![]() Author has written 31 stories for Harry Potter, Martian, Andy Weir, and Game of Thrones. Hello to those of you brought here by Mark and Mindy or A Girl and a Boy. I'm, as you will see here, primarily an HP fanfic writer. I may write more Martian fic or GOT, but for now I' m going to stick to just the two I've done. Most of my stories are in the Sisters of the Moon series, Sisters of the Moon being the base story for the rest. It is cannon based, and was one of my first efforts, but still stands as one of my prouder moments. Lavender features prominently in much of what I write. Her story calls to me, so you will find her in almost every SOM story, and she has her own story arc within the series. Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood also have a story arc of their own within the series. Most writers put Luna and Neville together but I see Luna and Dean. I have written a few Luna/Neville pieces but in the Sisters series it's Luna/Dean. Here is the current chronological order for the Sisters of the moon story arc. Sisters of the Moon (LV) (L/D) Girl Talk (LV) The Moon in the Arms of Night (L/D) Primal (L/D) Tidy Time (L/D) Anniversary (LV) (L/D) My Precious Boys (LV) (L/D) My Amazing Girls (LV) (L/D) Velvet Green Season of the Wolf (LV) (L/D) I Believed in Father Christmas (LV) (L/D) All in a Mouse’s Night Running Up That Hill A Night at the Pub (LV) The Good Wolf (LV) Hermione Granger and the Quest for the Binding Stones (LV)(L/D) {Stone Soup: Edward (LV) The River and the Rose} Top Twig Rescue (LV) The Last Two (LV) Story Arcs Lavenders story arc (LV) Luna and Deans story arc (L/D) Original Music from the Series I wrote and performed everything here. Music from The Moon in the Arms of Night The Prisoner and the Fugitive http:///m6n-mqCLi-0 Music from Rescue Lavenders theme from Chapter 1 http:///0O20omirNnU Chapter 6, Flight http:///I9tKF87HJYY My you tube with other selections I have written https://www.youtube.com/user/sarcastrow? Other, non-Sisters stories Updates and future projects Other stories currently in development and updating are All’s Fair (done, I'll be adding a series of shorts: A Fair Few) and Hermione Granger and the Quest for the Binding Stones. All’s Fair began as a piece for HPporninthesun and has grown. It now is a more inclusive, drama based story about healing and growth. Hermione Granger and the Quest for the Binding Stones came from an incident in Tidy Time. It will be the major story in the Sisters arc. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011499286121 I've been asked once or twice the Mary Sue question, here's my current response. I don’t think I do Mary Sues (unless you count the whole of the wizarding world a Mary Sue fantasy, which is somewhat fair). The major characters as described in the books are multidimensional, and think I have preserved that. My OCs are definitely not place holders for me or my acquaintances. They are drawn from people I know, however they are generally a mélange of people I know. For instance Carla Cohn was drawn from my mother and several friends of hers. William Standing Bear is the closest to a real person that I know, an old friend that is now a chief among the Apache (Heavy on the old part, Tony is close to 90). In general a Mary Sue is an idealized character that is in most cases flawless or has a lot of luck. The main characters in this little take have so far, failed spectacularly on occasion, misread the clues to some things, gone down blind alleys, broke the law, lied, and a host of other things that will be apparent as the rest of the story unfolds. They are far from perfection personified. In dramatic story telling you have a few options. I like Stephen King’s methods as described in “On Writing” and “The Shape Under the Sheet”. You don’t have to kill every character, not all of them are terminally screwed up, and they need real voices that flow in a conversation. They need to be believable people not, as I said, placeholders for some ideal villain or hero. Not to be to spoilery, but if you continue reading this tale you will find that Hermione and Rose have been directed into a confrontation. The puppet master may or may not be who you suspect, but we don’t get there for another 30 chapters or so. |