![]() Author has written 27 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Law and Order, Vampires, Anime X-overs, Ouran High School Host Club, Prince of Tennis, Star Trek: 2009, Naruto, Repo! The Genetic Opera, and TV X-overs. Quick Notes (so you only have to read my massive profile if you want to): Name: Himizu-chan (but Himizu is preferred) I'm on Tumblr under bekabones if you want to see more of my nerdy side (and maybe eventually more fanfic things) and also under bekabonesbookworm if you want to check out my thoughts on books I'm reading or have read. I'm available to beta if you want, but I won't read mpreg and I won't read anything that breaks up Chulu. If you send me that shit, I will come after you with an army of Fannibals and we will eat your liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti. And we'll like it, mwahaha! I try to respond to reviews, and I WILL respond to ALL PM's. I like to chat with people on this site, and I've made a couple friends on here, so don't be afraid to approach me. I promise, you're not bothering me. I don't role-play (except very occasionally, but only with a couple of close friends). It's a personal preference. Please don't even ask. That should answer the most common questions I get. If not, send me a PM. Or keep reading, you never know, I might answer it later. If you want to know more about me, keep reading, check my Tumblr, or PM me. I like to chat with people, so don't worry that you're bothering me. Now on to the real profile! All righty, here we go! I'm Himizu-chan, but you can call me Himizu. I used to write Yu Yu Hakusho fics, but right now I'm focused on Ouran Host Club and Star Trek (the reboot, not the original series), and there are a few other fandoms I wouldn't mind dipping my toe into at some point. I started off writing weird random humor, but lately I've been writing more of an angsty romantic thing that people really seem to be enjoying, so yay for me! In many of my older fics, I have included myself and some of my friends as OC's, but I've been moving away from that recently. In fact, the only story that I'm working on where I include myself is Dusty Pages. A small bit of info about myself: I am a forensics student who graduated college at the tail end of 2012. I love to read, I watch way too many true crime shows on TV, I love Netflix, and I love watching anime and writing fanfics. I spend most of my online time on Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr as well as this site. I can be incredibly random, but these days the themes of my writing are becoming more serious. Maybe I'm more mature now, I don't know. I'm extremely inspired by music, I do my best writing if there's music in the background. That doesn't necessarily mean that the music specifically inspires the writing, but that was certainly the case in Blow Me One Last Kiss, and I do play certain songs to get me in the proper frame of mind. Ryouko is in all the fanfics that I've been in. She has been, and will always be, my best friend, and so she will be in fanfics with me as long as I keep adding myself into my fics. That will never change. There cannot be one without the other. That's just how it is. She often plays the straight-man to my insanity, but she has her moments too. The other thing that happens is that I ship her and Hiei constantly. Their relationship has really evolved over the course of my stories. At first she just annoyed him, but eventually they became pretty friendly, and then they started pretending to be in a relationship to freak out Himizu, but there are hints that things could eventually go deeper... but I don't think I could actually write a lemon of my best friend, that's just weird. Risu is my other best friend, as well as my muse. I usually send her my stories to read, especially Dusty Pages since she helps me write it (plus she's one of the main characters so I need her input). She's not a beta (lord knows she can't spell to save her soul) but she is great with the dialogue. She's also a ridiculous perv and is responsible for most of the mature content of Dusty Pages. She is totally crazy and rather violent (she likes to steal my shoes and hit people with them for reasons I've never figured out) but she's a wonderful muse when I need her to be. I can bounce ideas off of her and I know that they'll bounce back better than they were before. Doom Kitty, aka Doom, is my other, other best friend, and together she and Risu and I have had some absolutely amazing insane times. (The only reason Ryouko doesn't join in the fun is because she moved abroad several years ago while Doom and I just met in college a couple years ago). She is also known as the Queen of Slash for her ability