A/N: Happy Valentines Day everyone! Thought I would post the final chapter today as a treat as it is pure fluff and romance. Perfect for today!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
Potter Cottage – August 1999…..
To the Beautiful Birthday Girl,
Happy 18th Birthday!
Underneath this letter, as I'm sure you have already spotted, is a small, yet short book, which I have had put together especially for you.
While we were unpacking a couple of months ago, I found the letters you wrote to me during our separation.
I read them.
Every word you wrote meant so much to me. I wish there had been a way that you could have sent them to me. I'm certain they would have helped me during that year.
Anyway, I took the letters, along with the ones I had written and had them bound into a book for you.
Please read them in order.
I'm hoping my letters to you will help you truly understand just how much your love for me helped me during those dark days.
Happy Birthday baby!
I love you more than words can ever say.
Love, Harry.
P.S. Stay in bed and read the book. Breakfast will be served to you shortly.
Ginny carefully removed the beautiful dragon-skinned bound book, running her hand gently over the cover as she did. It was definitely not what she had been expecting for her birthday from Harry. The fact he had offered her something so personal as a present meant to more to her than she thought possible.
She opened the cover and began to read the letters in order as he requested. As she read each one, including her own, she felt there was a reason for him putting this together and that with each letter that she read, she was heading towards something important.
Tears were streaming down her face by the time she came to his final letter, the one she realised she would have received over a year ago had everything gone wrong for him.
Shell Cottage – April 1998…..
To my beautiful Ginny,
This is letter is to be given to you in the event of my death at the hands of Tom Riddle.
If you are reading this, then I hope that with my death came the downfall of Tom and his minions.
If this is the case, then I need to tell you something that I never got to say to you in person.
It took me a long time to figure the eight letters that I felt for you.
Those three words scared me more than anything due to the intensity of them.
But in the end, it is one of the most powerful phrases I could ever say, because I know it is the power that Tom knows not.
I have always loved you, it just took me time to realise it. I got scared by just how intense my feelings were for you, having never truly experienced love before I met you. But I know how powerful these words are, because I know that when I meet my death, even at HIS hands, I will be thinking of you in the hopes that you can have an even brighter future than before.
If you are reading this, then it means we can no longer have the future that I so desperately wanted to have with you. I never considered the future until we started dating, but in the few short, happy weeks we had together, you gave me the hope I needed to believe I could have it.
I wanted to spend the rest of my life making you happy, just so I could see that beautiful smile of yours. I wanted to make you laugh every day. I wanted to be able to sit and hold you close every day, kiss you and tell you I love you.
I wanted my future to involve you and only you.
You stole my heart the day we first kissed and it has belonged to you ever since then. I believe that perhaps you owned my heart long before I realised you were the only witch for me.
But now, I will not be able to share that future with you as I had hoped, as I had dreamed. I will not be able to marry you, have children with you or grow old with you.
So now, I need you to continue to protect my heart while I go on to the next great adventure to wait for you until it is your time to join me.
Until then, I want to you move on and have an amazing life. Find an amazing wizard to love, to marry, to have children with and to grow old with. You deserve this more than anyone I know.
Don't let my death stop you from living and from achieving everything you have ever wanted.
But most importantly, be happy and be you, the amazing you that I love.
I love you and I will always love you.
You are the love of my life, my beautiful Ginny.
Forever in your heart,
The tears streaked down Ginny's face as she read the final letter, the one she would have received had he'd died. In the past year, Harry had been open and honest with her, more so with her than he had ever been with anyone else. He had told her numerous times that he wanted a future with her, but still the words within the letter had taken her by surprise. It only made her fall in love with him even more than she already was. She felt like her heart was ready to burst with the amount of love that consumed it.
As the tears eased and she took control of her emotions, she turned to the final page to discover the surprise the letters had been building towards. Accompanying the letter, attached to the final page by red, gold and green ribbons was a ring. Not just any ring, but a simple diamond ring.
Potter Cottage – August 1999…..
To my beautiful Ginny,
Having read my letters, I hope you now understand just how much you mean to me, just how much I love you and just how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
You are the love of my life. You are my world and my life. Without you, I am nothing.
So Ginevra Molly Weasley, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
Yours forever,
She had hoped and dreamed that this day would come, but somehow he had still managed to surprise her. She had known her answer even before she had read the final note. She also knew there was only one way she could answer him.
When he appeared with the promised breakfast, she said nothing, but instead handed him a small piece of parchment. Harry's eyebrows rose in surprise, before opening the parchment. A tear slipped down his cheek when he saw what was written.
One simple word: