A.N.: This is a sequel to Orihime the Succubus. After much request, I've decided to pick up on the cliffhanger ending I ended Orihime's story
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach
Warning: Lemon! OC!
Chapter One
Ichigo's Room
The sunlight peeked through the windows, signaling a new day in Karakura Town. In the bed by the window lay Ichigo Kurosaki. Beside him lay his girlfriend, Orihime Inoue. The floor was littered with their clothes, a sign of their nightly passion. The bedsheets went up to their chests, obscuring their nudity from outside viewers.
It'd been months since the two became a couple, the two loving each other after all that they'd been through after Orihime's misadventures.
It'd been months but those few weeks could never be forgotten. While letting her pet rabbit play one day, Orihime had come across an ancient evil in a cave. Tricked into freeing a demon from her cage, Orihime had unwittingly unleashed the succubus, Tsukuyomi, upon the world. The horned woman easily took advantage of Orihime, latching herself to her soul and turning her into a succubus herself.
After succumbing to the demon that'd merged with her, Orihime had set about creating a demonic harem. First her classmates and then the Soul Reapers. The two schemed to take revenge on Yamamoto and Unohana for sealing Tsukuyomi away. After enthralling almost all of the captains and lieutenants, through sexual intercourse no less, they'd nearly succeeded.
Had it not been for Ichigo, who'd went to the only person who could provide Tsukuyomi's weakness, the imprisoned Souske Aizen, all would have been lost. After halting their assassination of Yamamoto and Unohana, Ichigo used his Hollow power to drive out Tsukuyomi from Orihime's body, ridding her of her curse. The demon tried to get the jump on Ichigo, but Orihime retaliated by ramming Zangetsu through her chest, ending the threat once and for all.
Orihime awoke first, her head cushioned on Ichigo's chest. Smiling at the morning sunshine, she looked up at her true love only to frown when she saw the pained look on Ichigo's face. "Ichigo?" She touched his shoulder and shook him gently. "Ichigo, wake up!" It looked like Ichigo was having a nightmare.
Breathing heavily, Ichigo clutched the bedsheets. He was dreaming that he was drowning in a black miasma, a dark voice calling out to him. It sounded foreign and yet chillingly familiar. Thankfully for Orihime, his eyes snapped open thanks to her shaking. Gasping, he sat up, cold sweat rolling down his face.
Sitting up, Orihime put her hand on her boyfriend's shoulder, keeping the covers over her chest. "Are you alright?"
Taking a deep breath, Ichigo nodded. "I'm fine. It was just a bad dream."
But Orihime continued to frown. "You've been having a lot of bad dreams lately," she told him.
Ichigo reluctantly nodded. There was no point in arguing when he knew it was true. "I don't know. For the past few days I've been feeling…chills," was the best word he could use. He shook his head and put the thoughts out of his head. Turning back to Orihime, he kissed his sweetheart on the lips. "I'll be fine. We'd better get ready to go to school."
Seeing Ichigo okay made Orihime feel relieved. The two climbed out of bed and got back into the clothes. Yet for some strange reason, Orihime couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.
As Ichigo put his pants back on, his shadow on the wall followed his movements. However, both Ichigo and Orihime failed to notice the emerald eyes peering from the shadows, watching Ichigo and Orihime with interest.
Ichigo stiffened. He'd heard that dark laughter in his dreams lately but this was the first time he'd heard it when he was awake. "Um…did you say something, Orihime?"
"No, why?"
The boy shook his head. He figured it was nothing. "Nevermind."
Later that night…
Ichigo sat at his desk writing into a notebook. He felt another chill run up his spine as he, like Orihime, got the feeling that he was being watched.
The whole day had been exhausting for Ichigo. In addition to his Soul Reaper responsibilities he still had to attend school. But Ichigo couldn't help but notice that he was getting dirty thoughts about some of his more beautiful classmates, especially during P.E. when they were in their gym clothes. Ichigo felt dirty afterwards, wondering what was wrong with him. He'd never felt lecherous towards girls before but it felt like every other minute he was having a dark fantasy about his friends.