to see homoerotic behavior is every... single... thing she ever watches or reads. Sometimes it can be annoying (like when she manages to pair every single male in Criminal Minds somehow), other times, it's hysterical (when she screams about how Xavier and Magneto should just kiss already in X-men First Class), and sometimes it's just downright crazy (like when she describes the lovingly rendered 70-page sex scene between two people from Inception). Still, she's great at it and she does offer some excellent insights. Other OC friends I include are Kitsune (who was rather preppy and in love with Kurama back in the day), Saru (who was included because she would give me fanfic ideas all the time, but who I lost touch with after she moved away), and Pengin (who is a delightful lad, and also our number one bitch, and very flamboyantly gay to the point of being a living stereotype. But he's a good sport when I include him in my fics.) Fave Quotes, because everybody loves quotes “There are two things you should never give a madman: sharp objects and markers.” -Me “If it wasn’t so pathetic, it would actually be funny. (pause) Oh what the heck! I’ll laugh anyway. Ha ha ha ha!” -Ryouko “Fish, you are a baka. Bad baka fish! Bad tuna! There is no such thing as bad salmon, so bad tuna!” -Ryouko "There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved by a suitable application of high explosives." -Anonynous "Take-out parking only. All other cars will be crushed and melted." -Parking sign in front of Chili's (Me: O.O) "The noodly noodles of noodly doom are coming to eat you!" -Me, from my Big-Screen TV's and Nuclear Bombs fic Talking to Ryouko “…And so I kidnap Hiei and then there’s a bunch of bangs and explosions and stuff… and then you arrive, in all your hell and glory!” -Me (Describing a scene in Big-Screen TV's and Nuclear Bombs) "I'm going to have to kill you very badly." -Ryouko "We are strange people. Fear us." -Me, being me. What else is new? “Biting jaws were a tremendously important evolutionary innovation… Now we could eat pizza!” -Anonymous (Me: -.- Slaps forehead) (Watching Pengin throw a bottle at a trash can and missing horribly) “Even I can do better than that… Even Hiei can do better that that… Even a chipmunk can do better than that, and it can’t even hold the darn bottle!” -Ryouko (She was right… X.X) "I applaud and you show me a sheep... DON'T CONFUSE ME LIKE THAT!" -Ryouko, to me, on an IM conversation... fun with icons, mwa ha ha! "Caffinated sodas and sugary imitation fruit drinks are my version of alcohol!" -Me "Run for your life!! It's the classic beetles!! They're coming to eat you!!" -Me, watching a movie (This was in Trigonometry in high school. Risu and I sat next to each other and she stole one of my shoes, hit the boy behind us with it because he was hitting on her, then placed the shoe on her desk) “Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble.” -Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo "Crazy evil is much more fun than plain evil." -Anonymous "Without books, we have neither a past nor a future." Ichabod Crane, Sleepy Hollow (Fox) "If you understood everything in the mind of an author, then reading their books would be no fun at all." -Fairy Tail And, my motto: "Authors. Even the sane ones are nuts." -The Da Vinci Code I would LOVE fanfiction recommendations!!! Really, truly, I would! My main fandoms right now are Star Trek 2009, Sherlock, Skyfall, Criminal Minds, Leverage, and I'm starting to get into Person of Interest (need to finish watching the series first) I only have a couple caveats should you choose to recommend fanfics to me: 1) NO MPREG!!!! Seriously, you are touched in the head if you read/write mpreg. I can't emphasize that enough. Hate on me all you want, but I can't stand it. 2) No major character death!!! Now of course there is some discretion, like if a character dies but doesn't really die, fine. Minor character death can be okay. But if you come to me with, say a YYH fic where Hiei dies or a Star Trek fic where Spock dies, I will find you and beat you because that's wayyyyy too much angst, even for me. Oh, and I REALLY hate the people who give NO hints that there will be horrific deathy goodness... There are few things in this world worse than reading a fic and enjoying it and then getting hit in the face at the very end by a death that you didn't see coming. It pisses me off. 3) Please... please... keep mentions of child molestation to a minimum. It's fine in small doses, like if Kirk is molested on Tarsus IV or something, but if there's a lovingly rendered 20-page graphic scene of child rape and you truly enjoyed that, you are a fucked up person. At least as fucked up as those mpreg people up there. Mentions of it are fine, they are tragic and angsty and there's great character depth there, but if it's just gratuitous or the point of the entire story, then no thank you. Exception to the exception is if the character is like 17 (*coughcoughChekovcough*) because yeah it's illegal, but there's a HUGE difference between a 17-year-old and a nine-year-old, ya know? In fact, anything involving dubcon or noncon is iffy... if an OC is the rapist, that's usually fine, but I'm really uncomfortable reading fics where a character I love is a creepy rapist. 