Egg Emperor
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Poll: I just recently updated Silver Skies, my Dante and Nero have a kid fic. Now yesterday I sort of had an idea to help bridge the first and second halves of the plot by connecting in a sub plot, involving a possible love interest for Cael (the kid). This would happen by transforming what was at first a sub antagonist who would have been killed off into a supporting character. While all well and good it only took me a few minutes to realize that this sub plot would run afoul of "Things that go Bump" a DP story I one day intend to write (You can find a teaser for it on my Profile). The Silver Skies sub plot would end up using many of the same tropes that will be found in "Things that go Bump" and I've begun to feel that that might be redundant. As of now I have three options: 1) I can scrap "Things that go Bump" and never write it. 2) I can scrap the new sub plot in Silver Skies and find a different way to bridge the two halves. 3) Or I can keep both and try my best to keep them different enough from each other that there will still be surprises. I like some feed back from people on this. Now I'm not going to guaranty that I'm going to abide by the choice with the most votes. But I will take that into consideration when I make my decision. Vote Now!
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Joined 05-18-13, id: 4732733, Profile Updated: 07-07-18
Author has written 10 stories for Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, Legend of Zelda, Devil May Cry, Danny Phantom, Naruto, One Piece, and Batman.

I think I'm finally "back" people or rather I should become better than I really ever was maybe I'll be able to start regular posting I don't know first priories are the Bloodwing oneshot and Silver Skies after that the sky is really the limit.


Name: Johannes (Yo-Han-nez)

( it really is ) blame me for having a retired lawyer and history professor for a Dad if you think it's weird.

Age: Late Twenties

Home: West Coast

Here we go... For the fan fics that I've commented on you might know me as the "Anon" Drake. After the 2nd semester of my Senior year of College let out I decided I had enough of being a voyeur and that I finally needed to make a profile. Despite my name here, while I indeed love Dr. Ivo Robotnik- Eggman, I will for the foreseeable future not be publishing any Sonic based fics.

Ok here is the deal. I'm just recently employed. Therefore do not expect my work to be perfect or timely. IN all honesty I'm probably going to try to finish the few stories I've started - And may have to abandon "The Eighth Brain" - and then call it quits. It all depends on how work goes and if writing turns from an enjoyable escape into a chore.

Due to my experience with an over baring and critical mother I handle all types of criticism. That being said I WILL TAKE FLAMES FROM MY MOM NOT FROM YOU, If you want to play with fire PREPARE to GET BURNED. However, constructive criticism will always be welcomed with opened arms.

A few new in Additametum to take note of in reference to my Pokemon Fics.

  1. I love the Pokémon series, however due to school and college I stopped watching at Best wishes or Black & White. I also missed the latter 1/2 of the Sinnoh saga and my watching of the Advanced era was spotty (sometimes very) at times. Even my coverage of Johto was interrupted at times due to an annoying problem with the cable when I was 11 ( I pitched a major fit). Because of this I may get small minute details wrong, as an example I may say that Ash had never encountered Pokémon X before when in reality back during Johto or in Hoenn he in fact did. If it's a small point or something minor tell me and I will correct it, if it's important plot point or a major factor in the story, then I take artistic license to alter reality as I so wish.
  2. Because I have not watched the Black and White era anime or, for that matter, played the games, it is unlikely elements from those, such as Team
    Plasma, Cilian or Iris will make it into any of my stories unless it is absolutely necessary for the plot. Which pretty much means never. This is not something that can be remedied by simply watching the show. One that takes a lot of time and, two frankly I detest the show at this point. Iris is basically a bratty Misty rip off and Ash has acquired severe retrograde amnesia (seriously don't get me started on all the things now wrong with Ash). I'd rather they just start again with a new character than see him reduced to what he's become. Cilian, I have no idea where to begin other than his entire being, from character design to characterization seriously creeps me the heck out. I just frankly don't like him.



Johannes' Guide to Decent Writing:

What will sink a story

1) Beware OCs...

OC's come in two basic types, the second of which has a few subtypes.

Often times a throwaway character who is simply a filler space is needed, this type of OC is mundane, ubiquitous and completely safe. This is the Redshirt OC, the shop keeper down the way, the guy called Bill who is gruesomely eaten by the monster of the day, basic literary cannon fodder.

