~This is my reuploaded story of Ichigo in a life as a high school student, transferred to a different school who will meet the woman who will change his life.
~I do not hold any rights to Bleach or work by Tite Kubo.
~Warning Rated M for mature content, strong language and lemon scenes.
(Set up Scene)
It is the start of the spring term and Ichigo Kurosaki is a transfer student who is going to Las Noches High School to fulfill some of his courses that he could not do at Karakura High School. Thanks to principle Sōsuke Aizen he managed to get in.
He was taking a tour of the school when he came across the it's football field and he saw the football team and saw their top member Grimmjow who is player number 6. though he was excellent in the field, he was to arrogant and cocky that made him unfavorable among his fellow team members.
Another place he visited was their poetry club and one of their members is Ulquiorra who is a phenomenal poet. His performances have really aptured the hearts of his audiences.
The time came for him to start his classes, he first had chemistry class with Professor Szayel Aporro Granz, he is definitely a first class perfectionist, he would get angry every time someone would make a mistake or if someone didn't use the write measurements. Ichigo managed to do the lab works perfectly without one of Szayel Aporro's hissy fits.
The second class is history of civilizations with Professor Baraggan Louisenbairn, he is one of those elderly teachers who would ramble on about unrelated history, after about 10 minutes, more than half of the class would fall asleep. Ichigo managed to stay awake for the entire class and got a perfect score for participation.
Then came his third and final class of the day, his swimming class, he noticed that there are a lot of boys in the class than girls, very soon he would know why. Soon came in the professor, Tia Harribel, when Ichigo saw her, he thought she was the most beautiful women he ever saw. Her beautiful dark skin, long, smooth beautiful legs, curvy hips, and though she was wearing a swimming jacket, he could see she had an amazing bust. Though she was amazing, he knew she wouldn't fall for a guy like him and had to focus on his class.
(Main Plot)
Professor Harribel said "Alright everyone. Let us begin with the simple strokes. Hurry up!", Ichigo and the girls were preparing to do the strokes but the rest of the guys were just staring at the teacher with perverted eyes. One guy said "Man, she looks sexy as hell." another guys says "Hey, I wanna get a piece of that ass!" a third then says "Let's do something about it, I got an idea as to how we'll get her."
Few of the girls were giving deadly glares at the guys, one of them is Apacci, she says "Arrgh, those guys make me sick, looking at Prof. Harribel like that." another girl Mila Rose says "You know Prof. Harribel can take care of herself right? She has always been able to fight off horny guys' advances." a third girl Sung-Sun said "You two are are like a bickering couple." Both Apacci and Mila Rose said in unison "SHUT UP SUNG-SUN!" Apacci then says "I know she can take care of herself but it still pisses me off that lowly men would dare look at her beauty and magnificence, someday I wanna be just like her." she smiled softly at Tia and she smiled right back.
Tia Harribel then looked to Ichigo seeing that he was unlike her other male students and strangely finds him attractive because of his determination and devotion to the class, even if he was clumsy at it. She swam to him and say "Hey, Mr. Kurosaki, do you need any help your strokes?" Ichigo blushed that she came over to him and said nervously "I-ah n-no thanks, I-I think I got it." Harribel chuckled at his embarrassment and said "I insist." she moves her hands to his back and chest. Ichigo's heart started to beat very fast, he couldn't believe that this beautiful women was touching him. All the guys were so angry that their area of the pool was boiling. Harribel then said "Maybe I can give you extra lessons after school, care to come?" Ichigo then says nervously yet happily "S-S-Sure!"
(After School)
Ichigo was doing several laps with Harribel look at him, he was so nervous with his performance and didn't want to disappoint her. He couldn't figure out why she was so focused on him and that she found the other guys to be distasteful.
Harribel continued to watch Ichigo and she wasn't to sure if he really is here for the class or is the same as every guy that comes to this class. She knew she had to confront Ichigo and confirm this eventually.
When he was done with his laps, Harribel jumped into the water and moved towards Ichigo, she asks "Mr. Kurosaki, why did you take this class, surely it wasn't for the girls in swimsuits right?"
Ichigo then replied "No, I did it because there wasn't a pool at Karakura High School. So if I'm going to get some points in physical fitness I knew I had to find a school that had a pool." Harribel was then surprised at what Ichigo said, she thought to herself that she was right to suspect that Ichigo was different from the rest of the guys.
