AN: OracionMist here! This story is more of an alternate version on Maelstrom's New Song, for those that didn't like the yaoi harem. There is no pairing, whatsoever, and will be an experiment. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Pokemon.
Chapter 1
Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze; son of the well-known "Whirlpool Queen" Kushina Uzumaki and "Stealth Striker" Minato Namikaze, two of the Pokemon world's living legends. Kushina, a woman born from the Kanto region that specializes in both water and fire types, a Top Coordinator that showcased her Pokemon's strength, coolness, and intelligence with her best known and most popular Pokemon, Kyuubi, her Ninetales. Minato, a man born from the Johto region that rose to the top to become Champion, being a specialist with his Pokemon's speed and flexibility as well as his excellent battle strategies, he'd kept his title along with Pokemon and his Lucario by his side.
No one knew how those two knew one another, but many agreed that they were a match made in heaven. After Naruto was born, the three became even closer to each other as they travel around the world; showing their young child all sorts of Pokemon and experiences along the way. A few years later, the parents decided to settle down in one of their many villas around the regions in Unova. Minato and Kushina unfortunately couldn't stay in one place and had to continue their jobs as a Coordinator and Champion while leaving Naruto with Kakashi Hatake and Iruka Umino- two family friends-along with many of their Pokemon to keep the blond child company.
Although at a young age of seven, Naruto knew that he wanted to make his mother and father proud, often studying about Pokemon to be able to know as much as he could about them when he would finally be of age. Minato and Kushina would dote on their only child as much as they could; sending large allowance for any sort of use he wanted and willing to give the child any sort of starter Pokemon that he wanted bordering a Legendary. Naruto however grateful he was, wanted it to be fair, and receive one starter at the same time the other kids did. The two understood wholeheartedly and relented, but it wouldn't stop them from trying something in another three years. However, one thing that no one ever expected was that the whiskered blond would be receiving his perfect partner at the step of his house.
Naruto was playing with the Pokemon in the back of the house of the family villa located in Undella Town while Iruka was preparing him and the Pokemon some lunch until he heard a knocking on the door. The scarred man stopped for a moment to get the door and asked, "Yes, who is it?" Iruka asked as he looked around to see nothing until he looked down to spot a black and green Pokemon Egg sitting in a basket with a note on it. Lifting the basket and reading the note out loud it said, "'Take the useless egg. Maybe you can get the dumb thing to hatch.' What a cruel person! How can they just do this to an innocent egg?!" Iruka yelled in anger; he was a Pokemon Breeder, he loved to raise Pokemon like his own children rather than fight and couldn't stand thieves and trainers that just abandon their Pokemon for trivial matters. When he finally calmed down, he took the basket and egg inside with him.
Right on cue, Naruto came inside and was curious when he spotted the egg in Iruka's possession. "Iruka-nii? Why are you carrying a Pokemon Egg?" The young blond asked in curiosity.
"Someone just left this little one on our doorstep."
"What?! Why?!"
"Apparently, whoever its owner used to be, felt that it was taking too long to hatch and decided to leave it."
Naruto's face heated up in rage as he hated people like that just as much Iruka did, as Kakashi had often said, "Those that abandon their comrades are trash." The blond had grown up believing this. "Iruka-nii, can I please take care of it?" Naruto asked, "I promise I'll do my very best, and I won't care at all if it doesn't right away."
Iruka was somewhat surprised at the amount of determination that oozed from the seven year old boy's voice, but he knew that maybe this was a sign. "Alright, Naruto, but let's go get an incubator first, ok?"
"Ok!" Naruto beamed as he followed his caretaker.
Several Months Later
"Kakashi-nii! Iruka-nii! Come quick, the eggs hatching!" Naruto yelled from within his room as he watched his glowing egg. It had indeed taken a while for the egg to hatch; a year in fact, but to Naruto that only meant that whatever was in there had to be something special. The blond did have fun taking care of the unborn Pokemon with Iruka and Kakashi, and his parents were proud of how mature he was as well; even going as far as promising that he could keep the Pokemon.
Of course, that was wonderful, but the blond would only agree if this Pokemon accepts him. Iruka and Kakashi came running in with their Pokemon-a Furret and Mightyena respectively- in tow with needed supplies. "How long has it been glowing Naruto?" Iruka asked as he tried to place the supplies within reach should he urgently need it.
The whiskered blond continued to watch the egg as he answered, "About thirteen minutes ago. Look it's starting to crack!" True to his word, the egg began to gain small cracks before emitting a bright light that blocked everyone's view until the glowing died down to show the Pokemon that had hatched and was staring intently at Naruto before launching itself at him.
