The Return of Senbonzakura V2

New AN: I'M BAAAAAACK MOTHER FUCKERS! Now I know many are thinking this. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU! But before you all bite my head off I would like to make an argument in my defense. My laptop was broken and then I'm taking three AP classes this year and it just all got busy and crazy but I promise that I'm back for good! So right now I'm just making a few revisions and also adding a couple things to my stories so watch out for the V2s of my stories and as always ENJOY!

Original AN: Hey I'm a new author and my name is Morelia97, this is my first fanfic that I've written and I really hope you all really like it. On regards of pairings I usually go with Narusakus like this story. I felt I needed to address that so people don't get confused that I will write any Naruhinas. I do however write Narufemsasuke and Narufemhakus so that's something for anyone, who like those pairings, to look forward to. So thanks for reading and remember to take it easy on the parts that you don't like. Constructive criticism accepted, flamers will be ignored.

Summary: Naruto gets the worst news of his life when he learns that his sister, Natsuki, was named clan head even though he was the rightful heir. In anger that his parents would do something like that to him he leaves the leaf village only to return 8 years later stronger than ever before!

Pairing: Naruto X Sakura

Alive Minato and Kushina, Jinchuriki Natsuki, Shinigami Naruto, Super strong Naruto, Non fan girl Sakura.

Story Start!

Chapter One: The Betrayal

A boy about 8 years old looked on sadly as he kept running deeper into the forests heading further and further away from his home village of Konoha and more importantly, his family. His name was Naruto Namikaze or how likes to be known as now is Naruto Uzumaki. He always knew that his parents favored his sister more than him, it was noticeable to everyone but to them it seemed. Naruto was always intelligent for someone of his age and thanks to that he was able to figure out why his parents seem to always pay more attention to his sister then to him. All he had to do was puppy dog eye Tsunade-baachan and she told him why. After finding out why Natsuki got more attention than him he understood why, but after what they did tonight it seemed that what he thought before wasn't the case. I mean he could deal with the whole ignoring him in favor of his sister thing from his dad since he wasn't always around anyways, but from his mom that really hurt him since he was a bit of a momma's boy.

Naruto finally stopped for some rest in a clearing near a river, when he approached the river he looked down to see his reflection looking back at him. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, black pants, with black sandals to match, strapped to his back was his trusty sword that he discovered was actually a part of his soul. The sword was regular katana length, its sheath was black, and the guard was a gold rectangle with four straight pieces of gold connecting to make it look like a window. The hilt was wrapped in a purple cloth showing golden triangles all the way down to the gold pommel. After setting his sword down Naruto cleaned his face up with some water before rooking back at his reflection, he looked at his straight blood red hair that was in high ponytail that now reached down to shoulders and with two blade like bangs framing his face, his amethyst eyes staring back at his pale complexion. From his mother he had inherited the trade mark Uzumaki red hair, the amethyst colored eyes, his pale complexion, her determination, strong headedness, loyalty to family and friends and from what he also discovered her skill with a sword. From his father he inherited his intellect, skill in ninjutsu, speed, and understanding of fuinjusu, his natural aptitude for taijutsu, and also his body and facial structure along with his sensory ability.

He had no idea where to go next, he barely knew anything about where here was, and the only place he really knew about was Iwa because it was one of the lessons his parents taught him when they still cared about him. So he knew that he had to steer clear of going east and he was currently going north and since it was October it was getting colder as he went further up north. Naruto had also just recently discovered his ability to sense chakra and it seems to be pretty advanced, because he could sense chakra from 500 ft. away and he could also feel something else that he found out was that he could also sense emotions through chakra. Thanks to this ability he has been able to steer clear away from any bandits or missing nin that have been nearby. He looked to the sky and noticed that it was getting darker.

"Time to find a good place to set up camp." Naruto thought.

He soon found a nice clearing that had enough trees to give him some shelter of the cold fall winds. First he stopped and sensed the area for any chakra signatures or negative emotions in the area, after not sensing any he soon brought out a scroll and unsealed a tent and sleeping bag. Once that was set up he ventured out to search for firewood and something to eat. Heading further into the forest he was able to find a stream that luckily had fish, grabbing a nearby stick he was in the process of sharpening it when he felt a powerful chakra signature enter his range of detection and the only emotions he felt off of this guy was of anger and hatred.