The second type where an OC becomes a main character is the more dangerous (for your story) type. I usually don't read stories with MCOC's.

Main character OC's come in a few different flavors I think a lot of people are turned off by them especially a specific kind.

-That is the OC love interest; few people want to see their favorite characters (who, ostensibly are the reason they are reading your story in the first place) placed in a relationship with a character created from your own mind. People often won't even bother clicking on a story with an OCLI in the summery (At least I and most of the people I know don't). Don't do these, just don't.

-The second slighly lesser evil is the OC friend or traveling companion. While often not quite as big of a deal breaker as the love interest, the OCF can be very obnoxious in that they often edge into Sue-dom, outshining the main canon character(s) (again, ostensibly the reason they are reading your story) in the process. Again they generally aren't going to torpedo your story right off the bat, but if you're not careful you can cause people to leave halfway through. Only a very experienced author should attempt using one of these.

- At this point we've crossed over the threshold of absolute doom. But don't think you're safe yet. The third subtype is the OC relative. And the OCR is a bit special in that it is a wild card, ranging from relatively harmless to sometimes being worse than the OCF. While the OCR most often takes the form of a child of a canon paring or favorite ship, it can really be anyone related to the Canon Main character. And there enters the wild card factor, which is determined by:

1) Who the person is in relation to CMC

2) Their degree of prominence in the story.

IN GENERAL, the degree of threat can be measured in order of least to most safe by:

[Type of Relation]

Sibling/CousinChildParentAll others

[Degree of Story Prominence]

Greater than the CMCEqual to the CMCLess than the CMC

So while a child who's learning the ropes or an added and slightly overbearing parent are fairly harmless, the CMC's older brother who is better in every way and must be surpassed so the CMC can finally feel Daddy's love (*Cough* Itachi *Cough*) is very much NOT.

-The fourth and final type is the OC villain. The OCV is almost as - if not just as - token as the Red shirt OC. In general they are fairly harmless if not enriching to a story, as long as you don't go overboard with them, like making them a parent or sibling.

2) Self insertion... DON'T DO IT! It's a big of a bomb as the OCLI if not worse. Nothing makes me say no like this in the summery.

3) Crossovers: In general crossovers are not usually good fic's I have seen only one in my time here that I have liked. My advice pick a topic and stick with it and only it. For very advanced writers only, and even then it can be hit or miss.

4) Bad Grammar (punctuation, capitalization, syntax and spelling), Formatting (Text walls, awkward spacing)

If they can't read, they will leave.

Current Events Area:

1) UGH... UGH... UGH... At this point what can I say? Idea imps have been visiting me in my sleep and taking all my inspiration away? More like the Motivation gremlins have been taking away any will to write I've had. I feel awful, for all this but knowing myself I'm hoping that ya'll are patient. Guss it's better that I'm a fringe writer at best other wise there might be a mob, and torches, and sharp pointy farming equipment. O' my. Okay here's what's on the docket.

Eighth Brain. Prologue 3 : 1/2 to 2/3 written Prologue 2 and 1 being revised

Silver Skies: Chapter 2 : Complete

Pitch Black : Chapter 1 : 1/5-1/4 written, Currently revising the prologue

Mea Culpa Chapter 2 : 1/7 written

LOZ Deluge War Chapter 2 : 1/7 written

Everything Else I haven't touched.

Going to try to get Eighth Brain and Pitch Black back on track and then work on Silver Skies and Mea Culpa, Deluge War is at the bottom of the list right now.

I actually have several stories that I want to write if I ever get around to them.

Note my Fics are not contiguous they do not occur in the same universe, parentage and relatives will change between each story

Story Progress Key:

Current Stories

*Brackets attached after Keywords indicate further information on status*

Complete= Story is finished to it's proper conclusion, there will be no further updates planned.

Continuation Uncertain= Story is considered complete at present time, but due to requests or further changes in personal opinion may be expanded at a future date.

Currently in Progress= Story is actively being written/composed [note Updates will most often occur sporadically across several months, If a story's status changes I will note it on my profile.]

Hiatus= Story is not currently being actively written, it may lay dormant for a year or more.