It looked like a little girl with green hair and a headset that held a shape of a treble clef along with a black dress with a green sash around her waist. The three couldn't help but be surprised at this. "A Me-Meloetta, no way…" Iruka said as he didn't hide his awe at the sight of his first Legendary Pokemon.
Kakashi slowly broke of his stupor and gave an eye-smile, "Well, I guess that explains why it took so long to hatch. I think it was quite worth it, don't you Naruto?"
The blond mutely nodded as the newborn Meloetta beamed and hugged tightly as he returned the gesture and patted her head gently, not quite come out his shock yet. Iruka couldn't help but laugh at his little brother figure's surprise, "Well Naruto, it seems Meloetta thinks your its parent. I doubt she'd want to leave your side."
Naruto calmed down and looked down at Meloetta who was staring back up to him with innocent eyes, and asked, "It's nice to meet you Meloetta. My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, I'm only a kid right now, but when I get my trainer license, will you be my Starter Pokemon?"
The humanoid Pokemon thought for a moment before nodding and happily chimed her name, "Mel!" "Of course! Anything for daddy!" A feminine voice said cheerfully into the minds of the three, astonishing them once again.
"Was that you, Meloetta?" The silver haired trainer asked as he glanced from over Naruto's head, only receiving the Pokemon tilting its head at him.
Iruka seemed to nod slowly, "Well, Meloetta are said to be psychic types so it shouldn't be too surprising that she can use telepathy. I think it's also said that Legendaries can communicate through telepathy as well."
"Wow, you're amazing Meloetta!" Naruto praised as Meloetta beamed, "I'm going to name you Rhapsody; I know that you'll be the best! You'll shine in battle and on stage!"
"Letta!" Rhapsody sang in joy for her new name as she hugged the blond while the two older trainers left to tell Minato and Kushina of the wonderful event for their son."
Two years later
"Kushina, it's not fitting. There's not enough room!" A male voice quietly whispered to his companions that were up to something as a rustling was heard in the barely lit room.
"Well, keep trying! And make sure the surprise is perfect!" The female huffed angrily. "I won't forgive you if even a single thing I want in there isn't before it's too late!"
"I know!" The male replied as he made an even more urgent rustling sound.
"Um… don't you think that you two are overdoing it?" A third voice asked as he kept lookout.
"No!" The first two voices yelled as they screamed, "Our son will have everything and anything he needs on his first journey!"
"Mel?" A familiar and feminine voice asked, making the three freeze as they knew that the Melody Pokemon was never too far away from…
"Mom, Dad, Kakashi… What are you three doing to my bag?" Naruto asked in a sleepy and suspicious tone as he turned on the light to show that his parents and older brother figure were stuffing items into his bag.
Minato stuttered as he was caught in the act and gave a nervous smile, "Um… We wanted to make sure you had everything you would need?" He said as he held his hands up to show a set of keys; copies of the keys for every villa in all the regions they owned.
Kushina looked anywhere but her son as she answered, "We were going to give you send off gifts that'll help in your journey." The redhead fidgeted as tried to make sure that a deluxe set of capsule seals and costumes weren't showing from behind her back.
The silver haired trainer remained calm as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Iruka wanted to make sure that I looked over your medicinal and food supply, since he couldn't; seeing as he's away helping Nurse Joy." He answered not stating that Iruka practically ordered that he packed as many items or whatever else possible and that Kakashi himself was going to put in at least a hundred of every known Poke-ball for his soon to be independent little brother.
The whiskered blond just sighed, "I know you three mean well, but aren't you spoiling me?" Naruto loved his parents and brother figures, but it was only 4:30 in the morning and he was supposed to head to Nuvema Town for his Poke-dex and trainer license and then leave on a ferry to Pallet Town to meet Professor Oak, and start his journey in Kanto, where his mom did. Before anyone could answer, he gave a big yawn.
"Sorry son, why don't you head back to bed, and if you wake up a little late or anything, your mother and I'll give you lift on our Pokemon." The older blond said gently as Kakashi took it as his cue to guide the ten years old and Rhapsody to bed.
Minato and Kushina sighed in relief as the cost was clear. "Are you sure about this Kushina? Naruto seems like he'll be angry about this, he wants to be treated like other kids starting out after all."
"Of course I am! You want to do this as much as I do! Besides, we barely ever got to do anything together with you being Johto Champion and me a Top Coordinator since he turned six. It's the least that we do as parents that we have him as ready as we can help."
