Hello everyone. This is a Naruto/Claymore crossover. Read and Enjoy.
I do not own either Naruto or Claymore.

Kurama howled as he was sucked into the seal that bastard Yondaime had placed on his daughter. He'd just gotten free too! Oh well, he had patience. He was immortal after all. Maybe after he got free he'd collapse that rock wall with faces on top of them? That would be fun.

Oh goodie, he'd arrived. He was currently in a cage in what appeared to be one end of an extremely large –by human standards- room. The room was relatively clean. This was when he noticed something. His Yoki! His Yoki was being drained by the seal! No!

He howled, throwing himself against the cage, but it held and even drained a little more of his Yoki when he came in contact with it. He grimaced. Damn it! He started inspecting the seal, even though he wasn't a seal master, he knew some from when Mito and Kushina studied sealing. He immediately noted the fact that even if his host tore off that strip of paper that appeared to keep the gate closed, he wouldn't be freed. Apparently there was some kind of Fūinjutsu that was required to open this part. A key, if you will. Darn it. He knew he was nowhere near proficient enough with Fūinjutsu to imitate such a thing, and he doubted his host would learn before she was twelve and had drained all of his Yoki. Or that his host would receive it before then. He knew from Kushina that the peacetime graduation age was twelve, which meant that his host would have drained his Yoki by the time she graduated to genin, and then he'd pass on to the afterlife.

So this was it, huh. His final twelve years. He noted that the Yondaime had blocked communication from his end, but it was still HIS Yoki that was being converted. He could easily set up a mental link using that. That bastard, no matter how knowledgeable he was, did not know everything. And this was one of the things he'd overlooked. He grinned. Well then, if he had to pass on to the afterlife in any case, he'd make damn sure his successor was powerful! Even if it was a girl. Starting to investigate the changes that were being wrought with his Yoki he grinned again. He could work with this!

The Sandaime Hokage stared as, before his eyes, the eyes of Minato's child became silver and the hair became nearly white. Quickly starting up a diagnostic Jutsu, he noted that there was an influx of Yoki from the seal. Inspecting it, he saw that it was designed to drain the Kyuubi's Chakra and convert into what appeared to be her own personalized version of it, replacing her human Chakra. That was both good and bad. He doubted she'd be able to use most Ninjutsu or any Genjutsu, but most Genjutsu shouldn't take hold due to the blatantly different Chakra. In addition, he knew that even small amounts of this kind of Chakra enhanced the body to ridiculous degrees, achieving speed, strength, durability and healing far beyond any other Shinobi. He shuddered to think how strong Naruko would become.

Naruko: Age six:

Naruko Uzumaki was known by all in the village to be a very odd girl. Now six years old, she had a rather carefree disposition that was, to those few who had studied psychology, baffling. A child older than her could have built up a mask, but a child her age, without training, couldn't do so, and to be genuinely happy in a village that despised your very existence – and let you know it quite well, in the form of a few assassination attempts that were always stopped by ANBU- was utterly strange. She was well-known for humming strange tunes and singing nonsensical songs while skipping through the village.

Currently it was the 10th of October, and the celebration of the Kyuubi's defeat was in full swing. In addition, this meant that there was a higher number of drunks. This would usually not be a good combination for a girl hated by nearly everyone in the village. But as she happily skipped through the main street, ignoring the glares sent at her, she bumped into a drunk who'd stumbled in her way. Looking down at her, his face transformed into a snarl. He held the bottle he'd been holding up and brought it down on her head, causing no damage apart from shattering the bottle. Surprised by this, he looked down and saw her smiling sweetly at him. She let out a slight giggle… And ripped off his leg.

"YAAAAAGHHHH!", the man screamed. The crowd watched, struck with horror, as the little girl took the leg she was holding in both hands and brought it down upon the man with tremendous force, shattering his ribs.

"Now, now mister. We all need to play nice. Wanna play some more?"

" Awww… He fell asleep.", she said. "Say… Does anyone else want to play?", she asked while looking at the surrounding crowd, who were white as ghosts by this point. They all ran away screaming.

"Hey! Come back! I promise only to mutilate you a little bit! Doesn't that sound fun?"


"Heya jiji! Look, the nice man wanted to play, so I played with him, but he fell asleep… Now I don't have anyone to play with! Do you have anyone for me to play with?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the man who was obviously dead, and shook his head. How did she end up like this? She didn't even see anything wrong with what she did! He'd need to assign her a personal trainer. There was no way he was not going to get someone of her power in his Shinobi forces, but at the same time his conscience wouldn't allow him to place her with impressionable and vulnerable children. He sighed… Life could be so complicated.

