Their 19 Years: Chapter 1

All rights go to JK of course

Hermione's eyelids felt like lead as she tried to open them. The sunlight burned her eyes as the rays streamed through the curtains of Ginny's room at the Burrow. It felt like days since Voldemort had collapsed to the ground dead, but really it was just yesterday.

Her, Harry, and all of the Weasley's... except one, had all apparated to the Burrow almost immediately to get some much deserved sleep. She didn't have the energy to shower or change last night, and fell onto her bed fully dressed in her battle clothes. She was going to pay for it though this morning, because she woke up to the smell of dirt sweat and blood that probably wasn't even hers.

Her lack of hygiene wasn't what was bothering her the most though, it was Ron. She had barely seen him since Voldemorts downfall because he was taking Fred's death really hard. She knew that next couple months would be difficult, with planning the funeral, and the burial. These would be the times that Ron would need her the most.

That brought up another issue. She would have to face Ron and pretend their passion filled moment in the midst of the battle didn't happen. Eventually they would figure out where their relationship stood. The option of going back to friends was impossible after everything they went through. She didn't want to go back to being friends again either because she had waited years to be with this boy, and this was her chance to fulfill that desire. He had kissed her back after all, so he must feel something for her.

Sitting up slowly she glanced at the red head sleeping in the bed next to hers. Ginny's eyelids were red and puffy, and there were stains on her cheeks from the tears she had cried when trying to fall asleep. Her heart wrenched for the girl sleeping next to her who all year had to worry about being at Hogwarts under the supervision of deatheaters, having her brother and the boy she loved running around the country aimlessly, and now losing her brother.

No longer being able to stand the smell emitting off her body, she climbed out of her bed and silently tip-toed to the bathroom across the hall.

The hot water stung her open wounds, and soothed her tight muscles at the same time. She brushed the knots out of her bushy hair, and washed her face, before waking back to Ginny's room wrapped in her towel.

Ginny was just rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she opened the door.

"Morning," muttered Ginny.

"Morning, umm would you have any clothes I can borrow? Mine are all you know -" asked Hermione.

"Oh yeah here," cut off Ginny walking to her dresser and pulling out a pair of jeans and light purple long-sleeved shirt.

"Thanks," said Hermione as Ginny left to use the bathroom.

She changed and braced herself as she stood at the top of the staircase. Putting on a forced smile she descended the stairs. Mrs. Weasley was already up and cooking breakfast, when she entered the kitchen.

"Oh good morning dear," she said in a fake cheery tone. Hermione couldn't be fooled though and could see the tissue sticking out of her pocket and the sadness in her eyes.

"Would you like any help Mrs. Weasley?" offered Hermione.

"Oh dear please call me Molly and if you could cook the bacon that would be lovely," she said.

Various other Weasley's wandered into the kitchen as Hermione and Mrs. Weasley finished making breakfast in silence. There was no sign of Ron or Harry though, which worried her. After sharing a tent with them for a year, she needed to know where they were at all times.

Soon they were all sat at the table ready to eat, and Ron and Harry had still not come down yet.

Relief coursed through her as she saw the familiar faces of her two best friends appear in the doorway.

"Sorry we're late," apologized Harry, as he moved to his seat touching her shoulder in the process.

"Yeah," mumbled Ron moving to sit beside her in the empty chair that Harry purposely didn't take.

Feeling embarrassed all of a sudden, she looked at her plate, cheeks flaming. She knew that everyone was looking at her in confusion, not aware that she had snogged Ron in the middle of the battle yesterday.

Ron chuckled slightly at her embarrassment and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He sat down beside her, taking her hand in the process, ignoring the six sets of eyes that were drilling into his skull.

It was silent for a few moments before Ginny broke it.

"HELLO?" she yelled at the couple, grabbing their attention. "When did this happen, and why do I not know about it?"

Now both Ron and Hermione had turned bright red, from Ginny's outburst.

"Yesterday," said Ron quietly.

Hermione's heart soared at the fact that Ron had considered them a couple, 'So much for putting it off" she thought. She raised her eyes to meet Ginny's gaze as she gave Hermione a you have to tell me everything later look. Hermione nodded, and turned back to her breakfast.

Breakfast continued on silently until everyone's plate was clear. After helping do the dishes, she went her separate way like everyone else, and grabbed a book from her beaded bag.

There was no one occupying the living room when she walked in with her book, so she made herself comfortable on the couch and pulled the blanket knitted by Mrs. Weasley over herself.

She was so immersed in her book that she jumped when she felt warm hands land on her shoulders.

"Oh hey," she said catching her breath and looking up at Ron who was standing behind her looking down.

"Hey, sorry I scared you," he said with a chuckle as he kneeled down behind the couch.

"No it's alright," she said before they lapsed into comfortable silence. Moments later he lifted a hand up to caress her forehead lightly.

"Does it hurt?" he asked quietly, hand still at her forehead.

"What? Oh yeah a little, but it's alright," she said realizing he was talking about a cut on her head.

"Rubbish, here let me help you," he said standing up and walking around the couch to offer her his hand. She took it gladly and allowed him to lead her to the bathroom.

"Sit up here," he said patting the counter when she closed the door slightly, leaving a sliver of the hallway visible. She hopped up onto the counter while he sifted through the medicine cabinet.

"Here we are," he said holding up a bottle of essence of dittany.

Pouring some dittany onto his fingers, he rubbed it over her cut gently causing her to wince.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologized rubbing her arm lightly with his other hand.

"It's alright just stings a bit," assured Hermione.

Ron's eyes were so focused on Hermione's forehead that he didn't noticed her gazing at his face with a look of longing. Her gaze shifted to his lips and she remembered what it was like to have his lips on hers. They were so soft and gentle, and she would do anything to be able to kiss him again.

"Annnnddddddd, done!" he said closing the bottle and washing the dittany off his fingers in the sink. He put the bottle in the cabinet and turned back to Hermione.

Giving her a smile, he put his hands on either side of her head and kissed the cut he had just healed on her forehead. She felt her heart speed up when she realized how close they were now.

"All better," Ron said when he pulled away.

They stared into each others eyes for a few long moments, when Ron slowly leaned his head closer to hers, Hermione's following in sync. Nose's only an inch apart, they closed their eyes, preparing to relish in the feeling of kissing each other once more.


"Oh! Sorry I saw the door open and - I will just be going now," stuttered Ginny backing away from the door and back to her room.

Cheeks flaming, Hermione hopped off the counter and removed her face from Ron's hands, before running out of the bathroom, mumbling a quick 'sorry'.

Ron collapsed onto the edge of the bathtub, and let out an exasperated sigh. He wanted to kiss her again so badly, that it was killing him. He wanted to be able to hold her hand all the time, cuddle her, tell her he loved her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. 'She kissed you for goodness sake' he thought to himself.

He vowed to himself that he would kiss her again soon, no matter what it took.

Hey wow two publishes in under 24 hours that a record for me! I wrote his one while sitting in the car driving back from Florida so I'm not sure how good it is going to be:) I am hoping to make this fairly long, and have it follow them all the way to platform 9 3/4. I love the post-battle romione awkwardness, so I couldn't help but incorporate it:) I know it is short but I will make them longer as they go on don't worry. Anyways thanks for taking time out of your lives to read my story!

Read and Review:)
