Ichigo Loves MILFS
Chapter 1: Ikumi
A.N.: This is a request by Halphas Greed. Three-Shot! Please see my bio for info about requests.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.
Warning: Lemon! MILF!
Sometime after Ichigo lost his powers….
Karakura Town Mall
"Ahhhh…" Keigo sighed as he sat on the mall bench, sipping on a smoothie he got from the mall's smoothie shop. "Gotta love a good mango smoothie!"
Beside him sat Mizuiro and Ichigo who had accompanied him to the mall, the later of whom did so primarily to get away from his kidnapping boss for a couple of hours. Both Keigo and Mizuiro knew it was only a matter of time until Ikumi found him but they decided to just enjoy what time they had with Ichigo. "So where do you guys want to go next?"
"I figured we'd check out the video shop that just opened up. We could swing by the bookstore later," Mizuiro said as he took a sip of his banana smoothie. "What do you think, Ichigo?" When he got no answer, he saw Ichigo spacing out. "Ichigo?"
The orange haired boy snapped out of his daze and looked at his friends. "Yeah, yeah. We can check that out."
Keigo deadpanned. "Ichigo, do you even know what we were talking about?"
Ichigo was quiet for a moment and then answered, "You wanted to check out the video shop that opened."
"…You got lucky." Keigo stood up when he felt the call of nature hit him. "Give me a few minutes guys. I've got to go to the bathroom."
Mizuiro watched Keigo rush off to find a bathroom and turned to Ichigo, only to see that he had spaced out again. Following Ichigo's line of sight, Mizuiro found what Ichigo had been staring at. Nudging the teen, Mizuiro grinned. "Admiring the view?" he teased when he saw Ichigo staring at a hot woman.
Ichigo almost jumped out of his skin when he realized he'd been caught staring at women. "Mizuiro! I uh…" he blushed, feeling like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Sorry, I was just dozing off…" he said, hoping that his classmate would drop the subject.
His classmate turned and looked at the woman Ichigo had been checking out and his lips formed a knowing smile. The woman looked like she was about her late thirties. Long black hair rolled down her hair and her breasts were large and firm, her hips wide. She was the kind of woman that Mizuiro would be interested in.
In other words: A MILF.
Mizuiro had noticed in the following months after Ichigo had saved them from Aizen that he'd been a bit melancholic since he'd lost his powers. For a while, he and the others had been wondering what to do in order to cheer Ichigo up and Mizuiro now had an idea on how to lift Ichigo's spirits. He just needed to coax Ichigo out of his prudish shell and embrace his more darker thoughts. "So you're like me, Ichigo? You're attracted to older women?"
Knowing there was no way to deny it now that he'd been caught, Ichigo nodded. "Yeah…I've always been attracted to older women. Happy?" he asked, annoyed at his friend's prying.
Mizuro patted Ichigo on the back, his mind choosing his next words wisely. "Ichigo, you haven't been yourself lately. You saved the world after all. Why not indulge yourself?" he suggested, wondering how Ichigo would react.
The pink on Ichigo's to cheeks turned to red, his eyes darting back to the woman before. "What do you mean?" he finally asked. Unlike with Keigo he felt like he could trust himself to talk about stuff like this with Mizuiro. "What am I supposed to do? I figure you'd be shocked."
Waving his hand, Mizuro sat back and looked around. "Ichigo, I've known you for a while. It was clear that you weren't that interested in our classmates, or Orihime and Rukia. Also, I once caught you check out Ms. Ochi's ass." Sitting back, he smiled at his embarrassed friend. "So, have you ever thought about going for it?"
"I'm serious, Ichigo," the boy said, giving Ichigo a stern look. "You're a nice guy. More so than that, you pretty much saved our lives, plus the world. I think you have to admit that you deserve a little something for what you've done."
That got Ichigo's attention. In the past months since he'd sacrificed his powers to stop Aizen, he'd tried again and again to push the idea that he deserved something for what he'd done, trying to keep the image that he always was altruistic. However, in his private moments, Ichigo would fantasize about being in bed with multiple women in a celebratory orgy. That precise fantasy dug its way through the recesses of Ichigo's mind until it burned inside him like a star going supernova.
"Maybe…you've a point, Mizuiro…" Ichigo said quietly, his mind adrift with dark thoughts.
Mizuiro smirked, glad to see that Ichigo was on the tipping point of being pushed to the dark side. "Would you like some pointers from someone who's rolled around in the sheets before?"
Ichigo's head snapped toward his friend. "Wait a minute, you've had sex before?"