"ANBU, please take this man to the morgue. Naruko-chan, please come with me to my office."

"Okay jiji!", and with that he grabbed her shoulder and used a Shunshin to get to his office.

"Naruko-chan… Why did you do that?"

"Why not? It's fun!"

"Naruko-chan… What you did was wrong."

"But he tried to kill me, so I killed him back! That's fair, isn't it?"

He rubbed his eyebrows. Sigh. He was too old to deal with this shit.

"Naruko-chan, I'm going to assign you a personal teacher. You want to become a Shinobi don't you? Considering what you did, I can't in good conscience allow you in a classroom full of impressionable children. He'll teach you everything you'll need to know." Including morals, I hope.

Naruko considered this. This was a good day! She'd gotten to have some fun with a villager, where previously the ANBU had all prevented her from getting a reasonable excuse. Kurama-nii-chan had told her that murdering on a whim would get her imprisoned until she had absorbed all his Yoki and become a full demon. And that wouldn't be fun at all. But now she even got a teacher! He could teach her taijutsu, and maybe even a little Ninjutsu. Although they'd need to work on her control a lot more. Yoki was really more suited to manipulation of the body. She giggled again.

"Okay jiji! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun!" She chirped.

"Very well. Tenzo! Naruko-chan, please wait outside."

She left just as an ANBU came in.

"You called for me, Hokage-sama?"

"Yes. I would like you to train Naruko Uzumaki. Be warned that she has displayed extreme speed and strength for her age, as well as bloodthirstiness. I doubt she will hesitate to dismember you if she gets the chance. The ANBU that watched her reported barely being able to see her move when she ripped a leg off of a civilian, so do not underestimate her. I chose you specifically for your Mokuton. If she ever becomes uncontrollable, I want you to use your Mokuton to suppress her Yoki. The rest of the information I have on her is in this file.", the Hokage said, while shoving a folder towards Tenzo. "If you require assistance in teaching her in a field, you may ask me for an assistant. She will probably benefit from much Taijutsu training, focusing on her speed, strength and durability as well as a lot of Chakra control. Refrain from attempting to teach her many Ninjutsu and any Genjutsu – Her Chakra control will probably be atrocious. Do teach her how to break out of Genjutsu, as well as basic Shinobi history. Also, most important of all, I would like you to teach her morals. She currently does not have a concept of right or wrong, as evidenced by her killing a villager. Any questions?"

"Where shall I train her, Hokage-sama?"

"Training ground 7 is currently not in use, and I plan to put her on Kakashi's team once she becomes a Genin. Train her there. Report all unusual occurrences to me. Do not wear your mask while training her."

"Very well, Hokage-sama. Am I dismissed?"

"You are dismissed."

Naruko was waiting. She was currently sitting on the floor of the waiting room drawing pictures of stick-men killing each other in increasingly gruesome ways while giggling. She heard the door to jiji's room open and looked up. The man who had come in when she'd come out –was this Tenzo?- walked out, without his mask.

"Naruko Uzumaki. My name is Tenzo. I shall be your teacher for the next six years. We shall adjourn to training ground seven." With that, he put his hand on her shoulder and used a Shunshin to take them to where they would train for the next six years.

"Now then, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Tenzo. I like trees, sushi and nature. I dislike…"

Naruko: Age nine:

Naruko had progressed at an incredible rate. Physically, she was already stronger and faster than Tenzo himself, and had mastered nearly all the Taijutsu suited to her he knew. He'd have to pawn her off to a Taijutsu specialist soon. Maybe Might Guy? His Goken would suit her extremely well. He'd stopped sparring with her not that long ago, focusing mainly on Chakra control now. She'd nearly ripped off his arm in the last sparring match they'd been in, and only extremely quick reflexes and usage of his Mokuton had saved it. Even then, his arm had been dislocated. He was lucky his Mokuton worked so well on her. Because she only had Yoki, he could suppress all her Chakra instead of only the Kyuubi's. She fell asleep if he did that. It'd saved him more than once when she'd approached what she indicated as 'the limit'.

