Okay for those of you who haven't noticed... Chapter Two of the Sequel has been posted!
A little bit of reorganization has been done here. Potions and spells are now first, and the wand information is second.
Masaki's spells
Auto-quill: automatically writes down what the designated speaker says.
Bare-it-all (jinx): removes all hair/fur/feathers/scales from a creature, depositing them in a pile.
Cover-up (anti-jinx): replaces all of the above hair/fur/feathers/scales.
Power-on (for electronics): allows small electronic devices to work in the Hogwarts environment.
Auto-translate: automatically translates what is on a page into another language.
Stepback (for potions): removes the last ingredient from a potion if a mistake is made. Only works for the last step; cannot go back more than one step.
Stitch-up (for wounds): automatically takes the appropriate amount of suture thread and properly stitches up a Muggle wound. ONLY WORKS ON MUGGLES.
Rain-off: puts little invisible 'windshield wipers' on a pair of glasses. Or anything else one does not want getting wet. Speak the spell then the object the spell is being cast on. Apparently permanent.
Photo-stop: stops wizard photos from moving when a muggle looks at them.
Warm-Bubble: creates a warm bubble around the spell caster
Wind-Block: creates a shield in front of the spell caster, that follows the direction of the wind and blocks it
Night Light Quill: Quill lights up with a dull, reddish light for writing notes in the dark; perfect for taking notes and exams during Astronomy class.
Environmental Transfer: transfers the climate from one place to another (courtesy of cmcwiki)
Electronic Memory Wipe: Alters the existing information on electronic devices. (Ichigo)
Healing Potion – the pink potion that healed Arthur Weasley of Nagini's bite
High Explosive - created by the group by accident when trying to recreate the previous.
Harder than Diamond - created by the group by accident when trying to recreate the first.
SunBlock – Suntan lotion that is taken internally.
Birch(Beth pronounced: beh)December 24 to January 20; 1st Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin names: Yellow birch - Betula alleghaniensis; black birch – B. lenta; canoe or common birch – B. papyrifea.
- Folk or Common names: Beithe, Bereza, Berke, Beth, Bouleau, Lady of the Woods, Birth, Canoe Tree, Paper Tree, Silver Birch, White Birch. "Birch" is derived from the meaning "Bright" or "Shining" in Indo-European and Sanskrit terminology. Quite possibly it came from the Anglo-Saxon term "Beorgan" meaning "to protect or shelter"
- Magical History & Associations: Birch's color is white, its day is Sunday and its gemstone is red chard. The Celtic symbol of Birch is the White Stag with a rack with seven prongs. Birch is associated with the element of water, is a tree of the sun and the planet Venus, and its Herbal Gender is feminine. The Birch tree is sacred to the God Thor and the Goddesses Diana and Cerridwen. Birch is considered to be a Goddess tree, the symbol of summer ever-returning.
The Core: Thestral hair
Ash (Nion pronounced: knee un) February 18 to March 17; 3rd Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: White Ash - Fraxinus americana; European Ash – F. excelsior; Flowering Ash – F. ornus.
- Folk or Common names: Ash, Common Ash, Unicorn Tree, Guardian Tree
- Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the snipe, the color is half clear & half deep blue, and the gemstone is sea-green beryl. The Ash, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of water, the sun and Jupiter; and is sacred to Thor, Woden, Mars, Uranus and Gwydion. Ash is also sacred to Odin since the Ash is often known as the Yggdrassil amongst the Scandinavian nations. In Norse mythology, the Yggdrassil supports the Universe, has three main branches and is believed to have sprung from the beginning of time out of primordial slime and ashes. The Ash is also the tree of the sea God Poseidon, because of its watery power.
The core: Thestral hair
Alder (Fearn pronounced: fair un) March 18 to April 14; 4th Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: Smooth Alder - Alnus serrulata.
- Folk or Common names: Alder, Gummy/Gluey (European), Rugose/wrinkly (Tag), Tree of the Fairies.
- Magical History & Associations: The birds associated with this month are the raven, the crow and the gull; the colors are crimson, green-brown and royal purple; the day is Saturday; and the gemstone is fire-garnet. The Alder, a Masculine herb, is associated with the element of fire, and the planet of Venus. The Alder is sacred to Bran the Blessed and Cronos (Saturn). Alder is also sacred to Faery kings and elf kings - from the word Alder comes elder (not the tree) as in 'elder' kings. The Fey of the Alder have been described as water spirits or as "Dark Faeries". They are very protective of the tree and when they leave their trees, this Faerie will take the form of a Raven. In tree Folk-lore, the Alder is known as the tree of fire - In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line. It is described as the very "battle witch" of all woods, the tree that is hottest in the fight.