Chuckling, Mizuiro nodded. "Yeah. About two months ago with my widowed neighbor. She'd called me over to help her move a few things and when I made a pass at her she practically hauled me over her shoulder straight to her bedroom. She taught me a lot about what makes a woman wet."
'Wow, Keigo is taking a conveniently long time in the bathroom…' Ichigo thought before turning back. "So um…what did she teach you?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Mizuiro smiled wickedly. Ichigo had finally gone to the dark side….
A few days later….
Ikumi's house
Ichigo grunted as he lifted a heavy box up the stairs into Ikumi's room, wishing he'd called in today. 'Aw who am I kidding? If I'd told her I'd gotten stuck in an elevator she'd blast the doors off and drag my sorry carcass out….' He set the box on Ikumi's desk and wiped his sweaty brow. 'Here you go, Ikumi. That's the last one."
Ikumi removed her cap and sighed, her body just as sweaty as Ichigo's. "Thanks, Ichigo. I can't belive the printing company screwed up my order." She looked at the boxes stacked on the wall. "I ordered two hundred flyers, not two thousand!" She facepalmed and shook her head. "This is what I get for going with the cheap printing company…."
Ichigo sat down in a chair and tried to cool down. He leaned back and ran a hand through his sweaty hair and tried to think cool, relaxing thoughts.
"You're like me, Ichigo. You're attracted to older women…."
His eyes flicked over to Ikumi, who shrugged out of her jacket, leaving her in a white T-shirt, already wet with sweat. Ichigo couldn't help but notice in the afternoon light that he could see her bra….
'Ichigo, calm down,' he tried to tell himself. 'She's not a MILF, she's your boss. Your boss whose…also a bit older than you…and is a mother…and…and…' Ichigo's heart started to race when Ikumi bent over to pick up another box, her rear straining against her jeans. 'Oh my god! What an ass!'
Ichigo immediately smacked himself. 'C'mon, Ichigo! She's your boss! Your BOSS!' "So uh, Ikumi," he said, trying to get his mind out of the gutter. "Where's Kaoru? Shouldn't he be home from school right now?"
"Kaoru's having a sleepover with a friend. Something about a brand new video game that came out; DragonQuest or something," Ikumi explained. She saw how Ichigo was so sweaty and gave him a sympathetic smile. "Look, I just got the guestroom shower fixed. You can use that while I shower in my room."
Ichigo nodded in thanks. "Thanks, Ikumi. I'll take a quick shower than head home." He got up and left the room, hoping that she didn't see his boner….
With Ikumi….
Ikumi took off her clothes once she closed the bathroom door, her body caked with sweat. "Damn," she said, rubbing her aching shoulders. "Glad I had Ichigo helping me. I'd have broken my back carrying all those boxes."
Just as she was about to step into the shower, she realized something critical that she'd forgotten. "Crap!" she shook her head, "I forgot to bring Ichigo towels." She reached into the bathroom closet and pulled out two fluffy towels. Wrapping one around herself, she grabbed the other one and walked out of the bathroom, heading over to the spare one next to the guest bedroom. Figuring that Ichigo was already in the middle of his shower, she naively opened the door without knocking first.
Her jaw dropped when she opened the door and saw Ichigo standing in front of the shower, naked as the day he was born. "Ichigo! I uh…" she blushed as the boy turned around, her eyes quickly going southward. "I brought you a towel," she quickly said, laying the towel on the sink. "Sorry.." she muttered, quickly shutting the door. "I should've knocked."
Ikumi quickly made her way back to her own shower and hopped in, setting the water to cold to try to knock out the salacious thoughts in her head. As she cranked the water to warm she thought about Ichigo, standing there in all his glory. He hadn't even tried to hide his manhood when he turned around, as if expecting her to come into his arms as soon as she walked in the bathroom. "Pervert…" she muttered, her head pressing against the wall as she ran a bar of soap up her belly. "He's a pervert…a hot…well-endowed…pervert…" she grumbled, her mind recalling Ichigo naked in front of her. Her eyes closed as she remembered Ichigo's cock, her free hand going lower….
"Damn…he was at least six inches soft…I can't imagine how big he is when he's hard…" she moaned, her hand touching her pussy as her mind started to wander. 'I never realized just how much of a man he is.' Her hand started to rub her pussy as she imagined Ichigo taking her.
When her other hand brushed up agsaint the shower knob and turned it to cold, it snapped Ikumi out of her heated fantasy. "What am I thinking?" she muttered, shaking her head. "Ichigo's my employee! I can't be having fantasies about my employees!"