That was another curious thing. Whenever she used her Yoki, she would get physical changes the more she used. She said that using 80% of her Yoki was the limit, and any more than that was 'bad'. She wouldn't say anything else.
He'd managed –painstakingly- to teach her the Henge, which she had an easier time with than he'd expected with her control. Yoki wasn't designed to be controlled, that was for sure. He suspected it had to do with the fact it was a physical transformation, and Yoki specialized in such things. He was trying to teach her the Kawarimi and had made a little progress, enough that he was confident she would get it before graduating, but more advanced Jutsu would probably be forever out of her reach.
They hadn't really had need to teach her how to break Genjutsu because she'd shrug off most of the lower-ranks, not even noticing them, and only the most powerful could affect her. And even then, she easily noticed them and broke them, saying she could feel the Chakra with her Yoki because it was so different. He had, however, failed dramatically in teaching her morals, although it seemed she never broke her word. And she had some affection for both him and Hokage-sama. Not enough to hold back much in spars, certainly, but he could feel it. In any case, now he had to figure out how to get Guy to teach her. He pitied Kakashi though. To have someone like her on a team… He wondered what Hokage-sama was thinking.

Naruko: Age twelve:

Naruko was currently lying in her bed. Tomorrow she'd be assigned a Genin team, and yesterday she'd absorbed the last of Kurama-nii-chan's power, killing him. She felt a little sad about that, remembering all the times her taught her about Yoki and his rants about doing whatever you want. He'd even taught her to never break her word, the one thing jiji found admirable about her 'moral code'. She giggled, turning her thoughts to the team she'd be assigned. She wondered who she'd be assigned to… And if she could get away with dismembering them. Honestly, humans. Not regenerating limbs? That was stupidity if she ever heard of it. She was looking forward to going to a mission far from Konoha so she could go over her limit, however. She wanted that. Kurama-nii-chan had told her she'd be even more powerful than him, as going over her limit would cause the amount of Yoki she possessed to nearly double. She giggled in delight and turned over, falling asleep soon after.

Sakura Haruno was currently in a race with Ino Yamaka to the classroom. They were pushing and pulling each other and ran over the doorstep at the exact same time. Nevertheless, Sakura was firmly convinced she'd been first.

"HA! I win, Ino-pig! I get to sit with Sasuke-kun!"

"No way, Forehead-girl! I was obviously first, so I get to sit with Sasuke-kun!"

"I won!" "No, I did!"

This was when they noticed the seat was occupied by someone they'd never seen before. Turning to the nearly-white-haired girl sitting there with her head bowed and her hair shadowing her eyes, they both shouted in unison:


They watched as the girl started to move her head in their direction, and suddenly found themselves staring into a pair of gold slitted eyes above a terrifying grin with a mouth full of sharp teeth, somehow feeling doomed and utterly terrified. The girl then said, opening that horrible mouth

"Hey, hey, wanna play? I'll promise to only cut off one arm at the maximum! Pretty please?"

They screamed, running to the other side of the classroom far faster than they'd ever ran before, sitting down in the corner. They watched in morbid fascination as the girl's eyes turned silver and her teeth became normal. And then she pouted.

"Awww… Why does nobody ever want to play with me…"

At that moment Iruka walked in, noting with some surprise that both Sakura and Ino were sitting in the corner farthest away from Sasuke, and everyone in the right and middle rows were staring at the new girl in... Oh. The new girl. No wonder they were staring in horror. Well, at least it was silent for once. Coughing, he began talking.

"Greetings. As of today, I am no longer your Sensei, but a fellow Shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato. I am sure the Will of Fire burns brightly in all of you, and you will do your village proud. Now, I am sure you have all noticed that there is a new student here today. She will be joining a Genin team. I have a message from Hokage-sama to all of you regarding her. I will now begin reciting it verbatim." coughing slightly, Iruka continued speaking.

"I am sure you have all noticed the fact there is a new student in class. Her name is Naruko Uzumaki. She has been privately trained for the last six years due to classified reasons. She is very powerful. However, I advise all of you to tread with caution around her, because she will not hesitate to kill you." coughing again, he continued speaking. "As you just heard, please do not provoke her for your own safety. Now, I will begin announcing the teams:
Team 1:…."

As he continued to talk, Naruko was observing her classmates. Most of them were pathetic. There was the boy with the covered body. He had a lot of chakra, but it was being drained by something. An Aburame and his insects. But he held himself confidently, and she wouldn't mind having him on her team. He seemed sensible. And maybe he'd even like to play! Then the boy she was sitting next to. Sasuke Uchiha, she'd heard of him. Tenzo-Sensei had taught her about the Uchiha massacre. He had good chakra reserves, and apparently quite intelligent. She couldn't see his muscles, but he held himself like he was superior to everyone. Obviously he had confidence in his skills. Or he was arrogant, which was also a possibility. A rather likely one, to be honest. Not that he had much to compare himself to. He'd probably always been the best. It'd be fun to show him up.

