Jaden's Harem
Chapter 47
Co-Writer GreyKing46
We do not own these Yu-Gi-Oh characters.
Crimson's AXZ: A lot of stuff is going to happen in the future, watch out.
Shooting Star Dragon 3000: That's what we thought.
Here's a review answered y our own GreyKing46:
Megamen: NO! We have said that a million times!
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It was about two weeks since the Sacred Beasts incident, but it was the morning; Jaden and Alexis were together in bed.
They held each other close, smiling
"Morning..." Jaden whispered
"Morning..." She responded
"Sleep well?"
"Yeah...I did."
"Same here..." Jaden kissed her lips tenderly.
Alexis giggled, smiling
"We've got a free period today..." Jaden smiled
"For the past few weeks we've had those." Alexis giggled
"Yeah." He nodded
"But I think we need to get out of bed." She reminded
"Alright..." He sighed and got out. "Do you want some breakfast?"
"I could spend a morning in the Slifer Cafeteria." She smiled
"Well then...Let me treat you to breakfast." He answered
She nodded with a smile, kissing him quickly as they stood up and got dressed
'I love this woman...' Jaden smiled as he pulled his red jacket on
'So you don't love us?' Cleo pouted
"Hey, you know I love you too." Jaden responded
"Talking to Cleo?" Alexis asked
"You CAN see them." He chuckled gently, smiling
"I know, just teasing." Alexis answered
He chuckled, kissing her as she put her blue blazer on
"Let's get moving." Jaden smiled "I owe you breakfast."
Alexis nodded, doing up her blazer before she put her gloves on and they left
*At the campus*
Syrus smiled as he ate an eggwich with hope
"Hmm...So good..." Syrus hummed. "Can't believe I got the eggwich."
Dee giggled at that
"*gulp* You didn't have anything to do with it; did you, Dee?" Syrus asked
"No. That would have ruined it for you." She frowned
"Well, thank you for not doing it." Syrus smiled and bit into the eggwich again.
Dee smiled, holding his hand
"So...What should we do during the summer?" Syrus asked, amazed that the year passed so quickly
"Your choice." She giggled
"Well, maybe just hang out..." Syrus answered "Or...maybe learn a bit more? More about duelling, or...learning about the other Magicians."
Dee nodded, kissing his cheek
"Hey Syrus." Bastion spoke walking towards him
"Huh? Oh, hey Bastion." He smiled
"How's everything?" Bastion asked
"Err...Well. Thanks...Bit worried about my exam answers but...Can't complain." Syrus answered
"You will do fine. You have a guaranteed slot for Ra Yellow next year." Bastion reminded
"...Oh yeah. I forgot about that." Syrus sweatdropped and chuckled awkwardly
"How can you forget about that?" Bastion asked
"Well with everything that's happened over the past year..." Syrus answered
"Well, I don't blame you." Bastion answered
Syrus nodded at that, chuckling lightly
"Hey losers, did you hear?" Jazz asked as she walked over "Zana has chosen Jaden for the Graduation Duel."
"Jaden's duelling my sister again?" Syrus thought in shock
"Yeah, that's...Huh? Z-Zana duelled Jaden once already?" Jazz answered and then fumbled over her words.
"And won." Syrus nodded
"...Is there anything that Slifer can't do?" Jazz asked herself, crossing her arms.
"Probably not." Bastion admitted in slight annoyance
"You're still the smartest in the school, Bastion." Syrus reassured him
"So... Who tells Jaden?" Jazz asked
*Time skip*
"Hmm...This is nice Jaden." Alexis commented
"Yea." Jaden nodded. The harem was relaxing on a grassy hill, enjoying the sun
"Was breakfast alright?"
