying behind to help Speckletail with the kits. Spottedleaf watches as Whitestorm padded to his mate and kisses her goodbye. Spottedleaf's heart ached for her sister in that moment. Knowing this could be the last time she will ever be with hem.

After Willowpelt said her goodbyes, she allows her mate to touch noses with his kits. From where Spottedleaf was sitting with her own kits, she could see and feel Whitestorm's pain. Her own sister held back her own tears as he says goodbye.

Firestar came to his mate, "I allowed Whitestorm to say goodbye to his family." Then he looks at his kits then to her, "As I will say my own goodbyes now."

Spottedleaf looks at him as she could tell he didn't want to do this to his own kits. Firestar bent down to his kits and licks them and held them close to him. "I want each and everyone of you to be strong and brave for me. Your Aunt Willowpelt and elder Speckletail is in charge."

Emberkit looks at his father, and a sad meow came from him, "Please stay."

Spottedleaf looks at her son and felt her tears welling up.

Firestar bent down to his son, "You know why we have to go. But we will come back as soon as we can. We are doing this for the forest, and for you." He looks at them, "Be brave for us, and take care of your aunt Willowpelt. Come here." Firestar embraces each and everyone of his kits as he licks them goodbye. "I love each and everyone of you. You will forever be in my heart, because your are my kits."

As soon as Firestar kisses his kits, he gives them to Spottedleaf. She can tell he is fighting back his tears. Spottedleaf looks down at her own kits, "I love you too. Be strong for us. And just know that your father and I are proud of each and everyone of you." Spottedleaf kisses them and held her close.

Willowpelt came up to her and Spottedleaf pulls away from her kits, "Now aunt Willowpelt will be in charge, while we are way. Listen to her, and obey her."

Emberkit, Squirrelkit and Leafkit nods to their mother's words. Spottedleaf gazes up at her sister as she embraces her for what seems to feel like the last time. Spottedleaf meows to her, "Take care of them sis. Please."

Willowpelt faces her sister, "Don't talk to me like that."

"Like what?" Spottedleaf asks.

"Like you are not coming back." Willowpelt meows. Tears fell from her blue depths. "Because you will come back. I can't…I can't lose another sibling. Please come back, Speckles. Don't you go and have yourself killed, like Redtail. I need you. Your Clan needs you, and your kits needs you. Both you and Firestar. So don't talk like you are not coming back. Promise me you will come back…Because I need. I need my sister, to see me through this…" Spottedleaf came to her as Willowpelt cries onto her shoulder.

Spottedleaf felt the lump in her throat just then. In a breaking tone she meows back to her sister, "I promise, Willowpelt. I will come back."

Graystripe then clears his throat, "Mom, aunt Spottedleaf, it's time. Firestar is gathering everyone up."

Spottedleaf steps out of her sister's embrace and turns to face Firestar as he begins to speak, "Cats of ThunderClan we go now to fight against BloodClan. But we're not alone. Remember there are four Clans in the forest, and always will be, and the other three will fight with us today, for the secrete of the Clans. Clans, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests." Firestar pauses as he gaze into the eyes of each and everyone of his Clan members, "We are fighting for our right to live, and from being driving out of our home, and for our right to live and freedom. This day, the forest cats will declare with one voice, 'We will not go quietly into the night. We will not perish without a fight. We are going to live on. We are going to survive.' Today, we will drive out these evil cats from the forest, and declare independence from evil!"

All around cats yowled out their agreement to Firestar's words of wisdom. Firestar then turns and heads and leads the band of cats to Fourtrees to fight to keep the claim over the forest. Spottedleaf looks at her sister as she licks her head, as she softly meows, "I will come back. I promise. I love you."

Willowpelt meows to her, "I love you too, Spottedleaf."

Spottedleaf felt Graystripe urging her to come, Spottedleaf turns from her sister and heads to the front to be with Firestar. Spottedleaf made it to his side as he felt her comfort. He looks down from the ravine. He took in his last moments before turning to make his way to Fourtrees.

