Chapter 08: Burning Ice

Disclaimer: I lay no claim to Bleach or Akame Ga Kiru, or any of their characters, and I make no money off of this. So remember to support the official releases.

(A/N) Some people might have thought Ichigo is in love with Esdeath right now. Well I have to say that's wrong. He's trying to befriend her and steer her into the right direction. Before you start flaming me about how that won't work or she'll actively refuse to change do to her personality. She only refused to change in canon because Tatsumi said he was going to change her straight to her face. Though Esdeath being Esdeath she took that as a challenge and said the same to him. Also if you're wondering this will be Ichigo X Esdeath now, since Esdeath got the most votes in the reviews. It was a close vote, with only a few people who actually did, with Akame and Leone tying for second and behind one by one vote. Also no harem because sincerely I can't imagine Esdeath in one. Oh and for future reference for myself, if there are any ff writers out there could you tell me how to set up a poll so I can have people vote on things in the future. (A/N)

VergilandEsdeath: Sorry man but I can't do your request. I haven't watched, read, or played the Devil May Cry series.


Last Time…

He stood up and held his arm out, waiting for her. Ichigo has befriended worse and has changed people for the better in the past. So why not now he'll extend the olive branch to Esdeath and do the same he did for others. She stood up her face not visible behind her bangs and slipped her arm through his. They walked home arm in arm. Those that they passed by gasped as they saw a large prominent blush on the one person they thought was the single most cold hearted in the empire.


Imperial Capital – Main Street: Shopping Center

Ichigo and Esdeath walked down the street arms still linked. The young blue haired woman's head was no longer bowed and looked forward with a small smile and a light blush. The orange haired teen on the other hand was grumbling. It wasn't due to the woman who hung off his arm, no it was due to all the stares they still got. While Esdeath said she didn't care and word would spread that he was hers. It still bugged him he didn't like being the center of attention as it usually ended with trouble for him, but as usual he got dragged into it anyway.

They continued to walk until Esdeath made a sudden stop and Ichigo stumbled a bit from her constant iron grip. He turned to see her look at a small store. It looked like it sold candy and small trinkets at first sight. "I've never seen this store before. I come to this area quite often, it must be new want to have a look?" Esdeath asked.

Ichigo was kind of curious as to what was in the store. So he just shrugged and they headed in. As they entered the cashier greeted them. Surprise, surprise, just like at the ice-cream parlor's clerk the store's cashier stuttered in fear at the sight of Esdeath. "Hello and welco- G-General Esdeath welcome. What can I do for you?"

Esdeath let go of Ichigo's arm and ignored the woman's obvious discomfort to browse through the store's merchandise. "We're just looking right now and possibly buy something. Is this place new?" The blue haired woman asked not taking her eyes off of the little porcelain figurines.

"Yes a-actually it is. I just opened up this shop yesterday, you two are my first customers." The cashier turned to Ichigo who also took a look around. "Can I help you with anything sir?"

"No I'm good. Just looking around like Esdeath." He responded. As he walked through the aisles he saw small toys, geodes, and figurines just like the ones Esdeath was looking at. When he got to the candy he saw some chocolate candy bars, he grabbed a few for himself. He continued on until he saw something that immediately got his attention. "It can't be… it has to be a coincidence. No, I can feel the spirit energy coming off it. " His thoughts were in a jumble as he stared down hard at what captured his sight. Inside a glass case with a lock were several pieces of jewelry but what caught his sight was the piece in the middle. It was a cross with a circle that ran through each of the arms. "A Quincy cross! How could something like this be here!?"

The cashier saw his stare on the jewelry and walked up to him. "Is there a problem that I can that I can help you with?"

Ichigo turned his gaze to her, his hard stare did not settle "Yes actually, I would like to know where you got that cross?"

She looked to where he pointed and saw the cross. She wondered why a piece of jewelry would have him do distraught. "I got it a few days ago. A merchant came through town and I bought some of the things you see here from him. When I grabbed that cross he said it was a fine choice and that he found it in an old temple out in the mountains."