"It was, thank you." Alexis nodded
'So, any thoughts on what to do during the summer?' Cleo asked
"Spend time with the family." Jaden shrugged
"That sounds nice. MY family will probably doing their own thing...And with Atticus and Camula being shacked up here...It's probably going to be quiet." Alexis added
"You think I won't be home for summer? After being gone for two years? You wound me sister." Atticus smiled
"GAH! Atticus! Jeez, you jerk...!" Alexis jumped
She slapped her a shoulder lightly, making him laugh
"So...How's life with the vampire?" Jaden asked
"Exhausting...BUT enjoyable." Atticus smiled
Jaden nodded at that
"You hear about the end of school duel?" Atticus asked
"What do you mean?" Jaden blinked
"It's a duel that happens every year. The top-ranked student of the third year, gets to duel anyone from any year." Atticus answered
"Sounds cool." Alexis nodded
"It is, it was a heck of a thing seeing it when I was a freshman." Atticus answered
"... Before I disappeared." He flinched
"Ouch..." Jaden added
"Sorry for reminding you." Alexis nodded
"Not your fault...But you might have a good shot at it come your third year, Jaden." Atticus answered
"Cool." Jaden nodded
And almost in the same context, Jaden received a message on his PDA.
"Huh?" He blinked, pulling the device out
"Jaden, I'm sorry to disrupt your period off; but you're needed at in my office." Chancellor Sheppard spoke
"Sure." He shrugged
"Excellent. I'll see you in a moment." Sheppard answered and stopped the call.
"Guess our day off is cut short..." Alexis frowned
"For me, maybe...You? Not so much. Why don't you and Atticus catch up?" Jaden suggested
Alexis nodded gently, kissing him
"See you soon." Jaden smiled and headed onto the campus. 'I wonder what Sheppard wants me for?'
*time skip*
Jaden knocked on the door and was let in. "Hello, Chancellor." Jaden spoke
"Ah, Jaden. Perfect timing." Sheppard responded. "Come on in."
"So...What did you call me for?" Jaden asked
"Well...I won't beat around the bush. You've been chosen for the End of School Duel." Sheppard answered
Jaden was still and started laughing
"What? What did I say?" Sheppard asked in confusion
"I... You're serious?" Jaden blinked in shock when Sheppard didn't say something along the lines of 'I'm joking'
"I AM serious, Jaden. The top 3rd-year student has challenged to you a duel." Sheppard answered
"... Wow." Jaden blinked
"Yes, the student asked for you specifically. And before you ask, they wish to remain anonymous until the actual date." Sheppard added
"Okay. When is it?" Jaden nodded
"The last Friday of the school year. Three days before all first and second-year students leave for home and five days before the third-years graduate." Sheppard answered "But, it's next Friday."
"Just over a week." He nodded
"That's right." Sheppard nodded. "Get your deck up to speed. You're going to need it."
Jaden nodded with a thumbs up
"Now, get back to your lessons. I believe that your free period is up." Sheppard smiled
Jaden nodded with a chuckle at that
Jaden left the room and closed the door behind him respectfully.
'Wow, this'll be big!' Jaden thought proudly, looking to the sky
'I'm going to BE in the End of School Duel...' Jaden thought with a smile.
'Looks like it's going to be an interesting set-up, Jaden.' Berenice smiled from the side of him
"Yeah, should be." He nodded
'Do you think the Sacred Beasts have had enough?' Mana giggled gently
"Possibly. But...I wouldn't know." Jaden answered
'How about we check up on them?' Cleo asked
"Alright..." Jaden nodded and left, to the hiding place of the Sacred Beasts
He opened a portal of darkness in front of him, walking in
Inside were the figures, themselves...The Sacred Beasts. But not as their monstrous forms; but rather...Who they were before. Humans wearing armour and cloth-made clothes.
And inside the infinity darkness?
Every Justin Bieber song being played at once with an infinite loop
"ARGH! TURN THIS FUCKING MUSIC OFF!" Uria roared in pain, covering his ears alongside his fellow Sacred Beasts
"It's too much!" Raviel shouted
"All he's saying is one word! OVER AND OVER!" Hamon added
Jaden smiled, clicking and making the music stop
"Thank...The Gods..." They trio panted and relaxed.
