Ludwig had been in this life since a young age. His parents having sold him when he was 10 for money. He was just locked in his room since he had tried to run once again. He had been trained for years on the slave trade.

He hated it and all he wanted was to leave and get away. But he always got caught again. He knew one day he be bought and used for god knows what. Ludwig now age 19 had been trained well. He knew everything on keeping someone happy. Cleaning, cooking, and much more.

But as he heard people walking outside his door the jingle of keys could be heard he gulped a bit and shifted on the blanket he was sitting on. He wasn't sure if he was going to get beaten again for leaving or if someone was coming to look at him, maybe buy him.

Maybe they will buy him and he can finally get away. Maybe they wouldn't be able to contain him and he can run away. He just pictured everything as the door opened.

Ivan had accidently killed his last toy when he fucked it too hard, and forgot to feed it most of the time, so it died of starvation or some illness, Ivan didn't much care about him too even remember his name, all he knew was that he was an okay fuck, and that's it.

He just did what ever got him off, and well he had always been searching for someone to have as a pet, someone who would be perfect slave, and won't try to run away, he hated it when his toys thought they could run away, didn't they know who that master was.

Ivan had nearly given up looking for a perfect slave, until one day he was told of some really cute German slave, that was vicious and hadn't been broken yet, and Ivan loved those types of slaves, he loved making them believe he loved them, and he would care for them, and then one day he would invite them to his room, and he would be gentle if they were a good boy, and if not then he would be rough if they acted bad.

Ivan sighed as he spent a few minutes talking to the owner, he was ugly and disgusting. He tried to make some jokes, but all it did was embarrass himself and make Ivan feel like he should get a gun and kill him.

Maybe to get the slave to trust him and not run away, he should kill his captor, maybe he would feel grateful?

Ivan watched as he talked about the slave, he found out that the boy was sold when he was 10 and has been in training for 9 years, he has had many owners, but none who could tame him. Ivan smirked and knew that he already liked the sound of the boy.

The dude finally opened a small door to reveal an adorable looking German boy,

Ludwig looked up. The man that fed him and a man he never seen was standing before him. His platinum blonde hair and purple eyes where noticeable and so was his body. It was big and his coat had splatters of blood on it.

Ludwig glared at him as the old man went on again "we just got him back. Fucker ran again. "

Ludwig smirked thinking. 'I almost got away' he had always sassed his masters or anyone for that matter. He looked at his time worn clothing just pants and barley went to his feet anymore and a dusty brown shirt. The old man spoke again. "He's a trouble maker not someone you'd want. I'll show you our best"

Ivan looked down at the boy; there was something about him that the Russian loved. Maybe it was the smirk he tried to hide when the owner talked about him running away, that showed he wasn't broken or dead inside, he had strength and was some strong boy.

Ivan loved the look in his eyes; it was unlike anything he had ever seen. His past slaves had been dead eyes, didn't care much and were obedient which was okay, but he did prefer the ones who bit back, and had a bit of fight in them, that way it was much more fun to break them that way.

Ivan planned what he was going to do, the German looked cute now with his blue eyes and blonde hair, but he would look so much better after being washed and given some food. Kindness with these kinds of people goes such a long time.

Ivan didn't notice how long he had been staring and then he heard the other talk about him being a trouble maker, and shows some other ones that were his best. Ivan knew what that meant; it just meant the other ones were more obedient. But he didn't want that. He wanted this one.

"No" Ivan said in his rough Russian accent. "I want this one"

The man blinked. "Are you sure. We have better ones. Younger older females," but could see the want in Ivan's eyes so he nodded.

"Ok. Let's go get the paper. Work done," he walked off to get it all ready. Ludwig looked at the man and laughed. Thinking. 'There's no way he will keep me. I'll be gone and on my way to a new life by the morning.' Not breaking the stare he had on the man.

Then the owner spoke up "good luck with that." He sasses a bit as he went to get the paperwork.

Ivan smiled when he was left alone with the German, his eyes never left his own and that was cute, the way he was trying to be strong but was breaking inside. Ivan bent down low to the others level, and then he offered him a hand wondering if he was going to take it. Ivan knew what he wanted to do so he just bent low and dragged the man so that he was standing in front of him right now.

Ivan smirked as he saw the hint of fear in the others eye, Ivan then walked forward and started to connect his lips to the other.