Pushing away any remaining thoughts about a naked Ichigo, she stepped out of the shower and dried off, putting on a new batch of clothes….
Back to Ichigo….
Ichigo stepped out of the bathroom, refreshed. It'd startled him when he saw Ikumi walk in on him; he'd been too shocked to cover himself. But as embarrassed as he was, he couldn't help notice the look on Ikumi's face when she stared at him. 'Ikumi….'
He walked into his boss's living room and saw her looking over a magazine that came in from the mail. Ikumi's cheeks were pink when he walked in the room. "Um…Sorry about that, Ichigo," she apologized. "I should've knocked."
Scratching the back ofhis head, Ichigo shrugged. "It's alright." He wanted to say that he should get going, but his eyes became glued to her body. She put her gloves back on and a new t-shirt but had put on black pants that showed off her curves. 'Wow…she's really got it where it counts.'
Ikumi heard Ichigo's stomach growl and chuckled. "Well, I can't just let you go home hungry. Wait here while I go and see what I can whip up quickly." Ikumi left the room and entered the kitchen, leaving Ichigo in the living room.
Once again the voice of Mizuiro whispered into Ichigo's mind again, causing his dark fantasies to emerge in his mind. "You pretty much saved our lives, plus the world. I think you have to admit that you deserve something for all you've done…."
Ichigo quietly got up and walked over to the kitchen door. Peeking around the doorway, he saw Ikumi bending over and rummaging through the fridge for food. His eyes became fixed on her round bottom and it didn't take long for him to get hard. 'Screw it…' he said, throwing caution to the wind. 'I'm going for it.'
Ikumi was busy pulling out a pan of lasagna when she gasped as a hand gently touched her ass. "Ichigo?" she turned her head to see the boy behind her, his eyes telling her what he wanted wasn't food. "What are you doing?" she asked.
The boy's hand gently squeezed Ikumi's firm rear, remembering what Mizuiro told him. "Remember, Ichigo, be subtle and smooth. If you act nervous they'll reject you for sure when you make a pass at them."
"Hey, Ikumi, I think I know what I want for supper…" he said smoothly, loving the feel of her ass in his hand.
Ikumi was about to get up and smack him in the face when he put his hand on her other cheek. massaging her sexy rear. 'Ohhh…' she thought, 'That feels good….' When she stood up, Ichigo took her by surprise by turning her head and kissing her. "Mmmmmhhh…" Ichigo's hand snaked up to her breast and squeezed it gently. Ikumi's head began to fog up, finding it hard to think. 'Well, he is good looking…and it has been a while since I've had sex…' she told herself, throwing herself into the pit of lust that Ichigo was dragging her into. 'Screw it. Just this once I'll indulge myself with a hot man.'
Ichigo could not believe how well his charm worked when Ikumi turned around and kissed him deeply, their tongues meeting lewdly. While Ikumi slipped her arms wrapped around his neck he reached for her belt and pulled it away.
"Always remember, Ichigo: mature women love it when they're teased. They got hot when they realize they got their hand caught in the cookie jar."
"Ikumi," Ichigo whispered into her ear. Ikumi shivered, forgetting the sound of her name on another man's lips. "I saw how you couldn't resist me in the shower before. Did you like what you see?" he asked, his hands cupping her ass.
Ikumi's face turned red in response before she chuckled. "Yeah. I had no idea my teen employee had a man's body…" she whispered back. Having a young man at her fingertips flipped Ikumi's switch. She reached for Ichigo's shirt and yanked it over his head, licking her lips when she saw how built Ichigo's body was. "Damn, Ichigo. You're hot!" she exclaimed before smashing her lips into Ichigo's, pushing him into a chair and getting on his lap.
Gripping her shirt, Ichigo pulled Ikumi's top off of her, his heart racing when he saw Ikumi's breasts. Since she was his boss he never imagined her as stacked but now he realized that Ikumi's breasts were just his type. He cupped her tits and molded them in his hands, loving how firm they were to his touch. He kissed Ikumi again as he pulled her close, feeling her nipples rub against his bare skin.
Sensing how much Ichigo was loving her tits, Ikumi cupped them and raised herself a little bit unitl her breasts were in front of Ichigo's face. "You like, Ichigo?" she teased, rubbing her breasts together, "Why don't you suckle me?" she suggested.