Ichigo nodded and turned his head back to look at the cross again. "Did he say where these mountains were?" The cashier felt like she was being interrogated. She just shook her head and then responded nervously. "No, he only said that those mountains were to the East."

The orange haired teen sighed and stared at it for a few more seconds. "I'll buy it."

As she heard that she pulled out a set of keys from her pockets and unlocked the glass box. She gently took it out and placed it in a small long white box. She then left to the counter, when they reached their destination from their small walk Ichigo placed down the chocolate bars to be paid for to. He looked over his shoulder to see Esdeath as she looked through various goods. His attention was brought back to the cashier who asked for payment of the merchandise.

After he paid he went to grab his bagged purchases but saw the cashier place a small gray box with a white bow onto the counter. "What's this?" He asked as he picked up the box.

She put on a small smile and said, "This is a prize for being my first customer." He looked down at the small box in his hand. He opened it and saw a chrome chain link bracelet with two blue jewels on opposite sides of the piece of jewelry. He closed the box and placed it into the bag with the rest of his recently bought belongings.

He turned around and saw Esdeath walk back to him and without hesitation she linked her left arm through his right. "I wasn't able to find anything of interest. Though it looks like you bought something." Esdeath said as they walked out the shop.

Ichigo nodded to her comment and pulled out a chocolate bar and unwrapped it until half was bare. "Yeah just some chocolate."

"You know I might not be the only person who's more innocent than they let on." The white clad woman said with a rather large grin. At this her companion gave her a questioning look as if to say "go on" as he chewed his chocolate. "Chocolate," she simply said, "at the ice-cream parlor and now with this candy bar. You seem to get a glimmer of child like excitement." At this time Ichigo had a light blush from her statement. "Couple that with the fact that if the spelling of your name was changed it would mean strawberry, it's kind of cute. Strawberries and chocolate." Ichigo gave her the evil eye at her little speech but wasn't menacing in the slightest from the full blown blush that covered his entire face. He was so concentrated with his glare he didn't notice that. She bent over slightly till she took a bite of his chocolate.

"H-HEY! Why'd you do that!?" He growled out, "You could have asked you know. I would have given you one of my extras."

She still had her grin and said, "You were so busy staring at me, I didn't want to be rude and interrupt." Ichigo was only able to stutter out incomprehensible words at the under handed comment. So he settled for grumbling under his breath. Esdeath giggled a bit at her little victory and they both continued on their way home.


Imperial Capital Palace – Gates

Ichigo had stopped grumbling halfway back to the palace and started to enjoy his chocolate again. Esdeath matched his pace step-by-step and had her head placed on his shoulder, even though Ichigo protested against it. In the end of that argument Esdeath's own stubbornness won out over his.

Quite a bit of the time passed from their slow and quiet walk home. Ichigo's thoughts were mostly on the Quincy cross he recently bought. He couldn't fathom how it got here let alone a small time store he got it from. After awhile his head started to hurt from his thoughts. So his attention turned to the prize given to him for being the store's first customer. He didn't like any kind of jewelry in particular so he wasn't going to wear it. One thought came to his head but she didn't look like the type to wear jewelry either. "Although it couldn't hurt to try and give it to her. I have no use for it and it's a little to big for Yuzu." He pondered.

As they were about twenty feet from the gates he stopped and said as he put the bag into the hand Esdeath was hanging onto. "Esdeath, umm. The chocolate wasn't the only thing I got." He then reached into the bag and gripped the grey box and pulled it out. He held it out to her and she responded with a curious look at the box. She let her grip on his right arm go and took it from his hand. She lifted the and saw a chrome bracelet with two blue gems embedded in it. She looked at it for a few seconds before she just suddenly gripped in a hug and buried her head into his shoulder. Ichigo himself had both his arms up in the air. He didn't expect a reaction like this so he did the only thing he could he lowered his arms and placed his right around her a bit for an awkward hug.

