Hidden Desires

Chapter 1: Catnapped

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach nor do I own the characters. This is an alternate ending/slightly different story from the author Animefreak646's story "The Unfortunate Closet Mishap", check it out sometime to see the original idea.

"Kitty-cat! Here pussy, pussy, pussy!" a voice called.

Grimmjow was angered, how dare someone mock him in such a way? Especially in the middle of the night! He stormed out of his room and into one of the many hallways of Hueco Mundo. "Alright, show yourself!" he was tired and irritated and wasn't going to be taking any crap from anyone.

"Are you sure that's really what you want kitty?"

"Of course! Now you stop hiding like a coward and get out here!"

"Very well, but I warned you. I won't be able to stop myself once I see you~," the mocking voice said in a sing-song way. A pure white Ichigo stepped out from the shadows, his eyes black with yellow irises and the sheath of his zanpakutou was a dark black. He had one hand behind his back, as if hiding something.


"No, do I look like that idiot Ichigo to you?"

Grimmjow was confused. What was this? Was Aizen playing tricks on him? "I suppose not."

The sadistic grin on the white Kurosaki Ichigo or rather on the Shirosaki Ichigo spread. "My, my. Looky what we have here." The hollow flung himself at the unsuspecting Grimmjow, unsheathing his sword and knocking him off his feet.

"The Hell?" Grimmjow asked as he got to his feet. "Now I'm pissed."

"You weren't before?"

"Not as much."

"Well, whatcha gonna do about it, eh?" Shirosaki taunted.

"I'm going to kill you!" Grimmjow declared, unsheathing Pantera and running at full speed towards the person standing confidently in front of him, sword on his shoulder.

"Heh." The hollow smirked slightly, making Grimmjow fear that he had been jumping into a trap. It was too late to withdraw though. He swung him sword, about to hit his target when all of a sudden Shiro disappeared. He appeared behind him and swung his zanpakutou down hard. Grimmjow fell to the ground, battered and bloody, his own zanpakutou had been knocked several feet away from him.

He didn't have enough time to get back on his feet, for the hollow appeared in front of him, still grinning. It picked him up by his shirt and Grimmjow prepared himself to be struck by his opponent's blade. What he had been expecting did not happen though. Instead of feeling metal cutting his stomach or neck, he felt harsh lips crash down upon his own. Shocked, the espada was temporarily frozen. A tongue forced its way into his mouth and he didn't know what to do. He was completely frozen, in fear, shock, denial, he didn't know what. He heard a click and felt something around his neck. Shiro broke the kiss, grinning wider than ever.

"Mine," he declared. Grimmjow was baffled. A hand moved to his neck to feel what had just been placed there. A collar. A frickin' collar! He was so pissed. The espada gathered all his strength and tried to hit his opponent who had been making such mockery of him. Shiro sidestepped the attack, but to Grimmjow it looked as if he had sonidoed to the side. "You're not so tough anymore, are ya? You're barely moving."

"Shut up!" Grimmjow tried to attack once more, but the hollow had been right, he was barely moving. "What did you do to me?" he nearly screamed.

"Just put a collar on you to claim you as mine." Shiro smirked. "Oh, it has a slight case of eating reiatsu. Any time you try to call out power, you'll just find yourself getting weaker."

"No frickin' way!" It couldn't be true! Grimmjow tried to punch the white version of his arch nemesis, but he simply collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. White sploches clouded his vision. Shiro laughed before picking him up and flinging him over his shoulder. "Where… are you…" it was all he managed to get out before he found himself no longer able to speak. He saw darkness engulf them before it did so to his mind as well.

Grimmjow woke up to the smell of tuna. It smelled delicious. He wanted it. He let out a whimper, begging for the fish. He paused. What was he doing? He was Grimmjow Jaegerjaques! He didn't beg for fish!

"Kitty's hungry." He heard a voice state. "Sorry kitty, no food for you."

Grimmjow opened his eyes, quickly wishing that he had not. The hollow version of Kurosaki stood over him. Shiro moved away from him, setting a can which he figured had tuna in it on the desk. Grimmjow quickly noticed a blue leash attached tightly to a bed post. He sat up quickly and grabbed the lead, following the blue to his neck where it was attached to a collar. He recalled the events that had happened before he passed out and growled, yanking on the leash. This caused a shock to go through his body and he fell out of his sitting position and flat on his face. Luckily he was sitting on a bed.

"Why am I so weak?" he asked in a voice so close to a growl that it caused him to get zapped again.

"Been a long time since you haven't had your reiatsu, hasn't it?"

"What's it to you?"

"Now, now kitty, you need to learn some manners." Grimmjow was zapped once more. This time he didn't even try to sit up. He just laid there. "I was answering your question. The reason why you feel so weak is because your body doesn't know how to function without its reiatsu."

