Harry and Ginny Flooed to St Mungo's, eager to see the new addition to the Lupin family. Harry carried a stuffed teddy bear while Ginny carried a bunch of balloons and some chocolate and flowers for Tonks and Remus.

Emma cried out when she saw them, just having come from the cafeteria. "Have you seen him yet, he's adorable!"

"Now we know it's a boy," quipped Harry to Ginny, who nodded.

"Didn't you get our owl?" asked Emma, puzzled.

Harry and Ginny blushed. They had been too caught up in their reconciliation to be bothered to let Hedwig in, or to get out of bed to take the note she carried.

"Oops," grinned Ginny.

"They asked me to be godmother," said Emma, proudly. " Mum and Dad just left, but AJ and I are staying for a bit. Come on," she said.

She led the way to Tonk's room, lightly knocked on the door and poked her head around it. "Hey, Harry and Ginny are here. Okay to come in?" she asked.

"Of course, of course, come in," beamed Remus, opening the door wide. Emma walked in, while Ginny kissed Remus on the cheek in congratulations before she followed Emma.

Harry hugged the man he'd called uncle all his life. "Congratulations, Uncle Remus. Emma told us he's as handsome as his dad," he teased.

"I don't know about that. Come in, Harry. Come and meet my son," said Remus proudly.

"Your son, Remus Lupin? Funny, I'm pretty sure it wasn't you pushing that ten pound baby out of your vagina," exclaimed Tonks, making Emma giggle.

"Apologies, dearest. Harry, come and meet the most amazing baby in the world, thanks to the most amazing wife in the world," grinned Remus.

"Better," grinned Tonks, accepting a kiss from Harry. She laughed as he handed over his gift. "How did you know?" she asked.

"Huh?" asked Harry.

AJ walked around and placed the baby in Harry's arms. Ginny immediately went to coo over him.

"His name is Theodore Remus Lupin, named for the two best men in my life," announced Tonks.

Harry knew her father was Ted, a Muggle who'd married her mother, Andromeda.

"Get it, Harry? He's little Teddy, and you got him a teddy bear," cried Emma.

"A teddy bear that's bigger than him!" grinned Tonks.

Harry grasped the little fingers. Ginny ran her finger over the satiny cheek. "He's beautiful," she said softly.

"Actually Harry, we were hoping you'd be godfather to little Ted," said Remus.

"Really? I'd be honoured," said Harry, kissing the tiny baby's forehead.

"Merlin, I hate to say it, but that really suits the two of you," said AJ, watching Harry and Ginny fuss over the baby.

"It does, doesn't it? Sort of gives us a glimpse into the future," teased Emma.

"Slow down there, we only just started dating," laughed Harry.

"Looks like baby sitters won't be a problem," teased Tonks to Remus.

"They'll have to get in line. Harry, I wouldn't be surprised if Sirius talked Marli into having a baby. He could barely let him go last night when he was here," grinned Remus.

Tonks coughed. "I think you mean, early this morning. But it's true, and I swear I saw tears when my cousin held the baby for the first time," she said.

"We can't have the next generation of Marauder's all be Potters! We've added our first, a Lupin. It's up to Sirius and Marlene now," grinned Remus.

"First?" queried Tonks, raising an eyebrow.

"You can't have just one kid. It must be so lonely, being an only child," reasoned Harry.

"Although two is plenty. Why Mum and Dad felt the need for a third is beyond me," teased AJ, looking at his sister. She smacked his arm good naturedly.

"There's nothing wrong with three," cried Emma.

"Or seven," said Harry, transferring little Teddy to Ginny's arms and dropping a kiss on her forehead.

"Sometimes you have to keep trying till you get perfection. That's what my dad told me when I asked him why he and Mum had seven kids," grinned Ginny, settling into the comfort of Harry's arms. Strange how right this was, even in these early days.

"Your dad is a wise man," nodded Remus.

"Oy, I'm an only child, and I turned out perfect," cried Tonks.

"You're the exception to every rule," said Remus, shooting his wife a loving look. She blew him a kiss back, mollified.

Harry and Ginny stayed for an hour, but decided to leave when Sirius and Marlene turned up to visit. Sirius looked disgruntled that his gift, another teddy bear, was smaller than Harry's, but soon cheered up when Emma placed little Teddy in his arms. He really was the cutest thing. A sudden desire to pass on the Black name made him look at Marli, who was looking cheekily at him. She winked and Sirius' heart flipped.

