A/N: I don't own anything from red vs blue or Silent Hill.

Silent Gulch Chapter 26

The train crashed in the center of Blood Gulch, though no one could figure out how. The soldiers found themselves immediately swarmed by military personnel. Apparently there'd been a weird energy signal from the canyon and the army had come to inspect.

They all saw medics and were interviewed separately to investigate what had happened. They spend an extra long time interviewing Caboose and the officers broke three chairs during his interview, smashed in frustration.

There was a big fight over trying to get Tex to leave Alessa and in the end the two females stayed together, while three officers were sent to the medics with various broken bones. After they told their stories, the military deemed them to have stress-related disorders, though they couldn't explain why Church was missing and how all the 'hallucinations' matched up. They were scheduled to be sent home, marked as unfit for duty. After the officials found Church's dead body they started a larger investigation and the soldiers were kept in custody. Everyone pointed the finger at Caboose but the investigators didn't buy it. They'd believe that Caboose would team-kill, but not that he could drive a tank.

Eventually they were all moved into a community for people the military considered a danger to society.

"There are no hot chicks here," Tucker complained, leaning dangerously far back in his chair. The Blood Gulch soldiers had gathered as they did about once a week to chat. It was better than talking to their crazy neighbors.

"Tucker, women here are crazy," Grif pointed out. "Crazy enough that the woman at the supermarket asked us if Donut was single because she thought he was straight."

"Your Sister's still here," Tucker shot back.

"You stay away from my Sister," Grif ordered.

"You can't stop us from being together," Sister cut in.

"Calm down Grif, they are both adults. You should be glad she's sticking to just one person," Simmons reasoned.

"I still can't believe they put us here," Sarge stated. "The people here are nuts. I know for a fact I'm not nuts."

"Yeah, it kind of makes me worry about raising a child in this place," Tex said, glancing out into the house where Alessa and Caboose were coloring. It had taken a lot to get custody of the girl. With no paperwork or history the military had originally thought that Alessa had been kidnapped. After a long legal battle Tex was finally allowed to adopt her, though she still didn't feel like they believed she wasn't kidnapped.

"So she really doesn't remember anything?" Donut asked.

Tex shook her head. "She doesn't remember that place or what happened. She recognizes Church as her father but that's about it."

"Are you just going to let her not know? What are you going to tell her about Church?" Simmons asked.

"I'm going to pretend we never went to that place. I'm going to tell her Church died fighting in a war," Tex answered.

"I guess that's sort of true if you look at it the right way," Tucker reasoned. "So, what did you find out about that place?"

"I think I found where it is. It's a town on Earth, but most of the information is a bit odd," Tex answered.

"Odd in what way exactly?" Sarge asked.

"Like it's all travelers telling about how they were told to stay away, old legends about the place being haunted, and about how people go missing there. Weirdest of all are the writings of this guy who said he went there and saw monsters. He said something about how even after you leave, the place still has a hold on you," Tex explained. "I couldn't bring myself to read all of it. It was just too creepy."

"Wonder what he meant by 'has a hold on you'," Donut wondered.

"Well, I have to admit that I have nightmares about it sometimes, and so does Alessa," Tex said.

"I've had a few, but they've basically stopped," Grif said.

"It's about time too. I was tired of being woken up by your screams at night," Simmons complained.

"Well, excuse me for being scared of memories of that hellhole," Grif snapped. "At least I don't elbow people in the middle of the night."

"No lover's quarrels at my table," Tex scolded.

"You're only saying that because your lover is dead," Tucker said, which got the chair kicked out from under him. "Ow, what was that for?"

"What part of anything that happened or about me makes you think I wouldn't kill you for saying stuff like that?" Tex asked, glaring at the soldier. "I better never hear you say something like that, especially with my daughter around."

"What do you think happened to Sheila, Doc, Lopez, and Junior?" Donut asked.

"Either they were killed, like Church, or they are still working for the demon monster thing," Sarge reasoned.

"I'm not sure that Church is dead. I mean, we saw him die, but the stories that I read talked about him seeing a woman die several times," Tex said.

"I don't think that's a better option. I mean, either die once or die over and over? I'd personally take the once," Simmons said.

"I really wish we could put it behind us," Donut said.

"I don't think we ever really will. I mean, I still freak out when I hear the air raid tests," Grif said, shivering. "Sort of gives me a headache at times."

"Well, at least we don't ever have to go back," Tucker said, trying to look on the bright side.

"I hear that." Tex looked over as Alessa ran up to her.

"Look what I made, Mommy." She handed Tex a picture. "I wanted to draw my dream from last night. The therapist said that it would help. Caboose told me about how Daddy used to wear light blue," she said happily.

The picture was of Church as a stick figure, protecting what looked to be Alessa from a large snake. Tex sighed, but smiled at the girl. "It's lovely; can I put it up on the fridge?"

Alessa nodded her head. "I want to put this one up in my room," Alessa said, holding up a crudely drawn picture of Church and what looked like Pyramid Head killing what looked to be needlers.

"That's great, dear. Why don't you have Caboose help you?" Tex suggested.

"Come on Mr. Caboose; let's go put this in my room." Alessa grabbed the blue soldier's hand and tugged him along behind her.

Tex slapped her palm to her forehead. "All we want to do is forget that place and she's hanging up drawings of herself and monsters from there," Tex complained.

"Ah, to be young and innocent," Donut said wistfully.

"Who's up for trying to drink away the memories?" Grif asked.

"I'll get the vodka," Tucker said, getting up to raid Tex's liquor cabinet.


A/N: Thank you for reading, that's the end of Silent Gulch. Keep your eyes out at some point for Silent Gulch: Re(Haven't figured out the rest of the title yet) coming…whenever I damn feel like it. Thanks, please review and tell me what you thought of it all.