"But two Pokemon Eggs? Wouldn't he notice if one of them suddenly hatches in his backpack?" The blond said as he tried to convince his fiery wife.
However, Kushina wasn't having any of it and retorted, "It's our gifts for him. Besides he won't ever have to worry about money and a place to stay, with spare keys to the villas and us transferring a portion of our money to his account. And that he promises to call once a month."
The older blond just sighed as he knew she wouldn't give up, "Fine Kushina, but let's give him a good send off. It is his journey after all."
A few hours later, Naruto, Kushina, and Minato, were flying to Nuvema Town after the young blond waved goodbye to his brother figures. Fortunately, the Namikaze family arrived early, so no one knew of their arrival and met with Cedric Juniper, the region's Pokemon Professor. "Ah, Minato and Kushina, you two are here early! And you must be Naruto; you're starting your journey today right? Why don't we get you a starter Pokemon?"
Naruto shook his head politely, "No thank you, Professor Juniper. I already have a starter, and it's Rhapsody."
Cedric paused as he asked, "Rhapsody?"
"Mel letta!" Rhapsody chimed as she made herself known, surprising the professor.
"Whoa! A Meloetta! That's amazing!" Cedric exclaimed in awe, "Well, if this is going to be your starter, I'll understand that, Naruto. I'll be right back with your Poke-dex and Poke-balls." The professor left and came back not too long later with a black and orange Poke-dex, ten Poke-balls, and a Trainer Card with the whiskered blonde's picture on it, and handed it to him. "I took the liberty in putting the information from Unova, Kanto, and Johto's known Pokemon, seeing as you'll be starting there. If you need any other region, just go to the region's professor and you'll be upgraded."
Naruto thanked the Professor and took out a Cherish Ball that he'd discovered in his backpack and let Rhapsody into the Poke-ball, and his mother took the liberty to have her Slowking teleport the three to Pallet Town's Pokemon Research Center. Minato and Kushina gave their son one last good bye hug, before the two gave him two devices and two cases. "Here's a Poke-Navi and an Xtransceiver. It'll help you to know the nearest city and communicating with me, your mother, Kakashi, or Iruka back at the family ranches." Minato said as the miniature blond thanked him.
"Here're cases for your ribbons and badges that you win. We'll be cheering for you honey!" Kushina said as she kissed her son on the forehead.
Naruto beamed at his parents, "Thanks, mom, dad. I promise I'll make you proud." He waved at them as they teleported away. Naruto lowered his arm and whispered to himself he headed out, "Look out world! Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze will become the best Pokemon trainer and Coordinator out there! Believe it!" And with that he entered the laboratory.
Not too long after, the whiskered blond was greeted with an old man wearing a lab coat. He gave a grin and held out his hand, "Well, you must be Kushina's son; it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Professor Oak."
Naruto returned the handshake and smiled, "Nice to meet you, I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. It's an honor to be able to come to where my mother was born and travelled."
"I'm sure it will be. I can see the same spark in your eye as she did when I gave her that Vulpix." Oak said as he reminisced, "I believe you intend on becoming a Top Coordinator like her?"
The blond shook his head, "I want to be a Champion like my dad too, but I want to surpass the both of them and make them proud."
The elderly man couldn't help but chuckle at the ambition, "Well, since you're all prepared, I'm sure you're ready to head off?"
"Yes I am Professor, but can I ask who I talk to referring to my Pokemon?" Naruto had every intention on catching many Pokemon, but he would like to know where they would end up once he caught more than six.
"Well, I suppose they would end up in the lab of the Professor that gave you your Poke-dex, or if you have one; a caretaker that manages a Pokemon ranch you own." Oak answered.
Naruto nodded his thanks, "Good luck with the new trainers Professor, I'll keep in touch if I ever need any help around here." And with that he left and was off to Route 1. While unbeknownst to him, one of his eggs shifted from within its incubator.
Once the blond was a good distance away, he let out his first Pokemon, "Come on out, Rhapsody!"
"Mel!" Rhapsody cheered she was out in the open with her friend, before looking around, "Is this Kanto, Daddy?" She asked telepathically.
Naruto nodded, "That's right, Rhapsody. We're now starting our first journey, and we'll train hard." The blond watched as the Meloetta beamed and nodded while he took out his Poke-dex. "Well, first things first; we how to know how strong you are from our training before we started." And proceeded to scan Rhapsody as the Poke-dex's automated voice spoke.