"And humans call US monsters..." Raviel commented
"Who's the dick-wad that got this little pissant into music?" Hamon added
The Goddess's tried to stay calm, although Mana fell over laughing
"You try listening to this FUCKING song over and over!" Uria snarled.
"Hey! Any more like that and I'll put something REALLY monstrous on." Jaden looked at them
"NOTHING could be worse than that!" Uria snapped
"Really? Not even THIS?" Jaden got his PDA and typed in something to reveal a picture with bright colours on the screen to the Sacred Beasts.
"You wouldn't." Raviel's colour drain from his face.
"I would." Jaden nodded
"You're sadistic." Hamon added
"... What is it?" Uria asked in confusion
"A kids show for little girls, that even grown men like." Jaden flipped the picture to the next one which got the Sacred Beasts to back up in fright.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the three screamed
"So...Are you three going to behave now?" Jaden asked
They all nodded quickly, shaking in fear
"Just...GOD, don't let OUR daughters get hooked on that!" Hamon trembled in fear.
"... Your daughters?" They all blinked
"Yes...Our daughters...Before we defected, they were away in a neighbouring kingdom...They don't know about us, as we are now." Raviel answered
"So they just know the demon forms?" Jaden asked
"Yes...They only know who we were..." Uria nodded
Jaden frowned, seeing the sadness among the Sacred Beast's pain. "...Do you know where they are?"
"They...Should be around. But we aren't sure WHERE..." Hamon answered
"Their spirits are in the Duel Spirit realm...Their cards don't exist in your real." Uria answered
"Well once I find them that's easy." He shrugged
"Yes...Take care of them." Hamon asked
Jaden nodded, leaving the trap
'Protect them...King Haou...' The trio thought, thinking of their daughters as Jaden left the darkness.
*time skip*
It was now time for the school duel. The entire student body and teachers had arrived, eager to see whom Jaden was duelling against.
Well, most knew anyway but were still excited
"Ladies, Gentlemen...and students. Now is time for the End of School Duel!" Chancellor Sheppard spoke through the speakers
Jaden smiled, standing proudly at the arena
"Firstly: the challenger. Slifer Red's very own: Jaden Yuki-Muto!" Sheppard smiled
And to a great applause, the students cheered for Jaden.
"And his opponent, the top-ranked Third Year at the academy: Zana Truesdale!" Sheppard called out.
"Zana?" Jaden blinked as he saw Zana walk towards to the stage with her duel disk already attached to her arm.
"... Rematch then?" He smirked
"You know it." Zana responded with a small smile as they shuffled each other's decks when they met in the middle of the stage.
Heading back to their respective sides they turned and inserted their cards and drawing their hand.
"DUEL!" they called out
Zana - 4000
Jaden - 4000
"You go first." Jaden nodded
"Thanks." Zana drew her card and looked at them. "I play two cards faced down and summon a monster in defence mode."
'That it?' he thought with a frown, knowing it was suspicious
"It's your turn Jaden." Zana spoke
Jaden nodded, drawing a card
'She's probably got something to stop my monster destroying hers...But at the same time...' Jaden thought while looking at his hand; he had: Mana Daughter of Slifer, Pot of Greed, Elemental Hero Clayman, Evil Hero Infernal Gainer, Polymerization and R - Righteous Justice.
In his hand now was: Mystical Space Typhoon and Dark Signal. 'Not bad...Could be worse though.'
"I use Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your left facedown!" Jaden called
"Darn." Zana frowned as Jaden's card destroyed her Call of the Haunted.
"I summon: Evil Hero Infernal Gainer to the field, in attack mode!" Jaden added
"Attack her facedown!"
Evil Hero Infernal Gainer
1600 ATK/ 0 DEF
As Jaden's monster raced to Zana's it was flipped faced up revealing a silver and orange energy bird-like monster
Cyber Phoenix
1200 ATK/ 1600 DEF
Infernal Gainer's attack didn't go through, though neither lost any life points since both had equal attack and defence.