Indefinite Hiatus= Story is in limbo for the current time, I will pick it up again but it may be years before it is restarted (2 years)

Canceled= Story will no longer be written. It will remain as is unfinished unless it is otherwise noted later.

Planned Stories

Start (Summer XXXX)= Story will be started around such and such time and year [note a question mark denotes further uncertainty in start by one season]

Unknown Timetable (Summer XXXX)= Story has the basic plot developed. It may possibly be started around the bracketed time but realistically it might vary by a year or more.

Plot subject to Adjustment= The story is in the basic early post embryonic stages of development. Major plot details in the teaser summery may change or be added or removed as the story becomes more concrete.

Syndication Uncertain= The story is in the earliest embryonic stages. It is simply an idea that I've had that was slightly better than the rest. These stories are subject to likely major plot shift if they are written. The may never be written if it is decided that I've either lost interest or the idea cannot be well fleshed out.

Rejected = This story idea, previously labeled either: [Plot subject to Adjustment or Syndication Uncertain] Has been deemed nonviable; due to either changes in the fandom, changes in the canon material or personal opinion and will no longer be considered for syndication.

Pokemon Fanfics

The Eighth Brain- "A story centered around a 15 year old Max Maple and his challenge of the battle frontier. Little did he know the frontier had changed since the times of Ash. After defeating Brandon the Pyramid King he finds he still has one last challenge to face, can he brave the Battle Dimension and dethrone it's elusive Prince, who now lords over the whole frontier?" - Indefinite Hiatus

(Prologue Chapters 1-2 will be completely renovated to match with latter works and Prologue 3, consolidation of story will be made before publishing of Book 1: Chapter 1, Abandoned ideas chapters will be removed as well as author's notes)

Thick as Thieves- " They say blood runs thicker than water, but can blood change a person's whole outlook on life? When Ash is betrayed by his elders and unknown to his friends forced into exile, he runs from all he has known. Thinking all of his friends were complicit in his downfall, he turns to the most unlikely source, the only one that he feels he can trust, his father. - Unknown Timetable

The Knight of Arceus-" 15 year old Ash, never let on to his friends who his family was. Sure they all knew Delia, his kind and always cheerful mother, but his siblings... He would rather be a Houndoom's chew toy before his friends ever met them. What bothered him more was that he could never step from the shadow his brothers and sister cast. No matter what he did he either wasn't good enough or it had been done before, he would never be a master. Little did he know that he really wasn't meant to; for another being had plans for him, plans that never included packed stadiums and cheering crowds but powers and adventures beyond his imagination. - Unknown Timetable

(The Doomsday/Super weapon from the excised section of Eighth Brain: Prologue 2 was to be relocated to this story and play a significant role, but with the revelation of AZ's weapon from X & Y, I'm no longer certain that this is a viable idea. Further shortly after conception this story divided itself. I decided that at the end of the first 1-2 prologue chapters a vote would be held to determine which of two simple opposing actions Ash would take. This would change the 2nd-3rd prologue chapter and place the story into one of two separate scenarios, the Dawn route, a slightly hardened and aloof but kind and compassionate hero Ash. And the Dusk route, a jaded and angry sometimes bordering sociopathic and cruel anti-hero Ash. Basically the former would Arceus' warrior and ambassador while the latter would be more of his hitman and enforcer. I've come to realize that isn't likely going to be viable either, so this one's sort of in Limbo for the moment)

Pitch Black- "A project by the remnants of Teams Galactic, Plasma and a division of Team Rocket have unleashed a great change upon the world, infusing people with the powers of specific Pokémon. Ash Ketchem has returned to civilization for the first time since the "Gifting". His friends wonder what powers have been bequeathed to him unknowing that Ash is anything but a Pikachu. Indefinite Hiatus

(I really started this one before I got more than the basic plot down, it will be continued, but I have to have everything at least somewhat laid out first)

Omega- "The Alpha has ruled the Worlds, the sum total of all realities and dimensions since their creation. He has done so with benevolence and justice. But like anything creation is a duality, and like anything, such an omnipotent good must be balanced by an equally tremendous evil. An evil that has been forgotten by man and Pokémon alike. Now it is stirring and the Worlds are changing, darkening in reality and fate. It is up to the chosen one to stop the death of all existence, but this time the power of ONE Ash will not be enough. - Unknown Timetable

