Yup, I know. Been too long and tbh I don't have much to say besides life and lost interest in writing Fanfictions. I'm not saying it's abandoned, just not as to interested as I was like when I was 15 yrs old or whatever. Anyways, onto the story!


A new sun shined over the horizon of Konoha, and with that the start of a brand new day has begun among the village. Shops began to open for business and locals/foreigners slowly began to fill the streets of the village.

One particular ramen lover groaned as the sun hit his whiskered face. He pushed a sitting position, his eyes droopy and saliva lightly falling off of his lower lips. The smell of breakfast was what made him get out of bed, as well as the urge to take a piss.

The door opened, and Ichigo poked his head in. "Naruto." He spoke. "Hurry up and get dressed, Kakashi and your team are waiting for you."

"Hai." Naruto muttered.

Ichigo nodded and closed the door leaving Naruto to get up for himself. Heading over to the kitchen, he saw Kushina along with Mikoto sitting in the chair next to the dining table enjoying a cup of tea.

"Goodmorning Ichigo." Mikoto spoke first upon seeing him. Kushina glanced over and gave him a warm smile and a nod to show her awareness of his presence also.

"Goodmorning young beauties." He smiled back, giving a light chuckle as he did so.

A faint blush lightly grew on the older women's cheeks at this, and they couldn't help but lightly giggle as well.

"Oh stop it." Kushinas smiled grew. "I'm not as young as I used to be."

"Are you sure about that?" Ichigo poured himself a cup of tea and grabbed a slice of toast before sitting next to Kushina. "Cause you don't look a day over 20." He took a bite of the toast enjoying the reaction he got out of her.

After they all settled in, the day slowly began to roll back in place. "Say Mikoto." Ichigo spoke. "Where's Sasuke? I didn't see him at all this morning."

"He left early, something about training I believe." She shrugged. "He'll be meeting with Kakashi soon however to start more missions."

Ichigo noddrd. "I see, he's been training quite a lot lately hasn't he?"

"Yes he is." Mikoto assured. "I just hope nothing bad happened that made him this way."

"I'm sure he'll be alright." Ichigo assured her. "He's a strong kid, even at his age. Don't worry so much, besides if push comes to shove then I'll be there for him as soon as I get word."

Mikoto smiled. "Thanks Ichigo." She ruffled his hair a little bit. "Gosh I can't see why you don't have a girlfriend yet."

"Right!" Kushina nodded taking another sip a little surprised as well.

Ichigo chuckled and scratched his head. "Well I-"

The door burst open and Naruto came running out. "I'm gonna be late! He held onto his jacket trying to get his arms through the sleeves. Rushing over he grabbed a slice of toast and ran to the door. "Love you Kaa-Chan! See you later Nii-San! Mikoto-San!" He opened it with a the toast in his mouth and was off.

"Be careful Naruto!" Kushina yelled out just before he was out of hearing distance. She sighed leaning back into her chair. "Kids."

"Tell me about it." Mikoto smiled.

"Yo!" Kakashi appeared crouching on the window porch. "Goodmorning ladies, Ichigo."

"Kakashi-san." Mikoto smiled. "Good to see feeling better from yesterday's incident."

"Hehe..." He gulped with a light shiver. "Yeah."

"What're you doing here Kakashi?" Ichigo asked. "Aren't you supposed to be leading missions for your team today.

"So I can't come and check on my favorite Sensei and my students mothers at all?" He pouted.


"I find it as if you're trying to invade our privacy showing up out of nowhere." Kushina stated giving a small glare.

"Hehe." Kakashi let out a nervous chuckle. "No, no. I couldn't think of doing that to you all." He waved it off before looking at the time. "Welp, I'm ten minutes late, they're probably gonna be so proud of me being so early today. Ciao!" He disappeared in a cloud of smoke soon after.

"I swear, sometimes I wonder how he's in a Sensei for genins." Kushina rubbed her temples in slight annoyance. "My little Naru-kun won't learn anything at this rate."

Mikoto agreed as she added on to Kushinas small rant of cons about Kakashi Hatake. Ichigo said nothing and only listened in to the two mothers complain wondering how the day would turn out.

A few hours passed by, and Ichigo was taking a little stroll along the training fields Konoha provided for the junior shinobis. When life had nothing for him to do, this is what he usually did, take a stroll around the village and see what new things came into the village. Kushina and Mikoto both went grocery shopping, and as much as he'd love to join them the two almost never decides what they'd like to bring home. Always ending up in a little argument between what they should be getting between the two. Kushina loves to make of course, so the majority of the time she dhops for ingredients supporting that dish. Mikoto however wanted to expand her variety of nutrition value besides a bowl of soup. And with that even shopping becomes a stressful chore. Something he doesn't wanna get into unless they allow him to shop on his own or with one of them separately.