What felt like seasons ago, the sight of Fortress was beginning to come insight. Firestar turns to cast a look at each of the warriors behind him. Reflecting on each of them. A few moment's past as he finally spoke, "You know what lies ahead of us." He meows, "I only want to say one thing. Ever since StarClan placed the four Clans in the forest, no leader ever had a band of warriors like you. Whatever happens, I want you to remember that."

Graystripe then spoke out, "There was never a leader like you, Firestar."

Crossing the stream Spottedleaf then heard whisper and then movements from the direction of the river. Glancing down the slope she sees the cats of RiverClan and ShadowClan slipping quietly toward the meeting place where Firestar is leading his party. Before Firestar parts from Spottedleaf he turns to her, "I know this is as far as you can travel with me."

Spottedleaf looks at him. Cinderpelt broke off with Fernpaw and Mudfur as they make their way to their spot to set up a medical place for injured cats. Spottedleaf gazes into her lovers eyes, as she knows this will probably be the last time they will be together. Spottedleaf presses her nose to his, "Saying goodbye to my brother, Redtail was the hardest thing I thought I ever had to do. Now here I am saying goodbye to my kits back at home, and now the one cat, who I allowed myself to truly love, and the father to my kits. Please Firestar, don't make me grieve for you too. I don't know if my heart can take if you die. I love yo"

Spottedleaf didn't have to finish her sentence as Firestar kisses her passionately. Spottedleaf held his kiss in that moment as they both froze time with their love. A moment past and Firestar pulls back and gazes into her depths, "I will come back, Spottedleaf. I will come back and lead our Clan, and be the father of our kits." Firestar peers over to the RiverClan leader who was patiently waiting for him. Then he gazes back into his mates eyes, "Promise me you will be out of sight and someplace safe."

"I promise." Spottedleaf meows. She moves to kiss him one last time. He puts his head to hers, as she softly meows, "I love you, Firestar."

Firestar meows back to her, "I love you to. You're the love of my life, Spottedleaf."

Spottedleaf looks over his shoulder, "I got to go, and you have to lead the others. Take care my love, and let StarClan be your guide."

Spottedleaf and Firestar held onto one another's gaze a moment more. They wanted to remember each other's depths before parting. Finally Spottedleaf is the first to break away as she joins Mudfur and Cinderpelt.

When Spottedleaf arrives to the spot Cinderpelt claimed, Mudfur came to greet Spottedleaf, "I told Cinderpelt you will be arriving a bit late."

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be back attending Runningnose?" Spottedleaf meows.

"Runningnose and I talked, and he insists me coming to help you and Cinderpelt out. Plus I need to help my own Clan along with his apprentice, Littlecloud." Mudfur meows, as he nodded to tabby brown cat who was getting instructions from Cinderpelt. Mudfur then excuses himself as he goes over to Littlecloud.

Just then Barkface came in, "The battle will be starting soon, you medicine cats ready?"

Everyone nodded. Cinderpelt came up to Spottedleaf and presses her side next to hers. Spottedleaf whispers to her former apprentice, "I'm scared Cinderpelt. That is my mate and my Clan down there."

Cinderpelt looks to her, "Today is that day, Spottedleaf. We must be strong now for them."

Mudfur looks over to her and puts his tail to his lips as a signal to keep quiet. Spottedleaf felt her fear growing as she sent a prayer to StarClan. Just then she heard Scourge's voice rang through the clearing as if he was right by them. "Go, back? Do you really think we're such cowards? No. This is our home now."

Spottedleaf heard her mate's voice, "The forest is ours. We rule here by the will of StarClan!"

"StarClan!" Spottedleaf heard the sneer in his voice, "Tales for kits. Forest fool, StarClan wont' help you now." There was a few heart beats of silence, then Spottedleaf heard his yowl, "Attack!"

Spottedleaf then heard her mates battle cry out, "LionClan attack!" And soon the war with BloodClan had begun.

