Author has written 2 stories for Magi/マギ, Pokémon, and Naruto. this is a link to my deviontART : http:///gallery/ my name is blue-hart and i love reading story's! i have grat ideas for story's but not really good at writing them and shore if i practice enough i could write my own story's but then were's the magic? even if you told me what your were planing with your story's i still feel the magic of the story if i write a story i just don't feel that same magic as reading one yes i could try writing my own story's like so many of you suggested but i don't find the same joy in writing story as you all do i love paining and brain storming ideas but wen it comes to putting a story together i suck i love helping making story's but i can't make my own because one i suck at writing and two i don't have fun wen writing a story i cant put my idea's on paper i'm also a perfectionist so if a story don't meat my required test i want read it so i'm especially hard on my own writing because it dos not meat my expectations. https:///881bc80321ec8e5923f473c3b735cd4f/tumblr_ob3j1bDo6h1s402bno1_1280.png https:///33f0d6d91019ce136ddeab28c64dd04b/tumblr_ob3j1bDo6h1s402bno2_1280.png https:///dae3f8e8b5d7bbe6ba6251ef8f85555a/tumblr_ob3j1bDo6h1s402bno4_1280.png |