At his contact she lifted her head until her lips were an inch from his ear and she whispered, "This day will always be special to me Ichigo. This is the first time you've opened up to me even if you were against it at first. After awhile you didn't seem forced. You didn't hesitate. You weren't afraid to speak your mind, and most of all even with your tough guy routine I know both you and I enjoyed this wonderful day. Thank you for finally giving me that chance." She released him from the impromptu hug walked away with her usual smile. All of that left a speechless orange haired teen who stared at her retreating form.

The ex-shinigami then heard a low whistle and felt a hand clap onto his shoulder. "She must have said somethin' good to leave you speechless like that, huh?"

Ichigo turned around to see Ginjou Kugo himself who stood with a smirk. "Ginjou? When did you get here?" Asked a confused teen.

"Well I just finished my patrol route and as for when I got here. It was when you gave her that little box. Who would have thought 'ummm. The chocolate wasn't the only thing I got' was such a good pick up line. Pfffthahahaha! Oh that is funny."

"IT WASN'T A PICK UP LINE! I was just giving her a present!" Ichigo yelled which turned into a growl towards the end.

Ginjou decided to give the kid a break and shrugged and started to walk with Ichigo in tow. "So what did you give her that got her that excited?"

The younger male looked up at him and said, "Nothing much it was just a bracelet." After that question was answered they continued on their way back to Jaegers HQ.


Imperial Capital Palace – Jaegers HQ

All of the Jaegers but Esdeath and Dr. Stylish, who was still cooped up in his lab, lazed around the HQ sitting room. Seryu, Kurome, and Bols returned from their patrols ten minutes after Ginjou and Ichigo arrived. Five minutes after that an exhausted Wave entered from his 'guard duty'. Then finally Ran came in after him from the time he took to study records on Night Raid's movements.

The doors to the entrance of the room swung open and revealed Esdeath. She walked in, she looked the same as ever. The only difference would be a shining bracelet that was around her right wrist. She turned to the group, "We can't have you all just doing nothing. So we'll get to training a little early." Everyone in the room stood up immediately at her authoritative tone. "We'll start it off with the sparring Ichigo wanted so much this morning. So we'll kick this off with myself versus Ichigo and Ginjou. Fullbring versus Teigu in a sense, for awhile now I've wanted to see which of the two are superior." Her commanding tone turned to one of bloodlust.


Imperial Capital Palace – Jaegers Training Ground

Twenty minutes later the entirety of the Jaegers arrived on the training grounds. Ichigo and Ginjou stood on the opposite side of the arena from Esdeath. The rest of the group stood off of the arena in audience for what's to come. Only Wave stood from the group and acted as referee.

The dark blue haired man looked to Esdeath and saw her draw her rapier. He then looked to Ichigo and Ginjou to see they were ready as well with Cardinal's Cross and Cross of Scaffold. After he got confirmation from the three combatants he swiped his right hand down and at the same time yelled, "Begin!"

At the signal to start Esdeath shot off like a rocket with a grin that oddly reminded Ichigo of Grimmjow. The orange haired teen decided to take point and brought his fullbring up to block her forward stab. The orange haired teen's eyes widened as he noticed he was being pushed back more and more by the second. He poured more spirit energy into his fullbring and it went from four crosses to six. He fired one of his blasts while their weapons were still locked. A cloud of dust was kicked up and Ichigo skidded back five feet.

Ginjou charged forward as soon as he saw Esdeath's silhouette. He delivered an overhead slash on Esdeath. She quickly raised her rapier to block the oversized claymore. Even with her enhanced strength from her teigu she struggled to keep it from cleaving her in two. Ginjou moved his right hand to the hilt past his fullbring's guard and swept it's pommel towards Esdeath's face. The blue haired woman moved head back in time for the pommel to catch only air. She twisted her body then retaliated with a kick to his ribs. The black haired man placed his left palm onto the flat of his blade and blocked the kick. He was sent skidding back and his feet dug into the ground with each inch he was sent back.