He then had Remus and Tonks in laughter as he told how some witch was convinced he was Stubby Boardman. He even brought the Butterbeer necklace she'd given him to show them. He draped it over little Teddy.

"To keep the Nargles away," he told them.


Harry and Ginny smiled lovingly at each other during the simple ceremony. They were not aware of the many eyes that were on them, as this ceremony wasn't for them. Still, just looking at the couple made the other people watching aware that one day, these two would be making a different kind of commitment to each other.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, and you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, accept the responsibility of godfather and godmother to Alison Mary Longbottom," said the Minister.

"We do," they said together.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, and you, Ginevra Molly Weasley accept the responsibility of godfather and godmother to Fiona Ursula Longbottom," said the Minister.

"We do," they said, smiling at the two girls Neville and Hannah had just formally adopted. The Minister of Family Services had been happy to also perform the extra ceremony.

"Your role as godparents also assumes the role of guardianship should anything prevent Hannah and Neville from fulfilling their parental rights. This includes guiding them and being responsible role models. Your words today are binding and bear many witnesses. Do you accept this position?" he asked.

Ginny and Harry smiled at the two young girls nestled in their new parents arms. "We do," they said.

"Congratulations. Everyone, may I present to you, Neville and Hannah, and their daughters Alison and Fiona."

Everyone let out a cheer, making baby Teddy whimper. Fleur, who had just announced she was four months pregnant, leaned over to check on him, nestled in Tonks' arms. The two witches had hit it off, with Tonks helping Fleur through her early pregnancy.

"Thank you for coming everyone. Neville and I especially want to thank Lily and James for their help in the adoption process, and to Harry and Ginny. I'm sure we all know they'll be great godparents to the girls," beamed Hannah, smiling down at little Alison, sitting on her hip.

"Let's go to the Leaky. Hannah has closed it today for this special occasion. Thanks to Molly Weasley and Andromeda Tonks for helping prepare the food," yelled Neville.

"To the Leaky," declared Fred and George, and everyone headed for the Floo.

An hour later and the party was in full swing. All the children from the orphanage were there, as well as Mr and Mrs Parsons. Neville told Harry he'd hired Danny to help him on weekends in his nursery, as the boy showed a real interest in plants. He told the boy if he did well at Hogwarts and wanted to pursue Herbology as a career, Neville would help him. Rupert was off to Hogwarts in September, so there would be a few changes at the orphanage. Both Mr and Mrs Parsons were happy when Harry mentioned he would be a regular visitor.

It was while they were at the Leaky that Ginny got an owl. She read the letter, flushed and re-read it again.

"Everything okay?" asked Harry.

Ginny thrust the parchment in his hands, for hers was trembling. Harry read it and looked at her in surprise. "For real?" he asked.

Ginny shrugged and nodded, her eyes showing her excitement.

Harry climbed onto a chair. "Oy, you lot, listen up. I've got an announcement to make."

"Harry!" cried Ginny.

"Ginny's pregnant!" cried Emma. She adored baby Teddy and couldn't wait for Harry and Ginny to get married and give her nieces and nephews.

"Emma!" gasped Ginny, shaking her head in an emphatic no. Lily let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't quite ready to be called Grandma.

"You eloped?" yelled AJ.

Molly gasped. AJ might as well have plunged a dagger into her heart.

"My brilliant girlfriend has just been named in England's World Cup Squad," cried Harry, pointing to her.

Some applauded, while Ginny's brother's surrounded her, offering her their love and support as they had always done.

"Good one, Sis," said Ron, hugging her.

"I'm so excited for you," exclaimed Hermione. "I gather this World Cup thing is a big deal?"

Hermione spent the next half an hour being told exactly why this 'World Cup thing' was, indeed, a very big deal. Ginny had told them she had been off on a secret training session when Harry had been released from St Mungo's, hence her absence that week.

"I'm so proud of you," said Harry, kissing her.

"You know, I'll have to go to Bulgaria to attend the training camp soon. I know you just started your new job, but do you think you can come with me?" asked Ginny.

"I think it will be okay. I have an understanding boss," said Harry, smiling at his mother. Lily had come to completely accept and love Ginny, especially for making Harry so happy.

"I love you, Harry," said Ginny, always happiest in his arms.

"I love you too, Ginny," said Harry. "Always."