"This Meloetta is at Level 15; it has the ability Serene Grace, and can use the moves: Round, Relic Song, Shadow Ball, and Confusion in Aria Form. In Pirouette Form it can use the moves: Round, Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, and Low Sweep."
Naruto couldn't help but beam as he looked at his partner that floated, waiting for his response, "That's great Rhapsody! You're already strong, so now all we need are a few more other Pokemon and train some more."
The Melody Pokemon smiled at the praise and asked, "Of course Daddy! What kind of Pokemon do you want to join us?"
Naruto paused in thought before answering, "Well, a flying type would be good to have; Dad's Pidgeot pretty fast, and their pre-evolved forms, Pidgey, are usually found here, but I think I'll catch a Spearow and work up its speed, and I suppose we'll see as we keep going." The blond explained as he wanted to catch great Pokemon, but make sure they weren't entirely like his parent's, and seem like he's trying to imitate them.
"Okay Daddy! I can't wait to make a new friend!" Rhapsody exclaimed as she did a mid-air twirl before seating herself on Naruto's shoulder; passing by the new trainers that equally ignored him.
After a few misses of meeting and battling Pidgey and Rattata, the two finally came across a Spearow that seemed to have a scar on its eye; possibly meaning it was the leader of a flock, and the strongest. Once the small bird noticed Naruto, it got ready to fight as it flew forward, intending to use Peck.
Rhapsody immediately took action as she leapt of her trainer's shoulder and stopped the attack with Confusion, stopping it and throwing it to the ground, but that didn't do much as Spearow rose again. "Be careful, Rhapsody! We don't know what this Spearow is capable of, so start things off with Round!" The blond yelled as he focused on the Tiny Bird Pokemon while Rhapsody did as she was told.
The Spearow cawed in pain before using Growl in attempt to unnerve Rhapsody and used an attack that neither Naruto nor the Meloetta expected as its wings glowed a metallic color and flew and hit Rhapsody with its wing, making her scream from the unexpected pain, "Mel!"
"Rhapsody!" Naruto yelled in concern as she got back up and dodged the several other strikes, as the blond muttered to himself, "That's Steel Wing, I better be careful... I know! Rhapsody, use Relic Song, followed by a double Ice Punch aimed at its wings!"
The Meloetta instantly sung her song and transformed into her Pirouette Form and charged forward with both her hands glowing in cold blue aura while Spearow charged as well with another Steel Wing. The two Pokemon clashed and picked up dirt and dust, obscuring Naruto's sight until the cloud cleared. Once it did, it showed the Spearow on the ground with frozen wings that was still trying to fight while Rhapsody was standing a safe distance away. Deciding enough was enough, the cerulean eyed boy took the first Poke-ball from within his bag he could reach and threw it at the Tiny Bird Pokemon; and only when Spearow got sucked in did Naruto realized it was a Heal Ball, just what he needed, and watched as it trembled before finally beeping, signaling that the Spearow was caught. Naruto and Rhapsody cheered, "We did it! We caught our first Pokemon!"
"Yay! A new friend!"
Picking up the Heal Ball and throwing it, Naruto released the now fully recovered Spearow that was eyeing the blond as it contemplated something in its head. Naruto crouched to the flying types level and gave a gentle smile and held out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Spearow, I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, but you can just call me Naruto. Sorry for the bad first impression, but I would like to become a Top Coordinator and a Champion someday, and I know you'll be able to help. Will you?"
The scarred bird saw the unique and genuine conviction the human's eyes that he'd never seen from the other trainers that had caught the other Spearow amongst his group. Looking over to the side, he spotted the Pokemon he'd never met before that defeated him; if Rhapsody-the name that Naruto kept calling out-was strong thanks to this boy, it wouldn't be that bad to join. Spearow stared at the whiskered blonde's hand for a moment before accepting it with his own wing, "Spea." Spearow cooed.
Naruto beamed, his first caught Pokemon accepted him, "Thank you Spearow! I promise we'll become the strongest! And I think I'll Falco." The newly named Falco cawed in the appreciation of his new name and perched onto his trainer's shoulder while Rhapsody was on the other.
After travelling and battling the Pokemon that would jump out and attack, Naruto called for a well-deserved lunch break. Finding a good clear spot, the blond went into his bag to get a few bowls and Poke-chow for his Pokemon and a bento Iruka made for himself. However, once he dug into his bag, there was a familiar glowing within it, making Naruto search for the source while his Pokemon watched in curiosity. Finally locating the source, the blond gasped at the fact it was a tan brown egg, but not only that; there was another that seemed to have the same triangular designs on it like of his dad's Pokemon had. "Mom, dad…" Naruto grumbled before the blond gently took the brown egg from the incubator and lay it on the floor, but wasn't able to as it hatched right in his arms.
