A/N: *Please bear with me through this long and self-indulgent note!* It has been over 3 years since I have touched this story or even visited this site…Lion King has always been a passion of mine, and at one point, so was writing my stories. However, we get older, life happens, and suddenly the necessities of reality take precedence over the stories of our imaginations. So many things have happened since I left…I've gone to college, moved to a different city on my own, fallen in love, had my heart broken, fallen in love again…so many lessons. With so much passage of time, I think I've been scared to come back and try to pick up where I left off; scared that I wouldn't be able to do the story justice anymore. But something has recently been tickling my mind…that I should come back and at least attempt to finish what was started 5 years ago. Anyways…enough of my babbling…let's see if my muse is still alive.

Chapter 41: As the Dust Settles

Uru didn't know from where the new lions had come, but she was glad they had. With the reinforcement the new lions gave, the rebels had now surrounded Kambili's forces on all sides at the foot of Pride Rock. Now, it would only be a matter of time before the evil lion's army was completely crushed.

Kanala, despite the sting of losing her sister, couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as she gave the signal for the last wave of the attack, victory would soon be theirs.


Uru looked up into the sky, the small beam of light that had appeared only a moment before, was growing, sweeping across the entire structure; soon the surrounding landscape was lit with a triumphant golden light.

Looking down from her place at the summit, Uru could see the last of Kambili's troops surrender to her forces...lions fell and hyenas scampered away as the rebellion forces enclosed Pride Rock, battle wearing and exhausted, but victorious.

And almost as quickly as the fighting had begun, it stopped.

Uru smiled softly as she realized that they had indeed, won. After so long believing that a world swallowed by darkness would be their fate, she savored this first moment that she dared to hold hope for a brighter future.


Zaza lead a group of rebels toward the borders of the Pridelands, hot on the trail of the few remaining retreating forces of Kambili, making sure that none of them could pose a threat in the future.

Kanala, with all the other rebel troops, stood at attention as the last of Kambili's officers, the remaining hyenas, and the tyrant himself, were lead away, to be dealt with soon enough by the rebellion leaders.

But for now, it was the time for the rebels to begin to pick up the pieces of their shattered prides.

Uru stepped down the path at the foot of Pride Rock and came to stand in front of the expanse of troops that gathered beneath the stone mountain.

She could see the forms of the fallen scattered behind the survivors, but as soon as she came to stand in front of her army, the lions began to roar and cheer in celebration.

And to Uru's surprise, a silence fell over the crowd, and one by one each of the lions bowed their head in respect for their leader.

Uru felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Rafiki wearing a warm smile.

"It is time for de Princess to take her place."

Uru slowly made her way up Pride Rock, to the foot of the promontory. It was the first moment that it actually hit her-she was home. Her eyes drew in the familiar sight of the den, the stone path that lead down into the land, the great summit that towered above her, and lastly, the promontory that stretched out into the horizon...her father's throne.

Taking a deep breath, she began her ascent.

It had been such a long journey, but she had survived and triumphed.

Uru vowed that she would do all in her power to see that a new time of peace came, not just her own kingdom, but for all the lions who had fought so hard to win back their freedom.

Before she knew it, she had reached the top of the peak. She swept her eyes over the land, looking down at the lions who were giving her confident smiles.

And taking a deep breath, Uru gave a roar; strong and thunderous enough to rival that of the greatest of kings.

The lions beneath her, Pride Lander or not joined, in the roar; it was a call for freedom, a cheer for honor, and the dawn of a new era.

Uru looked up into the sky as the wind echoed her loud roar across the lands.

The future Queen of the Pride Lands had finally come home.


Uru descended from the Promontory of Pride Rock to the waiting lions below her. In the front of the crowd, she saw happy and familiar faces. She hurried her pace and sank into the embrace of the lions she knew as family.

"Oh Uru. Thank the Kings you are home and safe. We thought we had lost you too." Zuria said with tears in her eyes.

"The Pridelands would have been lost without you." Kanya stated giving the younger lioness a nuzzle.

"Well kiddo...that was kind of a long field trip don't ya think?" Izogie chuckled as he ruffled the fur on Uru's head.

Around Uru was a swarm of happy lions, not just the Pridelanders which surrounded her, but all of the prides and kingdoms that had, at last, been reunited with friends and family long thought lost or dead.

Uru was only temporarily swept up in embracing her pride mates before her attention turned to the thought of another lion, one whose presence she knew was not among the crowd.

"Where is my father?"


Laini and Dameii had stood planted in front of the small cavern in which they had hid Mohatu, afraid that retreating enemies would discover him and take a hateful retribution for their defeat should they leave him unguarded. But as they saw Uru and some of her pride mates approaching with Rafiki in tow, Dameii slinked away from Laini's side...not wanting to further incite Uru's anger.

Uru gave Laini a weak smile as she approached the entrance of the small cave on the rear side of Pride Rock. Laini and Dameii had chosen a well hidden place to hide the king, the bushes and small trees growing against the rock formation obscured its location.