"Oh crap, this one is a shinobi, chunin level chakra, meaning that he is of chunin level strength and I can only take on a sixth year academy student at my current level. Plus the emotions I'm sensing off this guy he is most likely a missing ninja." Naruto thought trying to remain calm.

He tried keeping himself calm as he tried to remember how to lower his abnormally high chakra levels so that he wouldn't be detected and at the speed the missing nin was moving at he was going to pass by to close for Naruto to do anything unless he wanted to risk exposing himself. Naruto sensed that the nin was now only a 100 yards away from him. Naruto froze and tried staying as still as he possibly could and thanking kami that there was a bush covering him from sight. He felt the missing nin stop for a few moments before taking off again, allowing Naruto to release a breath that he didn't even know he was holding.

"I need to get out of here, it isn't safe here anymore." he thought.

Standing up he began heading back to his little camp site before freezing in place when he felt killing intent wash over him like death's cold embrace.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A little brat all by his lonesome. Where's your mommy kid?" Naruto heard a cold taunting voice say as he slowly turned around.

"Where the hell did he come from? I felt him leave the area!" thought the petrified Naruto as he came face to face to the man he could've sworn was gone.

"What's the matter kid? Cat got your tongue?" the missing nin taunted.

Naruto quickly gave him a once over, the man was at least 5' 10" with black hair and cold gray eyes, he also had a slashed kirigakure headband wrapped around his forehead. He had on a chunin vest along with the rest of kiri's standard chunin outfit on, and a wakizashi strapped to his back.

AN:First fight scene ever so I really hope you like it. Sorry if it isn't good, criticism welcome!

The man soon reached behind him and slowly pulled his wakizashi out of its sheathe and settled into a kenjutsu stance.

"I see you're a swordsmen as well, why don't we see who is better, hmm?" The man asked with a sadistic smile slowly stretching across his face.

Naruto glared at the man with determination and pulled out his sword as well and settled into the beginner stance of the ryu kenjutsu style. The only thing his mother ever taught him before he left after their betrayal. He couldn't help but feel ashamed that he couldn't prove his parents wrong and show them that he was just as good if not better than his sister Natsuki. A feeling of determination filled him as he looked at the missing nin defiantly and promised himself that he would get through this and get even stronger then he initially had planned. Instead of just surpassing his sister his new goal is to now surpass his mother and father and become the strongest ninja in the shinobi world!

Getting bored the missing nin decided that he had given the brat plenty of time to say his last prayers to the world and charged at him at a frightening speed that gave Naruto little to no time to defend as he felt the nin's wakizashi break through his weak guard and slice him from his left shoulder to his right hip. Screaming out in pain Naruto refused to go down as he used his katana to hold himself upright as he shakily stood upright on his two buckling legs.

"Heh. Is that all you got?" Naruto challenged.

"You got a death wish kid? Because I have no problem with cutting you to shreds you know." replied the missing nin with a sadistic smirk on his face.

"I really need to get out of here, I'm way outclassed here." thought the red head.

"Well it's been fun brat but it's time to get this over with. I will be taking that sword though, how a little brat like yourself got a blade like that I don't know but it's time for it to be in the hands of someone who knows how to actually use a sword." he said, preparing to give the final blow.

"As if a mediocre ninja like yourself has what it takes to even wield a blade such as this!" Naruto replied angrily.

"Oh that is it! I was going to give you a quick painless death, but it seems that you just got yourself another hour of hell!" yelled the now very angry missing nin.

The nin then stabbed his wakizashi into the ground and rushed forward engaging Naruto in a very onesided taijutsu match. Naruto tried his best to put up a guard as his opponent relentlessly attacked him without letting up for even a second. After getting kicked into a nearby tree Naruto once more slowly and unsteadily got back on his two feet again and took a kenjutsu stance once again.

"Okay brat it's time to end this little game of ours and time for you to say goodnight, permanently." said the missing nin with a dark tone as he began weaving through hand signs.

"Katon: Endan!" He yelled out as a bullet of fire the size of a horse came flying towards him, time seemed to slow down as the fireball got closer.

"Is this it? Is this all I have to offer? I won't even live long enough to show my parents they were wrong. Will they even care that I'm gone? No! I can't die here! I refuse to die here!" Naruto thought defiantly.

Then everything went black. Naruto opened his eyes and was instantly confused on what he saw, where was the gigantic fireball that was headed straight towards him? Why was he in some clearing? Where the hell did that cherry blossom tree come from?!