She the said "Tell me, what do you think of me?" as she presents herself to Ichigo, he blushes a little and he figured out what she was trying to do and then says "I think you are a good women, you take your work seriously and that you are very beautiful." She blushes with what Ichigo said and surprised he didn't say anything that would be considered sexual harassment, she only grew more attracted to Ichigo, as he got out of the water she noticed his wet muscular form which hasn't noticed in other guys. He waved goodbye to Harribel and went to the locker room to change and go home, so did Harribel and the only thing she could think of is that she can't wait to see him tomorrow.
(Later that Night)
The same grew of guys from Harribel's class, they broke into the school and went into the girl's locker room and went to Harribel's locker. One of the guys said "I don't like this idea, what if someone finds out about this?", the other guys didn't care and one of them said "Don't wimp out, we are going to get some hot sweaty sex from Harribel, just you wait." with a evil grin. They open up the locker and took her school swimsuit and replaced it with a skimpy transparent swimsuit. Now all they had to do was wait for tomorrow.
(Next Day)
As everyone was waiting for the teacher to come out, she was late, the girls Apacci, Mila Rose, Sung-Sun and even Ichigo was worried about Harribel, while the three guys were grinning, when she finally stepped into the pool room, everyone was in shock and wow with Harribel wearing the transparent swimsuit that the guys secretly sneaked into her locker.
Apacci blushed and shouted "Prof. Harribel, what is with that swimsuit!?" Harribel blushed embarrassingly "T-This was the only thing that was my locker, I don't know what happened to it." Right now, Harribel has never felt so vulnerable and so embarrassed, she was suppose to be a strong and independent women, but now she feels like a common whore presented before a group of men.
Ichigo felt really sorry for her as she would continue to do her work despite being under the circumstances. As everyone was doing their thing, Harribel went over to Ichigo to help him out. And as Ichigo was doing his strokes he noticed that her swimsuit as it was getting wet it was becoming see through. He was shocked and said to her discretely "U-um, Prof. Harribel, your swimsuit." She looked down and saw that her swimsuit is revealing her impressive breasts. She then screamed in embarrassment. The three guys came over with a towel attempting to win her over. One of the guys said "Hey, Prof. Harribel, do you need a towel?" She was to nervous to say or do anything. The same guy is thinking to himself "Come on, you know you want it." As she was about to get out and take the towel offered. Ichigo then interrupts them by moving between them and calmly saying "Sorry boys but I am not yet getting the handle on a certain swimming technique, so I still need Prof. Harribel." Harribel's embarrassment was replaced with surprise that Ichigo was protecting her?
The guys were then angry that their plan was ruined, but things get worst for them as the horniest guys just blurted out that their plan was ruined, the other guys got mad and yelled "Idiot, don't just blurt that we broke into Harribel's locker to replace her swimsuit with a sexy one!" then he put his hand over his mouth as they were caught. Harribel the say angrily "You guys took my swimsuit!?" The last guy pleaded "Please don't kill me!" Apacci then came out of the pool and cracked her knuckles preparing to beat the every living shit out of them and said "This gives me the perfect opportunity to kick your asses right now!" The three guys ran away with Apacci on their tale, as they ran out of the pool, Harribel was in a sigh of relieve and Ichigo moved over to her and said "You ok?" She replied "Yeah, I'm fine." As Ichigo moved to get out of the water. Harribel closed her eyes, smiled and blushed with hands on her chest thinking to herself passionately "Thank you."
(After School)
Both Ichigo and Harribel continued to do their after school lessons despite everything that has happened. As Ichigo completed his laps of the day, he was taking a breather and Harribel came by him to give him a towel and said to him with a smile "Great work, I think you are pretty much an expert now." Ichigo then replied "Thanks!" with a smile as well. Then asks her "So, what happened to those guys that got in trouble?" Harribel then said "They ended up getting expelled, I'm pretty certain that other high schools will never enroll them after hearing what they did." He replied "That is most certainly the case."
Harribel was then starting to think to herself that their time together will not last long, she began to feel upset and lonely. For most of her time as a teacher, all she has ever know is that she had to fight off advances from perverted students and faculty members. She thought that she was fine by herself that she didn't need a man in her life. But when Ichigo came to her class it changed her somehow, she didn't know what was happening to her.
pIchigo was about to leave for the day but was stopped when Harribel grabbed his hand, he turned around and looked at her in confusion he said "Harribel?" She said "I-I wanted to thank you in person, if you haven't intervened with what happened, I don't know what would have happened to me." Ichigo blushed and said "Oh, it was nothing really." She then turned away and thought "So, I guess the entire time it was just teacher-student relationship." Suddenly and unexpectedly, Ichigo came up behind her and hugged her, She said "M-Mr. Kurosaki?" He confessed to her "Prof. Harribel, I-I love you!" Just hearing that made her skip a heart beat. Did he really say that? That is what she was thinking. He continued and "I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you!" Harribel broke free from him and walked away. Many thoughts went through her mind in and instant, "Did he just confessed!?" "Do I loved him!?" "What do I do now!?" In that moment of crisis, she slipped and fell into the deep end of the pool and was drowning, her last thought was "I guess I do love him."