Harry blearily opened his eyes, then immediately shut them again. He then opened one eye and looked around. He was in a motel room and looking down, he knew he was naked under the sheet covering his torso.

"Hello?" he called out, but there was no answer. He tried to sit up, but quickly realised one arm was handcuffed to the bed. "Not again," he groaned.

He spied his wand on the side table, and used it to get his hand free. "Alohamora," he said. He rubbed his wrist and stood, checking out his body. No bite marks this time!

He needed to pee, so went into the bathroom, stumbling slightly. Damn that Viktor Krum for introducing him and Ginny to the wonders of Bulgarian mead.

"Harry, that you?" asked Ginny, her voice muffled slightly by the shower screen.

"Yeah," called Harry, then groaned as his head hurt.

Ginny poked her head out of the shower, grinning when she saw him. " Get those sweet cheeks in here now, mister," she ordered.

"My head hurts," whined Harry as he climbed into the shower with her.

"Poor baby," commiserated Ginny. She nipped his ear. "That's what happens when you challenge big Bulgarian Seekers to a drinking game. I bet Viktor feels just as bad," she said.

"How come you're so chipper," groused Harry, although he was feeling better now Ginny was washing him all over.

"Dunno. I took a hangover potion, but I just feel really good this morning. Great, actually," she said, kissing his back as she rubbed his shoulder blades.

"What did we do last night?" he asked. "I know we drank with Viktor, but that's all I remember."

"I know, me too. I feel like it was something good, though. Maybe we broke into the National Bulgarian pitch and flew together, or something," shrugged Ginny. She knelt down and tapped his legs.

He spread his legs, still wondering about the previous night. "Yeah, I don't think it was anything bad but- oh, oh god, oh god, oh god," he chanted, as Ginny set to work on cleaning a particular part of his body.

Later, they lay in bed, completely satiated. "Hungry?" he asked, picking up the room service menu.

"Order me anything" she said, getting out of bed and going into the bathroom to brush her hair. Harry had simply picked her up and carried her to the bedroom after their shower together, and she hadn't had time to brush it. The tangles were a bitch!

Harry picked up the phone to order, but as soon as he mentioned his room number, he was told his food was pre-ordered and was waiting outside his door under a warming charm. He went to the door and opened it, seeing the tray waiting. He picked it up, tucking the newspaper under his arm, and went inside. "Food's here," he called cheerfully. He took the lid off and took a bite of a ham and cheese toastie, when he heard a cry from the bathroom. He quickly and ran to it. "Ginny, are you okay?" he called.

Ginny emerged from the bathroom, pale. She held up her left hand. Harry gulped and looked down at his. He then held his aloft.

"What did we do?" asked Ginny, looking at the shiny new ring on her finger.

"I-I think we got married," said Harry, stunned.

"Oh crap," sighed Ginny, moving around him to go to the food tray. She nibbled on a cheese toastie, and opened the paper. "Oh, crap!" she yelled.

Harry walked over to her, stunned by what he saw. On the front page of the Bulgarian paper was a photo of Harry, Ginny and Viktor Krum, Bulgaria's most famous Quidditch player. Ginny was holding a small posey of flowers and Harry had a goofy smile on his face.

'It was truly an honour to be asked to witness their nuptials," said Viktor Krum. 'To be in their presence is truly to be in the presence of love.'

Oh, crap!" cried Ginny, reading the accompanying story.

"Well, excuse me, I happen to think it was a nice thing for him to say," said Harry, looking put out. Secretly he was ecstatic and hoped it was real.

"It was, it was so sweet," said Ginny, "but Harry, you're not thinking straight. We're MARRIED!"

"I know. Great, huh," smiled Harry, in a way his mother had told him was charming.

"Harry, Harry, Harry," sighed Ginny, shaking her head.

"Are you...don't you want to be married to me?" asked Harry, hurt.

Ginny pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. She leaned down to kiss him, and Harry placed his hands on her hips.

"I love you, Harry, and yes, I want to marry you. Doesn't it bother you that we've only known each other for about three months?" she asked.

Harry grinned and thrust up under her. "Nope," he said.

"Harry!" she groaned, "you're distracting me."

"Yep," he said, thrusting again.

"Wait...just wait, please," gasped Ginny. Harry paused and Ginny quickly rolled onto her side next to him. "Can I paint you a picture?"