"I end turn with a facedown." Jaden said simply
"My turn!" Zana drew her card. "I summon "Proto-Cyber Dragon" to the field!" Zana played her card to the field.
Proto-Cyber Dragon
1100 ATK/ 600 DEF
'Why something so weak?' Jaden thought
"I'll play a facedown and end my turn." Zana spoke
Not long after the second turn, some of the students were wondering WHY Zana has been playing like this.
"My turn." Jaden drew his card, Winged Kuriboh. 'Hey, buddy. I've got to play something that will get rid of his cards. Mana's the only one strong enough.'
"I summon Mana; Priestess of the SkyDragon!" Jaden called
"Now I attack your Proto-Cyber Dragon with Infernal Gainer!" Jaden called out
"I activate the faced down card: Limiter Removal!" This card doubles the ATK of all Machine monsters on the field!" Zana called out
'No! I could use Mana's ability...But at the cost of one of my cards.' Jaden thought
"I discard Polymerization to use Mama's special ability!" Jaden called
"This negates your Limiter Removal!"
"Which activates my second faced down: Attack reflector Unit! I send my Proto-Cyber Dragon to the graveyard to summon: Cyber Barrier Dragon!"
Cyber Barrier Dragon
Level 6
800 ATK/ 2800 DEF
"Oh no!" Jaden snapped as the Cyber Dragon like monster was summoned in defence mode.
... Until Jaden grinned and laughed as Zana's monster negated his monsters attack
"Let's say I've learned a bit since last time." She smiled
"Oh I'm not laughing because of that." He grinned "You're still exactly the same. I just released the card I needed".
"Wait, what?" She asked in shock
"Your turn." Jaden nodded
"Fine." Zana drew her card. "I play Pot of Greed. Now I draw two cards."
"Wait... What does Pot of Greed do?" A random student asked and the school started laughing
"...Moving on." Zana spoke getting the two cards. "I play Polymerization, fusing my two Cyber Dragons in my hand to play: Cyber Twin Dragon!"
Cyber Twin Dragon
Level 8
2800 ATK/ 2100 DEF
"I activate Mana's ability, chaining it to your Polymerization's activation. I discard R-Righteous Justice to negate Polymerization." Jaden countered
"Damn it." She frowned and lost three of her best cards. 'That damn Slifer Handmaiden...'
"Gonna do anything else?" Jaden asked
Jaden nodded, drawing a card
'Okay, his Cyber Phoenix is neutral damage to both Gainer and Mana...That Barrier Dragon negates one attack...Hmm...' Jaden thought as he looked at his card. "I play: Card of Sanctity. Now we both can draw until we have six cards in our hand."
The two nodded, drawing the extra cards
'...Oh...My god.' The two thought as they both got a Hail Mary of card draws.
"Here I go!" Jaden called
"I play the spell card: Double Dark Fusion!" Jaden played his card
Everyone grinned and cheered at that
"I fuse together: Malicious Edge and Infernal Gainer! To form: Evil Hero Malicious Fiend!"
4000 - 3500
"Now I fuse my Malicious Fiend with Elemental Hero Neos!" Jaden added
"He's what?!"
"Come forth, Hero who works in the evil to fight for the good! I summon: Evil Hero Neos
Evil Hero Vengeance Neos
? ATK/ ? DEF
"0 Attack AND Defence?" Zana asked
"You'd think that, but Evil Hero Neos gains a combined attack and defence from both the fusion material monsters!" Jaden proclaimed
Evil Hero Vengeance Neos
6000 ATK/ 4100 DEF
"I can now send an Evil Hero Fusion monster from my Extra Deck to the grave and give Vengeance Neos that monsters effect!" Jaden continued "I send Lighting Golem to the grave!" A phantom image of the purple armoured giant appeared and merged with Vengeance Neos, the monster roaring with power "And now I tribute Mana the Priestess of the Sky Dragon to make her evolve!"
