Before I start I want to apologies for not updating in so long. The reason for not updating was because I was busy getting ready for my Graduation and the hell that came after that time with signing up for classes and such. I did make a change to the end of Chapter 2, that while not huge in word count will be a huge game changer in the future of this story.
Once again thank you for all the supposed on this story. Now onto Chapter 3
Winter Schnee was more than a little worried. Less than eight hours ago the day had gone from bad to worse, in her opinion. At all started in the morning.
8 hours earlier
She was busy finishing the reports for her last mission. A simple mission really, kill the Grimm terrorizing a small village near the coast of Atlas. She had left and completed the mission in less than a week. While the reports weren't due for another day, she was filling out the reports to be able to spend more time with Mieko later in the day.
Mieko Shiba, her mentor and sister in arms was a god sent when she started her military career. Winter had just join so her rank was still a Private, but it was because of her familial ties that higher ranked officer took extra measure to push her to her limit. Yet one higher up saw her taking the abuse in stride and decide to personally train her that was Mieko. A Warrant officer at the time, Mieko helped Winter train her speed and helped her train her 'Summoning'. Yet Mieko wasn't above letting her know who was in charge when Winter let her rise through the ranks get to her head, something she appreciated greatly.
After training her for a few years, Mieko introduced her to her fiancé at the time Chief Warrant Officer 2, Kaida Shiba. From there the three formed a bond that seemed to extend to their son, who insisted on calling her Aunt Winter.
The thought of her Godson, made her smile greatly especially since she would be escorting both him and Mieko to White Castle in the afternoon. And in White Castle waited both her mother and younger sister, Weiss.
|Weiss.| she thought with a warm smile. |How Ichigo has helped you.|
Mieko had convinced her to take a two year old Weiss with her on one of her visits to the Shiba's home in the Badlands and while she was reluctant at first, Winter eventually agree. And what a sight it was. After seeing Ichigo, Weiss's usually shy nature was completely absent as Ichigo lead her through the house and they spend the day playing till they tired each other out and fell asleep curled up together.
|How I wished I had been able to take a picture of that scene to show mother.| Winter though to herself with a light chuckle.
After a few visit from the Ichigo to White Castle the two were inseparable once together. Weiss would often show Ichigo how her training had gone since they last met and Ichigo would always tease her about how prim and proper she was becoming. Still Ichigo's view on discrimination had help her sister so much. Where in all Weiss would have only ever heard about Faunus as degenerates from her father, Ichigo taught her differently.
He not only told her about how much Faunus were no different than Humans but he also managed to convince Winter to let him bring some of his own Faunus friends, granted it was done while the head of the Schnee family was away on business trips.
Much like this week.
Their father was away in Vacuo to discuss repairs to one of the main Schnee Dust Quarry in the Kingdom that had been caved in by the White Fang in the last week.
Sighing as she absent mindedly finished filling out the report, she suddenly hear a commotion outside her door.
Seeing that her report had already been finished, Winter got up and as she opened her door and found utter chaos soldier of all ranks were running outside in a hurry.
Following the crowd she was shocked by what she saw, from inside the Badlands black hills of smoke rose. Instantly she knew what that meant.
Shortly after becoming Ichigo's godmother, Kaida had pulled her aside and establish as single code between himself and her. If something ever happened to him or Mieko while they were in the house with Ichigo he would use the full force of his semblance and burn down most of the forest as cover till she arrived with reinforcement.
Seeing the smoke she knew that he was using the code, but even as she felt the warmth of the flames even from a few miles away, she could also see that the clouds had visible darker not only over the house but also over the Base causing a slight drizzle. If the heat of his semblance had caused this from a few miles away she could only imagine how strong the downpour was at the epicenter of the heat.
Not wasting a moment she ran to the Hanger in quick succession, creating a rescue team of twelve along the way. The moment she entered the hanger she was meet by General Ironwood awaiting her.
"Sir." she saluted out of respect for the man though she really just wanted to board the Bullhead and assess the damage and help the Shiba's anyway she could.
"The ship's been prepared, Winter. Bring them home, quickly." The General said, though his tone was in less that of a statement and more like an order.
"Yes sir." She responded, without so much as reaction to the General's knowledge of the code. Knowing Kaida the code had been shared with the General as well as a precaution in cause she wasn't in Atlas. "Move out."