Esdeath pointed her rapier at Ginjou and called out, "Weiss schnable!" Dozens of icicles formed behind her and all of them fired off at Ginjou. A flash of green shined in front of Ginjou then Ichigo appeared. The crosses of the ex-shinigami's fullbring spun and either smashed or deflected the icicles.

Ginjou both hands on the main handle of Cross of Scaffold. "Ichigo, I think we're going to have to step it up a notch. The way she's taking this, it's more than a friendly spar by the looks of that expression on her face." It was true her smile turned to a full blown grin. Her eyes were wide and her pupils dilated. "If I hadn't blocked that kick then I would be fighting with some broken ribs and possibly some internal bleeding."

Before Ichigo could have commented Esdeath gave her analysis. "You two make quite the duo. With my Ichigo's speed and defensive capabilities, he could throw an opponent of quite easily. While you Ginjou and your immense strength can deal a heavy blow or even a fatal one on your first strike with Ichigo's help. Though if that were to fail and leave you vulnerable Ichigo could swoop in and defend so you both could rethink your strategy."

The rest of the Jaegers were enraptured by the fight already by the fullbring duo's team work and their leader's quick witted mind.

"Heh, even on a fighter's high she can think completely clearly. She's quite the scary opponent." Ginjou thought as he glanced toward Ichigo.

Said teen had his fullbring pointed towards the floor and black spirit energy swirled around him. "Shrouded Moon!" Ichigo yelled and the energy and dust expelled in all directions. Once everything settled everyone but Esdeath's and Ginjou's eyes widened. They saw Ichigo in a black shihakusho, hakuma, and a yellow obi. Where his right hand should be was a cleaver like blade about as long as he is tall. Though all of what he wore and even the sword itself seemed to be made of spirit energy.

Esdeath was about to charge forward but was forced to block as Ginjou used bringer's light to enhance his speed and slashed at her side. She was able to push him back but at the moment she did Ichigo came down on her with slash of his own. She ducked under it and sent a kick to his back that sent him tumbling through the dirt. Her foot felt like she tried to kick through steel.

Esdeath noticed the a shadow casted down to the ground. When she looked up she saw Ginjou who stood in the air, a soft green glow under his feet.

Ginjou had one hand on each of the handles of his sword. The sword itself was held horizontally and green energy sparked on the blade until it was enveloped by that very energy. He swung the blade once horizontally before he brought it down in an arc aimed at Esdeath. A massive wave of energy followed the swing. Esdeath brought up wall after wall of ice to block the incoming energy, but saw it cut through each wall like a hot knife through butter.

She jumped back to avoid it but the blast blew her back. Her heels dug into the ground as she came to a stop. On instinct she brought her rapier up to block a stab from Ichigo. She was being pushed back. She noticed the orange haired teen floated above the ground with that same green glow at his feet as Ginjou.

She was about to throw him back before she heard him utter one word. "Sottsuki." The clad type fullbring on Ichigo started to flare out with a red tint and wrap itself around both Ichigo and Esdeath. After it covered both completely it looked like a large mass of fire.

Seconds later Esdeath jumped out. Her sleeves were burnt and so were a few patches of uniform. Though the most damage was done to her hands and forearms. She looked at the flames before they formed back into the shihakusho Ichigo wore before.

Ginjou came crashing down on her with his fullbring but Esdeath bent back and let the blade sail harmlessly over her before she stabbed at Ginjou. Once again he used bringers light to dodge but got a gash across his arm. The Jaegers leader placed her hand on the floor and a platform of ice catapulted her into the air. Ichigo and Ginjou were about to jump after her with bringers light but she pointed her rapier at them and the icicles formed once again. Ginjou sent a wave of green spirit energy to meet her wave of ice.

Then everyone heard a snap and Esdeath's voice, "Hagel sprung." Out of thin air like the icicles spears a ball of ice the size of a mansion came crashing down towards her two opponents.

The entirety of the Jaegers seen the energy that covered Ichigo dispelled and poured into his blade. The blade itself seemed to have grown three times its original size and gained a red tint. With bringers light he launched himself towards the large body of ice, Shrouded Moon pointed toward it.