4) This should go without saying if you read my earlier rants, but don't send me a fic that pairs Sulu and Chekov with anyone besides each other unless you *want* me to go into a homicidal rage. They can hook up with other people on their journey towards finding each other, that's fine, but if it's the main focus of the story, then no. Just no. Also, for fuck's sake, don't send me fics pairing Kuwabara with... anyone. No, not really... but Kuwa/Hiei is just gross and creepy, and I'm not too fond of Kuwa/Kurama either... I don't really like Kuwa and I tend to either abuse him or completely abandon him... 5) Gender-bends... Don't like them. In general. Sometimes they're okay, like if a character changes gender temporarily and this allows a relationship to develop that continues after the gender-bend has gone away. If it's a gender-bend for the sake of a gender-bend... I tend not to like it because either the author will fuck up the character (in my opinion) or it comes off as an excuse to write a heterosexual relationship because the author likes a pairing but is uncomfortable with slash. And that just makes me want to tell them to grow up or just not write for the pair. I don't know. Point is, I have yet to read a gender-bend that I like, and lord knows I have TRIED. (Edit: I have found exactly ONE gender-bend that I liked, a Daria fanfic where Jane was re-imagined as a boy named John, and it was the most heartbreakingly beautiful and sweet and wonderful fic ever. But as a rule, I still don't like gender-bends) 6) This may sound weird, but... I hate first-person fics... I hate them. I can't... I just can't get into them. I have read exactly ONE first-person fic that I actually like, and it was a noir fic so those kinda have to be in first-person to really work (plus I'm a noir junkie...). I have tried, but they just don't work for me. That's so weird because I've read plenty of first-person books, I'm even writing a first-person original work... but I just can't read first-person fanfics and I do not know why... (EXCEPTION: Like I said, noir fics, but those have to be pretty amazing cuz I get annoyed really fast if those aren't done right. Also, journal fics. But only sometimes. It kind of depends. Journal fics can be entertaining, especially if someone finds the journal or something.) 7. I refuse to read drabbles. If the fanfic has less than 1,000 words, I won't even open it. You simply can't tell a story in only 500 words, at least not a really good story. When I search for fanfics, I always set the website to search for only fics above 1,000 words, and I also look at the number of chapters relative to the number of words, so if a fanfic is 30,000 words, but 50 chapters, I won't read it because I just don't think a story can be properly set up in such a constrained space. 8. Also, for the love of all humanity, there should be at least SOME attempt to have proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. I have tried before to read fanfics that are riddled with errors, and sometimes I'm incredibly entertained by the plots and am enjoying the story, but eventually the errors get to be too much for me to handle and I can't read any further. I mean, come on... There are spell-check programs in basically every word processor, and plenty of eager and willing betas on this site, myself included. There is no excuse to such godawful elementary-school-level mistakes. Sorry if that seems really picky and/or bitchy, but to be honest, I'm just recently getting back into reading fanfics again... and yes, I am kinda picky. But I like all sorts of genres, I like angst, I LOVE hurt/comfort, I like romance, humor, adventure, mystery (if done well), and I even enjoy some AU's provided they're clever and well-written, and not just someone shoehorning characters into an unusual situation just for fun. I'm not trying to say I'm better than any of these writers or anything... everyone has things that they really like or really hate, and these are the things I hate and won't read and I'm not trying to put down any of the authors who do enjoy writing this stuff (except the mpreg people cuz I