Next chapter.

King Sombra walked up and down his throne room trying to figure out where the alicorn amulet was. As of right now he was powerful but he was still mortal, the alicorn amulet would reinstate in him his god-like powers.

"Discord let me ask you something." Sombra asked.

"Yes?" Discord asked as he ate a bowl of paper.

"Are you eating... paper?" Sombra asked.

"Yessum." Discord said as he took a mouthful of paper. Sombra just ignored it and continued on with his question.

"Are you sure you have no indication of where the alicorn amulet is?" Sombra asked.

"Nope, that thing was more heavily guarded and kept safe than the elements of harmony were." Discord said. "All records appear to be lost.

"How disappointing." Sombra said.

"Actually." Discord said. "I think I know where it may be."

"What do you mean?" Sombra asked.

"Now that I think about it, it all makes perfect sense! But what fun is there in perfect sense?" Discord said.

"DISCORD!" Sombra yelled. "Tell me where it is!"

"Okay okay, hold your horses." Discord said chuckling at his little pun. "The alicorn amulet is said to be the most magically powerful item after the elements of harmony. Celestia would not keep in Canterlot because that is too obvious. There is only one pony I can think of that Celestia would entrust the amulet to."

"And who would that be?" Sombra asked.

"Her personal student." Discord said smiling. "Twilight Sparkle.

COLT Memorial

General Blue River went up to podium at the center of the memorial. Princess Celestia and Luna were standing behind him on either side. The elements and COLT-II"s were there as well. All ponies stayed silent as he began his speech.

"Ten years ago, we were attacked by the armies of the Griffon Empire. They were swift, brutal, and tough and many brave stallions fell trying to defend our nation. It was in those moments of despair, certain ponies were called upon to serve. These ponies were trained to do the impossible, these ponies were made to be unbeatable, these ponies were the COLTS." Blue River said. "The COLTS served with great honor and distinction and placed the lives of millions above their own. Unfortunately, due to a bad series of events, the COLTS were wiped out and their base of operations razed to the ground. We are gathered here today to honor those ponies who endured the burden that few ponies could bear. We now asked for a moment of silence as we remember those who are in the Immortal Pastures." Blue River said as he bowed his head. All the ponies followed suit and bowed their heads in respect.

"It is with a great honor that I introduce Covert Operations and Lethal Takedown Squad Omega, please hold your applause till the end. Private Silent Shadow, Lance Corporal Solar Blitz, Corporal Big Macintosh, Sergeant Autumn Leaf, and Captain Deadeye." Blue River said as the COLTS went up to meet the general at the stage while ponies applauded the heroes of Equestria.

"COLTS, for your service and gallant actions during the war, I hereby award each of you the Equestrian Cross!" Blue River said as he put Equestria's highest military decoration on the necks of the ponies. "And to all the COLTS who came before you, I award them the Equestrian Cross posthumously."

"Ooh pretty!" Blitz said as his medal was put around his neck. He winked at his family who was in the crowd.

"Don't worry Blitz, you still look ugly to me." Autumn said.

"Now we shall commence the wreath laying ceremony." Blue River said as TAPS began to play. Each COLT were give wreaths to lay upon each statue of the fallen COLTS. After ten minutes of supreme silence, all statues had wreaths laying at their base except for the tomb of Colonel Striper. Deadeye saved his deceased father's for last. He slowly went up and placed the wreath on the tomb and planted a kiss on the tombstone.

"We saved Equestria father, I hope I made you proud." Deadeye thought as he saluted his father's tomb.

"I'd like to thank each of you for coming tonight-" Blue River said as he heard an explosion in the distance.

"What's happening?" Shadow asked as a royal guard came into the clearing.

"PONYVILLE IS UNDER ATTACK!" He cried out of breath. Ponies began panicking and screaming.

"Shit!" Blue River said as he went up to COLTS Omega who was was already headed towards the armor trunks.

"WE got it sir." Deadeye said as the COLTS quickly put on their armor. A battalion of one hundred COLT-II's began adorning their armor as well.

"Princess I advise we get you to Canterlot." Blue River said to Celestia and Luna who were escorted by COLT-II's out of the area.