Ichigo sighed, wondering why those two are like this. They're older than him but they act like they're in their late teens from time to time. The sound of blades clunking it's way into tree bark gained his attention. Just up ahead he could make the familiar faces of Gais disciples. Ten Ten, Lee, and Neji seemed to be training, well mainly it was Ten-Ten practicing her aim as he threw shuriken, Kunais, or whatever blade she had at straw dummy's nailed to a tree. Neji meditated and Lee just practiced on his martial arts however he can.

Gai was sitting on a tree watching his disciples train for the upcoming Chunin exams. He wasn't that worried, at this point his three were hardened warriors and were ready for a bigger challenge. He couldn't be more proud of them for coming so far, Neji being a gifted Hyuga with his Byagukan was a frightening opponent for someone without experience going up against it. And Lee worked so hard from being someone who had no talent in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. His taijutsu skills were however monstrous for a kid his age. A small smile came onto his face, they were ready for the next challenge. He knew it. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Ichigo making his way towards them. The two made eye contact causing him to wave.

"Ichigo!" He smiled. The three genins stopped what they were doing and turned to see the newcomer approach them.

"Hey Gai!" He waved back with a smile.

"Ichigo-sensei!" Rock Lee's eyes sparkled as he stood tall and enthusiastic. "It's good to see you. I see your youthful flames are burning as bright as ever!"

Ichigo chuckled. "Uh... thanks?" He felt someone rub his blade behind him and turned to see Ten-Tens eyes shining brighter than Lee's.

She seemed to went full fangirl mode the moment she saw the blade Ichigo carried. "Ichigo-sensei! When are you going to sell me this blade!"

He grinned. "This beauty?" He grabbed Zangetsu off his back, the bandages came undone as he did so and stuck it in the ground in front of Ten-Ten. "I don't know, probably if I die if it's still here.

His response fell on deafs ear as Ten-Ten inspected a little closer running her fingers down and up the blade lightly drooling.

"I feel violated." Zangetsu spoke.

Gai grabbed Ichigos shoulder. "Good to see you dear friend. It's been 6 months since I saw your face here. How have you been!"

"I've been great! I just came back with Kakashi. I ran into him on my way back from my mission. Turns out he was doing one himself with his students and it turned out to be an A-Class mission."

This got everyone's attention. Even Neji who hasn't paid much attention until now.

"It wasn't his tho, turns out it was supposed to be a C-ranked but it turned out different later on. We made it out alright with no casualties.

"I see." Gai sighed in relief. "That's good to know. Do you think Kakashi would recommend his team for the upcoming Chunin exams?"

"Yes, he would." He answered. "I personally wouldn't, but Kakashi sees things in others sometimes I can't. So I trust his judgement." He turned his face to Neji who stayed silent up to now.

"Neji." Ichigo spoke causing the young ones eyes to interlock with his. "I haven't heard you speak, how've you been?"

Neji nodded. "I've been well, Ichigo-sensei."

"I see, I take it you'll be taking part of the upcoming Chunin exams." He smiled. "I heard your cousin Hinata may be participating as well. It'll be good to see you to speak after so long."

A small frown crept onto Nejis face upon the mention of Hinata, he only nodded and continued meditating not wanting to continue conversing any longer.

Ichigo sighed feeling a little bit saddened at Nejis lack of emotions. He didn't want him to end up like a certain Arrancar that never expressed a single ounce of human life within him. Though he also couldn't help but feel guilt upon his shoulders, if he hadn't been stronger that day maybe Neji would've come out different than he is today.

Flashback, 6 years ago

Ichigo burst through the Hokages front door. "Jiji!" He spoke marching up to the Hokages desk in anger.

Hiruzens bodyguards appeared in attempt to restrain Ichigo, but Hiruzen called them off much to their reluctance.

Slamming his hands on Hiruzens table causing a few papers to fly off the desk he spoke. "I heard of the meeting that you all had." He began. "Tell me..." muttering softly, he clenched his fist. "Tell me you didn't."

Hiruzen sighed placing his hands under his chin he rested on it. "I'm sorry, Ichigo. It was the only way we could think of to prevent war from happening. Konohagakure isn't strong enough to enter another war at this time."

"Goddamn it Jiji!" He yelled. "You know how much of a dear friend Hizashi is to me."