They had made it to the house in record time, but what they found was horrifying. They forest in front of the Shiba house had been leveled to smoldered ash. The house itself was destroyed with the remains of two Griffons slowly disintegrating from under the rubble.
"Orders Mam'?" One of the soldiers asked.
"Fan out! I want the Shiba's found." Winter ordered as she and her squadron started to look over around the house with the rain pouring down on them.
It wasn't long before she heard one of the soldiers shout, "I got a body over here."
Instantly Winter ran over to where the shout came from and found a corpse mutilated beyond recognition. The only thing that made the corpse recognizable was the sword that everyone in Atlas recognized. And just like that Winter's body was practically ice cold. Her mind kept running through the possibilities for what had happened to the rest of the Shiba's.
|Mieko… Ichigo where are you?| She thought to herself.
"Mam'?" A soldier said bring her out of though. "Orders?"
Getting out of her worried like state Winter looked towards her squad and said, "I want the area searched."
"Yes mam'!" Another one said, though he shivered at the feeling of the rain on his cloth.
Before any of them could move however Winter felt a huge release of Aura before suddenly the sky was darkened by a black and red beam that tore through the forest.
"What the-!" One of the soldiers yelled.
Not waiting a second, Winter shouted, "Move towards that. Kill any Grimm in your way."
As the rescue team got farther into the forest behind the house they saw damage done to the terrain around the house. There were patches of dirt littered with claw marks same as some trees around them either torn from the grounds or marked.
Yet as they came to where the crescent light originated they froze in place. In the sitting against a tree was Mieko's motionless from, blood covering her shoulder and arm. But in front of her, Ichigo laid face down in the dirt the land in front of him destroyed.
Running over to Ichigo, Winter turned him into his back and moved him into her lap as she checked for a pulse on the young Shiba. Finding that he was still breathing, Winter stared at the destruction that he was in front of and wondered, |What did that? Mieko's semblance would have left behind multiple scars in the earth but this… this is just one scar.|
Seeing one of the troops she brought with her standing a few feet away from her, she turned to him and saw him shake his head solemnly.
"I'm sorry Mieko… I wasn't fast enough to save you." Winter said, as she placed her arm under Ichigo's legs and carried him in her arms. "Let's go home, Ichigo."
Winter took in a breath of fresh air as she ran her hand absentmindedly through her Godson's orange hair. She was sad of course that she lost her mentor but she knew that Mieko and Kaida died protecting their son for Grimm.
Just as she was about to relax, she heard her scroll go off. Pulling it out she saw a cute picture of Weiss grinning from ear to ear on the screen.
[Weiss?] She asked as she answered the phone. [What is it-?]
{Winter come home quickly!} Weiss' small voice whispered into the scroll.
[Weiss what happened?] Winter asked in worry.
{They're here. Come home quickly. They're searching through the rooms right now and I don't know long till they get to mine!} Weiss whispered again though Winter could hear her younger sister's voice cracking with sobs.
[Weiss? Who's there? Who's in the house?] Winter asked her voice getting louder as she stayed on the phone.
{The White Fang.} Weiss' voice said with a sob. {Please hurry Winter. Mom's hurt and-}
[What happened to mom?] Winter asked cutting her off.
{She got in front of one of the men when they tried to take me and they stabbed her.} Weiss cried into the phone. {She's bleeding a lot. Please Winter come home I'm scared.}
{I'll be right there Weiss. Hide under the bed. Try to hide mom too and wait till I get there.}
[Hurry.] Weiss said, before she hung up and presumably moved to hide herself under the bed.
"Go to White Castle." Winter order the pilot as she strapped Ichigo's sleeping form into the chair. "As fast as you can."
"Yes mam'." The pilot said as he changed course and shot towards the Schnee's castle.
Five minutes later, the Ship had arrived at the castle and the immediately found the side of the castle had a hole in it with fires going around near it showing that it was caused by some dust.
"Alright move out." Winter shouted to her troops as they dropped from the plane to not risk getting attacked from the ground. Looking over at the Pilot, Winter said, and "Circle around. Wait for my signal."
Turning over to Ichigo's sleeping form she looked at the Pilot and copilot and saying, "If he wakes up tell him I'll be right back."
"Yes mam'." They responded as she dropped out of the Bullhead and meet the troops below.
With Ichigo
As he opened his eyes he found himself in the same sideways city his Inner World always looked like. The difference was that unlike last time it wasn't falling apart or flooded instead the building held firm and the sky was slightly clouded.
