A/N: I'm back guys, I finally got over my health problems. As you can see, I've began yet another story because I just can't help it. Also, in case you can't read the summery box, this is also yet another X-over between Naruto and Pokémon this time. I know what your thinking, but I've said it before and I'll say it again, when an idea comes to me, I just have to write it down in case it becomes a big hit. Now then, I have one final thing to say, Naruto is in the anime-verse with hints of game-verse so he may (Read: will) run into a certain group of twerps. He will have one non-regional Pokémon, as you can probably tell from this chapter. He is in Sinnoh, just because it was my favorite season, possibly because I haven't watched the new one, just played the games.

All Rights Reserved


Caw! Caw! Caw! Wingulls called as they flew overhead, the ocean crashing against the earth beneath them. The sun was shining overhead, the sky was clear, and most Pokémon were lazily resting over playing in the surrounding forest. If one looked closely, they could make shapes like Starlies, Staravias, Eevees, Ariados, and Ursaring, all lying about like scattered toys. However, if anyone of them had looked at the beach at this moment, they would've seen a young boy about the age of 12, wash up on shore. He was wearing a pair of dull blue shorts, with a tattered orange coat and a dingy off-white shirt, also tattered. He was barefooted, whether he started his journey like that, no one really knew. On his cheeks were three whisker marks a piece, almost like scars. He looked dead, but then again, the human will to survive was a strange thing, allowing humans to survive seemingly fatal incidents. One Pokémon, however, did take notice of him, as it crept slowly closer and closer to then downed human, who began stirring.

The boy opened his eyes to see where he was, electric blue orbs swirled in their sockets, trying to find some familiar surroundings, until the boy realized, he couldn't remember what he was looking for. He could call up basic math, English, and writing skills, but he couldn't remember any history or what his home looked like. Slowly getting his arms under himself, he pushed himself into a sitting position, and held his head as a migraine hit it, before a flash, a broken memory, went through it.

Fire, there was fire everywhere, yet the flames only seemed to lick at his heels, never truly burning. Naruto ran for his life, trying desperately to escape the danger only to run into a cloaked man. Looking up, Naruto saw red eyes swirling, before everything went black.

Shaking his head, he heard a loud snarl behind him. Shar. Sharpedo! He barely had time to turn to see a creature jumping out at him out of the ocean. It had a large mouth full of sharp teeth, one of which was broken, and two beady eyes which were fixed on Naruto. Its upper half was navy blue, and the lower portion was whitish, and two fins stuck out of the top and bottom.

Next to the man was a tall man with blue skin and seemingly gills on his cheeks, similar to his whisker marks. On his back was a large object wrapped in bandages. He gave a half-smirk before doing some strange hand seals, water swirling around him as it barreled at Naruto, sharks appearing in the water, snapping at the blonde child. Another broken memory of some time before this.

Naruto tensed up, not ready to die yet as he saw his life flash in front of his eyes, which was basically a lot of black and bowls of ramen. He was certain he was going to die until a ball of purple energy collided with the creatures open mouth, throwing it back into the ocean. The creature simply growled at losing its prey to a tiny scrap of fur like the one that attacked it. Still, the boy seemed to gather his feet under him and scramble up the beach further, out of its reach, unless it planned to trap itself on dry land, where it would slowly die. So, it turned around and swam out to sea again, leaving the boy alone.

Naruto breathed heavily at the near death brush had it not been for that ball, now then, back to his original predicament, where was he and was this home. He, however, didn't get the chance to think before another ball hit him, throwing him back down the beach. Looking up, he saw a small black fox raising its snout, forming another one of those balls which it threw at Naruto, who rolled to the side, the explosion still hitting him with sandy shrapnel. The fox prepared another ball which it shot at Naruto, who couldn't dodge this time, getting hit in his chest was the clothing did nothing it take any damage as it was reduced to strips of cloth, falling off of Naruto's body.