Ichigo didn't need to be told twice. He wrapped his lips around her pink nipple and began to pleasure her tit, his tongue swirling around her hardened areola. Ikumi hissed in pleasure when Ichigo's teeth nibbled on her tit, pulling back and stretching her boob. Ichigo couldn't get enough of the taste of Ikumi's breast. He switched to her neglected breast and gave it the same treatment, his hands caressing her back. Feeling bold by his newfound prowess in pleasing women, Ichigo took his mouth off of Ikumi's tit and kissed his way back up her front, making out lewdly with his boss before she got off him. "Ikumi?" he asked, wondering if he went too far.
His answer came when she reached for his pants and quickly unzipped them. While on top of Ichigo she could feel his growing erection press against her and the need for a man was driving her crazy. Ikumi pulled off Ichigo's pants and underwear, leaving him naked. Her eyes stared down at Ichigo's cock in complete awe. 'Whoa! He puts my ex-husband to shame!' she thought as Ichigo's huge manhood twitched in front of her. "Damn, Ichigo! If I knew you had this, I'd have done this sooner!" she chuckled.
Getting down on her knees before her employee, Ikumi pulled her gloves off and then wrapped her bare hand around Ichigo's nine-inch shaft. Ichigo rolled his head back and moaned Ikumi's name while she jerked him off. Because she always wore gloves to protect herself, her hands were so soft and smooth, his cock feeling like it was wrapped in warm velvet. "Don't stop," he moaned, his hand joining hers. Ikumi grinned as she continued stroking Ichigo. Ikumi, deciding to get Ichigo back for teasing him earlier, leaned down and started to suck on his balls. "Ah!" he gasped when Ikumi's wet tongue started to lick his balls. "Ikumi!" he grunted, unable to handle her quickening hand. "I'm cumming!"
Ikumi took her mouth off his balls and opened wide as Ichigo came, catching the first sticky string of white cum in her mouth. She stroked his cock vigorously as he continued to cum in her mouth. 'Fuck, it's so hot! I feel like my stomach is melting!' she thought as she swallowed it, her free hand dipping into her pants to rub herself.
Ichigo couldn't take it anymore. He had his boss give him one hell of a handjob and he wanted more. Getting up, he pulled Ikumi onto her feet and turned her around. Ikumi grinned as Ichigo reached around her and pulled off her belt before unzipping her pants. "My goodness," Ikumi teased as Ichiog pulled down her pants, stepping out of them. "Someone's eager. Is this your first time with a woman, Ichigo?"
"Don't ever tell her you're a virgin," Mizuiro had warned him, "You'll lose all momentum if she suddenly take the pace."
"No," Ichigo said as he got down on his knees, his hands gripping the hem of her black panties and pulling them down. "I've been around the block a few times with my classmates," he lied before standing up and sliding his cock in between her thighs. Ikumi squeezed her thighs together, sighing when she felt Ichigo slide in and out of her. Ichigo couldn't resist it any longer and bent Ikumi over the kitchen table. "Ready, Ikumi?" he asked, teasing her by rubbing the head of his cock against her entrance.
"Yes…" Ikumi muttered, her back shivering with anticipation. "Fuck me, Ichigo!"
Ichigo had always imagined what it would be like inside a woman but Ikumi's pussy was by far the best thing he'd ever felt. He moaned as he slid into her, her walls embracing him with their hot tightness. "Oh god…" he mumbled as he continued to slide inch after inch inside her. "It's so tight!"
"Mmmmmh yeah…" Ikumi groaned as Ichigo filled her pussy. It'd been so long that she'd almost forgotten what it was like to have a man inside her. Ichigo's cock stretched her walls to their limit. 'Ohhhhhh fuuuuuck!' her lust-addled brain thought as Ichigo's tip touched her cervix. 'I think I'm ruined for most men now. Ironic, the best man to satisfy me, and it's my teenage employee.'
Ichigo's hands palmed her cheeks as he pumped in and out of her. He looked down and stared at his cock, watching it slide in and out of her. 'She's so tight around me! It so good!' Gripping her waist, he reared his hips back and started to thrust into her, his thrusting harder and faster.
"Ah! Oh! Ichigo! Yes!" Ikumi moaned, gripping the table as Ichigo fucked her like a mad beast. She wasn't fooled by his earlier words. His immature thrusts and lack of any foreplay told her he was inexpereineced when it came to being with a woman. Still, his storng, powerful thrusts more than made up for his inexperience. "Don't stop…" she begged, falling to the level of a wanton whore. "Keep fucking me!"