Shaking his head, Ichigo tried to keep his mind on his homework but it was an impossible task. He glanced over at the photo of him and Tatsuki at the dojo together and his mind started to wander. He began to daydream about him pinning Tatsuki to the mat, ripping off her Gi and then-
"Stop it!" Ichigo told himself, smacking his own face. "Get your head out of the gutter! What is wrong with me?"
Ichigo froze. There was that laugh again and he knew as a certainty that it was real. What made it more perplexing was that it felt like it was coming from within him. "Maybe something's wrong with me. I should go talk to Zangetsu. Maybe he knows." Grabbing his combat pass, he popped out of his human shell and sat down on his bed in his Soul Reaper garb, laying Zangetsu on his lap.
After a few minutes of performing Jinzen, Ichigo felt the familiar sensation of being dragged into his Inner World. He opened his eyes and found himself once again standing on a sideways skyscraper. He looked around to see where his zanpakuto was but was perplexed to see the man in black nowhere to be found. "Zangetsu? Zangetsu! Where are you?" He continued to look around but there was no sign of his zanpakuto. "There's nobody here…"
"That's where you're wrong, Ichigo," came a familiar voice from behind the Substitute.
Ichigo whirled around, the disbelief all over his face. "Who are you? Show yourself!"
"As you wish."
Several of the windows in front of Ichigo cracked and black smoke billowed out of it. Ichigo kept his guard up as the cloud of smoke created a human shape. Though he recognized her voice, Ichigo was still shocked and horrified when the woman's features began to form. Her dark purple skin, the horns peeking through her jet-black hair, the tail and the wings. The woman floated down to the ground and stared at Ichigo with her almost hypnotic emerald eyes.
Tsukuyomi had returned.
"Why hello there, Ichigo," the demon grinned, standing before Ichigo stark naked and baring it all before the boy. "It's been so long since we've last met. I was starting to think you'd forgotten me." She looked around and took in her environment. "What a lovely Inner World you have. It certainly fits someone like you"
"How are you alive?!" Ichigo demanded. "You're dead! Orihime stabbed you!"
"She did. My physical form died. However, if even a fraction of my spirit energy exists, I can regenerate within a new host. In this, I'm immortal" she explained.
"What are you saying? You were driven out of Orihime's body! There shouldn't be any part of you left!" Ichigo pointed out, not understanding how the Succubus was here in his Inner World.
The purple demon wagged a finger in front of Ichigo's face. "Come now, Ichigo. Surely you haven't forgotten our last encounter, did you?"
Ichigo froze as he searched his memory and found what he was looking for…
"Damn you…" Tsukuyomi groaned, her strength drained trying to maintain Orihime's stamina. She looked up at Ichigo's human face and started to cry. "You win." She hung her head in defeat and bowed her head in humbleness. "I surrender to you."
"Good." He pointed to Orihime, who was passed out on the floor. "I don't care what it is you plan to do but take your corruption out of Orihime!" Ichigo demanded.
Tsukuyomi bristled as she groveled at Ichigo's feet. "There is no need. You pushed all of my spirit energy out of her. What will you do with me?" she asked. "Will you kill a defenseless, unarmed, naked woman?" she asked, her tail twitching. "Will you be as cruel as your Soul Reaper comrades?"
Ichigo shook his head. As evil as this woman was he was nobody's executioner. "No. I won't kill you if you've no more fight left. I'm handing you over to Captain Unohana."
On her hands and knees, Tsukuyomi crawled until her horns touched Ichigo's legs. Kissing his feet, Tsukuyomi continued to grovel before the Substitute. "You're too kind. I can see why Orihime loves you so. Such a sweet, little girl she is. You on the other hand…." But when she looked up, Ichigo was alarmed to see the devilish gleam in her eyes, "YOU'RE MINE!"