Orihime's core: a feather from Itsumaden - a monstrous bird that appeared over the capital in the Taiheiki, which is a Japanese historical epic written in the late 14th century.
Willow (Saille pronounced: Sahl' yeh) April 15 to May 12; 5th Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: Weeping Willow: Salix babylonica; black Willow:
- Folk or Common names: Willow, Witch's Tree, Pussy Willow, Salicyn Willow, Saille, Sally, Withe, Withy, Witches' Aspirin, Tree of Enchantment, Osier, Tarvos Tree, and Sough Tree. The Anglo-Saxon 'welig' from where the name 'willow' is derived, means 'pliancy'.
- Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the hawk, the color is haze, and the gemstone is blood-red carbuncle. The Willow, a Feminine herb, is associated with water, and is an herb of the moon. The Willow is sacred to Minerva who invented numbers and also to Artemis, Ceres, Persephone, Brigid, Hera, Helice, Mercury, Belili, and Circe. The Sumerian goddess Belili was a goddess of trees, and Willows in particular.
- Yuzu's Core: Fenghuang are Asian birds that are said to reign over all other birds. The males are Feng and the females Huang. Today separating genders is often no longer made and the Feng and Huang are blurred into a single entity so that it can be paired with the Chinese dragon. It is also known as the "August Rooster" since it sometimes takes the place of the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac. It is also sometimes called the Chinese phoenix.
- Karin – Dragon sinew (and there's too much on dragons to go into here…)
Hawthorn (Huath pronounced: Hoh' uh) May 13 to June 9; 6th Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: Crataegus oxyacantha (from the Greek 'kratos' - hardness, 'oxus' - sharp, and 'akantha' - thorn).
- Folk or Common names: Bread and Cheese Tree, Gaxels, Hagthorn, Halves, Haw, Hazels, Huath, Ladies' Meat, May, Mayblossom, May Bush, Mayflower, May Tree, Midland Hawthorn Quick, Thorn, Tree of Chastity.
- Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the night crow, the color is deepest black, and the gemstone is Lapis Lazuli. The Greeks and Romans saw the Hawthorn as symbolic of hope and marriage, but in medieval Europe it was associated with witchcraft and considered to be unlucky. This seeming contradiction is to be expected from a tree with such beautiful blossoms and such deadly-looking thorns. Hawthorne has a strong association with water. It is a Masculine herb, associated with the planet of Mars and the element of Fire.
The core: Thestral hair
Oak (Duir pronounced: dur; means 'door') June 10 to July 7; 7th Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: white Oak - Quercus alba; red Oak – Q.rubra; black Oak – Q.velutina;
- Folk or Common names: Duir, Jove's Nuts and Juglans.
- Magical History & Associations: The word Duir, comes from the Sanskrit "Dwr" meaning "door", and is the door to the three worlds of the Shaman. The Oak is associated with the element of fire and is ruled by the sun. The bird associated with this month is the wren, the color is black, and the gemstone is white carnelian or moonstone. Oak has been considered sacred by just about every culture that has encountered the tree, but it was held in particular reverence by the Celts and the Norse because of its size, long life, and acorns. The Druids were said to have worshiped in Oak-groves in Gaul. The Oak tree is sacred to Brighid, the Dadga, Dianus, Janus, Rhea, Cybele, Hecate, Pan, and Erato. The acorn was under the protection of Cybele (the goddess of Nature). The Oak is also frequently associated with Gods of thunder and lightning such as Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, and the Lithuanian God Perkunas.
The Core – Thestral hair
Holly (Tinne pronounced: chihn' uh) July 8 to August 4; 8th Moon of the Celtic Year
A beautiful white wood with an almost invisible grain; looks very much like ivory. Holly is associated with the death and rebirth symbolism of winter in both Pagan and Christian lore and is important to the Winter Solstice. In Arthurian legend, Gawain (representing the Oak King of summer) fought the Green Knight, who was armed with a holly club to represent winter. It is one of the three timbers used in the construction of chariot wheel shafts. It was used in spear shafts also.
- Latin name: English Holly (also called Scarlet Oak) - Ilex aquilfolium; American holly – I.opaca.