"Why'd you kidnap me?" He asked, jumping off the topic of him being weak. "If you wanted to kill me then you could have done it already, so why?" Grimmjow asked, turning his head to face the hollow who was leaning casually against the wall opposite to him.

"You really want to know?" Shiro asked, pushing off the wall and striding towards his captive. "Very well then, I'll show you."

"Show me?" Grimmjow asked, scrambling to a sitting position so he wasn't quite as vulnerable. "Show me wha-" he was cut off when lips met his own. In disbelief and shock, the weakened espada pushed against the other man. It was futile though, he simply wasn't strong enough. Shirosaki deepened their kiss and demanded access the other's mouth. Grimmjow, recalling last time, wasn't so quick to comply. This made his captor angry and he dug his nails into the defenseless victim's arms, making his gasp in pain. The second his mouth opened, a tongue was shoved in. He couldn't breathe, but Shiro showed no signs of releasing him anytime soon.

The hollow climbed on top of the espada, forcing him deep into the bed. He didn't release him from the brutal kiss and Grimmjow's lungs were burning from lack of oxygen. He tried to struggle, but it was useless. The man on top of him grinded his hips into Grimmjow's and the espada felt his body reacting in frightening ways. He tried to let out a yelp, but could not. Shiro nipped at his lips before finally releasing him and hopping of the bed to resume his place by the wall, leaving the arrancar exhausted and gasping for air on the bed, his lips slightly bloody.

"Ya understand why I kidnapped you now? I wanted to have some fun and you're the perfect thing for me to have that fun with."

"Bastard…" It was meant to come out as a venomous word of hatred, but due to Grimmjow's current condition it came out more as a gasp.

"Ah-ah-ah, kitty, what did I tell you about manners?" Pain coursed through Grimmjow's body. So much that he couldn't move. "Well now, despite how much I wish I could play longer, Ichigo's gonna be wakin' up soon and if he saw you… Well then, I think our fun would be ruined. I'll just have to hide you for now."

"Ichigo?" Grimmjow asked.

"Well, yeah. This is our body. Ichigo's and mine, I mean. He hasn't figured out that I can take over it when he sleeps just as well as when he passes out yet. I can't go into my hollow form unless he passes out in a fight, though. This'll just have to do." Shiro walked over to the limp form on 'his' bed. He picked him up bridal style despite his protests. He turned and began to descend the stairs.

"Why did you choose to capture me? And… why now?" Grimmjow asked, wanting to get some answers on why this was happening to him. Shiro decided to answer to distract his prisoner from what he was doing...

"You? Because you're hot. You also look like you'll be fun to break. As for why now, simply because of the convenience. Ichigo's annoying family left to go on some vacation thing and he couldn't go because of finals. Since he has said finals and since there are now so many shinigami here that this town is overrun by them, he has been going to sleep early every night, giving me more play time. 'Course he'd notice if I wore out his body, so I left it in his closet... Ah, here already." They had reached the basement. Grimmjow was dreading what would happen to him down there. He'd have to be stuck there for the entire day to wait until Shirosaki came for him that night. No.

"Let me go!" Grimmjow tried to struggle, only to find that he unable to move. "W-what?" he asked in shock.

"You didn't think I'd let you run around free today, did you?" The hollow pointed to the espada's wrists. Black handcuffs made out of spirit particles were locked around them. "They prevent you from moving, like paralysis. Too bad they don't stop you from making noise, but that's what this is for." Shiro shifted the man in his arms weight so that he could pull a gag out of one of his pockets.

"What! No, don't use that! I won't make any noise, just don't gag me!"

Shiro paused, as thinking about what the espada had said. "I'm not sure if I believe you, kitty..."

"Well you should."

Shirosaki's eyes glimmered darkly as an idea sprung to his mind. "Very well, I won't gag you. I'll save that for another time." He slipped the gag back into his pocket. "But if you make one noise or do anything to make Ichigo suspicious, I swear, you'll be hating your life." Grimmjow snorted in response, but didn't object.

Seeming satisfied enough with that answer; Shiro opened the basement door and walked into the dark room. He laid his prisoner down in one of the dark corners, propping him against the wall. He turned and walked towards the door before turning back to look at where he knew Grimmjow laid. It was too dark to see him which was good.

"Nighty night, kitten. Don't misbehave or you'll regret it~!" Shirosaki sang before closing the door and leaving his captive in the dark, to await his return that night.

Hope you enjoyed. I might continue if enough people liked it. Again, original idea of Animefreak646, so check out their story to see how their idea was. Mine's going to have an alternate ending, but the same basic plot for the first few chapters.
