Reviews for The Defeated
PsylentFox chapter 34 . 8/7
Even though it was dark, it was nice to see a different side to the war- cranking up the righteousness and hubris of SS while playing up Fem!Aizen.

As far as Fem!Aizen names go... I prefer "Aizen Sousuka". Still calling her Sosuke just makes it weird. lol :P
King Harpo chapter 32 . 5/29
Thing is, Aizen would lose to Ichibe. He was never shown the release of Kyoka Suigetsu and his zanpakto is the strongest.
King Harpo chapter 29 . 5/29
Hold the fuck up, did you fucking give her Kenpachi's bankai? This is so stupid
King Harpo chapter 28 . 5/29
Come the fuck on. It's one thing to mess with canon, but this shit makes no sense. Kenpachi being Yachiru's zanpakto is so dumb.
King Harpo chapter 27 . 5/29
Halibel's power is nowhere near enough to put put flames made by Yamamoto. That's the only reason wunderweiss existed, it makes 0 sense to not have him do the thing he was made to do. It's just unnecessary
King Harpo chapter 11 . 5/29
So Orihime's a maschonist now? ...
King Harpo chapter 10 . 5/29
It's incredibly stupid that they're giving into Aizen taking advantage of them after all the bullshit you wrote them through. They don't even know her well enough for it to make sense in story
King Harpo chapter 10 . 5/29
I get you're making Kisuke a bad guy and all, but it's stupid to disregard the fact that Aizen made Shiro and is the reason it's inside of Ichigo.
ChiDead chapter 34 . 3/4
Quite beautiful. Subarashi
demzerff1 chapter 34 . 1/20
So basically yoruichi and urahara were swingers and ichigo almost certainly knocked her up because he never does things in halves.
Not to mention the ambiguous relationship with halibel though I imagine she drops by on occasion.

It is actually amazing what happened with unohana and her boy.
Love the hair.
I do feel there could have been one last chapter but I understand the placing of this end.
DarkReaderSeiin chapter 34 . 1/7
Fue una gran historia sin duda :D
corjca1 chapter 19 . 12/22/2019
fuclk you this story you put ugly face prostitute whore onumi god i hate her with ichigow fuck your story to hell
Guest chapter 33 . 2/6/2019
not even soi fon deserved that for the rest of her life
Lil Author Vert chapter 15 . 7/20/2018
Oh he wasn't in fake bankai last chapter. im so stupid lol
Lil Author Vert chapter 14 . 7/20/2018
Di- did Ichigo get clapped for a 3rd time? Crazy...
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