Title: Truth in Darkness

Author: Pyrite

Rating: M

Pairing(s): Kankuro x Naruto

Warning(s): Yaoi, Oral Sex, Torture, BDSM.

Summary: Saint Akatsuki is a prestigious high school that is well known for reforming delinquents'. However, in reality the school really is that for those with a future in crime. That is not all that goes on in the school. This school has an underground slave market where the actual students can buy orphan children or teachers that are used as slaves in the school. Now, it's Kankuro's turn and who should he choose but a certain blonde-haired gym teacher.

Author's Note: Well Blue-Hart asked me to write this story. I can't really call it a one-shot, but it isn't a huge story like any of my others. It's a ten-chapter story and may take a few weeks to finish while I work on my other stories as well. The ages are different in this story. Kankuro is 18 and Naruto is 31 since is a teacher. Just letting you all know.

Chapter One:

"I heard a rumor." Temari said as she walked alongside her brother Kankuro. The bell had rung, signaling the end of the day.

"Yeah...what?" Kankuro asked.

"I heard you were going to pick a sex slave." She responded with a slight laugh.

"Well I've been working for it Temari. Don't act like it's a surprise!" He was starting to get pissed off with her.

"You going now?"

"Yeah, why do you think I want you out of my hair?"

She laughed again, "Alright. Have fun."

Kami, he hated talking with his sister, especially when he had something important to do. He just hoped that no one had grabbed the slave he had been focusing on. For the past few semesters he had been working exceedingly hard to get in the top of his class so he could get a slave. Once he chooses his target, that doesn't mean he can let his hard work slip though.

Kankuro walked downstairs to the basement where two bathrooms waited, one for boys and the other for girls. He went into the boy's bathroom and found a few other students waiting while the vice principal gathered them around. "Boys, I'm glad you came." Kankuro nodded at the man while he waited for the slaves to be shown. There were only three other boys besides himself. Not too many this time. "Since you four have shown that you are serious about your studies," He coughed slightly, "you deserve a reward. Kankuro, you can go first since you have the top grades this semester."

The stalls opened up and six slaves were presented to them. Kankuro eyed each one of them and was pleasantly surprised when he found their gym teacher as one of the slaves. Their recent gym teacher was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man who was in his early thirties but looked as if he was really only about 20 or 21. He was a bit of an idiot sometimes, but that made him so much cuter. Kankuro smiled and pointed at the blonde and said, "I'll take Naruto-sensei."

"Very well Kankuro." The vice principal replied as he watched Kankuro grab his new slave by the arm and walk away from them.

As the two walked into the basement hall and towards the stairway, Kankuro thought of how lucky he had been to grab Naruto. The blonde had been the intended one he had been wanting, but he had never known if he truly was a slave. Now that he had Naruto as his slave, thoughts of what he wanted to do to his sensei were running through his head. He grasped Naruto's arm tightly and led him up the steps to the first floor. Now was the time for his fun.

Naruto knew that he had come to this school for one reason and one alone...it was to be a slave to a student. Being a gym teacher was a guise. Sure, he taught physical education to the students, but the prime reason was being a slave to one student and that student happened to be Kankuro. Oh why in the world did it have to be him? He had heard many things through the other 'slave teachers' about Kankuro. Like how before he had become a model student he had started fights with the teachers and other students. He had a feeling that Kankuro would be one hell of a dominating student and would not give him any kind of leeway in their new relationship.

Before Naruto knew it, they had arrived at his office and Kankuro forced him to open the door to it. The two walked in after he unlocked it. Kankuro shut the door behind him loudly. Naruto turned around slightly and watched as his new master turned the locks on the door. He then watched as Kankuro walked around the office and lowered the blinds and closed them. The room darkened suddenly and Naruto knew instantly what was going to happen.

"We don't want anyone to look in, eh?" Kankuro questioned as he looked directly at his new slave. Naruto shook his head side-to-side in agreement. "Good." He paused for a few seconds before walking up to Naruto's desk and sweeping the papers and other miscellaneous items off it. Naruto winced at the sounds of the items hitting the floor. Their eyes met and Kankuro flashed a smirk at the nervous teacher, "Do you want to know why I chose you 'Naruto-sensei?'"

Naruto nodded then replied, "I suppose."

"When you came to us two semesters ago, I thought you were in your early twenties. Imagine the shock when I found out you were 31. You're a very beautiful man. I began to work very hard to become at the top of the list and get a slave. Yet again, I was shocked today when I found you were one of the slaves that was offered." He paused and rounded the desk then grasped Naruto by his right arm and whispered, "I've been hot for you ever since you came. Now, you're mine."