After Naruto opened his eyes that were forced closed from the light to see not one baby Pokemon but two. They were twin Eevee, the blond noticed that the two small fox-like Pokemon stared at him as if waiting for something, and gave them a sheepish smile, "Uh, hi you two. I'm Naruto, and I guess your dad?" The Eevee duo yipped and licked his face in joy as their response.
Rhapsody giggled at her trainer's new baby Pokemon, he always held a soft spot for newborns and kids and tended to spoil them a bit. Deciding to help, the Meloetta looked over to the two Eevee's that looked exactly alike except for the fact that one had a diamond shaped patch of fur that was a shade lighter on its side and the other had one in the shape of a heart in the opposite side from its sibling. And of what she could tell, they were both boys, which isn't that surprising among Eevee. She glanced over to Falco, who seemed to have frozen in his spot and back to Naruto, who had gotten the Eevee twins to sleep for a moment; seemingly after he'd name the one with diamond mark Aki and the other Haru, and went to his Xtransceiver to call his parents as well as take a closer look at his current bank account and backpack.
Once the call had connected, the screen showed one smiling Kushina and one slightly nervous Minato with an irate Naruto on the receiving end. The whiskered blond asked, "Mom, dad… Care to explain to me why there is not only enough supplies in my backpack to last me a few lifetimes, just a hundred of any known Poke-ball, a deluxe set of costume and capsule seals, copies of keys to all the villas, my account already pooling over the limit, and not one but two Pokemon Eggs?!"
The two flinched before the redhead of the three spoke, "We only wanted to make up for being there for you due to us being busy. Iruka actually put in the supplies and medicine. Kakashi put in the Poke-balls, I put in the contest materials, and your father put in keys and had money put in your account."
Minato also added, "We know you wanted to be treated like other kids, but as parents we just wanted to make sure you were as safe as possible. Not to mention, I know everything we did will be useful for you. Speaking of which, I know it's a little early to ask, but how's your journey going so far?" Kushina also nodded her head eagerly, wanting to hear her son's achievements.
Naruto sighed, which made Aki and Haru awaken and peering towards the noise coming from the Xtransceiver with Falco eyeing the machine; considering whether or not he should peck the thing, "Well, I caught a really strong Spearow that I named Falco, and after that one of the eggs that you snuck in hatched into twin Eevee's and I named them Aki and Haru; which I'm guessing was either from your Vaporeon or Flareon, mom. Honestly, I know that these two and whatever the other egg is going to be will be wonderful company, but now that means I'll have to exchange Pokemon earlier than expected." It was true, considering at this moment, Naruto had four Pokemon, which only meant that he could capture two more Pokemon; one if the egg hatches quickly, and the blond wanted to have as much quality time and training with all his Pokemon.
Minato saw this and understood, "Son, you can always contact Iruka and he'll take care of things for you." The older blond said and heard someone calling for him in the background, "Seems like I'm needed, call me if you need anything, Naruto. I'll be sure to help!" He waved as he hung up.
Kushina was also being called on and was forced to leave as well, "Good luck with your Eevee's and your journey, honey! Hope you catch tons of water and fire types! Now whose the one that ruined my short quality time with my son?!" She yelled as she waved cheerfully before showing her anger towards who knows and hung up.
Naruto and his Spearow sweat dropped as the Eevee twins were confused why the talking watch had stopped while Rhapsody was laughing, "Your mom and dad are as funny as ever huh?"
"I guess you can put it that way… Well, let's eat. But first…" Naruto went through his set of Poke-balls and put them in front of Aki and Haru. "I think the normal Poke-balls are pretty plain so you can pick what kind of Poke-ball you want to be in."
The two Eevee's looked at each other and seemed to inspect each one before separately choosing one, the diamond patched Eevee chose a Friend Ball while the heart patched Eevee chose a Luxury Ball and were both sucked in and caught without any struggle. Naruto immediately let them out and set up bowls for the two as well and poured soft food for them and normal for Rhapsody and Falco.
While the five were eating Naruto looked over the move-sets for his three new Pokemon and found that Falco was a Level 5, and that his moves were obviously Growl, Peck, Leer, and Steel Wing. His Eevee twins also knew Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, and Shadow Ball. The blond couldn't be more proud of how strong the three were already.
Once everyone was done eating, Naruto and Rhapsody continued on their way to Viridian City after returning the others into their Poke-balls, the blond asked his companion, "So Rhapsody, we made good progress so far, don't you think?"