Feeling the pain, and seeing the many scars that littered his torso, Naruto did the natural thing for a boy his age, he began crying. The fox had its snout raised for another attack, when it heard the cries of Naruto, and slowly let the attack dissipate before slowly tiptoeing over to Naruto, who was now sniffling.

"I-I don't know where I-I am, I can't remember ho-home, and I've almo-most been killed twi-twice already by these stra-strange creatures! I WANT MY MOMMY!" Naruto wailed as tears streamed out his eyes, wetting his shorts before he felt a wet snout touch his arm, and looked to the side to see the little black fox that was firing those balls at him. It looked at him with wide eyes before giving a low whine and soft zo as Naruto glared at it, of course when tears are falling in a way reminiscent to a waterfall, glares seem to lose their power, so instead simply said, "Punk!"

This had the effect of making it growl and bark back, "ZO! ZORUA!" before head butting Naruto's already damaged gut, causing the boy to tumble backwards where the black fox jumped on him. It preceded to stand on the downed Naruto and loudly proclaim its victory over a human. Naruto growled back as he swung his arm around to hit the small fox before stopping short and instead petting the fox behind the ears.

"Sorry, boy, I suppose I'm intruding on your territory, you might have family around here." Naruto said lowly, so the fox wouldn't hear him. But, the fox was a creature raised to hear minute noises to survive, and it did hear him. At the mention of family, its head drooped and gave a whine again, letting Naruto know he had said something wrong.

"Oh, I'm sorry; did you lose your mommy too? I guess we have that in common, little guy." Naruto said, setting the fox to the side so as to sit up, before pushing himself to his feet only to stumble and fall back down to his knees, this time staying there.

Zo? Zo zo? (Mommy? You lost yours too?)The little creature said, understanding Naruto's observation. This was its problem, it had been raised in captivity so it could understand English, as well as speak it, of course it usually chose not to do this because it reminded it of its mother, who had taught it how to speak.

"Yes, wait a minute, animals don't speak English, great, I'm losing my mind now, so tell me Wilson, where am I?" Naruto asked, turning on his knees to face the forest. He was surprised that no other animals had come out to investigate his arrival. Maybe they were afraid of him, yes, that must be it.

Zorua zo zorua! (You can understand me!) The black fox exclaimed in wonderment. Zo zor zorua zor? (Are you a Pokémon in disguise?) The creature asked as Naruto just looked at it strangely.

"Of course I can understand you, you said it in English. I don't really know what a Pokémon is, but I think I can say I'm not one. What is a Pokémon, because I could be wrong?" Naruto answered as he began slowly crawling towards the forest and hopefully, survival.

Zo zo zorua zo zora zo. (Oh, Pokémon are the creatures like me, humans tend to try and catch us in these really small balls called Po'balls, and my name isn't Wilson, so could you please not call me that. Also, I didn't speak English, I spoke Poke as do the majority of Pokémon, of course human tend to think we are just saying our names, I mean really.) The fox answered, walking next to Naruto on its tiptoes, since it didn't particularly like sand as it hurt its paw pads.

"Oh, okay, then what should I call you." Naruto said, carrying on his private conversation with his somewhat new friend, the only sign of life he had met so far besides that shark thing. He finally, reached the edge of the forest as the cool grass soothed his worn hands, which were burned from the sand and seawater, not to mention the ball attack from the small fox.

Zo zo zo zora zo zora zorua! (I just told you my name, its what you hear me saying dummy! Honestly, you humans aren't the fastest Garchomp in the pack!) The fox yelled back as it reached the cool grass, finally allowing its sensitive pads to touch the ground. It took a long sniff, taking in the smell of the forest before turning to its left and finding a bush covered in blue oblong berries.

"You call me a dummy, yet I just told you, it sounds like English to me, so I would appreciate it if you would give me your name. I'll give you mine so we'll be even." Naruto said as the fox came back, dropping a branch with some berries in front of him, which he shoved into his mouth before offering one to the fox.

