~Blood ties~

Kakashi tracked the vampires movements as best as he could noting that even wounded, he was still fast and strong. He couldn't believe Rin was actually alive, he didn't think Obito had it in his nature lie so held fast to the thought that if he killed this vampire he would ensure her safety wherever she was and get this creature back for taking away the use of his left eye. He dodged, parred, slashed but didn't seem to be gaining any progress, on the other hand he wasn't loosing any either.

Artori was certainly strong, possibly very old as well which added to his potential power levels. Still Kakashi was well trained, flexible and more than capable to compensate for his blind side. He actually had chance of ending it until Artori caught his gaze, then his body froze, Artori laughed "You put up a good fight boy but now it's over."

He grabbed Kakashi's arm bending it back in a quick movement snapping the bone, the gun falling to the ground, he enjoyed Kakashi's pained scream then kicked him back into a building. Kakashi's head hit the would hard and a small trickle of blood dribbled down the wall, Artori licked his lips "Smells delightful."

He made his way forward watching with amusement as Kakashi reached forward for his gun, Artori stepped on his hand "You're mine now."

A loud screech turned his attention away for a spilt second as a black blur slammed into Artori knocking him away, the thing turned out to be Obito standing in front of Kakashi with big black leather wings spread out angrily and sharingan swirling in his eyes. Artori got up pulling out the wooden stake lodged in his side "You! How could YOU unlock such a rare and legendary Uchiha art of flight! And to add to that you add insult by getting the sharingan."

Obito hissed dangerously "I'll tell you just once. Leave or I will kill you for harming my mate."

Artori smirked "As if you could."

Obito descended his fangs "Then you die."

He flapped his new wings hard striking Artori fast, Artori anticipated this and blocked flipping over driving the wooden stake into Obito's right wing joint cackling when it bled. Obito did the equivalent of a sonic screech into his face and slashed across his throat. The slash turned out to be a shallow so Artori swiped back catching Obito's goggle lens and breaking it. Obito closed his eyes to avoid damage and beat his wings back blowing Artori away, Artori yelled "Why won't you die!"

Obito didn't answer flapping forward and securing Artori around the middle flying high into the air despite the struggles of the elder vampire and strain on his damaged wing. He flapped harder and higher, then Artori managed to get a grip and bite his good fang into Obito's throat. Obito gasped horribly and let go falling back to Earth with a crash, Artori angled himself to a roof ledge and slid down to the ground landing on his feet. "I WILL END YOU! YOU ANNOYING FAILURE!"

Obito said weakly "You forgot something."

Artori sneered "What!"

A bang later and he disintegrated into a pile of ash. Kakashi stood behind him pistol nozzle still smoking and said "Me."

Kakashi admired his work a minute longer ensuring Artori wasn't returning any time soon and rushed to Obito's side. "Obito! Are you OK talk to me."

Obito gargled a bit and returned "Fine."

Kakashi ripped his jacket sleeve and pressed it on the bleeding throat, Obito's eyes faded back into black and he smiled through the blood on his lips "Heh you... should see... your face...you look ridiculous."

Obito knew he was finished, he didn't have the strength to rub his venom on his wounds. Kakashi however pried his mouth open "Damn it where is it you get healing venom from?"

Obito tried batting his hand away "Too...weak..to...place...it..." He gargled again flopping back.

In desperation Kakashi kissed him, it was nice, Obito thought, to go out with a kiss from his mate. It felt weird though like Kakashi was trying to suck something out of him, and indeed he had. He managed to coax healing venom from Obito's fangs and sucked into his mouth then coated his fingers in it and rubbed the wound on his neck, and the others fast. After a moment he feared he'd failed but continued rubbing, the the wounds began to close. Obito took a proper breath once his throat healed and whispered "You saved me."

Kakashi grinned back once he spat out the remaining venom from his mouth "I had to. I owe you."

Obito grinned then sat up still aching, he glanced at the wings "Uh I'm not sure how to retract these."

Kakashi helped pull him up cradling his broken arm, Obito noticed and gently massaged the limb with healing venom mending the break, and also rubbed some on the back of Kakashi's head easing the pain and stopping the small blood flow. "Thank you and I'm sure you'll figure it out. Come on lets go home and get you a new goggle lens."

A small figure peeked out from behind the Clan entrance gate "Obito is it safe now?"

Obito nodded "Yeah it's safe Sasuke."

The boy through himself into his new guardians embrace, Kakashi looked pained "You I can handle but a fanged child too?..."

Obito looked pained "Please don't make me choose between you and him. We can make it work, I promise."

Kakashi looked conflicted then ruffled the boys hair "Fine. You'll have to feed him though."

Obito smiled and carried Sasuke "I always wanted an apprentice!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes "I'm sure you did."

Obito wrapped a wing over him enclosing them all in a black cloak "Yup! Just think of all the fun we'll have teaching him humans are friends, not food."

Sasuke at that moment had licked his lips was leaning towards Kakashi, Kakashi noticed and flicked his nose. "Bad baby vampire."

Sasuke pouted "I'm not a baby."

Obito laughed then cast one last pained look towards the Uchiha compound, Kakashi noticed and carefully intertwined their hands. Obito's wings retracted into his body as he leaned into Kakashi's side "I love you."

Kakashi didn't respond then wrapped and arm around his shoulders pulling him closer "I could learn to like you a lot too."