Author has written 2 stories for Love Hina, Bleach, and Legend of Korra. I am Blueshard20 and I've been reading fanfic stories like crazy and I cant stop reading so many awesome stories! (pardon my misspelling if I am making any.) I like the kind of stories that interest me like the pairings, adventures, and humor. The pairings show us on what would happen if things go in a different way...and I love it! There just that interesting to me, because its a new set of events that keeps the original story interesting you know. Favorite Bleach pairings (My opinion) 1. IchigoXRukia (There too much alike that its hilarious! They also act like there already going out!) (Ichigo went so far to save her from being executed, and when she gets hurt he rushes there to help her) (It just makes you wonder why they haven't gone out yet, I mean come on Rukia literally sleeps in his room?) 2. IchigoXHallibel (I find this pairing interesting, like what if Ichigo ran into Hallibel instead of Ulquiorra during infiltrating the palace.) (They have similar ways of fighting and when their comrades fight it just makes them fight all the harder.) 3. IchigoXYoruichi (This pairing is full of laughs when it comes to Yoruichi messing with Ichigo in the bath.) (Ichigo is basically Yoruichi's cat toy with all the teasing and how easy it is to push his buttons.) (The main reason why I like this pairing is because they are polar opposites and it's always interesting on how it plays out.) 4. IchigoXTatsuki (This pairing for some reason, there isn't a lot of these?!) (There both childhood friends and Tatsuki has seen Ichigo at his best and worst moments when they were kids.) (There both strong fist fighters, they both hot heads, and when it comes to Orihime they both get defensive of her since they care about her.) 5. IchigoXNeliel (The paining brings a smile to my face, why shouldn't it?!) (To avoid confusion I'm talking about her adult form.) (She's bubbly and full of spirit when she's with her friends and dead serious when it comes to a fight.) (It's also funny when she gave Ichigo the hug of his life! HAHAHA!) 6. IchigoXBambietta (The pairing for these two would make a lot of sense wouldn't it?) (What if Ichigo meet her from the very beginning and lots of things changed?) (She's explosive of everything and she takes things seriously.) (When you think about it on some points, doesn't Bambietta kind of resemble Ikumi on some parts on looks and tempers? Like she's her daughter or something?!) 7. IchigoXRiruka (I find this pairing very interesting.) (Riruka might have been an enemy, but I cant really see her as one.) (The reactions between them is both funny and cute, in there own ways.) 8. IchigoXSoi-fon (This pairing is a funny one for me to read.) (Both of them students of Yoruichi and they are very determined to be stubborn for what they fight for. |
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