Zo zo…zorua. (Oh, well it's… Zorua.) The small fox, now named Zorua said, blushing at being called out. Remembering Naruto's promise, she turned back to him, expecting him to loudly proclaim his name with a degree of pride.

"Oh, that's a pretty name, would you mind if I just call you Shadow, Zorua?" Naruto asked and receiving a nod of ascent, continued his speaking, "Cool, well, Shadow, my name is… Naruto." Naruto said in a kind of dejectment, something Shadow noticed.

Zo zo zorua zoru zorua zo zo? (You don't like your name, I suppose I could just call you, Orange?) Shadow replied, testing the new name, which Naruto grimaced at. Zo zo zorua zorua zoru zorua zo zo zoru. (Well, if you don't like that, then how about, Z?) Shadow said, this time Naruto had a thinking look on his face.

"Why not N? After all, if I'm going to simplify my name, shouldn't I just use my own first letter?" Naruto asked in a questioning manner as he struggled to push himself up on two legs, finally settling on a stumbling walk towards a cave, using trees as supports.

Zo zo zo zoru…zoru zoru zorua zo. (Well, my mom's partner's name was N, so… I chose Z, you know, for Zorua.) Shadow explained as she winced as an image of her mom and her partner flashed. Pushing onwards, she led Naruto into the cave, where he fell to the ground, using the wall to leaned against.

"Oh, well I guess I can be Z then, the dead last of the alphabet, the underdog, and the perfect alias for the partner of Shadow!" Naruto, or now Z, proclaimed loudly, the sound echoing off the walls of the cave as Shadow tensed up at a soft fluttering sound deeper in the cave.

"So, tell me Shadow, what was your life like when you were younger, or I suppose what I mean is, how did you get to this place?" Z asked innocently, noticing Shadow's tension at the sounds, and wanting unwind his new friend.

Shadow decided that the sound wasn't important for the moment, so she turned her attention back to the boy with her. Sighing, she began her story.


The boat pitched to the side, throwing her little Zorua against the wall, having the added side-effect of dodging her Shadow Ball attack that now instead collided with a picture of Ghetsis, her partner's father, the Zoroark snickered at the broken picture. She really hated that man, he smelled like danger and she had seen how he treated his Pokémon, thankfully, his son had turned out like him, instead becoming the champion of Pokémon, trying to free them from their abusing trainers. It was a good plan, until Ghetsis heard of it and managed to twist it to appeared that all trainers abused their Pokémon, confining them to their Pokeballs, well, at least some did, their were reports of a young child opposing Team Plasma, and through association, N.

Because of this, she was now force to teach her daughter how to defend herself against any rogue trainers that would try to catch her. Lesson 1- Dodging. Lesson 2- Attacking. Lesson 3- Trust No One! So far, little Zorua was making good progress through the first lesson, so Zoroark had done something foolish, allowed her to go to the second lesson. This was foolish because her daughter had taken after her father, and was too caring to really attack with everything she had, afraid of hurting her mother. However, also like her father, she was brutal on anyone that she felt hurt Pokémon, I.E. everyone except for N, and she even attack him sometimes after he had an argument with her mother.

This showed when a Team Plasma grunt opened the door, hearing the loud crash, only to meet two Shadow Balls flying straight at him, one blowing up in his face, the other throwing him out. Turning back to her spar, she launched a weakened Shadow Ball at her mother, who sighed at her daughter's lack of cruelty. She suspected it had to do with her sheltered upbringing, Zoroark was raised wild until she met N who actually cared for her when she was hurt, and as such was more battle-savvy and enjoyed the fight. Like her master (Read: partner) she connected to Pokémon, only she did it through battle. Her daughter on the other hand, was a caring Pokémon, a strong one, but she lacked discipline to go in for the finishing move, which showed in her lackluster attack. Speaking of which, Zoroark simply backhanded the attack back at her Daughter, who smirked, and jumped up, spinning like a buzz saw and slapping the ball with her tail sending it rocketing back to her mother, followed by yet another Shadow Ball, twice as large as the previous one.