"King…" He hear his Zanpakutō spirit say as he arrived.
"Zangetsu?" Ichigo asked in confusion. "What's going on? Why am I here?"
"Same thing that happened when you first use a Getsuga under Hat an' Clog's training room. You used too much of your aura King."
"Did we kill them all?" Ichigo asked.
"Yeah none of them were left after you used our Semblance." Zangetsu answered.
Nodding to his old Zanpakutō spirit, Ichigo's small eyes widened as he realized something.
"I thought you were supposed to be my Aura, Zangetsu?" Ichigo asked. "Last I checked Aura doesn't create an Inner World."
"You never were normal King. Not then and you sure as hell ain't going to be normal now" Zangetsu said as he looked over the world.
"I know." Ichigo told him before joining him in looking over the sideways city. "You still haven't answered my question."
"I don't have the same smarts as the 'Old Man' but if I had to guess… It would be because of my nature." Zangetsu answered.
"Your nature? You mean because you're both my Shinigami and Hollow powers?" Ichigo asked.
"Yeah. Since I doubt anyone in this world has ever had Shinigami powers I doubt you'll find any records of people's aura that talks to them." Zangetsu said. "The way I see it I was going to be your aura anyways. Since Aura is pretty much your soul manifesting, I was going to be protecting you no matter what."
"So how much power do I have right now?"
"About as much as you had before you started your Bankai training." Zangetsu answered.
"That's almost nothing compared to my full power." Ichigo said.
"King considering the fact that you're still nine and your power is that strong I wouldn't complain." Zangetsu said with a deadpan expression. "Besides with me as your Aura it'll take at least a full grown Deathstalker to take you down."
"Zangetsu… Thank you." Ichigo said. "I know we didn't get along before but thank you for looking out for me."
"Don't get all mushy with me King. I already told you I'm your instincts, so it's my job to make sure you stay alive long enough to achieve your goals." Zangetsu said. "So King what are we going to do?"
"About?" Ichigo asked as he raised his eyebrow.
"You know as well as I do the Princess is in trouble. Why else would we go to White Castle, instead of to the base?" Zangetsu said with a glare.
"How do you know we're going to White Castle?" Ichigo asked.
"I can feel Aunt Winter's aura fluctuating." Zangetsu explained. "Not to mention that I can feel the ship heading in that direction. So King tell me… what are you going to do about the Princess?"
"I'll do what I've always done, Zangetsu." Ichigo said as he looked up at the sky. "Protect my friends."
"That's the King I remember." Zangetsu said with a grin, as Ichigo left the inner world and faked sleep.
"Poor kid…" Ichigo heard the Pilot said to the Copilot.
"Yeah. It'll be rough for him to deal with a loss like that." The Copilot responded. "From what Marcus told me, the whole way back Ms. Schnee held him like he was her kid."
"Can't blame her. The kid just lost both his parents and from what McTavish over in the Specialist said, Ms. Schnee's his Godmother." The Copilot informed.
"Still thought what I wouldn't give to have Ms. Schnee hold me like she held that kid." The Pilot said with a perverted grin.
"Amen to that brother." The Copilot said.
|Idiots.| Ichigo thought to himself.
|You might want to get going King. I can feel a lot of people down there and more than a third of them aren't friendly.| Zangetsu said as he felt Ichigo about to make his presence known to the Pilots.
|Fine.| Ichigo responded. |Which speed technique can I use? Shunpo or Sonído
Sonído is best.| Zangetsu said.
|Huge flaw in that plan Zangetsu… I don't know how to use Sonído.| Ichigo shouted at his Hollow-Shinigami powers.
|It's instinctual King. I'll help you locate her aura, you just concentrate on getting to her.| Zangetsu said.
|Fine…| Ichigo muttered before feeling Weiss's aura flaring in fear. |I got you Weiss.|
Over in the cockpit both Pilots hear a weird static noise.
"What the hell was that?" The Co-Pilot asked.
"I don't know. It's not the comms." The Pilot said as he turned to see was he could give his seat belt limiting his mobility. "See anything?"
"No just the… OH SHIT!" The Co-Pilot shouted.
"What? What happened?"
"The kids gone!" The Co-Pilot said before they turn to one another and simultaneously said,
"Well shit."