From where the medicine cats where waiting, they hear the battle broke out. Barkface looks at the cats waiting in the small area. "Okay, guys get ready to treat multiple casualties." Spottedleaf wanted to find out what was happening, but she promised her mate to stay well hidden.

Moments later and several WindClan cats came into the area badly injured. Fernpaw rushed out to help injured warriors inside the bushes to get treated. Spottedleaf came and helped Frostfur who was bleeding badly from her leg. Frostfur looks at her, "We are losing Spottedleaf."

Spottedleaf presses cobwebs on her foot, "Don't say that."

"Spottedleaf, I need you to escort a ShadowClan warrior in here. Please." Mudfur pleaded.

Spottedleaf makes her way to the entrance of the bushes and helps a ShadowClan warrior out. Littlecloud was be her side in a second, treated his Clanmate. "Lay still there."

More and more cats pooled into the bushes. Some of them died at Spottedleaf's paws, from too much blood. Mousefur then comes in as she goes to her best friend. "Spotted…"

Spottedleaf comes to her best friend's side to help her. "Mousefur!"

Mousefur heaves to a flat stone and lays there. Blood pooled around her covering the stone. Spottedleaf immediately began to press cobwebs to her and put her former mentor's ointment to her wounds. Mousefur let out a wail of pain at the contact of the medicine. Spottedleaf then soothes her pain by placing a substance to cool and ease the burning of the pain. "You done all you could, ThunderClan honors your courage."

Mousefur looks to her, "Firestar. Scourge killed Firestar, Spottedleaf. I went to help Cloudtail, who is battling him now, but was forced by Mistyfoot to come here." Mousefur struggles to breathe. "I'm sorry Speckles."

Spottedleaf closes her eyes and looks to outside of the bushes. Then she shook her head, "No. He is not dead. He lost a life yes, but he is not dead."

"Spottedleaf, you seen the way he did to Tigerstar. Tigerstar had all nine lives stripe from him." Mousefur meows reminding her what happened three days ago, in this very place.

"I know that. But the difference between my nephew and my mate is that Firestar believes in the code and honors StarClan with his heart. So no, I don't I will not believe, my mate is dead." Spottedleaf meows to her.

Cinderpelt came to her just then, "Spottedleaf, there is too many cats to attend in here. I need your help to help attend the cats outside of here. Please."

Spottedleaf looks to her friend, as Mousefur dips her head for Spottedleaf to do her duty. "Go. ThunderClan needs all the healers they can get."

Spottedleaf finished addressing Mousefur's wounds when three BloodClan warriors came crashing in, tearing at the medicine cats. Mousefur sprang into action again to defend the healers. Mudfur tackled a black and white tom before he did more damaged to his patient. Spottedleaf battled along side Fernpaw and Littlecloud to defend the injured. A golden tabby sliced Spottedleaf on her shoulder, as Mousefur ram head first into the she-cat's side to knock her off balanced. What little chaos had started in the medicine den, it all seem to push forward. Spottedleaf and Mousefur chased the BloodClan warriors out of the bushes.

Spottedleaf thank her friend as Mousefur nods to her as she limps back into the den to help the others. Spottedleaf was going to go to help some of the injured cats out side of the bushes, when all of sudden there was a shrilling wail that broke in the clearing that seemed to stop the battle dead in it's tracks. "Scourge! No! Scourge is DEAD!"

Spottedleaf saw all the BloodClan warriors stop fighting at the sound. They look at Firestar then at the dead body beside him who was their fearsome leader. Then one by one they fled the scene, realizing that they are powerless without their leader Scourge.

A triumphed cry came from the forest cats as some of the warriors chase the BloodClan cats away. Once the battle was nearly over, Spottedleaf treated as many cats as she could. Graystripe limp to her as she applied cobwebs to stop the bleeding, and put some soothing ointment in his deepest wounds. As she was finishing treating her nephew Graystripe, Sandstorm helped guided Firestar to her. Graystripe got to his paws as he padded to Firestar, "Is he okay? Come on Firestar, you can't give up now!"