Zoroark smiled, maybe there was hope for her daughter yet. Using Shadow Claw, she shredded the first ball before launching her own Shadow Ball at her daughter's attack, making a large explosion. Launching another Shadow Ball at her daughter's least position, a line split the smoke, allowing her to see her daughter preparing her strongest attack. This put an end to the fight, Zoroark had specifically instructed to never use that attack unless she was in serious trouble, so using it in a spar was out of the question.

Unfortunately, the ship pitched again right then, throwing Zorua off kilter as the ball hit beside her, throwing her into the wall as her half-prepared attack went off, completely destroying the wall as she hurtled across the room, straight for the hole! Zoroark ran as fast as she could to stop her daughter from going out the hole, only for the ship to pitch, throwing her into the wall while her daughter slid even faster, her eyes wide with fear as she tried to stop herself. But, being a pre-evolution, she wasn't gifted with claws like her mother, and her fangs were still coming, as she couldn't grasp anything.

Her mother was helpless to stop her, only able to give her some parting advice. "Zorua, I can't save you, so please come back to me. Find a strong partner, like N, that's the thing about us, our soul mates can understand us, true partnership spans any language barriers! Find your partner, and come back to me, show me the fruits of your companionship, make lots of friends, and most importantly, remember that I love you!" Zoroark yelled as her daughter only had time to nod before she vanished out the hole and into the pitching ocean, and almost certain death.

Flashback End

"Wow, so you think I'm your partner since I can understand you?" Z asked, hoping she would answer yes. I mean, how cool would it be if he could have a cool pet like Shadow. Not only that, but he felt connected with her, they had both lost their parents, were stranded in a foreign land, and had no friends. Not to mention, but he felt that he kind of owed Shadow something for saving him, maybe being her soul mate/partner was the best way to pay her back.

Zo zo zorua zorua zoru zo zorua. (I don't know, but I would like you to be. I don't have any friends, or at least, you're the closest thing to a friend, so I guess I'll be your partner, just, don't fail me, got it.) Z cried out in excitement.

"I hope you realize that I'm not from around here either, or know anything about Pokémon, so you might have to help me. For instance, what was that ball attack you used earlier?" Z asked, his face split by a smile, his eyes shut, and a fang hanging over his front lip when he closed his mouth.

Zo zo zoru zoru zo zorua zorua zoru zo zoru zo zo zo! (Pokémon, as I said, are generally used to fight other Pokémon using attacks that their trainers call out, hence the name trainers. That ball was one of the attacks that I can use, called Shadow Ball, now then, how about a crash course since we're about to be attacked by some very angry Pokémon!) Shadow exclaimed very quickly before leaping up on to Z's shoulder preparing another Shadow Ball, which she launched into the darkness, being rewarded by a cry of Gol golbat as the Pokémon appeared out of the darkness, chasing Z and Shadow out into the forest.

Looking back, Z got a good look at their attackers. 12 bat-like creatures flew behind a larger bat-like creature with its mouth open, 6 to each side. Sensing danger, Z rolled to the side, dodging several needles that pierced into a tree, causing the tree to begin dying.

Zo zo zo zoru! (That's Zubat's Leech Life, I can't use that move.) Shadow said, still perched on Z's shoulder as she prepared another Shadow Ball to take down some of the Zubat only for it to be knocked back by the leader's glowing wing. Zo zo zoru zoru. (That's Golbat, the evolved form of Zubat, and it used Wing Attack, needless to say, I can't use that either.)