"Yeah daddy, but they still have a ways to go until they reach my level." The Meloetta said as she patted herself on the chest.
The blond chuckled, "Of course, but they'll become strong in no time, I'll make sure of it."
"I feel sorry for them… And me." Rhapsody muttered.
"What was that?"
"Nothing!" The Meloetta yelled and waved her hands in denial as she froze and heard something.
Naruto stopped walking and looked over to the Melody Pokemon, "Rhapsody? What's wrong?"
Rhapsody rose from her spot on his shoulder and floated toward a different direction, making the whiskered trainer chase after her, "Someone's crying! It's a Pokemon!"
"What?! Lead the way!" Naruto yelled as the two ran faster to the source of the crying to find an orange lizard that was curled into a ball and trembling as it wept. The blond instantly knew what the Pokemon was as Rhapsody consoled the young Pokemon and asked what was wrong, but Naruto knew what had had happened when he spotted a broken Poke-ball that no doubted used to be the crying Pokemon's. "So Charmander was abandoned… Trainers can be so cruel." Naruto thought as he slowly walked closer to the small fire type as Rhapsody said what occurred.
"His trainer was a jerk, and abandoned Charmander because he thought that he was a weak Pokemon when he pushed Charmander to battle with no breaks. Charmander said his trainer had weird hair that looked like a Swanna's butt." Naruto was sure the last part was somewhat in the Meloetta's own words but pushed that thought aside as he took a closer look and saw that Charmander did have many injuries.
Naruto squatted down to the Charmander that flinched and stared at the blond in fear, before Naruto gently patted the Fire Lizard Pokemon's head, "Poor thing, you have such a strong fire in you. The teme that abandoned must have been crazy to do what he did, hey, if you'd like, you can come with me? I promise I'll take good care of you." Naruto asked as he held up an empty Heal Ball in his other hand.
The Charmander stared in hope from the first praises he'd received since gaining a trainer and being abandoned, this person spoke with such warmth that was so different from his old trainer that was cold and demanding. The small fire type nodded, making Naruto smile and greet, "Welcome to the family, Taiyou." He said giving Charmander his name, and pressing the center button of the Heal Ball onto him and gaining a fifth Pokemon.
The blond let him out once again to see that the Heal Ball had done its job and completely healed Taiyou that latched onto his stomach pretty quickly. Naruto chuckled and checked over his Poke-dex to see that Taiyou was a Level 6 that knew Scratch, Growl, and Dragon Pulse. His eyes widened slightly at the dragon type move, but praised the small lizard for being so strong already, and decided that it was a good time to sleep considering the long day he'd had.
The next day, Naruto and his Pokemon had breakfast before training, which his Pokemon somewhat disliked but knew it was for the best, and taking off reach Viridian City. His Pokemon actually made good progress; Falco was now Lv. 8 and learned Aerial Ace after a lot work, Taiyou became Lv. 9 and learned Ember and Brick Break, the Eevee twins made the largest progress as they were both now Lv. 7 while Aki learned Dig and Haru learned Iron Tail, and although Rhapsody made a slow jump to Lv. 16, the blond was still happy with the results.
Naruto really wasn't too far away from Viridian City, but decided to fish when he spotted a small lake with a waterfall. The blond didn't see the harm considering that having a few water types never hurt, especially since he did have experience with them thanks to his mom and living near the ocean. Naruto didn't want to stay around for too long considering it's been said that there'd only been Magikarp and Goldeen found here, so he took out his Super Rod that Iruka had packed-Iruka also crammed in a bike, he really had to ask how- and waited to catch the first water type that he reeled in and leave.
Feeling a tug, Naruto readied a Net Ball and pulled the rod to be surprised by a gold colored Magikarp, acting quickly; he threw the Net Ball and easily caught the rare colored water type. Naruto let out the Magikarp who just stared back at him while splashing in the lake; he took a look at his Poke-dex who said, "This Magikarp is a female at Level 4, it knows the moves: Splash."
The blond expected this and petted Magikarp's head, "Hey there, Magikarp. I'm Naruto; we'll be a good team especially with your potential."
"Karp!" Magikarp bellowed in a somewhat high voice as she smiled.
"I'll call you Umi; you're strong that you can stand any type of water." The blond praised and gave her an Exp. Share so she didn't have to battle yet as he held Umi's Poke-ball, "Well Umi, it's time to go. I promise I'll let you out so you can swim." With that Naruto stretched as he stood and went on his way, missing a redheaded tomboy on a bike that passed him.
