Reviews for Ichigo The New School Arc
Guest chapter 23 . 7/3
Hey when are you updating this story again?
fluffy-fanfic-lover chapter 21 . 6/10
please update this
BROCKLESNER chapter 5 . 5/17
Please Add Neliel and MAYBE Yoruichi To The Harem! Ichigo/Neliel is My Favorite Romantic Pairing and I Am Fairly Sure That Adult-Neliel Had, At Least A Crush On Ichigo and Ichigo/Yoruichi Is My Second Favorite Ichigo/Single Girl Romantic Pairing. My Favorite Romantic Pairing For Ichigo Is "Ichigo/Harem"!
CodyJaaxs chapter 23 . 5/13
This is really good, it felt like it started losing a little steam around the middle, but it's starting to really pick back up after the last couple chapters! I really enjoy this and hope that you end up continuing it!
Please update chapter 23 . 4/20
Amazing story, can't wait to read more.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/31
I would like this story updated please. its 5 years from this chapter and it is very good to read
Guest chapter 9 . 3/25
This chapter was a roller coaster. I enjoyed the fights scenes, the explanation and the reason behind the casts prides, and the cast subsequently obtaining Fullbring's. It makes no damn sense to give ichigo both a Fullbring and a ghoul transformation, because it makes both his hollowfication and soul reaper powers completely fucking irrelevant. If you wanted to give ichigo both a Fullbring and a ghoul transformation, why didn't you set this after the winter war arc and during the Fullbringer arc where Ichigo was training to regain his powers?!
The Real Dorkzilla chapter 17 . 3/14
upon reading this chapters authors note I can't help but hope that they go with the hellsing from team four stars abridged series... because that would be hilarious.
Dead344156 chapter 23 . 2/26
I know this fanfic is mist likely dead but i hope you update
Rey Paloma chapter 23 . 2/24
I generally like this story. The familiar characters strike a nice balance between being true to the source material and also developing with and reacting to the events of the story. I especially like how Yukari's character was overhauled to make her less of a one-note moka fanatic, and to help her understand a little more nuance of the human world. It feels like a lot of the "idiot ball" trope situations from the source material have been addressed nicely.

What I don't like is how nice and redeemable everyone is. Part of what make shows like Rosario Vampire work - also true of pretty much anything with a will-they-won't-they soap opera style - is the constant tension between main characters. The drama. Stuff like Gin being a completely vanilla nice guy who is controlled by his werewolf side, or Ishida suddenly turning around because he got his powers back... it's boring.

It's boring for characters to never need to overcome internal conflict. Even in the last few chapters, with Ichigo overcoming "his" lust, it wasn't really a personal failing. He was still fighting an external force that was trying to manipulate him. Before that, the issue of PTSD was brought up, and then swiftly brushed aside. Also, Ichigo questioning his humanity was blazed through and inconsequential.

But we have perspective into Ichigo's mind. It's worse with other characters. Karin couldn't question wanting her powers; she was kidnapped and her sister beaten, and Karin made a snap decision. Orihime didn't at all question dating Ichigo despite not being a monster and despite growing up in a monogamous society. Rukia is a bit better in that respect, but we also practically have a viewpoint in her mind: hearing what she says when she thinks she is alone.

In other words, it feels like there are very few independent characters with their own meaningful wants and dreams. The good guys all end up being "for" Ichigo, whether as a lover or mentor or advisor or trusted friend, and all the bad guys are "against" Ichigo, with some anti-human racism thrown in for flavor.

To give a few examples of tension that could develop and make Ichigo stand in better contrast to both good and bad guys: Ichigo could see the pain that the harsh divide between humans and monsters creates on boundary beings, like witches, and question the wisdom of keeping the world separated. After all, Yokai Academy is really teaching how monsters can hide in the human world, not even how to integrate with or respect humans; any human discovered on campus would be put to death. This can be highlighted by a monster terrorist attack on the human world, specifically by Yokai Academy alumni who are able to blend in and be successful only because of their human education. Or maybe the issue could be more personal, like Ichigo seeing the pain the secrecy causes on Yuzu and Tatsuki, and Ichigo realizes that there's no good cutoff for the secrecy. If Tatsuki gets involved, and something happens to her, then her own friends and family are stuck with the same questions and grief.

I don't mean to imply that's the only direction things could go. I just want to demonstrate that there is a huge amount of room for incompatible ideologies or an apparent hypocrisy to lead to good internal conflict and character development.

Lastly, if there was any one thing I would "fix" in a way that didn't significantly impact the plot so far, it would be the power creep. It was a very good idea to isolate Ichigo from his badge, and it could have led to him being more competent than Tsukune, but still needed help from his monster friends and Inner Moka. Instead, he still wiped the floor with everybody, and so the enemy power creep surged to ludicrous levels. When the stakes are too high, it actually makes the story less interesting because it's harder for the audience to relate. Even when the audience can relate, it doesn't necessarily make it better. Notice how the final battle of Dragon Ball Z wasn't significantly more climactic than the final battle of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, despite the fact that DBZ was fighting for the known universe, and FMA was fighting (in the short term) for only a single country. FMA may have even had the better setup, since there was a personal connection between the protagonist and the big baddie.

The inclusion of the bakkoto weapons is creative, and makes sense why there should be a power difference between the source material and the story, but I think the established baseline was too high and then shot up too fast. I think it would have been better to temporarily nerf Ichigo to the monsters' level, rather than so early trying to bring the monsters to his level.

Wrapped up in that is the idea that the fullbring abilities should have come in later, after the girls had multiple "level ups" from normal training alone.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea to give characters extra abilities like that, but the pacing and stakes were thrown off by the sudden escalation.

Anyway, I hope to see more of this story, whether new chapters or a rewrite from the beginning.
Carol542 chapter 23 . 2/18
Love it please continue this story when you can
Guest chapter 23 . 11/5/2019
Still a nice read hope for a new chapter that is if you had not given up on this story
Guest chapter 23 . 9/28/2019
Good read and when is the next update so I know what happens next. Is it possible to update this story next please? Thank you
pyoson123 chapter 2 . 9/25/2019
nah fuck that should had just killed the the girl attacking him instead dog a being a bitch, on no I'm save you like a fucking dumbass
Nitewolf423 chapter 10 . 9/16/2019
Why in the nine Hells of the never never did you bring Mab Into this
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