Before Uru could enter the cave, she was stopped by Kanya. The older lioness's head sank and she looked back at her friends for support. It was only fair that they warn the Princess of what she may find.

"Uru...before you enter..you must know. Your father endured a great deal during Kambili's reign over Pride Rock...He...he isn't the same lion that he once was...before all of this. Perhaps it would be better to wait until tomorrow...after you've had a chance to recover yourself a bit..."

Uru placed her paw on the shoulder of the other lioness. She gave Kanya and the others a weak smile.

"Thank you...but I have to see him."

With the sun setting, only a small pool of orange light was allowed in the small den. But it was enough to reveal all the horror of Mohatu's suffering to Uru. His once great shoulders were slumped over, deep scars and gashes covered his pelt, and his mane was thin and matted with blood.

She bit her tongue to keep from screaming. No horrible image of battle had prepared the daughter to see her father...so broken. However, the physical scars were only the surface of Mohatu's suffering.

"Daddy? Daddy...it's me. It's Uru. I'm home."

Mohatu barely stirred from his deathlike slumber, only giving a small moan as he tried to open his blood caked eyes.

"Daddy...everything is ok now. Kambili, he has been defeated. You're safe now." She tried again to rouse him.

This time Mohatu opened his eyes and beheld the dark lioness in front of him. At first his heart fluttered, had his daughter returned? His mind however, quickly dismissed the delusion. This was simply another one of Kambili's tricks, meant to torture him. It had become routine by now, he made no effort to give her a response. Every day brought death closer...he pleaded for its arrival.

"Daddy. Please. It's me. Uru"

This time Mohatu did feel a small flash of anger. Wasn't it enough that he had been stripped of his mate and kingdom, that his daughter had been murdered in cold blood? But to send a lioness, pretending to be Uru, only so that he could be further tormented, this was too much, even for the defeated lion. He turned toward the lioness and with stone cold eyes gave her a chilling reply...

"Get out. You are not my daughter...Uru is dead."

"No. Daddy, please. I'm alive. See it really is me" Uru took a desperate step forward toward her father."

"OUT!" the lion weakly roared before he broke down in sobs.

Rafiki quickly rushed into the den. He'd been watching the exchange hoping for the best...but he was prepared for the worst turn of events. He gently pushed Uru back toward the entrance.

"I'm sorry Princess, de King has endured too much for de damage to be undone so quickly. Rafiki will attend to him as best possible. It is better if de Princess get some rest herself. Leave de King to ol' Rafiki."

Uru nodded, she wanted to cry...the lump in her throat barely allowed her to breathe. When she exited the cave, Izogie, Zuria, Kanya, and the others were gathered outside. They had all heard the exchange between the Princess and King and each of them were eager to lend support to Uru. Uru simply stated...

"As my father is...unable to do so...I will need your help in restoring order to the Pride. First we need to attend to the wounded and dead. I want a guard posted throughout the night to keep watch in case the enemy attempt to mount a retaliation. Everyone else should try to get some rest."

Uru headed away from the noise of the gathered prides. She could barely speak to give orders, her energy was spent. Kanala and the other royals could attend to the prides for the time being.


As Uru headed toward a small grassy knoll on the southern side of Pride Rock, she heard Kanala's voice call from behind her.

"Uru. Come with me. There is something you need to see."

Kanala's face was etched with exhaustion and something else...heartbreak. Uru followed her to where a small group of lions were gathered close around something, or rather, someone. Among the lions she recognized many of her closest lieutenants and Dameii. As she drew closer she noticed that he was crying and bent next to a body on the ground.

As Uru approached, the other lions moved aside so that she could come closer. Lying in a pool of dark blood was the crushed body of a golden lioness. The blood surrounding her body was only a shade darker than the crimson tuft of fur at the end of tail.


"Kings above! Quick someone bring Rafiki...there may still be time!" Uru roared desperately.

"Uru its too late. She's gone." Kanala replied shaking her head sadly.

For the first time in a long time, Uru allowed herself to weep. Kanala stood and placed her own shoulder against Uru's and held the younger lioness close as their tears fell together on the gold pelt of their lost companion.


As the two stood in silence, mourning their lost friend, King Hamar approached them and the two turned to face the tired lion.

"Hamar, you know that you and the other prides are welcome to stay in the Pridelands until we can settle all of this." Uru said in a shaky voice.

"We gratefully accept your offer...however, I came to inform you that some of the troops have captured another of Kambili's officers...actually the lion turned himself in...and claimed to be...Kambili's son.

Uru let out a gasp to herself.

"Ahadi. What have you done?"


I hope this was a decent start getting restarted on this story. I never really wrote down my story ideas or plot points, I used to update so frequently that allowing it all to stay and develop in my head worked well enough. However, 3 or so years have allowed many of those ideas to grow a bit cold; had to do a bit of memory jogging to get back on track. Please leave me your thoughts on this chapter. It would truly mean a lot to me. Thanks again everyone! Next update should be coming soon!