Weiss Schnee was scared at the moment. She had hung up on her older sister Winter a few minutes ago but as much as she want to move her mom to hid her. Aurora Schnee refused to move telling her to hide under the bed.
"Come on Mom, just let me move you under the bed." Weiss said with tears in her eyes.
"No Weiss." Her mother said while her face paled more from blood lose and her breathing got labored. "You hid honey. Mommy would only get you caught.
"No mom I won't lose you." Weiss shouted, with tears in her eyes. "Not like I lost Grandpa."
"Sweetie I-" Aurora never got to finish as the door to Weiss' Room was kicked open.
Instantly three men came in and forcibly yanked them out of the room.
"MOM!" Weiss shouted as one of the men grabbed her by the waist and dragged out of the room kicking and screaming. "MOM!"
"WEISS!" Leave her alone you-" Aurora tried to yell only for one of the men to hit the side of her head with the butt of his sidearm.
"Shut up." He shouted before aiming his handgun at her. "Worthless human scum. That girl is only alive because she's worth more to us breathing. You on the other hand…"
With that Weiss saw flash of light come from her room followed by a loud bang.
"Mom…" Weiss muttered in defeat before she started to thrash around in her kidnappers arms. "NO! MOM COME OUT PLEASE COME OUT!"
"Shut her up!" One of the White Fang members shouted.
Grabbing a cloth they tried to tie it around her mouth only for her to bit into the Faunus' hand. As she bit, she managed to draw blood and caused him to drop her.
"ARGH!" The Bear Faunus shouted as he backhanded Weiss.
The force he used actually knocked her of her feet and caused to crash into a wall. Not even bothering to stop she ran as fast as she could out of the hall she was in to try and get to the entrance to run as far away as she could. Yet as she ran she felt a wetness coming over her left eye, followed by her white dress getting little red stains on it.
Just as she made it into the dining hall that would lead to her escape, a hand roughly grabbed the back of her head and forced her into the ground. As she tried to make head or tails of the situation, she felt a large hand wrap around her throat.
"You little shit." The man she had bitten growled as he tightened his hold on her throat. "Just because we need you alive doesn't mean you have to be in the best shape."
Pulling out a serrated knife, he held it right over her stomach as if to plunge it into her only for a weird static noise to catch his ear. Looking up to see what caused it, his eyes caught the sight of a small fist coming at him before he was sent into the adjacent wall.
As she gasped for air, Weiss saw the last person she expected to see. Standing defiantly in front of her was her best friend. Yet as she looked at his face she saw something that scared her.
The warm look he always had in his chocolate brown eyes, was gone. In its place was a cold, hard glare.
"... Ichigo?" Weiss asked as she finally caught her breath.
"Relax Weiss." Ichigo told her, as he turned to face her with a warm smile. "I won't let anyone hurt you."
"But they have guns. They-" Weiss started only for Ichigo to turn and walk towards the White Fang members that were starting to appear around the hole in the wall.
"Trust me, Weiss." Ichigo said his voice losing its friendly nature and sounding monotone. "This will be over soon."
"Psh really a kid?" Said one of the member. "I'll deal with this."
As he said that he pulled out a Kukri Sword and twirled it in his hand before thrusting it towards Ichigo. What none of the grunts expected was for the nine year old to stop the thrust with his bare hand before harshly twisting the fist to the ground and knocking the grunt out with a fist the jaw.
"What the?!" Another grunt shouted as they all backed up slightly. "That ain't possible. Achilles spars with Sayyam on even ground. How can this kid just knock him out like nothing?!"
"You think he's one of Ironwood's?" Another asked.
"Are you kidding? Even if the General hates us, he has enough morals to not recruit a kid into the army." Another responded.
"Then how the hell did that kid just knock out Achilles?"
As the grunts bickered amongst themselves, Ichigo moved towards Weiss and was about to lift her up to run out of the room, when he heard someone say,
"Where do you think you're going, you filthy human?"
Turning he found a Teenager about three years older than him standing behind him. The Teen wore a solid black suit that reminded him of his false Bankai. His hair was spiky like his own but it was red and had two black bull horns sticking out of his forehead. He couldn't really see his eyes because he wore a mask over them but what Ichigo did see was the daito sword with no guard on the Teen's hip, his gloved hand resting on the hilt.
"I'll ask you again human… where do you think you're going?" The Teen asked his face twisting into one of disgust as he said human.