"So, you have finally come. Took you long enough." said a monotone voice.

Naruto looked in the direction he heard the voice come from but all he saw was just more cherry blossom trees.

"Are you looking for me?" said the voice, this time coming from behind him causing Naruto to whip around and once again looking at another tree.

"Where the hell are you!" yelled the frustrated red head.

"Tsk, tsk, that is no language for an eight year old, what would your mother say?" said the voice but now it was coming from every direction he looked.

"She wouldn't say anything because, One, she isn't here and, Two, all she cares about is my sister! Now show yourself already and tell me what the hell is going and where the hell am I?!" Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs before realizing something.

"And how the hell did you know I was eight?" he asked/yelled.

"Because I've been here the whole time. I've known you your whole life." replied the voice stoically.

"Then how come I've never sensed you then? Huh?" asked Naruto.

"You've only had that technique for the last year, plus you can't sense your own soul." said the voice, now directly in front of him.

Now Naruto had a chance to see the person who owned that stoic voice. The person standing in front of him was 6' even, red shin guards attached to over the foot guards covered his black sock covered feet, tucked into the shin guards were purple gi pants, being held up by a white cloth belt tied into a bow that hangs down to knee level, covering his torso was a purple long sleeved gi top that had two thick white lines going down the arms with a thin black line between them, the same lines also went down the front of the shirt and went up to the high collar, over his shoulders rest a red plated armor with gold trim connecting at his chest by red strips of armor held together by a gold trim with a gold diamond shape in the center, covering his face was a kabuki style mask of a demon with a red face, two gold bars stuck out of the mask, on the forehead of the mask is a three pronged gold piece. His black hair was in a high ponytail with two mid-chest length bangs framing his mask.

"Who are you, and where am I?" asked the curious red head.

"Right now you are in your soul scape." he replied.

"My soul scape?" asked the perplexed redhead.

"Yes your soul scape. This your soul, all of this is you along with myself." the masked figure said.

"Okay...why am I here?" asked Naruto.

"You are here because you are in danger and have finally activated the shikai state of your zanpaktou." Said the mysterious figure.

"Soul cutter? Is that where this sword came from? It's part of my soul? What's shikai?" asked Naruto.

"Shikai is the initial release of a zanpaktou and increases your power by 5x its current level." Explained the spirit.

"So what do I have to do use shikai?" Inquired the Uzumaki.

"You must say my name." Stated the man.

"Then what's your name?" Said the curious boy.

"My name is... "Trailed off the soul.

Time seemed to pick back up again as Naruto opened his eyes showing the dull pink glow in them signifying the use of shikai.

"Chire, Senbonzakura!" cried out Naruto.

He then lifted his sword in front of his face showing the flat side of the blade and turning it so that the edge faced his opponent. The sword in his hands soon began to disperse from the tip of the blade to guard, turning into what seemed like cherry blossoms. Senbonzakura soon made a wall in front of Naruto shielding him from the fireball that would have surely made him into nothing more than ash.

"What the fuck is going on!" yelled out the bewildered B ranked missing nin, "and what the hell are those things?!" he yelled out.

"Your death sentence." said Naruto in a cold voice.

"My death huh? As if a couple of cherry blossoms could do anything to me." replied the missing nin regaining his composure.

Naruto let a smile, that didn't reach his eyes, stretch across his face as he stoically called out his next and final attack.

"Sakura Dragon." a moment later a Chinese dragon made of Senbonzakura went roaring at the missing nin who could only think of two words to say.

"Well shit." was all he could say before the dragon of sharp mini blades tore through him leaving nothing but bloody and shredded clothes behind.

"Take that you asshole." Naruto said tiredly before sheathing Senbonzakura and stumbling.

"I need to get out of here before any possible shinobi in the area starts wondering what the hell that power surge." Said the nearly unconscious boy as he trudged on.

Quickly leaving the area Naruto soon made it to a safe enough distance before finally submitting to fatigue. The last thing he heard before he passed out was the sound of footsteps and a man's voice calling out.

"Are you okay boy?"


So what did you all think? I know it needs some work here and there but as my first story I liked it and I hope the rest of you do as well. Now if I can get AT LEAST 10 reviews saying they want me to continue this story then give me 2 weeks and chapter 2 will be out soon.

Original technique: Sakura Dragon- Rank C- Makes a Chinese dragon made of Senbonzakura's petals.