The Succubus was upon Ichigo in a heartbeat. She pounced onto him like a jungle predator. Ichigo was taken aback and fell backwards on the bed. "Guh!" Ichigo groaned as Tsukuyomi wrapped her arms and legs around his sweaty body, her long tongue licking his cheek. "Get off me!"
"What's the matter? Your Hollow run out of juice? Too bad. Since Orihime can no longer hold me I'll just find a new host. I can just imagine you as an Incubus…" she said ominously before smashing her lips against Ichigo's. The boy's eyes widened as he felt something trickle down his throat and knew it wasn't saliva. It was something that was dark, hot and yet surprisingly sweet.
"You remember, don't you?" Tsukuyomi smirked. "When I attacked you, I began to transfer my spirit energy into your Soul. My daughter may have interrupted me but the damage was done. I've been living inside of you, feeding off your Spirit Energy and growing stronger," she said. "And now I have returned."
Ichigo cursed and reached for his zanpakuto. He couldn't finish her off before but he could definitely do the job now. But he only grabbed at air and turned to see that his weapon was gone. "What have you done with Zangetsu?!" he demanded, turning back to Tsukuyomi.
The demon feigned ignorance while tapping her chin. "Zangetsu? Hmm…oh right. That stuffy old man with the glasses. Tell me, Ichigo, did you think I was just sitting idly by inside your soul while I recovered. I was…persuading your two friends into letting me have the run of the place. I wouldn't want your Hollow to kick me out like he did with Orihime, after all. It took some time but I always get what I want," she grinned. "Now your zanpakuto and your Hollow powers belong to me."
"You liar!" Ichigo shouted, unable to believe what he was hearing.
"Am I?" Tsukuyomi asked, flexing her hand. A flash of black light erupted from her hands and Zangetsu appeared in her grasp. "Am I really?"
It became evident to Ichigo that he was in a precarious position. One of his greatest enemies had returned by feeding on his own energy and had now taken control of his Soul Reaper and Hollow powers. "What…what do you want?" Ichigo asked, backing away from the naked winged demon.
Tsukuyomi licked her lips with devilishly long tongue while stabbing Ichigo's sword into the ground. She wasn't going to kill him. But she was going to finish her mission and would use Ichigo to serve her ends where Orihime had betrayed her. "It's very simple" She reached down and fingered her naked womanhood. "I want us to become one"
Ichigo was afraid. He'd seen what this woman had done to his love, Orihime. He didn't know what this woman had planned for him but it wasn't good. "How about no!" he shouted as his body glowed blue. In an instant, he left his Inner world.
His eyes snapping open, Ichigo quickly got up. "I've got to get out of here!"
The dark shadow on the wall stared at Ichigo with its emerald eyes gleaming. "Where will you go, Ichigo?" it taunted. "No matter where you'll run, I'll always shadow you."
Not wanting the demon to be around his father and sisters, Ichigo fled out the window. "I've got to get to Kisuke!" He knew that if anyone could get the Succubus out of him, it was him. He rushed through the night sky to Kisuke's shop, only to hear a voice directly whisper into his ear.
"Come now, Ichigo. It's not nice to ignore a woman when she's giving you her attention."
Ichigo looked up in horror to see Tsukuyomi hovering behind him, in the flesh. "How-"
The Succubus giggled. "Silly Ichigo. I've been feeding on your powerful Spirit Energy for months. Regaining a physical form is child's play" She smacked Ichigo in the back of the head. Stunned by the shockingly powerful blow, Ichigo fell out of the sky like a comet and crashlanded in a park. He got on to his hands and knees and looked around, the darkness of the nightly making him jump at every shadow. The park had a few street lamps but their dim light only made the shadows around him seem more sinister.
As he made it to his feet, arms wrapped around him as heat touched his ear. "My apologies for getting a little rough. But you deserved that for killing me last time." Ichigo swung his arm back but Tsukuyomi dodged it. When the cold night air touched his bare skin, Ichigo looked down to see that his top was gone. Looking back up, he saw that the black shirt was in Tsukuyomi's hands. The Succubus licked her lips as she took in Ichigo's built form. He was certainly her type. "What a body. And Orihime got to keep this for herself all these months? I'm jealous."