The table shook as Ichigo fukced his boss into the wooden surface. His eyes remained glued to Ikumi's ass, watching her soft cheeks ripple every time he pumped into her. "Ikumi," he moaned. Leaning down he reached for her breasts. Ikumi raised herself up with her arms and bucked into Ichigo's thrusts, his hands grasping at her breasts like handholds. "Damn, Ikumi!" Ichigo grunted, his hips starting to move beyond his control. He squeezed his eyes shut as Ikumi's muscles tightened around him, his boss teasing him with her mature pussy. "If you keep doing that, you'll make me cum!"
Chuckling, Ikumi leaned up and pressed her back agasitn Ichigo's sweaty chest. Turning her head, she caught Ichigo's lips in a light kiss. They moaned into each other's mouths as their bodies became glued to each other. Ikumi's tongue slipped into his mouth when he reached lower to rub her clit, her body tensing up as her climax became imminent. "That's what I want," she purred seductively in his ear, her hands joining his in fondling her body. "I'm about to cum too!" She reached back and hooked an arm around Ichigo's neck. "Let's cum together!"
"Ah!" Ichigo gasped when Ikumi's pussy tightened around his cock tighter. "Ikumi, are you sure?" he asked, his hands going to her hips to fuck her with all his might.
"It's a safe day, go ahead!" Ikumi pleaded. Her mind clouded as the knot inside her came undone. "Oh god! I'm cumming!" she screamed, her pussy squeezing Ichigo's cock while squirting her juices. "Ohhhhhhh!"
Ichigo's arms instinctively wrapped his arms around Ikumi's waist and lifted her off her feet before exploding inside her, his cum filling her pussy. "Cumming! Ikumi! Ikumiiiiiii!" he grunted. His cum filled her to the point where Ikumi thought her womb would explode. As Ichigo set her down his legs felt wobbly. He sat down in a chair, pulling Ikumi onto his lap. The two cooled down while Ikumi's pussy leaked their erotic cocktail down their legs.
"Ikumi…" he said, his arms wrapped around his boss tightly, almost lovingly.
The black-haired woman's head spun around as she felt Ichigo shift inside her. As much as she told herself to just let this go, a one-and-done affair never to be mentioned again, she hadn't had sex that amazing in so long. Her hand rubbed her clit gently while she planted her feet firmly on the floor. Turning her head, she winked at Ichigo when she felt that he was still hard inside her. "You up for another round, Ichigo?" she asked.
Ichigo grinned before gripping her waist, his boss beginning to ride him wildly….
Two Hours Later….
Ikumi's bedroom
"Mmmmmh…" Ikumi hummed as she pressed herself against Ichigo, thoroughly satisfied. After a few more rounds in the kitchen, Ichigo and picked and carried Ikumi into her bedroom where they rocked the bed. Any inexpereience Ichigo suffered from crumbled with each bout of sex with Ikumi, learning what made her go wild. "You know, Ichigo, all this energy and stamina of yours, it makes me wonder. Where is it whenever there's work to be had?" she asked teasingly with an eyebrow raised, her hand running up Ichigo's chest.
"Hey, I put a lot of work into-"
Both of the new lovers looked at the phone and groaned. Ikumi sat up, the sheets falling from her sweaty body, and walked over to the phone and hit answer. "Hello? Oh hey, Kaoru. How's the sleepover?" Her eyes suddenly widened, alarming Ichigo, "What? You're heading home already? I see. Okay then, I'll keep the door unlocked for you. See you when you get home, sweetie."
Ikumi immediately turned around and whipped the covers off Ichigo. "You've got to go, Ichigo. Kaoru's heading home early. Apparently his friend has to go to the hospital to visit his mother. Which means you need to make yourself scarce before he gets here while I clean up."
Nodding, Ichigo hopped off the bed and quickly walked into the room, scrambling for his clothes while Ikumi went to work cleaning the table and chair they'd been fornicating on. After Ichigo dressed he nodded to his boss. He had no idea what this meant for this but he knew one thing was for certain: he was going to get some more instruction from Mizuiro when he went to school. "Later, Ikumi," he said, heading out the door.
He jumped when he felt Ikumi smack his ass on the way out. When he turned around Ikumi was leaning against the doorframe suggestively. "I expect you here tomorrow at eleven o'clock sharp and ready for work, Ichigo," she said, giving Ichigo a smile before slamming the door in his face.
Ichigo stood there, staring at the door before heading home grumbling. "Didn't have to kick me out…" he grumbled as he walked home, only to smile and look up at the sky. He felt relaxed now; certainly far more than he'd been in the past few months. 'Perhaps Mizuiro was telling the truth. Maybe I do deserve some comfort now. One thing's for sure though: work is going to be more interesting from now on!'
To be continued