"Right now?" he asked. He could think of better things they could be doing.

"It's a beautiful sunny day. All our family and friends are there, to celebrate with us. You're standing at the front of the aisle, you're brother and Neville next to you. In the front pew, your mother is crying and your dad is trying to calm her down. Sirius and Remus are teasing them both and winking at you. Tonks is holding little Teddy," said Ginny.

Harry turned to face her, his hand resting on her hip and his fingers drawing patterns on her ivory freckled skin. Oh, how he loved her freckles. "Go on," he said.

"My bridesmaids, Luna and Emma walk ahead, Emma is in blue and Luna in yellow. Then my flower girls, Fiona and Alison set off down the aisle. Neville looks so proud of his little girls," said Ginny.

"My god daughters are cute," agreed Harry. He was quite enjoying their wedding.

"Finally it's my turn. I walk to you holding my dad's arm. My dress is white and my hair is loose, just the way you like it," said Ginny.

Harry's hand came up to run his fingers through her hair. "I do," he agreed.

"I finally make it to the front. You shake my dad's hand, and I kiss my mum and yours, promising her I will always do right by you. Then proudly I take your hand and in front of all our family and friends, we pledge our love and lives to each other," she said tenderly.

"It sounds wonderful," sighed Harry, then jumped as she poked him.

"But we won't have any of that because we're ALREADY MARRIED!" she cried. A look of horror crossed her face. "Oh no, my mother will send a Howler!"

Harry smiled. "Will you relax? No-one's sending a Howler. Your mum loves me, and mine loves you. They'll be happy about this, trust me," he said.

Ginny sat up indignantly. "My mother has probably been planning my wedding since she knew she was having a girl. And your mother would love nothing better than to throw her first born a huge wedding. They're going to be pissed, Harry."

"We'll just tell them that neither of us remember casting the contraception spell on our wedding night, that should make them happy," grinned Harry.

Ginny stared at him. "This really doesn't bother you, does it?" she asked.

"Nope," he said. "I won't un-marry you, just for our parent's sake. We can have a proper ceremony at home if it means that much to them, and to you," he reasoned. He reached for her, dragging her under him.

"We did cast the contraception spell, didn't we?" asked Ginny, moving her neck to give him better access.

Harry shrugged. "Probably. Maybe," he said, feasting on that pulse point that drove him nuts from the first time he saw it.

"If we didn't, and I'm pregnant, you have to be the one to tell Gwenog," she told him.

Harry paused, lifting his head to look at her. He shrugged. "Sure. I know some pretty good shield charms," he said, teasing.

A tapping at the window made them look over. Two owls hovered, both bearing red familiar letters.

"Shit, I knew it," gasped Ginny.

"Bugger off," called Harry, waving them away. "So Gin, I hear Bulgaria is a nice country to live in," he grinned.

"Should we send messages to our families," said Ginny, writhing under him.

"Nah, we're on our honeymoon," said Harry.

"You really don't mind me being married to me already?" she asked breathlessly.

"I'm the happiest man on the planet right now. The rest of the world doesn't exist, right now it's just you and me," he said, kissing his way down her body.

All thoughts of their families were forgotten.

Meanwhile, back in England, word had spread about Ginny and Harry. Molly and Lily were frantically trying to prepare a reception for the couple when they returned.


Hermione was sending owls out all day long with invitations. She marvelled that Harry and Ginny were actually married, but she'd spent enough time with the couple to see they truly were in love. Still, it had only been three months, the same amount of time she and Ron had met. She wondered if it was too soon to tell Ron how she felt about him. He had been so sweet, surprising her with a picnic in the library for their first date. He'd stolen a kiss, she'd been slightly scandalised but thoroughly smitten. She still smiled when she passed their spot every time she returned to the library.


Neville and Hannah eagerly shared the news with the girls. " Ginny and Harry have married and we're invited to a big party to celebrate," said Neville, reading the invitation.

" I'll owl Lily and Molly, see if they need a hand with the food," said Hannah, brushing Alison's hair.

"Oh boy, a party," said Fiona. " Will all your friends be there again?" She remembered the party from the day she was officially adopted. She'd had so much fun and met so many people.

" Yes, all our friends will be there. Harry and Ginny will love to see their god daughters again," said Hannah, giving the girl a hug.

" I think we need to go shopping for a present for them, and perhaps buy my girls pretty new dresses to wear to the party," suggested Neville. He adored his daughters and he and Hannah loved them more every day.