"You're going to what?" Zana gasped as Mana began to glow in a beautiful red shine
"Evolution Summon! I special summon Mana the Warrior Queen of the SkyDragon!" Jaden called
Mana, the Warrior Queen of the SkyDragon
Level 7
2100 ATK/ 1900 DEF
"What sort of monster is THAT?!" Zana asked
"Her second state." Jaden rolled his eyes, his hand at zero
"So what now, Jaden?" Zana asked
"Vengeance Neos now uses Thunder Giant's effect! Blow away Cyber Barrier Dragon!" Jaden called
"No!" Zana called out as her monster was destroyed in a bolt of lightning.
"Now, Mana, destroy the Cyber Pheonix!" Jaden called
As Cyber Phoenix was destroyed, Zana drew a card from the ability of Cyber Phoenix's ability.
"Now, Vengeance Neos: attack!" Jaden called out
Zana closed her eyes as the flames shot at her, everyone knowing this would finish her
4000 - 0
It was the end of the duel...Jaden had won.
There was a stunned silence inside the arena...Until the Slifers cheered, causing the other students to cheer.
Jaden smirked, holding his arm up high
"That's game!" Jaden smiled
"Gotcha, Zana!" Jaden grinned, pointing at her
"Yeah...You got me." She sighed and looked at him
"... What was that card that can beat me?" Zana asked as Jaden walked away
That made Jaden laugh "Well, you see, there are two cards that would crush your deck. But I don't run them."
"Really...Somehow, I can believe that." She answered
"Hmm. Zana there's something I need to ask you." Jaden spoke. "Privately."
Zana blinked in shock at that, giving a subtle smile she nodded. "Sure."
Up in the stands; Alexis, Syrus and Bastion were wondering why Jaden and Zana were walking together. "Come on, I don't trust this." Alexis spoke
"I know." Syrus gulped and headed down first.
*time skip*
"So Jaden...What did you want to talk to me about?" Zana asked, with a small smile
"This is important." Jaden answered
"Alright...I'll be serious." Zana nodded, though internally she was getting ready to pounce.
Ready to make Jaden hers
"Alright." Jaden nodded and reached into his bag that he got from his dorm room. "Did you write this?"
From all that time ago
"I...Huh? What letter?" Zana thought Jaden was going to say something else, but she caught herself before she dropped into it.
"This one. Did you write it?" Jaden asked seriously.
Zana took the letter and looked at the penmanship. "No. I didn't write this."
"But you wanted Syrus gone from Duel Academy...This would be a good way to do it. Trick him into going to the Girl's Dorm and get him expelled."
"I wouldn't stoop THAT low, nor cause distress in my dorm. And besides, I'd NEVER write Alexis' name wrong." Zana answered "I DO know how to spell."
"Alright. I just had to make sure." Jaden took back the letter. "Good luck to you."
And then he left
'That...That's it? I...He just wanted THAT?!' She thought.
She clenched her fists, shaking a bit
'I'll get better...I'll succeed you Jaden Yuki-Muto!' She thought. 'You WILL be mine.'
*time skip*
"So you went to see if Zana wrote the letter from the first few weeks?" Syrus asked as he and Jaden were going to the boats.
"Yeah, she didn't write it." Jaden answered
"That's...Sort of relieving." Syrus answered
"How do you mean?" Jaden asked
"Well...She wouldn't go to THAT length to get me to leave." Syrus answered
Jaden nodded before he noticed Dee looking sad
"Dee? What's wrong? What's with the look?" Jaden asked
'Just... I'm going to miss Syrus over the summer.' She smiled sadly
"I'm gonna miss you too, Dee." Syrus added
"Hmm..." Jaden hummed as he saw his best friend and his Duel Spirit sister this sad.
He really didn't like it
'Dang it all...' He thought and sighed "Why don't...You two stay together over the summer?" Jaden suggested
"Huh?" The two blinked
"I let Malicious Edge stay with Blair and her Maiden in Love...I don't see why you two can't stay together." Jaden answered
That made the two frown lightly
"...Guess I said something wrong..." Jaden frowned. "Sorry guys."
'It's not that.' Dee said 'I mean I'd love to be with Syrus the entire summer but... You and Yugi." She sighed
"Right...Well...We can talk, right?" Syrus asked "I mean we've got each other's numbers."
"Yea." Jaden nodded
"We'll do that then. It'll be almost normal till next term." Syrus smiled
Dee nodded weakly at that
"So...I'll see you next term Sy." Jaden smiled lightly
"We still have a boat ride, Jaden." Syrus smiled
"Oh yeah. Ha, ha." Jaden chuckled
Alexis smiled, dressed in casual clothes as she packed away her cloths
"So...You going to stay in touch?" Jasmine asked her friend as she knocked on the door.
"Of course." Alexis chuckled, putting her bag over her shoulder and walking out to her friend's smiling face
"Hey, Lex..." Jasmine spoke looking a bit more humble than she has been all year.
"Hey, you okay?" Alexis smiled at her old friend
"Just...I'm sorry how I acted all year. I was a royal bitch." She frowned
"It's okay." She sighed
"Well...Yeah. I just...I didn't want to be known as "The bitch" before next term." Jasmine explained. "Forgive me?"
"Always." Alexis smiled, hugging her long time friend
"Thanks, Lex. You're the best." Jasmine smiled, hugging her back.
Alexis laughed lightly
*With Jazz*
Jazz pulled her bag over her shoulder, chuckling
'Jazz? Everything okay?' OjamaMaster Yellow asked
"Yea. Can't wait to get out of this place." She nodded
'Well...At least you'll be leaving for Ra Yellow in the next year.' Black added
"Hopefully." Jazz scoffed
'You'll fly up and get back to Obelisk Blue, we know it.' Green added
"Thanks guys." Jazz smiled
'Just one thing...You're not gonna add THOSE five to the deck are ya?' Yellow asked, pointing to the Dark Scorpions.
Who were still having 'fun' with some of the other cards from Jazz's deck
"Not sure." She admitted
'Okay...' The OjamaMasters sighed
"Well...Let's go." Jazz spoke
... "WILL YOU LOT KNOCK IT OFF!" she yelled, grabbing the thorn whip and slashing at the Scorpions
*With Sheppard*
Sheppard was packing up his things, getting ready for the next year.
He was staying for a while, for a few extra weeks, to finish his work
This was certainly an exciting year for the Academy, and his year as a Chancellor.
It was very interesting
His former boss being the main villain and controller of the Shadow Riders...
And so much more
'I think that next year...Will be crazier than this one.' He thought
*time skip, on the boat*
People were currently resting and duelling among themselves, Jaden, Syrus and Alexis were relaxing outside the boat, just letting the sun bathe them
"This is really it." Jaden sighed
"Heading back home...Back to normal life." Syrus added
"Away from everyone." Alexis said sadly
"This must be what it's like when Harry, Ron and Hermione left Hogwarts..." Syrus commented sadly
"You like Harry Potter? ... Not surprised." Jaden asked then grinned
"...Hey...!" Syrus blushed
"It's okay." Alexis nodded
'That's something to note.' Dee thought to herself.
'I wonder what school you like best.' Dee giggled
"Um...What're you thinking, Dee?" Syrus and Jaden asked
'Nothing.' she smiled
'...Don't believe her.' The boys thought.
"Hey guys, I think the buffet is open." Alexis spoke
Jaden smiled, the three getting up
The three of them walked inside the cruise-liner and saw the buffet being feasted upon by the numerous students
'You know what...Even if we're separated...We're still going to be friends. This isn't the end...It's the beginning.' Jaden thought as they went for lunch.
The end
Continued in "Jaden's Harem Season 2"
If you have any comments please leave them in reviews.