(Note - this story is going to require a lot of work and a bit of cooperation from some other authors to work. It may well be my masterpiece but I wouldn't hold you breath for it, there is a chance that it might never get off the ground

Lord of Time: Phantom Ruler Z - " Ash and Friends venture into a town where Celebi is Venerated along with the Legendary Beasts, but things are not what they seem, behind the scenes evil lurks. Corrupt politicos and a Ruthless Corporate magnate are only the tip of the iceberg. A clandestine group with a sinister agenda waits in the shadows, lead by the dark figure known only as Z. Caught in a game of half truths and lies where the stakes are the very future of the world; can Ash and his friends stop Z's evil plans for Celebi? - Unknown Time Table

Danny Phantom Fanfics

Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa " - Darkness can pervade and consume a soul. Few understand that there is always redemption even if the redeemed feels he doesn't deserves it. No stain is permanent, it is only as deep as you allow it to be. All taint no matter how black can be removed. But there is a price. The pain of remorse, of guilt is not a burden all can bare. One-Shot, May be expanded, depending on reception." A Dan Redemption Fic. - Complete as is (One Shot) Possible Continuation Uncertain (Simulposted on AO3)

Things that go Bump " - A swagerbishie ( Danny X Dash ) Fic. Fourteen or so years in the future, Danny and Dash work running an offensive branch of Fenton Works, that handles the capture and removal of supernatural entities that plague the the Midwest and Eastern United States. It has been a long and difficult road for these two, with may dings and bruises along the way, some of which have left deep scars. When an increase in ghostly activity near Amity Park coincides with their High school reunion, the two boys can only pray that it's not part of something bigger. - Start (Mid To Late Fall 2018?)

DBZ Fanfics

The Devil's Grin-"Goten is afraid, afraid of himself. He is changing and he has no idea why. His darker instincts are moving to the surface, his control is slipping; emotions boiling over. Feeling resentful of everything that seems to deny him, his brother's shadow, his father's absence. His rage and anxiety growing the question now looms. Could I be turning evil, becoming a conscienceless Saiyan monster? Indefinite Hiatus

(This is the first fic I really got going... And I'll be honest, it's a mess, I cringed when I read the second chapter again after nearly 2 years. Major renovation of all published chapters will have to occur, I also have to figure out and flesh out the middle section of the story, the end is already written, before continuing)

Devil May Cry Fan Fics

God of Shadows- " A Devil May Cry Fanfiction. The Demonic Emperor Mundus, last of the truly ancient devils that founded Hell after the fall is dead. Now weaker greater demons are all vying for positions of power in a feudal style war. With the devils too busy killing each other to cause problems on Earth, a great peace ensued. This was great for humanity but a problem for a certain pizza loving devil hunter. On his first mission in weeks Dante encounters a weird monster that though reeking of darkness is not a devil. Unknown to the man in red, this creature is a sign. Now with Hell preoccupied, a long dormant power moves to take the place of the infernal realm. A power far more ancient and far more terrifying.- Rejected

Silver Skies - "Dante and Nero met on the isle of Fortuna. Years have passed the two are now lovers, living out of DMC, in Capulet City. They are Devil hunters, but for the last 14 years they had another job, that of Parents. Caelum Sparda, their son born of their souls and a dark spell, struggles to prove to his fathers that he is a hunter just like them, despite his young age & naive world view."- Hiatus

Naruto Fanfics

Black Night, Red Moon- " A Naruto Fan Fic, not much on this one as of yet, save it involves the failure of our Heroes to stop Obito's Ultimate Genjutsu, and their struggle to return the world to normal, all the while questioning if that is in fact the right thing to do." - Rejected

The Paper Fan and the Death God - " From now on we are partners Uchiha, I Naruto Uzumaki, Vice Shinigami of the Land of Fire hereby swear this to you Sasuke. You cannot and will not die, until such time as Itachi is dead by your hand." " And I Sasuke Uchiha, Last of the Uchiha swear this to you Naruto. In return for your power I will avenge you by destroying the Village that murdered you." " I will destroy Konoha" ( Note Not a Bleach Crossover) Indefinite Hiatus

(Once I figure out where this is going to go I will return to it)