- Folk or Common names: Holly, Scarlet Oak, Kerm-Oak, Holy Tree. Holly actually means "holy". The Holly is an evergreen tree.
- Magical History & Associations: The Holly, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of fire, and is an herb of Saturn and Mars. The bird associated with this month is the starling, the color is green-gray, the gemstone is yellow caingorm, and the day of the week association is Tuesday. Holly is the first moon of the dark half of the year, and the Holly is sacred to both the Winter and Summer Solstices.
- The Core: Kuda-gitsune - The kuda-gitsune or kanko is described as a rat-sized fox which can be kept in a pipe. According to the Zen'an Zuihitsu the kanko is a fox the size of a weasel or rat, with vertical eyes and thin hair. The magic-user summons the kanko to appear inside a bamboo pipe which he is holding whereupon the fox will answer all the questions it is asked. It is named for its tail, which is like a pipe cut in half. It can be tamed and kept in a pocket or sleeve, and uses its supernatural power to seek out assorted information which it then whispers to its master. A person who keeps it is thus able to see into both the past and future.
Hazel (Coll pronounced: Cull). Coll means "life force within you") August 5 to September 1; 9th Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: European hazel - Corylus avellana; American Filbert - C. americana.
- Folk or Common names: tree of Wisdom, Lamb's Tails Tree, Collo or Coslo (Gailic), The tree's name shares a common root with the walnut tree and its nut, or cnu and hnot in Europe and Nux in latin.
- Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the crane, the color is brown, and the gemstone is band-red agate. The Hazel, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of air, the planet of Mercury, the day of Wednesday, and is sacred to Mercury, Thor, Artemis, Fionn, Diana and Lazdona (the Lithuanian Hazelnut Tree Goddess).
- The core: Mujina - the Mujina of Japanese folklore is an avid shape shifter and deceiver of humans. One of the forms the Mujina is purported to take is that of a "faceless ghost". This particular sort of monster is sometimes referred to by English speakers as a Mujina, but the Japanese know it as noppera-bou.
Vine (Muin pronounced: muhn) September 2 to September 29; 10th Moon of the Celtic Year
- Latin name: Grape - vitis
- Folk or Common names: Grape (when dried: Raisin).
- Magical History & Associations: Grapes are an herb of Jupiter and the Moon, and are associated with positive ego strength. Birds associated with the month of the Vine are the Tit-mouse and the white swan; the animal is the snake; the color is variegated; and the gemstone is amethyst. An annual Grape Vine Festival called the Vinalia Rostica was held by the Greeks and the Romans - this was a festival of thanksgiving for the first of the grape harvest and was dedicated to God Dionysus / Bacchus and to the Goddess Venus of the Grape Vine; and also to Minerva.
The current Core is made of Thestral hair.
Reed (Negetal pronounced: nyettle) October 28 to November 24; 12th Moon of the Celtic Year (YES, I DID CONSIDER THE YEW INSTEAD...)
- Latin name: Latin name: American Elm - Ulmus americana; European Elm - U. procera; slippery Elm - U. fulva.
- Folk or Common names: In Britain where the Reed tree is the dwarf elm, it is called the Water-Elder, Whitten, or rose Petal. Since I use the immature Elm tree in place of the Reed tree, the Elm is usually known as Elm, and sometimes Piss-Elm (due to the smell it makes while being burned as a green wood).
- Magical History & Associations: The birds associated with the month of Reed are the owl and goose, the color is grass green, and the gemstone is clear green jasper. Symbols of this Celtic month are The White Hound, The Stone, the Planet Pluto (Pwyll), The Fire Feast of Samhain Dis, Pwyll, and Arawn. Identified with the submerged or hidden dryad, The Month of Reed represents the mysteries of death.
- The core: Kirin: is a mythical hoofed Chinese chimerical creature known throughout various East Asian cultures, and is said to appear in conjunction with the arrival of a sage. It is a good omen that brings "serenity" or "prosperity". It is sometimes called the "Chinese unicorn". Although it looks fearsome, it only punishes the wicked. It can walk on grass yet not trample the blades and it can also walk on water. Being a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh. It takes great care when it walks never to tread on any living thing, and it is said to appear only in areas ruled by a wise and benevolent leader. It is normally gentle but can become fierce if a pure person is threatened by a sinner, spouting flames from its mouth and exercising other fearsome powers that vary from story to story. Some stories state that the Kirin is a sacred pet of the deities.