Spottedleaf came to her mate side as Firestar talked to his best friend, "I'm not. I'm just….tired that's all. Don't worry, you won't have to be leader for a while yet."

Spottedleaf looks at him and he wanted her to be the one to attend his injuries. Firestar then embraces Spottedleaf with a soft kiss, telling her he is okay. Spottedleaf kisses him back as tears fell from her eyes knowing he is alive.

Sandstorm allows them to have a moment with one another. But before they got to into each other's romance, Sandstorm interrupted them as she softly speaks, "Firestar, there ah…there are more cats coming."

Firestar looks at Sandstorm then to the cats coming to him and back at his mate. Spottedleaf nods for him to go, "Go. I will attend to you a bit later."

Leopardstar dips her head to both Spottedleaf and Firestar, "I won't keep you long from being looked after, and you clearly need it after what you have encountered. You fought well. I just want to say well done Firestar. My warriors told me that you killed Scourge."

Firestar gave a faint smile, "Every cat fought well," he replies. "We wouldn't have one unless all Clans joined together."

"True enough." Leopardstar conceded. "But now we must separate again. I am going to take my Clan home. We must care for our wounded and grieve for our dead."

"And ShadowClan?" Firestar inquired.

"ShadowClan must go back to their own home," Leopardstar stated firmly. "The reign of TigerClan is over. I have a new deputy now, and enough warriors to defend my territory. If ShadowClan don't respect our borders, they will find themselves to face another battle."

Firestar smiles to her remark. Then Spottedleaf asks, "Who is your new deputy?"

Leopardstar looks at her, "Mistyfoot."

Mistyfoot soon step from the ranks of the ThunderClan cats along with Stormpaw and Featherpaw. She then turns to look at Firestar, "I'm going with Leopardstar and back to my own Clan." Her eyes fixed on his, "I'll always be greatful for what you did for me and these two apprentices, and giving your hospitality when we need it." She turns to gaze at her own leader then turn back to Firestar, "But I'm a RiverClan cat at heart. It is my home, just as ThunderClan is yours."

Firestar dips his head to acknowledge her decision. "But…as deputy? After what happened to Stonefur?"

Mistyfoot's face held sadness in that moment when he mention her brother. Mistyfoot refocus her eyes to his, "Leopardstar asked me just before the battle started." She briefly explained. "I said I'd think about it, and now I know I have to do it for Stonefur's sake and for the sake of my Clan. Otherwise their deaths would have been for nothing." She pause slightly. Then a small faint smile crept on her face, "Plus, I know in my heart, that both my father and my true mother, Bluestar would be proud of me."

Spottedleaf smiled to that, "I'm sure she will be. Knowing that you are in second command of your Clan. Even if you don't know it, but you have her strong heart, and loyal to your Clan."

Mistyfoot smiled to Spottedleaf's words, "I know I do. I may not have gotten to know her from my kithood, but still, Bluestar was a good leader, respected by her Clanmates. I just hope I will do the same for my own Clan."

"As Bluestar's kin, you already will." Spottedleaf replied to her.

Firestar then looks at Mistyfoot, "Then StarClan go with you, and may you always be a friend to ThunderClan."

Graystripe's kits beside Mistyfoot glanced at Leopardstar then to Firestar. Stormpaw then spoke out, "We're going too. RiverClan has lost many warriors, prior to the battle. They need us."

Featherpaw stepped out from behind Mistyfoot to go up to her father. She bent up to touch noses with him. "You'll come and visit us, won't you?"

"Try and stop me." Graystripe's voice was muffled and he tried so hard not to be hurt to let his kits go back to their rightful Clan. Graystripe the nuzzles his daughter, "Be the best warriors you can, and make me proud of you." He then cast a look at his son, "Both of you."