just DO NOT understand that group). But seriously, recommendations are appreciated and much love will be sent in the direction of anyone who sends me something amazing! Fandoms and Pairings A (constantly being updated) list of my fandoms and preferred ships: Yu Yu Hakusho Ouran High School Host Club Star Trek Hetalia Fruits Basket Black Butler Prince of Tennis Ranma 1/2 Witch Hunter Robin Rurouni Kenshin Daria Leverage Sherlock Skyfall Person of Interest Sleepy Hollow Criminal Minds Inception The Losers The Avengers Doctor Who Supernatural (this section will be updated as I continue to read through my fandoms and figure out what I consistently like) One final thought before we get to the random updates I like to post updating readers on my progress and suchlike: I will absolutely always 100% of the time respond to PM's!!! All of them! So don't worry that you are wasting my time or anything! I know I'm not much for the review responses, especially now that FF doesn't let us reply in chapters anymore (plus most of the time I don't know what to say... it seems weird to just say 'thanks for reading' or whatever...) although I do respond if a specific question is asked or if someone corrects something or I really really really like the review. I should work on that and try to respond to more reviews. But I will ABSOLUTELY respond to PM's because that takes more effort and if someone goes to the extra trouble of making a message stand out, the least I can do is respond to it. And I am available to beta if anyone is looking for a beta reader. I have a profile you can look at, but to summarize it... I won't read mpreg, and fuck you if you try to make me. I won't read anything that breaks up my beloved Chulu. I really don't like major character death and try to avoid it. Everything else is negotiable if you ask nicely enough. And I am on Tumbr under the name bekabones! So if you're curious about me, check me out over there! http:/// I'm pretty new to the site, but I'm slowly building it up. Eventually I'm going to start posting things about my fanfics or some recommendations of fanfics I like, stuff like that. I also have a sister Tumblr that's all about the books I am reading or have read. http:/// That one is probably less interesting unless you really want to know about the stuff I read when I'm not writing insane fanfics or on the internet or whatever. 9/10/2013 Sword Art Online has drowned me in all the feels... I think I died from a feel overdose. I know I'm not updating much lately. My muses have all chosen a very inconvenient time to abandon me... I'm tempted to blame all the cool new fics I'm working on, but... they aren't getting written either. Ugh. I did work on Healing Bloody Wounds tonight for the first time in like two weeks (I was so overwhelmed by the feels of SAO that I actually thought I was going to explode if I didn't write SOMETHING). Hopefully I can finish that fic up by the end of the week... I'll try! 9/28/2013 *sets this entire week on fire* For real, guys, this week has sucked so hard. I don't even know where to begin. So I'm not even going to try. But I am doing my best to channel my rage and angst into productive fanfic writing, cuz otherwise I might actually explode. sets more things on fire* 11/5/2013 Yeah so I'm having a really hard time writing lately... Just going through a creative drought I guess. I'm so sorry... But there is a pretty decent correlation between whether I'm getting new fanfic ideas and how much writing I do and I just came up with a pretty epic series idea, so maybe something will finally click! Also, seriously thinking about getting an AO3 account just for fun... could reach a wider audience, plus they're a bit less strict about like the smut and stuff, and you can have tags and multiple fandoms and cool things like that. I'll keep everyone posted when I finally come to a decision. 2/26/2014 Yes, I'm painfully aware that I've barely updated in... months. My life has gone FUBAR on me. I'm struggling to get back on my feet. It's really not easy. I'm trying though. I still intend to finish everything I've already started posting on this site... it just might take some time. I'm so sorry, and I hope that the chapters I eventually post will make up for my appalling lack of updates... 5/22/2014 Yes, I'm still trying to write. No, it's not going well. I wish I could give any sort of timetable for updates, but I literally CANNOT write right now. I'm working on a couple new fanfics, so at least I'm actually writing again. I am brain-dead when it comes to my in-progress fics. I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say or do to make things better or give myself ideas, but I will keep trying, I promise. |