Harry was not going to lie, he felt the triumph wash over his body after what happened, although there was a sense that he was not sure what he expected. However, this end was not what he expected. It also appeared from all indications that Dumbledore was the one that went down with the ship as well, which was a nice little bonus all things considered.
Dumbledore was put out of his misery, Voldemort was put out of his misery, and he was pretty sure that a whole bunch of marked Death Eaters just dropped death from the backwash of everything. All and all, Harry would have to say that this was an extremely productive day. At the very least, he had a couple of loose ends to tie up and then he would be on his way.
The Ministry of Magic was in a chaotic panic, even more so than usual. Harry felt himself quite amused by this fact although he thought that Amelia had her work cut out for her.
"So, we have a new Minister of Magic," Andromeda said as she made her way down the Hallway. "Your….well your endorsement caused it to become a landslide. It seems like the readers of the Daily Prophet who believed that tripe that the Ministry threw down were the extremely vocal minority."
"Well, that minority is very vocal and not to mention extremely obnoxious," Harry offered as he took a few steps forward. "Some might say that I'm abusing my power….but I'm doing no more than many purebloods have done before me."
"So you're respecting their traditions in a way," Andromeda commented with a slight smile on her face and Harry nodded.
The woman shook her head before she made one final bit of commentary. "Just like your mother, exploiting their idiotic traditions to screw them over."
"Well that's the name of the game," Harry offered as he pulled the eldest Black Sister in close to him. "And there's a lot going on that they don't even know about. I'm not even sure if they know Dumbledore is dead yet."
Andromeda raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to enlighten them?"
"I'm going to give the Minister the heads up, and then…..well she can do what she wishes to do with the information," Harry said as he walked up the long standing stares. Nym joined him.
"You know, this has been a very weird day," Nym offered Harry lightly and the wizard grinned back at her.
"Yes, that's kind of the story of my life, Nymmy," Harry said as he pulled her in close to him and the two of them walked next to each other, going shoulder to shoulder with each other.
"Well yes, I suppose," Nym said in a grudging voice as they made their way to the Minister of Magic's office. Harry knew that she would have to be a step up to Fudge, an early morning bowel movement was a step up from the disgraced former Minister of Magic.
Fudge really suffered from what happened and Harry could not feel sorry for him. His pet toad was suffered a little accident when it came out that she was the one who sent the Dementors in an attempt to discredit Harry. It appears that Fudge might have leaked that information to save his own ass, although the rioters that were currently outside his home indicated that it was too little too late.
Never the less, Harry took his hand and raised it, knocking on the door and waiting to be permitted entry.
"Come in," Amelia offered in a tense voice and her voice got less tense when she saw who was entering her office. "Harry, it's good to see you again."
"Excellent to see you as well, Amy," Harry offered her with a smile as he pulled her into a nice hug. "And congratulations on….your roll as Minister."
"Well I should be thanking you, you practically gift wrapped the post and handed it to me," Amelia said to Harry.
Harry smiled back at her. "Not so, I just merely gave the sheep the proper nudge so they could follow the right shepherd."
"Right," Amelia said, as much as it pained her to admit it, the sheep analogy was appropriate because most witches and wizards were in fact easily lead. It caused her a slight amount of pain to admit this fact but it was an undisputed truth. "So what do you plan to do?"
"Well I'm pretty much done in this world," Harry offered to her.
"You would be a…"
"Amelia, as a favor to me, I wish for you to pass a law where no Minister of Magic can be elected unless they reach the age of thirty five," Harry told her and Amelia blinked. He figured that by then, he should have sufficiently erased all traces of himself from the Wizarding World and the name Harry Potter would only be spoken in whispers, as an urban legend where people wondered if he truly existed or not.
"Well it is sound legislation," Amelia said. Somehow, thanks to his father being rich, there was a wizard almost three hundred years ago who was twenty one years old and got himself elected to become Minister. He nearly bankrupt the government, exposed them to Muggles, and caused two goblin rebellions.
Granted a goblin rebellion could be caused by not getting a salt packet at lunch time but it was a pretty grievous offense.
"I'm going to assume that your unfinished business is finished," Amelia told him and Harry smiled.
"If you're referring to Voldemort, then yes, he's been done, kind of went out with a whimper, although technically he went out with a bang but it was a whimper in other ways," Harry said.
Amelia could not make heads or tails of that statement.
"Dumbledore and Voldemort had a battle and apparently, the dwelling that they were in blew up," Harry said. "I spent hours doing scanning spells and have the data written down. I'm sure the Ministry's crack team of experts will be able to figure out whether or not they are dead."
"Right, I…."