"Put your feelings aside for once Ichigo!" He firmly spoke. "You of all people should know the situation we're in right now."

"I could've done something!" He retaliated. "Why don't you understand that!"

"It doesn't matter if you could or couldn't. What's done is done, it's over Ichigo. I'm truly sorry for your loss."

"...where'd they went?"


"Where did they take him jiji?!" He demanded once more.

"...they're head back to Kumogakure, if you hurry you-"

Ichigo disappeared in a flash headed towards the gate that lead to the land of Kumo.

"might catch them..." Hiruzen sighed. Pulling out his pipe and a lighter, he lit it up and took a long puff out of it. "I hope you know what you are doing Ichigo."

Ichigo appeared in front of the entrance of Konohagakure. The moment he landed his ears and eyes caught sound of a crying child weeping as he faced outside the village. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was Hizashis son, Neji. Walking over, he knelt on one knee and pulled him into a hug.

Neji hugged Ichigo back upon realizing who it was. "Ichi-nii." He whimpered.

Like Naruto and Sasuke, Ichigo was there for Neji a lot that he was soon seen as family in the young Hyugas eyes despite being of different blood.

"Don't worry Neji." He pulled away looking into his tear filled eyes. "I'll bring him back. I promise." Giving him a pat on the head, he smiled and stood onto his feet once more. "Be strong Neji." And with that, he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Swiftly moving through the night, he desperately tried his best to catch up to the shinobi who held Hizashi captive. Though they were already long ahead.

Ichigo was a protector, a guardian of the hidden leaf. That's who he's become over the years. What people viewed him as and what he continued to represent. But even someone like Ichigo, no matter how stubborn one can be should know you can't protect everyone.

Kumogakure, 11:57 AM

Ichigo pushed through a populated crowd, a hood was thrown over his head to conceal his noticeable orange hair and face. The bells rang, and the crowd chanted for the blood of the Hyuga who was responsible for the assassination of the Head Ninja of Kumogakure.

"Kill him already!" One civilian shouted.

"Let's see his guts spill all over the floor!" Another continued.

"Kill, kill, kill!" One began to chant. This brought others nearby to begin chanting and after a few more seconds then entire population present was chanting for the death of the Hyuga.

"Goddamn it." Ichigo cursed as he continued to push through the crowd trying to get eyes on Hizashi. "Where are you Hizashi!"

The bells began to ring signaling that noon was now upon them.

"Hyuga Hiashi!" The executioner began. "Against the charges of the assassination of our Head Ninja, the people have found you guilty of assault and murder!"

Ichigo began to become more aggressive pushing his way through the crowd as he heard the executioners voice nearby.

"On behalf of Kumogakure..."

Ichigo was able to see a glimpse of Hizashi through the dense crowd.

"I sentence you..."

Two shinobis raised their swords readied their blades to strike the killing blow though Hizashis chest the moment the executioner finished his sentence.

"To death!"

Ichigo appeared on the executioners stage and swung Zangetsu to cut one of the shinobis blades in half while stopping the other that impaled his palm. Grabbing onto the hilt with his impaled palm, Ichigo swung up slashing the Shinobi delivering a quick death.

Hizashi was shocked seeing the new arrival that interrupted the execution. "Y-You! Who are you?!"

"It's me, Ichigo." He whispered to him. Pulling out the blade from his palm while gritting his teeth in pain, he then cut the ropes off his hands freeing him.

"Ichigo?!" He muttered. "What are you doing here?! You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Stop them!"

Hizashi and Ichigo turned to see some of Kumos elites headed their way.

"Shit, we gotta go now!" Ichigo grabbed Zangetsu and shot a Getsuga Tensho at them causing them to dodge and scatter.

He then made a break for it running along the rooftops followed by Hizashi short after. If he could Ichigo would've shunpoed and be out of there faster than they could notice. But Hizashi isn't Ichigo, so it'll just leave his friend to the wolves.

Kunais and Shurikens whizzed passed the two as they continued to run.

"They're catching up Ichigo!" Hizashi spoke.

"I know!" Jumping across more roofs they continued to run.

More shurikens and kunais whizzed pass, closer than before.

"Ichigo! They're gonna catch us!" Hizashi screamed.

"I know!"

There was just too many of them to turn and fight. Both of them would've been killed at this rate, and it ticked him off knowing he couldn't do anything. Another jump was ahead, and he leaped with no issue making it over.


A Kunai struck Hizashi in the ankle causing his jump to be timed off. His stomach struck the gutters of the roof, and he began to slowly fall desperately trying to grab onto something on the roof. Ichigo turned around and leaped over barely catching onto his hand before he fell.

"Get up Hizashi, we gotta move!"

"It's no use! Let me go Ichigo. They'll kill you too if you don't. They've already manage to cripple me. I can't run any more."

Ichigo ignored Hizashis pleads and began to pull him up. Getting him up, he pulled him to his feet. Then he felt something sharp poking his chest. Looking down, he saw what seemed to be a spear poking right above his heart but not cutting into the skin at all. That's when his eyes widened. Looking at Hizashi, a spear made it's way through his chest barely managing to stop the blade from piercing his friend as well.

"I...chi...go." He fell to his knees.

Ichigo grabbed onto him, kneeling down as he did so and laid him in his arms. "No, no. Hizashi, no!" Clenching his hands in his own. He couldn't do anything but watch as the life from his friends eyes fade away. "No, please don't do this." Tears began to swell up.

"The hyuga is dead, kill the intruder!"

"Hai!" Hundreds of them roared as they began to circle Ichigo.

They closed in on him, and all Ichigo could do was shake his friend trying to keep him from losing consciousness.

"Thank you..." Hizashi thought as the face of his friend filled his vision. "For giving me a choice..." He felt his arms begin to grow weaker as his grip faded. "For understanding who I am..." His eyes closed, and his limbs ceased to cooperate. "For being my friend."

Ichigo disappeared along with Hizashi the moment a barrage of Kunais struck the spot they were standing at and reappeared just outside Kumogakure. "Hizashi." Pulling the hood off his head, he grieved.

"I'm sorry dear friend." He muttered as the blood of Hizashis lifeless corpse began to drench his arms.

Konohagakures gates

Neji sat waiting by the gates for long periods of times. His father was the only thing that he worried for. Looking outward waiting for his father to return, he spotted Ichigo making his way to the village. A smile rushed to his face as he began to dart towards him. He was thrilled, if Ichigo is back then surely it'd mean his father was as well right?

That wasn't the case however, for no sooner he stopped dead in his tracks after seeing the lifeless corpse of his father being carried by Ichigo who was drenched in his father's blood.

"No..." He thought.

Ichigo stopped next to Neji, not making eye contact with the boy. "I'm sorry, Neji. I wasn't strong enough..."

That day, Neji came to learn that happy endings don't always come true.

Flashback end

The sound a hawk crying in the air caught Ichigo and Gais attention.

"So it's time? Huh." Gai spoke.

"I guess it is." Ichigo agreed. "It should be one hell of an exam I'll tell ya what." He turned to Gai.."I'll see you all later, I'm gonna go see if I can find Kakashi."

"Yosh, see you later Ichigo." Gai gave him a thumbs up.

Ichigo nodded before disappearing from there eyes.

"He's fast." Ten-Ten admired.

"His youthful flames are burning brighter than ever!"

With Naruto

"Konohamaru!" Naruto yelled, worrying for his little friend who was in the clutches of Kankuro.

"Oi, oil! You know it's rude to be bumping into strangers you brat."

"You, let him go right now!" Naruto yelled clutching his fist at him.

"No way." Sakura who was along side Naruto and kind of was responsible for this incident wondered why these people were here. "Why are Shinobis from Sunagakure in our village?"

"Kankuro, leave the kid alone."

"He bumped into me Temari, someone should teach this kid some manners for christ sake." Pulling Konohamaru towards him, he snarled at the scared kid.

"Still, doesn't mean you have to be such a bully."

A pebble whizzed by and smacked Kankuro on the wrist causing him to let go of Konohamaru.

"You know, you shouldn't be messing with the Hokages grandson like that. It'll cause some unwanted attention."

Kankuro hissed and shook his hand before facing at the new comer. "Why you-"

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura wooed.

Temari smirked looking up at Sasuke. "He's pretty cute."

"You shouldn't be lurking around in someone else's village like that." Sasuke spoke, playing with the pebble in hand he crushed it and left its dust to fall from his hand. "Get lost..."

"Tch." He pulled Karasu off his back. "People like you I hate the most."

"Oi, Kankuro you aren't thinking about using Karasu are you?" Temari warned.

"...Kankuro, stop that."

Temari and Kankuro froze, and Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he turned his head slightly to look beside him.

"G-Gaara." Kankuro fearfully spoke.

"You're an embarrassment to our village."

With Ichigo

Ichigo stopped dead in his tracks, looking down he saw a light trail of sand that was barely noticeable to the human eye if you paid attention to it. "Strange." He knelt down and picked up a few specs of sand feeling a familiar presence behind it.

"Seems familiar King, it's almost as if that little runt Naruto is behind it." The Hollow spoke

"Precisely what I assumed as well." Zangetsu agreed.

"I have a hunch as well. Might as well see where it leads." He began to follow the trail. "Maybe it's another prank Naruto made."

"It'd be funny to see some villagers with sand in there underwear. I just love that brats pranks." The hollow cackled lightly.

"They're quite rude if I say so myself." Mavis popped out of nowhere besides Zangetsu.

"You're still here?" Zangetsu wondered.

"It's nice in here. Nothing too bothering, just a spirt and a bad spirit." She smiled innocently.

"Nice to hear from you Mavis." Ichigo spoke inwardly. "Didn't know you were hanging out in my head."

"You didn't tell me you had such nice roommates." She retorted.

"Touche." Ichigo shrugged and left it at that. As he kept following the sand trail, the presence of Naruto and Sasuke began familiarize with him as well as Sakura. Though there were another three odd yet somewhat familiar presence as well. Turning the corner he saw Naruto and Sakura along with two others around there age and three kids looking up at a tree. And just then, a sand sculpture appeared between the two foreigners bringing then in a new light. The red hair, the gourd filled with sand strapped to his back, the red outlines in his eye. He knew that person dearly.

"Let's go." Gaara spoke to his siblings as he began to walk away. He would've kept walking as well if the person who was approaching him wasn't recognizable. Stopping dead in his tracks causing his siblings to be confused, Gaaras eyes slightly widened.

"It is you, isn't it Gaara." Ichigo smiled. "You've..." He sighed, a bit saddened. "You've grown so big."

"Ichi..." Gaara muttered in shock. Sand began to swirl around his feet as his finger tips shook.

Temari and Kankuro also couldn't help but be surprised by Ichigos presence. They knew how much he interacted Gaara since they witnessed it happened more than once. Whenever they weren't there, he was always there for him like Yashamaru. When he was alone, when he was scared, when he was hungry and had no one to talk to. Ichigo was always there along with Yashamaru. And then he just vanished one day, never to be seen again. Until now.

"Look, I'm sorry I wasn't-"

"Don't." Gaara regained his composure and glared at him. "Don't finish that sentence." Taking a few more steps, he passed Ichigo doing his best not to look back. With a wave of complicated emotions, the last thing Gaara wishes to see right now was his face.

Temari and Kankuro followed shortly after, giving a respective bow towards Ichigo when next to him before taking off to catch up with Gaara.

"Well that went well." The hollow pipes in after a long pause. "I knew I recognized that aura somewhere. The kid has grown, in size and power."

"Yes, but he doesn't know how to control it." Zangetsu spoke. "You felt it too right, how wild his chakra was raging inside him. He has the power, but not the skills."

"I just hope he doesn't get himself hurt." Ichigo sighed.

"Ichi-nii!" Naruto ran up to him. "What happened back there. Did you scare that kid. Haha, you're the best Nii-san."

He chuckled ruffling Narutos hair. "Alright Naruto, calm down." He looked up at the tree. "Sasuke, come down here."

Sasuke complied and jumped down next to him. "You kids must be hungry, let's go get something to eat." Looking up, he spotted Sakura and the other three younger kids. "You're welcome to join Sakura, kids. I'm treating you all right now.

The Udon, Moegi, and Konohamaru smiled and ran along with them happy to get a free meal in their stomach. Sakura only smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Ichigo-sensei."

"No problem cherry blossom." He smiled and the six walked along side him.

Kurama opened his eyes as he looked beyond the cage that held him captive. "You're back I see." He gazed at the hollow in boredom. "What brings you back so soon, Hollow?"

"Please." The hollow raised his palm up smirking. "Call me daddy."

"Absolutely not."



"Sexy bitch?"

"How about, the deformed shit that comes outta my ass?"

"Flattering, but I think I'll pass."

"ENOUGH!" Kurama roared standing on his feet growling down at the hollow. "Why have you come back?!"

The hollow sighed. "Alright, alright. I wanted to inform you of something you might take interest in."

"What is it?"

Pulling out a box from behind him, he sat cross legged before opening it. Kurama watched interested on what kind of device he was currently pulling out. Could it change her presence within this seal and help break her free? Then the hollow said one thing that ticked her off

"...Yahtzee?" He spoke playing with two dices in his hand.



Alright. Done for now, I'll in another 4 years. Haha, no ill try to get my mojo back. But we'll see.