Everyone was about to yell at him to stop even Esdeath snapped out of her high in worry. Kurome was the only one who noticed Ginjou's smirk and looked back to Ichigo with interest. They watched as he impaled the block of ice. Time seemed to freeze as they watched nothing happened until rumbling was heard and crevices started to carve through the ice. Eventually it caved in and exploded with gale force winds and black spirit energy splayed in all directions. Both Ichigo and Esdeath were blown back by the shock wave produced. With the use of bringers light Ichigo was able to balance himself in the air but saw Esdeath was still fell. He dismissed Shrouded Moon. He used his speed and caught Esdeath bridal style.

They touched ground far from the group soon after. "You could have saved yourself couldn't you?" He had to ask that question because she probably used his protective nature for this.

"Why of course I could have but I wouldn't be in your arms like this if I did now would I?" She asked in a matter-of-fact tone. "Plus I didn't get to do this in our date."

"What are y-," he was about to ask as he felt something soft touch his lips. His eyes widened as he saw Esdeath kiss him wrapped her arms around his neck. It went on for a few seconds before Ichigo snapped out of his stupor and felt himself pull back from it and Esdeath with not her usual smile or her sadistic one but with a genuine smile said, "That's what I meant. I sensed Ginjou watching us earlier and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing our first kiss. I've learned how smug and snide he could be."

Ichigo unable to form any comprehensive sentences again just placed her down on her feet. She then wrapped her arms around one of his.

Soon they heard rapid footsteps headed towards them. First to arrive was Ginjou with Cross of Scaffold rested on his shoulder. A few seconds after the rest of the Jaegers. They all noticed the small blush on Esdeath but what really noticed was Ichigo. Face, neck, ears and all covered in red.

They were about to ask when their leader cut them off. "Well it appears our spar is over. As I would like to continue but we can't. It seems we attracted unwanted attention." They were about to ask what when said unwanted attention made itself known.

The Jaegers turned to see lightning strike down. Out of the flash caused by it came a tall muscular man with spiky blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a dark gray suit of armor with his forearms had arm guards with what looked like large metal bars that came from the top of them. He also wore white pants and a red cloak and over his shoulders were large metal guards.

He yelled angrily at the Jaegers leader, he didn't even pay any heed to the rest of the group. "Esdeath! Your little bout here nearly caused damage to the foundational integrity of the palace! If this palace falls what of the Emperor!? As the Great-General I can't allow this and I have the authority to remove a direct threat to him! So I suggest you rein in your little games or I'll have to force you!"

Esdeath gave him a bored look and simply said, "Okay Budo."

Her response and attitude seemed to anger him further. After a few deep breaths he nodded and his gaze turned to the rest of the Jaegers. He looked over their faces each matched the profile he had on them. Then his gaze stopped on Ichigo and Ginjou. He found them strange he had nothing on them. So far they have done nothing wrong and did their jobs wholeheartedly. Though the problem lies in the fact that their complete ghosts, so he decided to keep an eye on them for any suspicious activities. He gave a curt nod to them and left.

"Sooooo... I'm guessing he's the 'lightning geezer' you mentioned earlier Esdeath?" Ichigo asked.

Esdeath smiled and responded, "Yes that was him. But enough of that I'm tired and would like to get something to eat. Then probably some sleep." She finished with a yawn.


Omake: Yuzu's Tales: Episode 1 "This is my brother's pet"

Yuzu slowly woke up to the sound of knocking. She looked at the clock and noticed it was six o'clock in the morning. She looked around her room and noticed Air slept on the bed with her. Fal and Luna each slept on matts on the floor. They all soon started to stir from their slumber as well.

Yuzu got up from the bed and went to the door. "Who is it?" She asked with a yawn.

She heard an unfamiliar male voice respond back. "It's Wave. I'm apart of the Jaegers, I work with your brother."

She opened the door to see a young man who wore a sea man's uniform with dark blue hair and dark blue eyes. "Not to sound rude but why are You here sir?" Yuzu asked politely.