But then, Ichigo saved her, he pull up and into his arms. She then regained her breath and then Ichigo said "I'm glad your ok, I guess you'll be fine." as he was about to release her, she then wrapped her arms around Ichigo and held him tight as if there was no tomorrow. Ichigo was surprised but was soon replaced with arousal as Harribel's magnificent breast were pressed up against he broad chest. Ichigo said "Prof. Harribel?" She then says "Ichigo, I love you too." she then look up to reveal her teary eyes and blush. And finally she moved up to Ichigo and locked lips with him.
(Lemon Scene)
He never felt such passion in that kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, one on her lower back and the other on her firm and ample butt. He had always wanted to grope her big, round buttocks. Harribel wanted entrance to his mouth and Ichigo opened his mouth as a yes. Her tongue immediately entered his mouth and commence in a epic tongue battle, which Ichigo totally won as his tongue and hers were forced into her mouth.
pThey then separated for air, Harribel said "I can't believe we're doing this!", Ichigo said in response "Is that a bad thing?" Harribel replied "No, I am just excited!", he then said "Me too!" Ichigo then asked "So, should we do now?" Harribel with a smirk said "wait right here, I'll be right back." With one breath, she dunk her head underwater, pulled down his swim trunks and was in shock by the enormous nine inch penis in front of her, then put her lips on the tip of his penis and then swallowed all of it.
Ichigo moaned in pleasure from the feeling of her mouth around his cock, she then started to bob her head back and forward on it. While she was at it, she swirled her tongue on it trying to get a good taste of his manhood. The sensation was overwhelming and he put his hands on her head to better bobble her head.
She then wanted to play with his buttock the same way he did to her, she ran her hands to each cheek and squeezed it, causing Ichigo to yelp in surprise, he thought "Man, this woman's really kinky", but somehow he like that she was doing that to him.
Ichigo then felt his release approaching, he grunted "I'm coming!" Harribel then felt the first wave of come hit her mouth and throat. She managed to keep swallowing wave after wave, after wave. She eventually manage to drink every last bit of it, she returned to the surface and said to Ichigo seductively "Delicious." liking her tongue around her lips. That caused him to get aroused even more, he started to called her "Prof. Harribel" but then cut him off by saying "Just call me Harribel." He replied "Ok, is it ok if we use those big boobs of your's next?"
Harribel then said "Sure, just go to the edge of the pool." Ichigo then went to the edge of the pool, Harribel then went between his legs to his crouch pulled down her swimsuit. He was just mesmerized by those smooth, round and large mounds of flesh. She put his dick between her breasts, the feeling was indescribable, he said "Harribel, this feeling is awesome, I knew your breasts were the best ever, but never did I expect this." She replied seductively "Well your in for a special treat." She started to rub her boobs up and down his dick vigorously.
She moaned that her breasts were on fire, Ichigo would moan the same thing about his dick. Because of the enormous size of his dick, she had more than enough room to put her mouth on it. After all of the constant attacks she did on his penis, he shouted "Oh my God, I'm cumming!" and with a loud grunt he spread his cum all over Harribel's face and breasts, because of their enormous size, she managed to prevent any cum to fall in the pool. Ichigo said "That was amazing." Harribel replied "I knew you would like that." he then asks "Can we go on to the main course?" she replied "Absolutely, you may have my first time."
Ichigo was shocked to hear that this would be her first time. "Oh my God, your a virgin!?" She chuckled a little "Yes, why did you expect that I scare off any men?" he replied "No, any would want to be with you, your pretty much the best women I have ever known and wouldn't mind being with you forever." Harribel's heart started to race because of what Ichigo said, she didn't know just how special she was to him. She immediately jumped to him, kissing him vigorously saying "I love you! Take me!"
Ichigo laid her down to on the tiled floor, spread her legs open, moved the swimsuit piece that is covering her womanhood to the side finally inserted his dick into her. Harribel moaned in pleasure, she had always thought that it would hurt the first time but surprisingly it doesn't. Ichigo asked "Are you ok Harribel?" She replied "Yeah, it just felt extremely good, you can good ahead now and move as hard as you can now." He nodded and moved forward and then hooked his arms under her and then Harribel wrapped her arms and legs around his back and waist and commenced in beautiful missionary love making by the poolside.
