Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hey all! Quick Introductions: I’m a 24 year old male, born and raised in Massachusetts, and have recently gotten into the world that is Fanfiction. As you can probably tell from my favorited stories my main fandom is Harry Potter. Having grown up on the books and movies, I decided to catch a glimpse into the creative minds of many different people in regards to their portrayals of Harry Potter characters. My taste in ships is eclectic but depending on the story, my favorites are usually Harry/Daphne, Harry/Fleur, and Harry/Tonks. Most other pairings like Harry/Ginny and Harry/Hermione are enjoyable as well, but I’ve found quite a few of the fics with those pairings are quite similar. I also enjoy many other fandoms like Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and Justice League but I have yet to delve into any fanfiction on the former two. I am very new to writing fanfiction and for the most part, many of the stories I publish will have been influenced by many works that I have read with additions that I would have enjoyed to see. So thank you for visiting my page! I hope you enjoy any and all works I publish. Also please, if you’re reading this, feel free to PM me with any suggestions for fanfics for me to read whether they are one-shots ore full on novels! And please when I get started publishing, PM me with suggestions you may have to make my stories better. Don’t forget to review and follow! Mischief Managed! |