"Oh no! OH NO!" Pinkie yelled in fear as she heard another explosion in the distance.

"Hey Pinkie!" Blitz said running over to her. "It'll be okay I promise!"

"BLITZ!" Deadeye yelled.

"Yes Cap'n?" Blitz responded as he put on his helmet.

"You are the fastest here, you have to leave now and hold them off till the rest of us arrive do you understand?" Deadeye asked. Deadeye would never send one of his troops to do something like this by themselves but only Blitz was fast enough to get their on time.

"I understand cap'n." Blitz said as he kissed Pinkie and picked up his magical crossbow. He then took off at super speeds towards Ponyville.

"Be safe." Deadeye said as he put his armor on as quickly as possible.

"AHHHH!" A mare screamed as she was shredded by a volley of arrows. A Mordra crushed her skull as it stepped over her. Thirty Mordra's and hundreds of darklings waited behind their leader.

"Find the amulet, kill all in your path." The Mordra said as the dark army cheered an approving chant. The darklings and Mordra's stormed the city and set fire to buildings and shoot down any ponies in their way. A group of fillies were huddled up in a corner watching in horror as a Mordra impaled a stallion with its sword. The Mordra saw the fillies whimpering and crying and walked over to them. It laughed as it raised its sword but was knocked to the ground by a blur. The fillies looked up to see a metal mask staring at them.

"Run! I'll hold them off!" Blitz yelled to them but they were too petrified to move. "Listen, I promise i'm not gonna let anything happen to you now you have to run!" The fillies nodded as they ran away. Blitz looked up to see the Mordra he knocked down getting back up.

"A compassionate and foolish move." It said as darklings converged on Blitz. Blitz began firing his magical crossbow at the oncoming enemies and mowed down thirty before he was knocked across the street by a Mordra with a mace. Blitz went flying through city hall where twenty ponies were hiding. The mordra moved in as Blitz got back up, he couldn't find his crossbow so he pulled out his dual swords and connected them to form a double bladed sword. He saw the ponies hiding in the building sneaking out. He circled the mordra as the beast moved in and attacked. The two beings swung their blades at each other in an attempt to cut each other down. The Mordra knocked Blitz's sword away and knocked him to the ground. The Mordra put its massive foot on Blitz's chest and held him down. Blitz activated his hoof dagger and drove into an exposed area on the beast. The mordra howled in pain as Blitz got up and retrieved his double bladed sword. He somersaulted over the Mordra and swung his sword cutting off the beast's arms. He turned around and plunged his sword through the beast's chests and then did a final swing and decapitated the monster finally killing it. He then looked for his crossbow and picked it up.

"Ah buck!" Blitz said as a mace collided with his crossbow and sent him crashing into an abandoned house. He got up and saw that the horn in his magical crossbow was overloading and that it would blow up from the damage it took.

"AHH!" Blitz shrieked as he saw the ten Mordras come in. "Uh, here!" Blitz said giving the damaged crossbow to the nearest Mordra. The beast looked with confusion as Blitz sprinted out of the building. The Mordra opened it's mouth to shriek but never got the chance as the crossblow blew up taking out the ten mordras with it.

"Yes!" Blitz said air hoofing. "Took out eleven so far!" Blitz turned around to see a Mordra commando growling at him with fifteen more commando's behind it. Mordra commandos were even stronger than regular Mordras. "Uh number twelve may be a problem! GUYS I COULD USE SOME HELP HERE!" Blitz said as he pulled out his dual swords and charged the commandos.

"HURRY!" Deadeye yelled as the rest of COLTS Omega entered the Ponyville followed by one hundred COLT-II's. They saw Ponyville in flames and dead bodies strewn about the streets.

"BLITZ!" Shadow cried hoping his friend was alright.

"AHHHH!" A figure screamed as it landed on the ground next to Shadow.

"Blitz?" Shadow cried.

"H-hey." Blitz said. His helmet was missing and the top half of his armor was gone. He was littered with scars and cuts. He had two black eyes and was missing a few teeth.

"Blitz who did this?" Shadow asked as he was tackled by a Mordra.