She moaned in extreme pleasure right at the crook of his neck, she never felt this way before, the sex was so intense that it made her life flash before her eyes and she was loving every moment of it. The same thing goes for Ichigo as he is embracing the goddess' body, both of them then shifted their heads so that they can engage in another lip lock battle for dominance, once again she lost to Ichigo. Then finally the time was approaching for both of them to reach their climax, Ichigo shouted "Harribel, I'm coming again!" She replied "Me too, let's come together!" And with one final thrust, both of them grunted very loudly and ejaculated, Ichigo released a monstrous load of cum into her womb while Harribel squirted all around his cock.
Both of them were coming down from their climatic high, Ichigo said to Harribel exhaustedly "I guess this means we belong to each other, right?" Harribel responded "Of course, can you go one more round?" Ichigo said "Sure, I'm always ready!" Harribel laughed a little and said "Wonderful, because this time, I want you to take me in my butthole." Ichigo was shocked at how even more kinky she was than he originally was led to believe. She then turned over to her hands and knees and presented her ass to him, he then moved her swimsuit to the side and beheld the majestic anus, he rubbed his finger on it a little bit and is rewarded with a twitch from her anus.
Harribel begged "Enough Foreplay! Do me already!" as she shacked her ass. Ichigo didn't want to leave her waiting any more so he moved her ass to his penis, he lined it up and with one push, he got his penis head into her rear entrance, Harribel gritted her teeth in a mixture of pain and please. Ichigo worried asked her if she was alright, the she replied that this is her first anal experience and didn't know what it would feel like. She gave a light nod as a ok sign to go ahead and push himself all the way, Ichigo then replied by pushing all nine inches of him into her asshole, she shouted "Oh, Fuck!" because it was no longer painful, but it was now filled with pleasure. Ichigo moaned in extreme pleasure "Oh Dear God!" because with this anal joy it felt like he was sent to heaven.
As soon as they both calmed down, Ichigo started to thrust back and fourth, letting her anal fluids and his pre-cum to lube up the piston. The experience became overwhelming with the continuous thrusting and pounding and slapping of flesh between his crouch and her plump ass. He looked down and he could she that every time they hit each other the flesh of her butt jiggled and sends waves of ass flesh forward.
The show was insidious, so now he wanted to do something different and for a brief moment stopped his thrusting and replaced it with grinding, it felt awesome for Ichigo with her ass smothering itself on his crouch. He then bent forward so that his chest was on her back and resumed his thrusting. While he is continuing to thrust into her, he grabbed her breasts and is fondling them vigorously, she moaned "Oh fuck! I feel like your milking me like a cow!" Ichigo replied "I'm fondling them because their incredible!" Harribel said "You know there's no milk coming out if it right?", he replied "Yes, but that won't stop me from trying!" she skipped a heart beat after hearing that because she knew what he was implying, that one day if they go that far, they would have a baby with each other.
As they continued to pound each other, Ichigo lifted himself and his lover off the tiled floor and were just on their knees. Her hands immediately moved to his thighs as Ichigo's hands wrapped around her and thrusted harder into her. She felt his dick reach so deep inside her rectum it was almost inhuman she was wonder if her ass will ever go back to being normal again. Once again after a while, Ichigo was again approaching is ejaculation. He shouted "I-I'm coming!" Harribel shouted back "Come, come inside my ass!" And with a few more thrusts, BOOM! He ejaculated a large quantities of his seed deep into her bowels. They stayed in their position for a moment before Ichigo pulled out slowly, Harribel was relieved a little that her asshole was in tacked. She asked seductively "Hey, are you up to go a few more times?" Ichigo replied equally seductively "Absolutely!"
(Lemon End)
(Later that Night in the Pool)
The moon was shining so brightly that night many would consider it enchanting, it was the only light necessary to illuminate the dark pool room. Both of the lovers were holding each other inside the pool naked with their swimsuits discarded and are covered in their sexual fluids include a few other areas. Harribel looked up to Ichigo and said "Well, that was one crazy night huh?" Ichigo replied to her "Indeed it is, I really look forward to this time in school with you." she said to him passionately "Me too!" and then they shared a light but very romantic kiss. When they broke away Ichigo said "I guess we should go take a shower now huh." Harribel replied "Actually, since we're in a pool we are already cleaned off (Not true in real life), let's stay like this for a while before we go back to our homes." Ichigo replied "Okay, and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow." She said "Same here." as they embraced each other again, she thought "I love you."