Ludwig tried to look somewhat brave but this man scared him slightly. But when he felt the lips on his he shoved him back. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

He yelled slightly and back up. Looking at the door witch was slightly opened. Thinking he could get out and run.

Ivan smiled when he felt himself being pushed back; if he thought that was going to stop him then he had another thing coming. Ivan giggled as he heard the other speak, he had some fire in him and that would be fun to break. Ivan suddenly saw the other man glance at the open door. No, way was he going to escape. Not when it was getting fun.

Ivan closed the door as he started to walk towards the other; each step he took the German took one step back until he bumped his head on the wall. Ivan took this chance to press his own body against the smaller ones, as he started to kiss him again roughly, the kiss was gentle then it turned rough, and then dominating.

The boy tasted too good, Ivan even decided to test the boy out, he slipped his hand down the others pants, stroking the others member.

Ludwig groaned when he hit the wall. Ludwig felt disgusted when he tasted the vodka from the others mouth, he then bit down hard on the lips. He then tried to shove the other man away but it only caused him to fall back on his back.

"Don't fucking touch me you pervert," Ludwig said while using his hands to cover up his member not wanting the other to touch him. Trying to think of something, a way to escape.

Maybe if he knocked the man down and when the owner came back, the owner would have to help the Russian and then he could make a run for it. Or maybe if he knocked the other down he would stop and not touch him.

"Don't come near me don't touch me. Leave!" He yelled at the other.

Ivan felt himself being pushed again for the second time, and laughed as he watched the other fall down, and tried to cover up his member that had come loose.

"You are too cute, the way you think you telling me to stop is going to make me stop, how adorable" Ivan said as he started to take off his belt. Then he watched the scared expression on the others face, awww he was perfect.

Ivan took his dick out as he shoved it towards the others mouth, "suck or I swear I will make your life with me a living hell, but if you obey maybe it won't be hard to live with me, da?"

Ludwig heard the other and looked at him. Then the member. Then heard someone coming to the door and was relived. He took the member in his mouth then bit down hard. Not to make it bleed just to make the other in pain.

The door opened and he went running. Shoving the old man out of the way. Who just looked at Ivan?

"Do you still want him now," then he yelled down the hall screaming. "Lock the building down."

Ivan waited for the other to take him into his mouth, he knew he wouldn't do it, and he wasn't disappointed with what happened, the boy had some nerve and it was cute. But fucking hell he could bite, the pain was emitting from his cock, and daamn it hurt.

Ludwig needed to be punished, and he knew just how to do it. He was going to fuck him hard, tie him down when he gets home so he can't escape.

Ivan looked up to see Ludwig running out of the door, and then the owner smirking, the look said, "I told you he was trouble" the man said before ordering a lock down. Ivan had enough of this man, he got his gun out and shot him in his stupid head, who did he think he was? How dare he look at him like this, piece of shit?

Ivan looked ahead and suddenly saw Ludwig trapped in a corner, he had run into an empty room thinking it was an exit but it wasn't one.

Ludwig heard the shot and was terrified. But when he went to a room and there was no way out he tried to go back out the door but seeing the other with a gun and so close he panicked. He looked around the room and first thing was the bed.

He crawled under it and curled up. Hoping the other wouldn't see him. But when Ivan seen him he moved farther back hoping he couldn't be touched. Hoping the Russian would just give up and leave him.

Ivan smiled when he saw the other hide under the bed, but Ivan knew he didn't want to take him now. There was too much that could go wrong, Ivan knew a better way to take him, and it needed to be somewhere special.

Ivan tossed the bed over, and it then revealed the small boy. Ivan picked him up, and then carried him back into his car.

Ludwig screamed and pounded on the man's back. "No let me go. I don't want you. I don't want to go with you," he yelled and kneed him in the stomach. Trying to wiggle anyway. Someone handed Ivan the papers that said he now owns Ludwig, and then they both leave the building.

Ivan placed the papers in his car as he felt every kick and punch the other threw his way, it hurt but he could survive it. Because he knew that this would all be evened out when he got home and tied the other up, and made him regret every punch and kick he did.

As soon as he was in the car he tried to run out the other door but found the doors locked. Should he punch him again, but he was driving that could cause them both to crash, so Ludwig kept his hands to himself in the car.

"Unlock the door!" He yelled but thought he should just watch where the Russian was driving and then when he runs away he would be able get out and get back to this place; at least he knew some good places to hide there.