Steam Punk Naruto - " An attempt on his life shortly after he left the academy, triggers a hidden defense, causing Naruto to be placed in a crystal stasis for 1000 years. The story of the sleeping child passed unto legend, until during the reign of the 33rd Hokage; the boy awakes. Now trapped in the far future can Naruto still fulfill his dream and can he ever return home?" - Rejected

Legend of Zelda Fanfics

(Tentative title ) The Legend of Zelda: The Nightmare's End- "Is there anything that can be done for him, can we free him so he can finally rest?" The girl asked pleadingly. The youthful looking sage of wisdom turn half facing her and the rest of the group. Neri's deep blue eyes seemed to take a clouded look, their depths for a moment revealing his truly ancient age and the uncertainty in the wisdom of what he was about to say. " Destroy the Triforce... and perhaps ...the cycle may be broken. Demise's hatred desires the divine relic, with it gone, he may cease his onslaught. And then Hero would not longer need to chase him through the annals of time. After 4000 years he could finally be at peace." That, blasphemous as it may be, is likely to be you greatest hope of achieving you goal. - Indefinite Hiatus

( After much thought I have decided to not drop this story completely, it will be written Eventually, but for now it is on the very bottom of my list)

A Link to the Future: The Deluge War - " It's been 1500 years since the Hero slew the Dark Lord Ganondorf. 2000 since the Dark Emperor Ganon was sealed in the void of the Dark world. With both incarnations of the Demon King gone, Hyrule has prospered, a modern land of Magic and Science. But now Evil is once again stirring. A timid teen named Link must find his courage and stop it or Hyrule will be devoured by Darkness. Indefinite Hiatus

(Again another story that I started with really no clue to where I wanted it to go. I'll set everything out then get back to it.)

One Piece Fanfics

Curse of the Dragon - "A routine stop on an island in the New World half of the Grand line, becomes a mission for Nico Robin and a reluctant Luffy as she learns that a man on the island may know something about truth of the Lost History that has become her life's mission. A Story World Origin fic. Two-Shot."-Complete (Simulposted on AO3)

Batman Fanfics

The Last Laugh - "A new villain, Black Jack takes Gotham by storm. Making homage to certain clown, he leaves pandemonium in his wake. Behind the mayhem, though is a sinister plan and an even more twisted game. One Batman refuses to play. But when Jack turns the tables, with four birds in his hand; the Dark Knight my have no choice but to lay his cards down. Or risk his family becoming part of a permanent vanishing act. - Syndication Uncertain

Jason and Mr. Todd -The Lazarus pit was supposed to fix a damaged brain... Well it didn't quite do it's job ... Now there's two Jasons and one want's revenge...While the other just wants to go home." (Inspired by elements from paganpunk2's Spark in the Dark series) - Syndication Uncertain

Bloodwing - Oneshot fanfic of a fanfic. Based on Luthor's Assassin by Meridianpony, a future fic. Stressed to the breaking point by the cruelty of life can Dick Grayson resist falling back into the ways of killing when the lives of his brothers are on the line? Or will Renegade return in bloodied wings of night dying Gotham crimson black in revenge? - Hiatus (Hope to finish by October 2018 - Simulposted on AO3)

Other Fanfics

Heartless- A Buso Rinkin Fan fic, a what if story where Captain Bravo succeeds in killing Kazuki Muto, the protagonist, and retrieving the Black Kakugani III.

"With out the Kakugani to replace his heart, Kazuki died; his body was washed out to sea and never recovered. 7 years later in the middle of a battle between the Alchemist army and a legion of Homunculi a mysterious man appears. Claiming himself a Heartless, a being that posses neither humanity nor hunger he sides with neither the Humans nor Homunculi. Seeking only to better his rare kind, he warns both sides of a coming conflict that will decide not only the fate of the world but its dominant species. -Rejected