"I was going to get Weiss out of here while you idiots were distracted." Ichigo said casually. "But since you saw me, I'm just going to have to kick your ass before I leave."
Growling the Teen, unsheathed his blade and held it off to his side, "You're going to kick my ass? Don't make me laugh. I'm going to kill you then I'm going to take that girl to the boss."
With that the Teen shot at Ichigo at a speed that it look like he wasn't moving his feet at all. From Weiss' point of view.
All Ichigo did was wrap his arm around Weiss' waist and step to the left, dodging the blade like nothing. He continued this process for a few minutes, twisting to dodge the random slash from the sword,
"Stop moving you, bastard!" The Teen yelled, in frustration before his face developed a sickening smirk as he saw Ichigo's back against a wall. Thrusting his blade forwards it shot straight at Ichigo's chest. "Gotcha!"
Except the blade never connect as the sound of metal sink into the wall rang out and Ichigo disappeared in a burst of Sonído.
Just as the Teen tried to make heads or tails of the situation, Ichigo reappeared behind him and with a swift kick to the temple launched the masked teen across the room and through the door into the main foyer of White Castle.
"How the hell did he so that?!" One of the grunts shouted as Ichigo readjusted Weiss in his arms and pointedly ignored his best friend's demands to answer the question.
"That was impressive." Came a voice from the doorway that the Teen was launched through.
Looking over at the entrance they saw a thin woman with golden hair that had small black spot in it. Her body was covered by a suit that reminded Ichigo of Yoruichi's normal outfit though in his opinion she had a figure more like Suì-Fèng than his old Shunpo teacher.
|Really King?| Zangetsu said in a deadpan voice. |It took you getting reincarnated to finally take an interest in women?|
|Shut up, Zangetsu.| Ichigo shouted at his Hollow-Shinigami powers. |I always noticed women. I just didn't have time to think of having a normal life.|
"Not many people can get the drop on Adam." The woman said as she gave the bull Faunus a smirk, much to the teen's irritation. Looking at her amber eyes she looked at him in such a carefree way that made Ichigo wondered if she was related to the shape shifting woman.
"And you are?" Ichigo asked in an apathetic tone.
"Sayyam. The leader of this group." Was her response.
"I doubt you're telling me your names so the military can book you faster once I turn you in." Ichigo said as he readjusted his hold on Weiss. "So why are you so forthcoming?"
Aside from her grin faltering slightly, Sayyam otherwise ignored his words and said, "You see, that girl in your arm is important to us. We need her to get funds for our organization. And you're standing in the way of that. My men can hold of the Atlas Soldiers that are in the castle right now easily while I kill you but, I'll make you a deal kid."
"A deal?" Ichigo asked.
"Yeah." Sayyam said as the White Fang member rushed out the room to hold off the Atlas Soldiers as long as they could. "I saw how you came into the room. That was fast. Not as fast as my best but fast enough to peek my interest. So Kid, I'll let you and the girl walk out of here, if you can survive a spar with me."
Seeing her reach her back, Ichigo tensed up a bit as he saw her pull out a Wakizashi blade from her back.
"And if I refuse?" Ichigo asked, though he knew full well how she would respond.
"I'll kill you and take her from your body." Sayyam said with a grin that reminded him of Kenpachi. Seeing the boy look unaffected by her grin, Sayyam's grin widened as she tightened her grip on her blades, "Is it a deal?"
"Weiss…" Ichigo said in a calm manner that scared her. "I need you to hide behind the table. Stay their till I-."
"No!" Weiss shouted definitely she grabbed his shirt tightly. "I won't leave you I already lost mom I won't lose you too."
Hearing his best friend's mother was dead Ichigo's Aura flared off him for a second. Glaring at the apathetic look Sayyam was giving him at the fact that someone was killed by her men, Ichigo reigned in his Aura and let it follow through his body.
"I'm not going to argue Weiss. Hide under the table while I deal with this." Ichigo said. "I'll be back before you know it."
Weiss couldn't argue anymore as Ichigo grabbed her by the waist and dropped her off near the table that had been flung across the room earlier before he appeared in the middle of the room ready to fight Sayyam.
"You really are an interesting kid. Your speed seemed to have gone up a little." Sayyam said as she got into a sprinter look stance. "But it's still..."
She disappeared quickly and appeared behind Ichigo in a matter of seconds. Thrusting her blades at his back, she was caught off guard when Ichigo disappeared as well.