The rest were mostly weak. Most of them had low chakra reserves for graduates, and Haruno and Yamanaka had no muscles to speak of. Not that she seemed to have much, but they didn't have Yoki that made their muscles a hundred times more powerful without appearing bulky. The Akimichi was fat, not muscled like his clan was supposed to be. The Nara, without a doubt smart, was also lazy and had very little in the way of muscles. The Inuzuka was obviously overconfident, although he seemed better-trained than the rest, and the Hyuuga had no self-confidence to speak of. That was everyone notable. The rest were mostly weaklings as well. She frowned. What the hell had this Iruka been doing? He'd obviously been going easy on them. She was glad she hadn't gotten him for a teacher. She didn't want her teachers to coddle her.

"Team seven: Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno", here Naruko flinched slightly because of the excessively loud screech the pink-haired weakling let off. "and Naruko Uzumaki, under Hatake Kakashi."

Hatake Kakashi, huh? She'd read about him when Tenzo-Sensei had made her memorize the Bingo Book. And she'd heard Guy-Sensei rant about him quite often. Sharingan Kakashi… Obviously there for the Uchiha. And perhaps because of her father? Oh well. And it seemed she'd missed the rest of the team assignments.

"And that was all. Please wait here for your Sensei. They will be here shortly." With that, the man left. She perked up. She could sense several Chakra signatures approaching, but she hoped she had enough time for some fun.

"Hey! Let's have some fun! Who wants to play 'dismember the puppy'?" she said, suddenly appearing before the Inuzuka, who immediately jumped back with an enraged look on his face.

"You bitch! Threatening Akamaru like that, I'll kill you!" and then he threw a punch. She had to give him credit. It was a good punch, for an academy student. She easily caught it.

"Mou… No puppy-dismembering? Then let's see how many of your fingers I can break before your Sensei arrives." The boy blanched, trying to pull his arm back, but she had it in a vice grip. Using her other hand, she pried open his hand. She noticed he tried to throw a punch with his other arm, but she caught it and broke his arm.

"YAAGH! You bitch! You broke my arm!"

"Yes! And let's break your fingers now." She said, while starting to pull his pinky into a most uncomfortable position.

She suddenly became aware of the fact that she had bugs crawling on her, and looked to the Aburame.

"He is my teammate. Please release him."

"And if I don't want to?"

"Then I will drain all of your Chakra."

She suddenly felt a bit –Just a tiny, tiny amount- of her Yoki being drained. And then all the insects dropped dead. The boy was obviously surprised. She let go of the other boy's hand. This was more interesting.

"Neh, neh… Draining Yoki like that is a really bad idea *giggle*."

"Yoki? Hyuuga-san, could you please look at her with your Byakugan?"

"H-hai, Shino-kun."

She noticed the white eyed girl make a handsign, and then her eyes got a weird pattern in them. The girl screwed them shut immediately though.

"S-so bright… So much Chakra, I can't see anything!"

The boy obviously decided to make a tactical retreat, considering all three of them had been neutralized effortlessly. He quickly grabbed his teammate and moved away from her. She pouted and sat down. She could sense that all the Sensei were almost there. Putting on her best angelic smile –which really creeped out everyone else- she watched as the door was opened and eight people came in. She noticed bug-boy's team went with a woman with red eyes. But her Sensei wasn't here. She'd expected that. From what she'd picked up from Guy-Sensei, the guy was always late. She was already getting bored…

When Hatake Kakashi opened the door to the classroom, almost expecting the customary prank, he was not prepared for what greeted him there. He looked towards the tables and noticed only a white-haired girl. He looked around the rest of the classroom and suddenly noted that the other two, Sakura and Sasuke, were sitting in the corners and staring at Naruko with abject terror while Naruko was pouting. They had bloody furrows in their arms, and Naruko had blood on her nails. Great. This was going great. And he'd been ordered to pass them too. He sighed.

"Meet me on the roof…" and he puffed away.

AN: Yeah, this is a Naruto/Claymore crossover. I recently finished reading Claymore and this was inspired by another fic (The War of the Abyss), wherein Naruto has Riful-like powers and is friends with Riful. I love Riful's powers and personality, and am basing Naruko on her. Maybe I'll even get her a huge sidekick like Riful. Jugo perhaps? Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe a Jinchuriki, so he or she actually has a giant form, but the only viable one would be B, and I really can't think up any way to get him to join her. Or obey her.

Constructive criticism would be appreciated. I'd like pointers on my writing style, mainly. I get the impression from myself that it's… Awkward somehow.