Ichigo backed away as Tsukuyomi advanced, not knowing what he could do. He didn't have his zanpakuto and he couldn't call upon his Hollowfication. He tried to think of some way to flee from the Succubus. When his back hit a tree he gulped, seeing the Succubus closing in on him.
"Don't be afraid, Ichigo," Tsukuyomi said in a tender, alluring voice. "I won't bite. You've a lovely naked woman in front of you. Don't turn away."
"Stay back!" Ichigo shouted, prepared to punch the demon. "I won't help you get revenge on the Soul Society."
"Oh Ichigo" Tsukuyomi chuckled and shook her head. "I don't want revenge on the Soul Society. What I want right now…is you" She lifted a hand and made a "come hither" gesture.
As if grabbed by an invisible hand, Ichigo was yanked up off the ground and propelled towards the purple-skinned woman like a meteor to a planet. His breath hitched as the woman wrapped her arms around Ichigo's shoulders, embracing him tightly. Staring into her emerald-green eyes, Ichigo could start to feel his mind start to slip away as he stared at her. Trying his hardest to break free from her clutches, Ichigo struggled against her embrace, trying hard not to enjoy the feel of her breasts rubbing up against his chest. "Let…go…" he said.
Tsukuyomi continued so smile wickedly as she reached down for Ichigo's sash. The sound of fabric tearing filled the air as she tore off Ichigo's pants, leaving him naked before her. "Just give in…she whispered softly, opening her mouth to let her long tongue lick his lips. "Let me in…"
Ichigo was helpless against the demon as she kissed him. His struggling ceased as she fed upon his spirit energy. As she pulled back with her mouth still opened he watched as a string of blue energy left his mouth and went into hers. His vision blurred as his strength was siphoned away. "Ughhh…" he graoned as his head fogged up.
"Don't worry, my dear…" Tsukyomi cooed, running her hand through Ichigo's hair lovingly. "I know it feels strange but I'm about to give you something just as nice," When Tsukuyomi reconnected their lips she began to feed Ichigo her Spirit energy. Ichigo couldn't fight back the moan as he was filled with the corruptive energy, the dark and sweet taste making him cave into the woman's advances.
Sensing Ichigo begin to succumb to her, the Succubus decided that it was time for the next phase of her plan. Her eyes glowed and a dark miasma covered the two. In their place where they both stood was a large purple egg.
Ichigo felt the walls of the egg close in on them, keeping them confined together. He noticed how the walls felt warm and wet, as if the egg itself was alive. "Where are we?" he asked, his breath hitching again as Tsukuyomi began to grind her body against his. The sensual contact quickly got his manhood starting to rise, rubbing up against her soft thigh.
"Shhh…" the Succubus whispered, leaning back against the walls of her egg. "Just give in…become one with me…"
The two shared a deep, passionate kiss. Ichigo's cock throbbed as her perky nipples rubbed into his chest, his hands reaching around to explore the woman's seductive body. Ichigo lost himself as Tsukuyomi continued to feed on his energy while supplying him with her own. His veins turned black as his body succumbed to the corruption, the boy submitting to his own desires.
Unable to hold back his increasing lust, Ichigo pressed Tsukuyomi back against the wall of the egg and grabbed her thighs, lifting her up slightly. Tsukuyomi wrapped her arms and legs around Ichigo before crying out in ecstasy when he pumped his cock into her pussy. "Ohhh! Now I'm really jealous of Orihime!" the demon moaned as Ichigo, like a beast in heat, fucked her wildly.
The egg shook as Ichigo fucked the Succubus as hard as he could. He didn't care that she was his enemy or that he was cheating on Orihime. His inhibitions slowly melted one after the other until all he wanted was to take the demon and hear her scream his name more. Continuing to press Tsukuyomi up against the wall of the egg, Ichigo pumped in and out of her hungry snatch, enjoying the way her face twisted with unadulterated pleasure. He reached for her firm breast and squeezed it hard, earning another lewd moan from the woman.