"Too slow?" Ichigo's voice said behind her. Slashing behind herself she found nothing but air, the child's voice still resonating for behind her. "Let's test that idea."
With that Ichigo disappeared and Sayyam felt herself get launched across the room. She flew through a few walls until she crashed into the main entrance.
"Fast and strong…" Sayyam said as she dusted herself off. "You're an interesting kid."
Ichigo's response was silence as he slowly walked towards her.
"Not much of a talker huh?" Sayyam asked, before tightened her grip on her blade. "Good cause I wouldn't want to get bored by a blabbering brat."
Suddenly she disappeared and slashed at his back. Seeing him ducking to dodge her attack, she moved in front of his prone form and connected her knee to his nose. Seeing the boy get launched upwards, she teleported under him and racked her blade across his back. Grinning at her strike, she was caught off guard when she saw that the floor was dry.
Looking over at Ichigo she saw that aside from holding his face and the back of his shirt being torn he was unharmed.
"You must have a strong Aura if after that you're still fine." Sayyam said with grin stretching across her face. "That means I can let loose some more."
"King this is getting boring." Zangetsu whined. "Use our semblance already."
|You're right.| Ichigo responded to his Aura Spirit, before saying out loud. "I think I have a good understanding of your power now."
"Understanding of my power?" Sayyam said. "You saying you've been studying me?"
"Pretty much." Ichigo responded with a shrug. After that his carefree expression changed into a determined one. "You said earlier that you could let loose a little? Well I think I agree. I should really stop holding back."
Sayyam stared at Ichigo for a second before she started to laugh loudly, "You've been holding back? Please you're lucky you even have your aura unlocked at your age. I think you're in way over your head ki-"
Before the White Fang leader could continue she felt Ichigo's body release large amounts of Aura. Holding his hand off to his side, the Aura started to condense into the extended limb.
All Sayyam could do was watch in shock as the boy brought his hand up to his face and raked it down his face, causing his Aura to exploded wildly off him.
As the Aura finally subsided Sayyam stared at the item on Ichigo's face in fear. It was a Grimm like mask with a human shape to it and jagged teeth marring its mouth. Two thick lines ran down the top of the mask and over the eyes ending at the bottom of the teeth. Yet looking at the kid's eyes she saw they had changed as well. His sclera were now black with yellow irises, which only worked to unnerve her.
"What the hell!" Sayyam half shouted.
"Now let's continue." Ichigo said though his voice in a watery double edged tone.
Her eye shot open as the boy flickered out of existence and appeared in directly in front of her delivering a strong kick to her face.
Using her own Semblance to adjust herself mid-air, she was caught off guard even more when he stood feet from her.
"I'm impressed kid." She said trying to sound confident, despite the uneasy she felt at sight of the Grimm like mask. "Not even ten and you've already unlocked your Semblance."
"You sound scared, Sayyam?" Ichigo said in his distorted voice. "I thought you saw you were going to kill me?"
Her reaction was immediate as she disappeared again and tried to cut his back again. He simply dropped into a low squat and twisted to grab her wrist in a death grip. Seeing herself in a huge disadvantage, Sayyam gripped a Tantō blade she kept sheathed on her back. As the small blade gleamed in the light, she felt herself slowly calm down as the blade made its way closer to the kid's neck.
Yet soon her fears came back two-fold as the Boy caught the blade with his free hand.
|That's not possible!| She thought worriedly. |His hand should at least be bleeding!|
Her shock then turned to horror as Ichigo applied pressure to the iron dust blade and it exploded into shards.
Capitalizing on Sayyam's shock, Ichigo tightened his grip on her wrist and used a small burst of Sonído to launch her into a wall.
As she gasp for air from the force of the slam, the Cheetah Faunus was forced against the wall again as the boy pressed her blade against her throat, his masked face not betraying any of his emotions.
"Do it then?" She found herself saying, against her better judgment. "Kill me. You know if you leave me alive I'll just come back and take her."
If anything the look on the boy got scarier as his eyes narrowed behind his mask and the blade drew blood from her Aura depleted body.
"You wouldn't dare." Ichigo's distorted said. "Not with me watching over her. Send all the men you want to take her I stand right in front of her and beat them all within an inch of their lives."