It really didn't take long before Naruto and Rhapsody were in Viridian City and noticed wanted posters of Team Rocket members, and as they were heading towards the Poke-mart and Pokemon Center, they were stopped by a woman's voice, "Hold it right there!"
The cerulean eyed boy turned around to see Officer Jenny glaring at him. "Is there something wrong, Officer?" Naruto asked confused as he looked to Rhapsody if she knew what was going on.
"State your business here! And why you have that Pokemon with you! Did you steal it?!" She accused as she looked ready to take out a pair of handcuffs.
Naruto widened his eyes slightly as Rhapsody yelled that the policewoman was completely wrong. "I think you have a misunderstanding, this is my Pokemon, she just likes being out of her Poke-ball and sitting on my shoulder, and I'm actually from the Unova region, and starting here for my journey." He explained as the Meloetta perched on his shoulder nodded.
Jenny narrowed her eyes, "Likely story, show me your I.D."
The blond did as told and took out his Poke-dex and let it speak as it showed his picture on the screen, "I am Dexter, I belong to Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze of Undella Town in the Unova region. If lost, I cannot be replaced."
Rhapsody smirked at Jenny's embarrassed face as she scratched the back of her head nervously, "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to be harsh, or anything."
Naruto put away his Poke-dex and smiled, "No it's fine, there must be some trouble, if you're on edge. Well if the wanted posters can say anything."
"Yes, Team Rocket has been spotted here and stealing Pokemon, so we have to on guard. How about as an apology, I'll give you a lift to the Pokemon Center?" Jenny asked and Naruto agreed, not seeing the harm.
There was a lot of harm. The policewoman was a crazy driver, and Rhapsody had to cling onto the blond as best she could so she wouldn't fly off. After Naruto thanked her, he dizzily went to the Pokemon Center for a room and a quick check up for his Pokemon. The next day was filled with more training, but there was a strange burst of lightning and Ho-Oh actually flying overhead, making Naruto and his Pokemon watch in awe. His Pokemon grew a little stronger each Leveling up one or two as they trained and worked up their speed, strength, defenses, stamina, and accuracy.
Naruto actually called Professor Oak, who'd congratulated him on making it there to Viridian City so quickly, and asked what he'd been doing. The blond explained about his training and the Pokemon he'd caught, including Taiyou who'd been abandoned. Oak frowned at that, "Really? Well I'm glad that little one is in good hands. I'll be sure to deal with Sasuke when I get a call from him."
Naruto nodded and hung up as he waited for Umi and Falco, who worked the hardest and overexerted themselves. After a while, Naruto fell asleep, only to be woken up by the revving of a motorcycle and seeing Officer Jenny with a guy around his age with a really injured Pikachu that was soon wheeled off on a stretcher by Nurse Joy and her Chansey.
Naruto felt bad for the guy and was about to go over and ask what happened, but was interrupted with a video-call. With the caller being the back of Professor Oak's head. "Ah, Ash. I see you made it to Viridian City!"
The guy, now known as Ash nodded slowly, "Yeah…?"
"What's with that face? Don't you recognize me?"
"I don't recognize the back of your head, Professor." That made Oak fix the screen to show his face.
Ash and Oak talked about what had happened with betting over whether or not Ash had caught a Pokemon which Oak lost to his grandson and Ash mentioning that he saw a Ho-Oh which caught Naruto's attention.
Oak was about to dismiss his claim before Naruto stepped forward and interjected, "I don't think he saw something else, considering I saw Ho-Oh too."
"Naruto?" Oak said in surprise, "I didn't think you'd still be here."
Naruto scratched the back of his head, "Well, I'm kind off waiting for my Pokemon to be treated before I'm on my way."
Ash looked back and forth confused, "You know this guy Professor?"
"Yes, this is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. His parents are very well known trainers; he actually came all the way from the Unova region to start here in Kanto like his mother did. He already has six Pokemon with him." The old professor bragged a bit before leaving to get his pizza delivery.
Naruto nervously held out his hand, "Well, I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, but you can just call me Naruto. I plan on being a Pokemon Champion and Top Coordinator."
Ash returned his handshake and grinned, "I'm Ash Ketchum, I'm going to be a Pokemon master!" At that moment he suddenly remembered something and dashed off to the video phone booths and talked for a while before returning. "What kind of Pokemon do you have?!" He asked eagerly and before Naruto could reply, there was an angry redhead carrying a bike that was burnt to a crisp.