"Crap, stay here, Shadow, I'll take care of the leader, okay?" Z said, setting Shadow on a branch, before jumping at the Golbat, punching it while Shadow stood awestruck. Here was a human, that couldn't block her Shadow Ball, but he was practically wrestling with a Pokémon known to poison its victims. She had made a good choice of partner, and shaking her head free from her internal monologue, she began systematically taking out the minions with Shadow Balls.

Z on the other hand, was not doing anything systematically, instead he just threw punches and kicks at the flying bat, who kept biting him and smacking him around with its Wing Attack, which it did again, throwing Z off at a tree. Z spun around in mid-air to land feet first on the limb, unconsciously landing on the balls to absorb the impact. Tensing his legs, he jumped back into the fight, this time wrapping his arms around where the wings connected with the bat's back, holding them in place as the pair fell to the ground.

"Shadow, Shadow Ball, if you please." Z ordered, gritting his teeth at the exertion of holding the Golbat down, it had more muscle than he thought. Shadow saw he was having trouble, but she didn't want to throw an attack at the Golbat when he could get hurt. Her momentary pause was noticed as Z looked at her, his arms straining, his teeth clenched, his hair bristling, then she saw it, two ears popped out of his hair, and a bushy tail popped out of his tailbone, then she blinked and they were gone. She realized right then, Z wasn't normal, he was her partner, and he wouldn't die from the attack, so she raised her snout, gathering more and more power into the Shadow Ball before throwing her snout down, unleashing the attack.

It easily surpassed all her previous attacks, it was large enough to encompass a beach ball, and it only seemed to grow as it flew, right towards Z, who felt that prickling sense again that warned him over danger and so, in a tough maneuver, her bent backwards, pulling the Golbat over him to cover his body. The Golbat, its mouth finally free of earth, began to give a loud cry, when it suddenly found its mouth full of Shadow Ball as it exploded in his face, singing him and knocking him unconscious, falling to the side of Z.

Sighing in relief, Z stood to his feet before out stretching his arm, allowing Shadow to land on it before giving a high-five to the little fox. Shadow simply smiled in response, before flaring up the shadows into a Shadow Ball, which she blew up in his face, leaping backwards in a flip, enveloping herself in a purple cloak. Z leveled his gaze at his new partner, his eyes widening at the replica of himself returning his gaze, sans charred flesh and smoke rising. He allowed his gaze to fall lower, and caught sight of a small black tail swishing back and forth behind Shadow Z.

Zo zo zorua. (Lesson 2: Abilities.)

A/N: Well, I literally woke up at 11:30 this morning and worked on this chapter until now, minus 30 minutes to take a shower. Usually, I would ask for a good review, but I don't care this time. I'm doing this story simply because Pokémon fanfics are among my top favorites, not that I read them that often. I tried to put Naruto, or Z, as a N-like character, also, I still have issues with the whole 4 move-set issue, so here's what I'm going to do, for every gym they beat, the Pokémon can add one more slot to the move set, sound good. Also, from this chapter onwards, Zorua will be called Shadow, and Naruto will be Z, got it, good, I will also skip the Poke talk for Shadow and just put. "…" Shadow said. This isn't her speaking English, it's just that my autocorrect hates my Poke talk for repeated words, so please forgive me. Next chapter should be a catch-up of what will occur off page, also, Z gets another partner, one of the three starters since he has to get registered as a trainer in nearby Sandgem? Sorry, I can't remember the first town. Also, Z will be a dual trainer/ coordinator possibly considering his best friend and partner is a girl. Have a good day.

(Z's Current Team)

Shadow Lvl:13: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse

All Right's Reserved

This chapter's Pokemon is... Zorua: Zorua is likely based on a fox cub, with facial markings resembling Kabuki or Noh theatre makeup. The concept of a Zorua still having its tail while in human form, is similar to the Japanese folklore of the Kitsune, a shape-shifting fox who, in some stories, has difficulty of hiding its tail when it takes on human forms. Zorua may also be based on ninjas due to its special ability to use and fight with illusions, which can be considered a genjutsu (illusion technique)