" A kitty!" said Alison, secretly hoping for one of her own.

" Ginny has always wanted a cat of her own," said Neville, thoughtfully.

" Boy, she's lucky. She gets a new kitty and a new husband. Kitty's are fun and cuddly. But, what's a husband good for?" asked Fiona, wondering out loud.

" Lots of things," chuckled Hannah, winking at Neville.


AJ handed her the invitation himself. Curiously she opened it, then looked at him. "You want me to come to Harry and Ginny's reception."

"As my date?" he said, beaming. "I'd like you to meet my family."

Gwenog sighed. "Look Junior, it's been fun, but I don't do-'meet the family'," she said.

AJ kissed her bare shoulder. "That first night, we said one night. That was weeks ago. Face it, Gwen, we're dating!"

Gwenog snorted. "Sweetcheeks, we're not dating, we're shagging. When have we ever been on a date? And don't call me Gwen," she snapped.

"First time for everything," he said, waving the invitation in her face. "We're meeting everyone at my family home before we head to the reception room. Maybe you and I could stay back, and I can show you the room where I slept when I was a boy," he said, rolling on top of her. "Fulfil some of my boyish fantasies."

"You're still a boy," she grumbled, running her hands down his side and over his ass. It was nice and firm.

"So, make me a man," he grinned. "I'm yours to do with as you wish."

Gwenog rolled her eyes, then rolled out from under him and straddled him. He reached up to play with her breasts.

"Uh-uh," she tutted, and she magically bound his hands over his head, giving her free reign over his body.

"You Harpies," he sighed, as she kissed her way down his body. "You're bloody brilliant. Oh god, oh god, oh god!"

When she unbound him, he kissed her quickly and rolled on top of her. "I'll take that as a 'Yes' for the RSVP, shall I?" He began to kiss her all over.

Gwenog surrendered, thanking Merlin and anyone else for the vigours of youth. She nodded.


Over at the Lovegood's home Luna happily let the owl in and removed the letter from it's talons. She then spent the next thirty minutes discussing the different birds used for mail transport around the world. The owl listened intently, while devouring the dead mouse Luna gave it, then gave her a happy hoot before it left.

" Mail?" asked Rolf, coming downstairs with a towel around his waist.

" From a delightful Snowy Owl. She was most interested when I told her of the Kookaburras in Australia. You know they-"

Rolf cut her off with a kiss. "My Moonbeam," he sighed, stroking her golden hair. There truly was no-one like her.

"Who is the letter from?"

Luna watched him move to the kitchen. Merlin, he really did have a cute butt! She opened the letter. " Oh, it's an invitation. I love getting invitations," she cried. She read it quickly. "Harry and Ginny have married while they were in Bulgaria. Their families are throwing them a big reception when they return next week."

"I'm not surprised," said Rolf, pouring two glasses of pumpkin juice and bringing one over to Luna. "The two of them are very much in love." The two couples had gotten together a few times and became fast friends.

"I believe I would like to marry you one day, Rolf," announced Luna.

" What day, my Moonbeam? Tell me and I'll be there," beamed Rolf. He had never met anyone as wonderful as Luna and he had wanted to make their relationship permanent for a while now.

"Tuesday," decided Luna. " We shall marry on a Tuesday."

" Next Tuesday?" asked Rolf, hopefully.

" No, we can't take the spotlight off Harry and Ginny right now. How about the Tuesday after?" she asked.

"Seriously?" asked Rolf, staring at her. " You'll marry me the Tuesday after Harry and Ginny's party?"

Luna nodded, then gasped. " Oh, do you think Stubby Boardman will be at Harry and Ginny's party? Wouldn't that be fun, and I could finally introduce you to him," sighed Luna, happily.

" As your fiancee," cried Rolf, picking her up and twirling her around. " I love you, my Moonbeam."

" I love you, Rolf," laughed Luna, kissing him passionately.

He took her upstairs and made love with his new fiancee. He vowed to always make Luna happy, and with that in mind, he swore he would do everything in his power to get Stubby Boardman to attend their wedding. Maybe he would even sing for his Luna!

Anything for his Moonbeam.


A/N Thanks so much for reading. Next story is already underway, and I'm anticipating it will be a long one, so I will be off the site for awhile. Take care, wonderful readers, and I'll see you soon. P xx