Firestar then looks at his best friend's two kits, "You have something to live up to. Your father is ThunderClan's deputy now."

Leopardstar gave Graystripe a moment with his kits. She may not like him, but she understands the bond between a parent and their kin. Leopardstar padded up to Spottedleaf, and bent her head to her shoulder. "Thank you for sheltering my medicine cat. Mistyfoot told me what you have done to help him and Runningnose."

Spottedleaf looks at the RiverClan leader, "You're welcome."

Leopardstar couldn't bring her eyes to look at Spottedleaf. Her gaze fell to the blood stained ground, "I didn't mean to send him away. But Tigerstar insisted. I thought the way he proposed of having TigerClan, it would be better off. Now I feel as if StarClan is angry for sending my healer away. If I hadn't been so stupid, my warriors would still be.."

Spottedleaf looks at her, "Don't blame yourself. Mudfur isn't. The important thing Mudfur is fine, and same as Runningnose, and you are leader to your own Clan now. Use this time to heal, Leopardstar. We all need it after what happened."

Leopardstar looks at the former medicine cat of ThunderClan. She then dips her head to her and Firestar and then signals her tail to make the journey home. Graystripe wipes his tears from his eyes as he watches the last RiverClan cat disappear beyond the slope to RiverClan territory.

Blackfoot then came up to Firestar, "So we won the battle after all."

"Yes we did," Firestar meows. His green gaze fell onto Blackfoot, "What will you do now, Blackfoot?"

"Take my Clan home, and prepare fo the journey to Highstones. I'm their leader now. We have much to do to recover, but life in the forest will go on as usual." Blackfoot meows to him. "Littlecloud will be stopping by shortly, to take Runningnose back to his Clan. Cinderpelt informed me that he is doing fine, but chose to stay behind back in your camp, so he doesn't get killed."

Firestar nodded, "I will let my warriors know not to attack, as your Clan escorts your medicine cat back to his Clan." Blackfoot nodded respectfully. Firestar then gazes at him, "And I will be seeing you at the next Gathering." Firestar pauses slightly, then in a respectful gaze he looks into Blackfoot's pale yellow eyes, "Blackfoot, you would do well to learn from the mistakes of your predecessors, to lead your Clan to what ShadowClan is meant to be. I saw what you did to Stonefur at the Bonehill." There was a shadow that fell over Blackfoot as he stared at Firestar. Blackfoot understand what Firestar was saying and said nothing, only to turn and signal his Clan to head back to ShadowClan.

Firestar then turns as he stumbles. Spottedleaf catches him and presses her body to his, "Take is easy there, my love."

Ravenpaw and Barley approaches him, and Ravenpaw saw Blackfoot as he leads the Clan up the slope, "I wouldn't trust Blackfoot. He's a troublemaker if I ever saw one."

Firestar wince as Spottedleaf holds pressure on his deepest wounds, "I know. But don't worry, ThunderClan will be ready if he starts anything."

"At least Scourge is dead." Barely cast a look at his old enemy lifeless body. Then he readjusted them back to Firestar, "the cast from Twolegplace will have the chance to live in peace. They might have a better life now."

Firestar looks up at the old loner, "You wouldn't go back to Twolegplace yourself?"

"Not on your life!" Barley's tail shot straight up. Then he looks to Ravenpaw, "We're heading straight for home."

Ravenpaw cast a look at Firestar, "But it was good to fight with ThunderClan again. Thank you for letting me be apart of it."

Firestar smiles to his old denmate, "It was my honor to fight alongside a brave warrior like you. ThunderClan will always be greatful to the both of you, but more so with you Ravenpaw. To fight alongside your birth Clan. You're free to come into our territory anytime."

"And you must visit us at the farm whenever you make the journey to Highstones," Barely meowed as they turned away. "I expect we'll be able to spare a mouse or two."

Firestar chuckled to his remark. Spottedleaf finishes treated his major wounds as he puts his head to hers. Spottedleaf could feel him struggling to keep strong. Firestar looks to her, "I will gather up our warriors to make the journey home. But first I got to talk with Tallstar and make sure his Clan is okay."