"What happened to that bike?" Both the blond and brunette ask, only for the redhead to ignore Naruto and focus her anger on Ash as she yelled about him stealing her bike, electrocuting it, and how he was going to repay her. "She acts kind of like mom does when she's upset."
Ash then said, "I'll repay you somehow, but right now I have to make sure Pikachu's okay."
That seemed to do the trick as she showed her concern and noticed Naruto, "Who are you?"
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, and you?"
The mention of my last name made her eyes widen, "I'm Misty, are you by any chance related to the Kushina Uzumaki?!"
Her sparkling eyes made the blond a little nervous as he answered, "Uh, yeah. She's my mom."
"No way! You have to introduce me to her!"
Ash was confused and asked, "Uh, why do you want to meet his mom?"
"If you're anyone, you'd know that Kushina Uzumaki is the best water and fire type trainer there is! Of course she's a Top Coordinator, but you can still see the strength and dedication!" Misty berated, "And I intend on being a water Pokemon master! Say Naruto, you have any water types?"
"Well I have Umi, she's a Magikarp." The blond answered seeing her frown, "What?"
"Why do you have that Pokemon? They're useless."
"Well she'll be stronger and I know Umi will be a great Gyrados. And I did only come to Kanto a few days ago." Naruto answered with confidence and pride in his Pokemon before seeing Nurse Joy return and Chansey return with Pikachu and a tray with two Poke-balls.
"Ash, your Pikachu is all healed, and your Pokemon have as well, Naruto." Nurse Joy said with a kind smile.
"Thank you, Nurse Joy." The two said before the power went out, along with the alarm blaring that Team Rocket was in the area. It wasn't too long before the ceiling of the Pokemon Center was destroyed and two Poke-balls flew in, releasing an Ekans and a Koffing and the two Team Rocket members that were on the wanted posters.
They looked just as the poster described; a feminine looking man with lavender shoulder length hair and a woman with long magenta hair, but what was the most surprising to the blond was…
"Hand ova' yer Pokemon or else!"
A talking Meowth. Wait! Now wasn't the time to be surprised about Pokemon thieves! Naruto growled as he prepared himself to take out Taiyou, but was stopped as Ash yelled, "There's no way I'm letting you take Pikachu!"
The two rocket members, who seemed to be named Jessie and James, merely laughed and mocked on how anyone would want a mouse. The whiskered trainer almost let Taiyou out, but was dragged away by Misty as they were running away.
It wasn't long before Nurse Joy led the three to the power generator room, that seemed to run on Pika-power, and the gentle woman wheeled in a cart of Poke-balls. "You'll have to use these to battle."
Ash nodded and threw a random Poke-ball as Ekans reached the room, only for it to be empty, and a frightened Rattata was in the next leaving Naruto with no choice as he stepped forward as Rhapsody made herself known, "Leave this to me. You guys run."
"Are you sure?" Ash and Misty asked hesitantly, as the redheaded wanted to stay behind to help as well.
Naruto nodded, "I'm sure, now go." With that the three took off running back to the entrance, with the Snake Pokemon hissing at the blond. He stayed calm and grinned, "Let's go-what?" He and Rhapsody froze as he watched Ekans slither towards Ash and the others. The blond only gained a tic mark, "Really?!" And ran after them.
The Meloetta was just as mad as she frowned, "The nerve! That walking belt just ignored me!"
By the time that the whiskered boy made it, Team Rocket were shocked by Pikachu that was on top of the charred bike and as they said were "Blasting off". Naruto was a little upset he never got a chance for his Pokemon to have their first real battle, but oh well; there were always the gyms and contests.
The next day Ash, Naruto, and Misty were all heading to Viridian Forest, with the brunette spotting a Caterpie, which he acted rather quickly and threw a standard Poke-ball and caught the bug Pokemon.
And that's chapter 1! I might or might not update this story, but I'll let you all be the ones to choose if this story keeps going. As for Rhapsody, I know she's a lot different than from MNS, but I wanted to stick with the fact that Pokemon believe that the first thing they see is their parent.
And I will try to make sure Naruto isn't overly powered, but remember, his parents are well known trainers, and he spent most of his time learning about them from books, personally, and Iruka. So it's not too surprising he has some experience. Naruto's parents will be a little doting, but Minato and Kushina will only appear once in a while.
As for Naruto's Pokemon:
Meloetta;female (Rhapsody)
Spearow;male (Falco)
Eevee[diamond mark];male (Aki)
Eevee[heart mark];male (Haru)
Charmander;male (Taiyou)
Magikarp[shiny];female (Umi)
Hope you review on what you think! Till next time!