With that the blade's Kashira connected with the White Fang leader's temple and she was unconscious.
|That was easy.| Zangetsu said as Ichigo stabbed the blade into Sayyam's outfit to slow her down once she gets up.
|Easy for you to say. All you had to do was use Hierro every once in a while.| Ichigo retorted. |I haven't fought in over ten years much less against someone that has the same power as a higher seated officer.|
|Quit complaining. You weren't labeled a War Power just cause of your Strength King. It was because of how fast you adapt to a fight.| Zangetsu argued. |She lost the moment you figured out her limits.|
"True" Ichigo said out loud, only to hear a gasp coming from one of the holes Sayyam made when he threw her in the beginning.
Standing at the opening was Weiss. Her dress was caked in dirt that came from the fight, along with small splotches of blood from the wound on her left eye. But the look of horror on her face caused him so much pain.
Walking towards her, Ichigo could see her eyes widen in fear as her body froze in place. As he came within feet if her, he felt a rise in someone's Aura. Looking behind his best friend he saw the teen from earlier raising his sword, as it started to glow a red color.
Seeing this, Ichigo ran on instincts and used Sonído to get between Weiss and the Blade. All he felt was pain as the blade went across his chest starting from his collar bone and going down to his stomach.
"Gotcha." Adam said with a grin as he flicked his blade to the side and let the blood splatter onto the floor. "Now to get rid of you so I can finish this job."
Yet as the Bull Faunus moved to raise his Daito blade again, he felt unimaginable fear as the kid's hand suddenly gripped his face despite the huge cut going across his chest.
Ichigo growled as he coughed out blood through his mask. "Fuck… OFF"
With that the Teen was sent through the remaining walls of the Castle as Ichigo took a page straight of Zangetsu's Move list from before his 'reveal'.
As he started to take ragged breaths, Ichigo could hear Zangetsu say, |Damn it King! Whatever that kid hit you with is stopping me from healing you for now. King? DAMN IT KING STAY AWAK-|
With that Ichigo felt his consciousness fade away for the second time in the day.
The sound of constant beeping woke him up. Looking around, Ichigo saw that the room he was in was white and sterile. To his left a heart monitor was connected and there was a couple of fresh flowers on the nightstand next to it.
|How long have I been out?| He asked himself.
|You finally up! Damn it King you scared a few people with that last stunt.| Zangetsu answered.
|Still doesn't answer my question, Zangetsu. How long have I been out?| Ichigo asked again.
|A day or so at best, King. I was more focused on getting rid of that kid's aura so I could start healing you faster.| Zangetsu said as Ichigo started to look around the room.
Seeing his Aunt Winter sleeping in a chair near the back of the room and Weiss sleeping in her arms Ichigo smiled and asked, |What's the damage then, Zangetsu?|
|You and Grimmjow have matching scars now.| Zangetsu said with an obvious grin on his face.
|You've got to be- AH SHIT.| Ichigo shouted in his mind, having the courtesy to not wake up his guest. Moving the hospital gown he wore enough so that he could see his scar, Ichigo growled, |Son of a bitch. I thought Hierro would have stopped the attack.|
|It should have King, but like I've been saying that kid's semblance was strong enough to have cut through it.| Zangetsu explained. |Give it time though that was a test run in my eyes. If we keep on training by the time we get to one of the Huntsman school it'll take Kenpachi without his eyepatch to cut through you.|
|Not something I want to test.| Ichigo told his Aura spirit. |Still what makes you think I'll go to a Huntsman School?|
|Don't make me laugh King. We both know you'll follow the princess to hell and back from now on. Especially after that threat the cat-bitch made.| Zangetsu mocked, with a growl at the mention of Sayyam. |Besides I told you already I'm your instincts and I know for a fact the idea of training to protect the innocent is not something you're going to pass up.|
|You're not wrong.| Ichigo commented before gaining a confused expression as Zangetsu started to chuckle in his head. |What's so funny?|
|It's not so much funny as it is ironic, King. But when you gave the Grimmjow his scar you were wearing your false Bankai. And when that bull bastard gave you yours he was wearing the same thing.| Zangetsu chuckled.
|Fuck off you psychotic spirit.| Ichigo shot back before going into his inner world and got physical with his only remaining ally from his old life.
I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter. Again I'm sorry for the delay in upload but I've been getting ready for my new school year so I had to priorities on my future first. Review for any complains but no cursing me out. (Though it's rather hypocritical given the cursing I used in this chapter.)