Spottedleaf looks to him and nods for him to go. Spottedleaf went to her Clan was Dustpelt and Thornclaw picks up Whitestorm's lifeless body. Graystripe stood there as he looks down at his paws. Spottedleaf came to his side, "Your father would be proud of you."

Graystripe looks at her, "I know. I just don't know how to break the news to my mother. I don't know how…"

Spottedleaf puts her paw to his. "We will both tell her, together."

Then Firestar came to lead ThunderClan home again.


Once back at the camp Firestar slowly makes his way to Willowpelt who came out of the nursery with Speckletail and some of the elders. Willowpelt came trotting across the clearing and her heart legs fell to the ground when she saw her son Graystripe approaching her.

Spottedleaf walks up with Graystripe and her mate Firestar as they break the news to her sister that Whitestorm is dead. Firestar looks at his mate's sister, "He fought a good battle today, Willowpelt. ThunderClan honors him."

Graystripe embraces his mother, "Dad did well, mom. He saved a ShadowClan apprentice, and me."

Willowpelt looks at her son then to Firestar, "I knew he shouldn't have gone. I told him, that night if he goes, he will surely die. But he insisted, saying it was for ThunderClan."

Graystripe meows to her, "It was mom, it really was."

Firestar looks at her, "We will honor your mate tonight, as well as my announcement to the new deputy. For now I will let every warrior rest, and settle, and give them time to mourn the death of Whitestorm."

Willowpelt said nothing as she goes to her kits to explain to them that their father is now hunting in StarClan. Spottedleaf goes to Speckletail who was guarding her kits. Speckletail let Firestar's kits go to their father and mother.

Emberkit, Squirrelkit and Leafkit all came scampering across the clearing to be untied with their father and mother. Spottedleaf looks to her kits, "Be gentle with your father, he has some serious injures."

Firestar looks at his mate then to his kits, "I'm fine."

"Did weee win?" Squirrelkit squeaks.

Firestar meows, "We sure did. The Forest is safe once again." Firestar then embraces his two daughters and his son. Then he beckons his mate to come to him. Spottedleaf obeyed his command and she entwines her tail to his.

Runningnose went back to his own Clan who was escorted by Littlecloud. Firestar allowed Littlecloud to hunt in their territory to keep up Runningnose's strength to make the journey. Runningnose thanked both Spottedleaf and Firestar for saving his life and for the hospitably when his own Clan turned on him.

By the time the moon was rising, Firestar announced that Graystripe is the new deputy of ThunderClan, and gave praises to all who served and fought in the battle. He gave special thanks to Cinderpelt, Fernpaw, and his mate Spottedleaf for their help as well. He then gave praise and pay tribute to Whitestorm for the bravest battle he had faced. He then steps down to mourn with his Clan the loss of the well respect, and oldest warrior in the Clan beside the elders.

Firestar embraces his mate and held her close to him. As she mourns the death of her brother in-law and her oldest friend.

Tomorrow will be a new life in the forest, as Firestar takes up leadership with his best friend and Whitestorm and Willowpelt's son, Graystripe in second in command. And to have his one true love who has seen him for who he was, when he was a new comer into the Clan, by his side, to love him and protect and be his guide.

When dawn came Firestar led the service to Whitestorm's burial. After the service he gave orders to have the Clan recover after the battle, as they spend it with their families. Firestar then spent the afternoon in his den with Spottedleaf. Together they shared their love for one another as Spottedleaf attends to more of his wounds. And allowed Firestar to comfort her in all the lost she had suffered. Together they slept as mates in his den, and starting a new life with his leadership to ThunderClan.

The threat of evil from BloodClan is over, and the reign of Tigerstar has fallen. The omen Fire alone can save the Clans has been fulfilled, as a new prophecy is about to begin with Firestar and Spottedleaf's kits.