"Theres your answer!" Autumn yelled as he pulled out his crossbow. Autumn fired at the Mordra till it fell down dead.

"What the buck was that thing?" Autumn yelled.

"Doesn't matter just kill the damn things!" Deadeye said as he fired on the darklings. The COLT-II's had also engaged the darklings as well.

"Bloody hell! These are ugly wankers!" Pip yelled as a Mordra tried to bite his face off.

"Tell me about it!" Featherweight said as he kicked a darkling off of him.

"Time for some payback!" Spike said remembering how the Mordra had hurt Sweetie Belle. Spike charged and used his claws to rip darklings to shreds. He ran up to a Mordra and went to claw it but the beast caught his arm and threw the dragon into a pile of debris. Spike got up enraged and released a large fireball upon the Mordra. He could hear it screaming as it burned. When the fire stopped it was heavily charred but still alive. Spike pulled out his sword and went for the kill but the beast kicked Spike before he could strike. The mordra turned and picked up its sword and ran towards Spike to kill him. Spike was prepared and rolled to the side as the blade missed him an inch. Spike kicked the mordra's knee and a pop sound was heard. The beast screamed in pain as it punched Spike in the face knocking the dragon down. Spike brought his legs up and kicked the Mordra in the stomach knocking it back. Spike pulled out his dagger but saw the Mordra was already dead.

"Ugly bastard." Featherweight said as he pulled his dagger out out the mordra's neck.

"That was my kill!" Spike whined as a dead darkling landed in front of him.

"Don't just stand there idiots! Kill them all!" Rumble growled as he activated his gilder and pulled out dual crossbows to kill darklings in the air. Soarin flew through a cloud of darklings and cut them down as Skullcrusher lived up to his name and stomped out a skull of a darkling. Shadow pulled out his harpoon gun as he shot down darklings from far away while he pulled Blitz to safety. Blitz's wounds would heal within the hour but he no longer had armor on his chest or head making him vulnerable to a killing blow. As Shadow prepared to pull the trigger on a darkling, a Mordra Commando landed in front of him and snapped his harpoon gun in half. Shadow somersaulted out of the way and pulled out his magical crossbow and fired at the monster but the bolts were not enough to penetrate it's thick armor. The mordra swung its sword down but Shadow dodged it and launched into the Mordra tackling it to the ground. Shadow used one hoof to smack the mordra's head while he used his other hoof to pull the sword from the mordra's hand. The Mordra used its free arm to punch Shadow off of him and quickly stomped on Shadow's ribs before the COLT could get back up. Shadow felt his helmet get torn off as he was hoisted into the air by the Mordra who was grabbing him by the neck. The mordra brought it's sword to Shadow's throat. Shadow quickly brought up his back hooves and activated his hoof blades and used them to stab the beast in its slightly exposed neck. The Mordra howled in pain as it dropped Shadow. Shadow than picked up his sword and swung with all his might. The first swing chopped halfway through the Mordra's neck so Shadow had to swing two more times to decapitate it.

"Captain!" Big Mac shouted as he shot down a darkling. "They're retreating!"

"COLTS FOLLOW THEM!" Deadeye screamed as he chased after them with Autumn and Big Mac.

"Sir, Blitz is critically injured and no longer has armor, he can't come!" Shadow cried.

"Damn it! Leave him at a medical outpost and get your ass over here!" Deadeye called. Shadow did what he was told and brought Blitz to a field hospital which was being constructed.

"Shadow Im good! I can still fight!" Blitz said passing out.

"Not like this your not." Shadow said as he laid Blitz down. "Your sittin this one out."

"No but-" Blitz said as he passed out. Shadow gave his comrade a hoof bump. Blitz had killed eleven mordra's, thirty darklings, and had taken on fifteen Mordra Commandos all at once by himself! Shadow was impressed by his friends skill.

"Shadow! Let's go!" Deadeye ordered.

"Yes sir!" Shadow replied as they left to find the retreating enemy who would hopefully lead them to their base

Yah Blitz and Shadow were badasses in this chapter. Who is pumped for Equestria Girls? R&R