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Bloodwing reviews
Oneshot fanfic of a fanfic. Based on Luthor's Assassin by Meridianpony, a future fic. Stressed to the breaking point by the cruelty of life canDick Grayson resist falling back into the ways of killing when the lives of his brothers are on the line? Or will Renegade return in bloodied wings of night dying Gotham crimson black in revenge?
Batman - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,804 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 30 - Published: 2/23/2016 - Jason T./Red Hood, Richard G./Nightwing, Timothy D./Red Robin, Damian W./Robin
Silver Skies reviews
Dante and Nero met on the isle of Fortuna. Years have passed the two are now lovers, living out of DMC, in Capulet City. They are Devil hunters, but for the last 14 years they had another job, that of Parents. Caelum Sparda, their son born of their souls and a dark spell, struggles to prove to his fathers that he is a hunter just like them, despite his young age & naive world view.
Devil May Cry - Rated: M - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 18,681 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 9/30/2015 - Published: 3/23/2014 - Dante, Nero
Curse of the Dragon reviews
A routine stop on an island in the New World half of the Grand line, becomes a mission for Nico Robin and a reluctant Luffy as she learns that a man on the island may know something about truth of the Lost History that has become her life's mission. A Story World Origin fic. Two-Shot.
One Piece - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 10,334 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 5/20/2015 - Published: 5/14/2015 - Robin, Luffy - Complete
The Paper Fan and The Death God reviews
" From now on we are partners Uchiha, I Naruto Uzumaki, Vice Shinigami of the Land of Fire hereby swear this to you Sasuke. You cannot and will not die, until such time as Itachi is dead by your hand." " And I Sasuke Uchiha, Last of the Uchiha swear this to you Naruto. In return for your power I will avenge you by destroying the Village that murdered you." Not a Bleach crossover.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Angst/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 12,161 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 4/10/2014 - Published: 4/3/2014 - Naruto U., Sasuke U.
Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa reviews
Darkness can pervade and consume a soul. Few understand that there is always redemption even if the redeemed feels he doesn't deserves it. No stain is permanent, it is only as deep as you allow it to be. All taint no matter how black can be removed. But there is a price. The pain of remorse, of guilt is not a burden all can bare. One-Shot, May be expanded, depending on reception.
Danny Phantom - Rated: M - English - Angst/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 15,313 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 8 - Published: 3/26/2014 - Dan Phantom, Clockwork - Complete
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Future - The Deluge War reviews
It's been 1500 years since the Hero slew the Dark Lord Ganondorf. 2000 since the Dark Emperor Ganon was sealed in the void of the Dark world. With both incarnations of the Demon King gone, Hyrule has prospered, a modern land of Magic and Science. But now Evil is once again stirring. A timid teen named Link must find his courage and stop it or Hyrule will be devoured by Darkness.
Legend of Zelda - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,484 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/11/2013 - Link, Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: The Nightmare's End reviews
The Hero was reborn over & over again. Returning from death not knowing the pain that he was truly enduring. While he unknowingly suffered others watched helpless to offer him aid. The Hero fought for the goddesses destroying all that would try to suppress their divine light. Unknowing that perhaps the very ones he served were more twisted that the Evil that he was born to destroy.
Legend of Zelda - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,482 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 12/11/2013 - Published: 9/13/2013 - Link - Complete
Pitch Black reviews
"A project by the remnants of Teams Galactic, Plasma and a division of Team Rocket have unleashed a great change upon the world, infusing people with the powers of specific Pokémon. Ash Ketchem has returned to civilization for the first time since the "Gifting". His friends wonder what powers have been bequeathed to him unknowing that Ash is anything but a Pikachu."
Pokémon - Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,058 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 9 - Published: 9/13/2013
The Eighth Brain reviews
A story centered around a 15 year old Max Maple and his challenge of the battle frontier. Little did he know the frontier had changed since the times of Ash. After defeating Brandon the Pyramid King he finds he still has one last challenge to face, can he brave the Battle Dimension and dethrone it's elusive Prince, who now lords over the whole frontier?"
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 11,285 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 9/4/2013 - Published: 6/4/2013 - Max/Masato, Ash K./Satoshi
The Devil's Grin reviews
Goten is afraid, of himself. He is changing and he has no idea why. His darker instincts are moving to the surface, his control is slipping; emotions boiling over. Feeling resentful of everything that seems to deny him, his brother's shadow, his father's absence. His rage and anxiety growing the question now looms. Could I be turning evil, becoming a conscienceless Saiyan monster?
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 6 - Words: 20,247 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 9/4/2013 - Published: 6/18/2013 - Gohan, Goten