(3 Days later – Friday)
Ever since that day, they have been having sweet sweaty sex by the pool after school, soon they started to do it after class, and soon are doing thinks more...'Kinky'.
(Girls Locker Room)
As the girls in the were changing in the locker room, Apacci was putting on her underwear while boasting "Man, what an awesome day, Prof. Harribel is like a mermaid or a beautiful female shark!" Mila Rose while taking off her swimsuit said "of course she is like that, she is the best swimmer in the school." Apacci replied angrily "Hey, don't contradict me bitch!" Mila Rose replied equally angry "What did you say whore!" Sung-Sun said to the bother of them "If you two are done with your mediocre arguing we're going to be late for Prof. Zommari's class on Psychology." Both Apacci and Mila Rose turned to her and shouted "SHUT UP SUNG-SUN!" Unbeknownst to them and the rest of the girls in the locker room is that in a certain locker our couple Ichigo and Harribel were having sex with each other.
(Lemon Scene 2)
It was Harribel's idea that they should start having sex inside her locker, she thought it would be more erotic being stuck in a tight space and their bodies pressed against each other, their sexual odor would be contained in one space and that is all they can smell which would send both of them into a state of ecstasy, and the thrill of the possibility of being caught.
Ichigo once again thought to himself the she was more kinky than his last two assumptions of her kinkiness. They have been locked lips for quite sometime as his dick was ferociously pounding away at Harribel's womanhood. His hands are firmly placed on her round butt, groping it intently, while her hand are around his neck and hair. It is a miracle that none of the girls have heard them by now, even a 4 year old would be aware of their noise making. Harribel eventually moved her hands down to Ichigo's buttock, gripping it tightly while Ichigo slightly lifted one of her legs to his waist length to gain better access to her womb.
Finally, as Apacci was finished dressing up , she notice the strange odor that Ichigo and Harribel were making, she said "Hey, do you guys noticed something smelly?" Mila Rose replied "Of course we do, you didn't noticed by now?" Surprised she asked "Really?" Mila Rose then said "Yeah, it's the smell of your face, BOOM, BURN!" Ignited in raging flames, she yelled "I'm gonna kill you!" the she chased her outside and Mila Rose ran away laughing, Sung-Sun calmly followed them.
Ichigo looked out the little holes in the locker and noticed that was the last of them and finally they were able to moan as much as they wanted to. But would not last long because they were both drawing close to their climax, Ichigo shouted "Harribel, I'm cumming!" She replied "Me too, I'm cumming too!" And then they passionately locked lips one more time and with one final thrust from Ichigo, they both came simultaneously. Harribel squirted on his cock while he managed to penetrate her womb and unleashed his flood of cum into it. Harribel and Ichigo panted for a moment and Harribel broke the ice and said "That was glorious, this should be our thing from now on." Ichigo replied to her "Your god damn right." They both laughed a little and locked lips one more time. Harribel thought to herself that this was the best feeling in the world, to have her lover's essence inside of her most precious area.
(Lemon 2 End)
(After School)
School was out for the week as everyone rushed out to get home, Apacci, Mila Rose and Sung-Sun were waking down the hall way to get out of school while talking among themselves. "Arrgh, I can't believe Prof. Zommari gave us a 8 page essay on what is the meaning of "Command" in the human brain!" Apacci said annoyed, Mila Rose replied "Hey, it wasn't as bad as him spouting crap about "Amon" (Love) and morality and pride etc." Apacci then said "But how am I going to complete this by next Friday?" Mila Rose said "Ask your parents, they could help and idiot like you." Apacci snapped at her as usual "What the hell did you say you prick!" Mila Rose say "You heard me!" Glaring at each other causing little statics to beam out of their eyes. They noticed that Sung-Sun hadn't tried to stop them yet. They turned to her and noticed a shock and surprise on her face, Apacci asked "What's up?" Sung-Sun pointed to where she was looking, they turned their heads to see and now understood what she meant. They saw Ichigo and Harribel kissing and then walking to her car. Apacci, dumbfound asked "I-I don't, I can't, w-what the hell is going on here!?" Mila Rose presumptively said "Apparently that Kurosaki guy had seduced Prof. Harribel." Sung-Sun said "It appears so." Apacci snapped back to reality to hear what they said, she grabbed Mila Rose's collar and is shaking her around violently and shouted "NO, NO, NO, NO, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!" Sung-Sun interrupted both of them and say "Well, what ever the case is, something is going on and we're gonna find out." both Apacci and Mila Rose agreed in unison.
Author's notes
~That's the end of that part of the story, I do not know if I'll expand on it or not, but I am open to suggestions in the comment section or Private Messaging.