Kankuro pulled the surprised blonde to the other side of the desk and finally ordered, "Take off your clothes and lets not be slow about it."

The teacher nodded and began to quickly take off his clothes which consisted of an orange t-shirt and dark blue pants with orange stripes on the side. He kicked off his sandals, which he had replaced his tennis shoes earlier. Once he deposited of all his clothes, he found his new master already naked. Kami, how in the world had he been so fast?

In Naruto's eyes, Kankuro was a very handsome student. There was no doubt in that. The brunette was slightly taller than he was and muscled in all the right places. Despite the fact he was a gym teacher, he knew that Kankuro was stronger than he was. This was going to be so rough and he didn't know what to expect.

Kankuro was swift as he grasped his slave by the hips, lifted him up, and placed him on the desk. He pushed the blonde back and pinned his hands to the desk. Naruto struggled beneath him weakly as Kankuro bent over and kissed hard against his mouth. His grip tightened around the slave's wrists as he plunged his tongue into the hot cavern beneath his own and caressed the other. After a few seconds of doing so, he pulled back and told the other tauntingly, "Let's not be naughty now. I would hate to punish you already." Naruto stopped struggling and knew that if he continued he would receive Kankuro's punishment. "Now, I'm going to release your hands. Can I trust you or will I have to tie you up?"

Naruto's voice came out in a whisper, "Yes."

"Good." Kankuro replied with a smirk on his lips. "More fun for me." He let go of Naruto's wrists and now leaned over the blonde's neck then began to lick along the tan flesh. One of the rules was that the owners of teachers couldn't leave noticeable marks. So Kankuro had to be careful not to leave one on his slave's neck. He continued to lick down Naruto's neck, finally hearing a low moan of pleasure from the man beneath him. When arriving to the point where the blonde's neck met his shoulder, he nipped softly at the skin, though not hard enough to leave a mark. Naruto cried out louder this time.

He felt his cock harden already from the moans his slave emitted. The brunette had merely begun and his slave was already voicing his pleasure. Kankuro continued a path downwards from Naruto's neck and shoulder down along his chest and straight towards his right nipple. He captured the nub in his hot, wet mouth and suddenly heard a loud cry pierce the room. Beneath him, Kankuro could feel his slave undulating slightly and he could hear the blonde's fingernails scratching the desk. He couldn't help but feel a great sense of pride. He had his teacher beneath him moaning for more of his ministrations. Who could say they did that?

Naruto was panting like a maniac. He felt heat pulse through his body as his new master moved from one side of his chest to the other and played his body like a fiddle. He arched, his body begging for more of the ministrations that the young man could only provide. His eyes shot open and he realized that the brunette was moving down his body. Their eyes connected for a moment before Kankuro continued his manipulations. Kami help him.

"I'm having a hard time Naruto." Kankuro whispered in his ear after playing some more with his body. He looked at Kankuro in confusion. "Should we play more or shall I take you now? I'll let you choose this time. Next time will be much different."

Their eyes met again as Naruto replied, "Take me now."

Kankuro smirked, "I figured." He adjusted Naruto's body and his own to where he could have the best leverage then without warning, swiftly entered the body beneath him. Naruto arched slightly as he felt Kankuro's hands tighten on his hips. The brunette thrust hard and fast into his body. He could not help but moan and cry out for more pleasure. Kami, what was wrong with him? His body arched again and the heat that had been building up was almost bursting. Kankuro slammed into Naruto again before both of them finally climaxed.

Both panted hard and Kankuro took a minute to regain his breath. Sweat poured down his forehead as he finally said, "That was good. Just like I thought it would be." Naruto blushed despite his already reddened face. "Now, I think we need better accommodations huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your office is good for quickies, but I think we need a bed for long-term engagements. Your apartment?"

Naruto looked at him in shock as he sat up on the desk. Kankuro was already getting off of him and getting dressed. "What?"

"Well yeah. You're my slave now 'Naruto-sensei.' Have any objections?"

The blonde knew what would happen if he objected, "No."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow...Good night."

With that said Kankuro unlocked the door, opened it, and shut it behind him. Naruto was left sitting naked on the desk. 'What a curse...'

Author's Note #2: Sorry it has taken so long to put up the first chapter. So much going on! *pulls out hair* Anyway, thank you for being patient blue-hart. Also, I am starting to study for my medical and billing coding exam for 2017. Be patient with me there too. I will start charging for one-shots starting October. Before you kill me, it's not going to be expensive. Like it will be .50 cents ever 500 words. Please don't be angry with me. Those I have already agreed to write for, don't worry, I'm not charging you. That's it for now. Hope you like.