Guys, I get it! Dick was weak and didn't fight back.

There's a good reason for that.

Dick hasn't been training.

There's a reason for that too.

Dick hasn't been planning on how to get back to his own time. Okay, if you were sent back to the year 1952, would you automatically think 'oh fudge, I got to get my butt back to my own time' or would you at least try and figure out what's happening.

And another thing, had you been sent back sixty years, you wouldn't immediately jump to the floor and start doing pushups. You wouldn't just get down and do sit ups. No! you would do exactly what this kid is doing and you would have fun. You would do anything to make your secret crush happy!

So for the eight of you that took it upon yourselves to PM me and yell at me that I'm not being realistic, guess what? You've been blocked and you've been fronted.

It's my AU, and if you don't like it the back button it either to the left or right of your screen.

As for the rest of you that dropped comments that made me want to hug you to death, I love you guys! You're great and you guys are the reason this story hasn't been deleted. So you know what?



It's quick. Our lips only meet for a second or two before Curtis pulls back slowly.

My eyes had slipped closed without my meaning to and I open them to find Curtis red cheeked and wide eyed.

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's fine." I cut in, not wanting to hear his apology.

"You…don't mind?" Curtis asks, his eyes filling with shock and confusion.

I can't find the right words and instead I shake my head in response.

I…I'd just been kissed by him.

Why would I ever complain?

That's not how Curtis is thinking apparently because he starts apologizing again.

"Curtis stop. Did…you not like it?" I ask when he lets me go.

The warmth from his jacket is suddenly not enough to keep me warm.

Cool air whips at my face harshly.

"It's not right!" He answers.

"What are you talking about?"

"These feelings aren't meant to be for you!" He says loudly.

I feel a pain where my heart should be and my throat closes up.

A shiver runs down my spine at his words and I have the sudden urge to crawl under a rock and die.

He didn't want me.

"Take me home." I say, choosing to not answer him.

"I can't. Your dad will-"

"I don't care. Take me home Curtis." I snap, wanting nothing but to get away from him.

"Richard please-"

"No! I want to leave. Now." With that I march over and climb into the truck.

The seats are cold and the radio is still on but Elvis' voice isn't enough to calm me down.

It takes him a while, but eventually Curtis climbs into the truck.

Stiff hands on the wheel and starts driving back towards the main road.

"Richard I-"

"Don't. I don't want to hear it." I say and turn my attention to the stars.

"Richard please I just-"

"Stop! I said I don't want to hear it and I mean it."

He doesn't respond and instead drives down the dirt road.

When we pull up in front of the familiar house, I'm the first one to climb out of the truck.

Inside, Charles and Bruce are listening to the radio on the couch and talking.

I don't spare them a glance, instead I run up to my room.

Even behind my door, I can still hear Charles and Bruce ask Curtis what was wrong.

Curtis responds with the truth for the most part.

He tells them I was hit and that he fixed me up. He tells them we hung out at the field for a bit…but doesn't ever mention our lip lock.

Through my window, I watch as he and Charles leave the house a few minutes later.

For the first time, I notice I'm still wearing his jacket. The sleeves drown my hands but his scent is still strong and for a moment, I pretend it's his arms around me.

It works to calm me down until Bruce walks into the room without knocking.

"Are you okay?" He asks when I don't turn.

"Fine. I'm going to bed." I respond without moving away from the window.

"What really happened?"

"Curtis told you."

"He didn't tell me everything. Did he?" Bruce walks over and places a hand on my shoulder.

I look up to find him staring down at the jacket.

I pull it off and toss it over to the bed. It lands on my pillow and I turn back to the window.

"I…we danced." I say slowly, not sure if I wanted to tell Bruce or not.

"Okay…but that's not why you're so upset." He says and sighs.

"Bruce…no…it's not."

"Then why?"

"We…we kissed." I finally answer, closing my eyes and waiting for his response, praying that it wouldn't be bad.


Absolutely Incredible Kids Day falls in March.

Pretend your DNA's been stolen and mixed with any Superhero's of your choice.

What would make your kid so Absolutely Incredible and who's the second parent?