"General Esdeath instructed me to be yours and their bodyguard for the day, while she's out with Ichigo. So you can visit different parts of the palace safely." He explained.

"Oh, okay. Just wait awhile while we get ready ok?"

"Sure, no problem."

Fifteen minutes later...

Wave leaned against the wall across from the doors of Yuzu's room. He soon heard the door knob turn. When the door opened he stood straight as he saw the group of sleepy girls in their usual attire.

"So where do you guys want to go first?" The bodyguard of the group asked.

Three Exhausting Hours later...

"How can these girls keep going the way they have been. I've lost track of the time. It's like they have endless energy. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to give them coffee to wake them up." Wave thought tiredly as they walked out of the stable the Jaegers kept their horses.

"Okay Mr. Wave I got one more stop in mind before we go back to rest." Yuzu said to him. At this Wave gave a thankful smile at the thought of a rest stop. "I want to go over there." She pointed to a six story building.

Wave paled at the sight of the building. Oh, no it wasn't because of the walk it was because of what was inside of the building.

They eventually reached the humongous structure. Wave reluctantly opened the sliding door enough for people to walk in. Yuzu peeked inside to make sure everything was okay. She nodded and said it was. The group walked in with Yuzu at the head. The first thing the trio noticed was that it was all one large room no walls to divide it. The next thing was there was no upper floors. When they looked to the center of the large room they saw a nest made of thousands of branches and furs but their attention was drawn away from the nest and to the danger beast on it. All the girls, besides Yuzu, hid behind Wave.

"Air, Fal, Luna meet Raijin he's my brothers pet." Yuzu exclaimed excitedly as she went to pat the creature's snout. "I saw this place one day so I asked Ichigo what was inside of it. He told me not to come anywhere near here. Though with some convincing from Ginjou he relented out of annoyance. Then I was shown this place. I was afraid at first like the rest of you but my brother showed me he was tamed and I found out Raijin here is a big softy. Though Ichigo did give me rules for when I'm around him and the three most important ones were: one don't disrupt Raijin's sleep; two never come during feeding time; and finally three always have someone powerful with you just in case." The youngest Kurosaki explained.

After Yuzu's explanation Air took tentative step after tentative step towards the danger beast. She had her hand raised up and her eyes closed. Her eyes opened wide as she felt the hard scales of Raijin. Soon after Luna slowly wheeled Fal over to the creature. Once they reached him they felt the webbing of Raijin's wings. They were surprised to see the dragonic paid them no mind as it had its head down for Yuzu to scratch under its chin. They all jumped back when they heard a low growl come from the dragon like creature. They noticed it wasn't directed to them but at Wave who had his hands up in surrender.

Once the girls were done giving Raijin attention they decided to leave. Wave was more than happy after he shut the door behind them. The sailor escorted them back to the Jaegers break room. "Yuzu could you please not have me go back there?" Wave asked.

Yuzu smiled up at him and said, "Okay Mr. Wave but can I ask one question?" She continued after she got a nod. "Why does Raijin dislike you so much?"

Wave gave a small chuckle and rubbed the back of his head. "Well that goes back to when General Esdeath took a group of the Jaegers out hunting. It was made up of Ichigo, Kurome, Ginjou and myself. We were separated into team. I was partnered up with your brother. Eventually the sun started to set and we decided to head back to camp and that's when we ran into Raijin. For a lack of better words he tried to eat us. That of course led to a fight which resulted in me being the reason that Raijin has all those scares on his back."

Yuzu nodded satisfied with the answer but had another one. "So how did you two catch him?"

"Well you're going to have to ask your brother or Esdeath that because we knocked him down a cliff. After that we went back to camp and told the captain. She became interested and took your brother to go capture it."


(A/N) Well this chapter was fun to write and by far my best. We got a bit of romance, an awesome fight, and a mystery waiting to be solved. Also if you guys like the Yuzu's Tales it'll become a thing and pop every now and then in future chapters. So review or PM me. This has been TensaGetsu, signing out. (A/N)