"Yes, you have to be sworn in as Minister, but for now….good luck," Harry said as he offered his lover a kiss and then he departed just like that.
Amelia blinked, no one could teleport from her office like that, there were enchantments that prevented it.
Then again, Harry Potter, he was the exception to every single rule of magic.
Harry took this moment after the final battle, if one could call it that, to really reflect on what happened. He would be lying if he thought that he was completely pleased with what happened but the fact of the matter was that the end result was obvious.
Voldemort was done and that was Harry's end goal in mind. Some might have not called an ending very exciting but any ending where Harry had to put in the most minimal effort possible, without risking harm to those around him that was a good idea all together.
No doubt that he was going to be getting letters as rumors gained traction. Really when Harry thought about it, there was one simple fact to realize and that was, most of the sheep did not even know that Riddle returned. He never got around to printing an announcement in the paper. He doubted that many believed Dumbledore after his senility had been properly proven so all and all, Harry thought that it was an amazing day.
"So, you're basking in your triumph," Lily said and she stood behind Harry, lazily wrapping her arms around her son.
"Well, it's pretty triumphant, my final battle against Voldemort was a five star classic," Harry said with a cheeky grin. "People were literally hanging from the rafters, it was a main event in any dueling arena in the world."
"Oh yes, a true classic duel, one for the ages," Lily commented with a smug smirk as she buried her face against the back of her son's neck and he lazily rested against her. "That blood ritual, it really turned out alright, didn't it?"
Harry felt his mother's magnificent breasts pressed against his back and there was only one word that escaped his lips. "Indeed."
"Yes," Lily said as she traced her son's muscles absent mindely. Of course, he was more than looks, he had fooled everyone for four years to make them think that he was a slacker and a fairly lazy one at that. Of course, that went to show everyone that looks can be deceiving. Lily's lips curled into a slight smile as she now played with her son's hair.
Harry smiled.
"Well that was four years of my life….I wouldn't say it was a waste," Harry told her and Lily's smile got more prominent.
"Well you did fuck some really hot bitches along the way, so I would have to say so," Lily offered Harry.
"Yes, that's always the most important thing," Harry said to his mother and she smiled.
Lily was glad that her son had his priorities exactly where they should be. Of course, a bunch of old and idiotic pureblood men had been wiped out like they there was nothing. In fact, there was no nothing about that, they were nothing.
She could not help but smile at that thought. The redhead brushed her hair and shook it as she looked towards the castle where they were standing.
"And I prepared for what seemed like years," Harry added as he looked at the castle.
He had his NEWTs, he defeated Voldemort, he had enough gold, a good portion of it liquidated into Muggle money and invested in Muggle businesses because there was a chance the magical economy was going to take a plunge and there might be another goblin rebellion forth coming, so Harry was not going to get caught with his pants down and without access to his money.
He pretty much did everything. He actually cut ties to certain people, perhaps some day, they might meet up again when they could be appreciated even more.
For now, he was going to move on to another life and cut his losses from this world. Dumbledore and a lot of the idiots in the Ministry being gone made his ability to leave even easier. He knew that the future….well he did not know what the future would hold for the magical world. He figured that it would limp along like it had for the past few generations, a couple of changes would be made for the better, but it would be an uphill battle as being a hidden world become more and more obsolete.
"Just thinking about the future," Harry said as Lily now thought in front of him.
"Something that would you get stoned in the Wizarding World, as they are living in the past," Lily said as she smiled. "They'll learn, but forcing the change is futile."
"And those who are smart enough will have some kind of fallout plan in place," Harry said.
Lily's facial expression turned extremely grim. "Which aren't many, Harry."
"No, they aren't many," Harry said as he smiled.
There was a letter that was delivered to him and he saw the very familiar writing on it.
He shoved the letter into his bag, so he could bin it later, without reading it. He knew that nothing this person had to say would be of any value of him, because they were too proud and stubborn to admit that they were wrong. Plus, he knew that any time someone how performed her at something, it was in a jealous rage.
Plus, no doubt she'd be demanding answers that she was not entitled to or demanding that he get her to sit her NEWTs early. Which given her inability to delve beyond the course material and what was approved, it would not end really well for her.
Harry would have thought that she would have been a bit more grateful given that she would have been dead a couple of times over if it was not for her.
He decided to read the letter after all. He figured that he would need to cut all ties.
Why did you do it?
That letter was short and cryptic. It could have meant any number of things and all of those answers, were something that she should not know.
"Vacation, Mum, that's all I need right now," Harry said and he threw the piece of parchment on the ground where the wind blew it and he walked into the sunset, with his girls, never to return to magical Britain.
Where he went from there, that was debated for ages.
The End.