His lust was further enflamed when he felt Tsukuyomi's tail snake between their legs and rub his balls. "Ahhhh!" he moaned loudly, kissing Tsukuyomi again, his mind turning to putty as her tongue wrapped around his and her nails dragged down his back. "Mmmmmh!" the two moaned together.
"That's it, Ichigo. Take me!" Tsukuyomi moaned, feeling Ichigo go deep inside of her. She remembered feeling Ichigo take Orihime when she was still a part of the orangette. But she'd only felt vestiges of what Orihime was getting. Now she could feel how good a lover Ichigo was by herself. She devoured Ichigo's lips again, pouring more of her dark spirit energy into him. "That's it," she whispered, tilting her head back when Ichigo licked her sweaty neck. "Become one with me." She felt Ichigo hit her sweet spots and couldn't hold back anymore. "Ohh! I'm cumming!" she cried out, her pussy tightening around Ichigo's shaft, her juices coating the floor of the egg. Even while the woman was in the throes of climax Ichigo didn't let up, his hips slamming into hers relentlessly, driving his cock deeper into her.
Minutes continued to pass as Ichigo had sex with Tsukuyomi. The demon found out that Ichigo had mammoth stamina to match his size. A full hour of relentless fucking went by and Ichigo still kept going. He did note something odd, however. As time went by Tsukuyomi's body started to meld with the wall as the egg shrank around him, until he barely had any room to move other than his hips. Tsukuyomi came over and over again as Ichigo pounded her cunt like it was the last day of his life.
Feeling her tail wrap around his balls, Ichigo could no longer hold it in anymore. He felt he was going to cum soon, his cock feeling like it was about to explode. "I'm gonna blow!" he cried out, his eyes squeezing shut.
Chuckling, Tsukuyomi caressed Ichigo's cheek. "Cum, Ichigo. Give yourself over to me," she whispered seductively, knowing she had the Substitute.
"Yes!" Ichigo shouted as his cock began to erupt. "Ohhhhh!" he cried out at the top of his lungs, throwing his head back as he fed the Succubus's snatch his seed. His mind blurred and his legs wobbled as he experienced the best orgasm of his life. He shot his load deep into the Succubus, painting her insides white.
When he opened his eyes again though, he found that Tsukuyomi was gone. The egg's walls closed around Ichigo tightly, keeping him immobilized. "Be mine, Ichigo…" Tsukuyomi whispered, having once again latched onto Ichigo's soul. This time was different though, as she wasn't just a fragment of a soul acting as a parasite. This bonding was the same as when she fused with Orihime. Ichigo's body began to shake uncontrollably, his cock throbbing like crazy. Throwing his head back, Ichigo screamed in pleasure as he came again and again.
Ichigo was beginning to go crazy with lust, his eyes turning dark. Every time he orgasmed, he felt an even stronger one hit him. His whole body felt like it was in bliss. He heard Tsukuyomi's voice. "Be one with me, Ichigo. Become a demon of lust."
"Yes," Ichigo whispered, closing his eyes and giving himself to the Succubus before screaming at the top of his lungs when he felt his body begin to change.
Outside, the egg shook like crazy before it cracked, spewing red smoke into the air. The inside of the egg glowed blue before the purple shell exploded, leaving the naked Substitute on the ground, writhing in sweet ecstasy.
The color of Ichigo's skin began to change. His darkened eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body turned a shade of deep blue. He clawed at the grass as horns sprouted in his orange hair. Behind him a tail sprouted along with two large bat wings. Getting up onto his knees, Ichigo let out a moan, loving what he'd become.
Tsukuyomi's plan was complete. Ichigo was now an Incubus.
"Good, Ichigo. You look so hot," Tsukuyomi's voice purred from within him. "Tell me. What do you want now, Ichigo?"
Closing his eyes, Ichigo thought about all of his female friends. His sexy, beautiful friends, both human and Soul Reaper. His eyes opened and he gave a devilish smile.
To be continued