Okay I know this story is long overdue. But in my defense, I have been internet less for some months. Since December to be exact.

Do not mind the name it just what all I could come up with.

The general idea was a mixture of all the characters' characters that have every made an appearance in the dc verse. I am going to mix them in this one character. So if something appears odd I am the reason why?

Disclaimer: I do not own Dc or any character you read in this story. But I will have all the batman family in it.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

He stood in front of the huge mansion. The place looked like a castle. It was located miles and miles away from society, hidden by a family of wooden beasts. It was also home to Gotham city's most notorious warriors. The dark knights as civilians called them. It was also home to one of his donor. He started to think about how he got there.

Sometime Before

The capsule that had been holding him all this time had opened up for some reason. The fluid that kept him in a comatose state, started to pour out on to the floor. He began to open his eyes. Catching glimpses of black blurs with a dash of color, as he blinks his eyes a couple of times. The blurs started to take more humanoid forms.

When his vision finally clears, he found three beings in front of him. A girl covered completely in black with a cape and a yellow bat on her chest. A boy dressing in red and black, wearing a mask that cover his eyes and what look like wings coming from his back. Finally a floating girl wearing a skirt and a shirt that only covered up her chest, leaving her belly to be fully exposed. The floating girl's cape (like her shirt) was shorter than the others were.

They all just stare at him, neither moving away nor coming closer. They were study him, trying to figure out their next move, most likely. Then the floating one decided to move forward. Right as she did, a bunch of men dressed in black jumped out the shadows. They all stopped, looking at the men and vice versa. Then the teens decided to form a circle around him.

As they did the men in black lounged forward attacking them. The boy in red pull out a metal pole charged forward as he swung it, the pole seemed to grow in size, hitting three of the men coming at them. The girl in black stood beside him knocking away any of them that got close. While the floating girl caught anyone thrown into the air and threw them into one of the many walls of the building. Sometimes, holding one of them and using him the same way the boy uses his pole.

It seems to be a good idea. That is when he notices one of the men had a sword around his neck. On instinct, he reaches behind him and threw the men straight at the floating girl. Sadly she wasn't quick enough and was sent through the wall. Everyone stop and look at him, obviously overcome with shock. He was too, seeing how strong she was. But eventually everyone resume their fights.

The men in black seem to be targeting him mostly. So he figure if it a fight they want, it is a fight their get. Swiftly moving from beside the girl in black, he begins to pummel anyone who wore black. As he did the girl in black stay beside him the whole time. The floating girl soon came back in and started helping the boy in red.

Eventually the men in black started to retreat. They all took to the hole in the wall. The one he had caused. Not wanting to let his attackers get away. He began to charge after them. The girl in black soon jumped in front of him. Stopping him as glare at her, he watches as his attackers flee.

Anger overcame him as the last one went out of sight. So in a fright of anger he struck the wall. Trying to hit the girl in black, who was standing there just a few seconds ago. However, she vanished appearing behind him. He turns around ready to swing but its deflect by a metal rod.

He turns to look daggers at the boy welding it. The boy in red was holding it, with some struggle, and was shooting daggers right back at him. He grabs the rod and throws it off into the distance, boy intact. Luckily, for him, he gets catch by the floating girl. He continued to thrash at the girl, who dodged every blow with grace.

It was annoying. She evaded them as if she saw they were coming from a mile away. He felt himself lifted off the ground. Swinging his head back, encountering a skull. Hearing a screech as his cowardly attacker dropped him. He was ready to bash their head in when the girl in black interfere.

"Stop." She said holding out her hands between him and the boy in red, who was reluctant to get out of his fighting stance. But he eventually did, losing his grip on his metal rod. The girl then turns to him, giving him her full attention. "Friends." Was all she said as she gave him a look. Seeming to understand what she was trying to get across he just scuff. "Hey, we really did come to help." The floating girl said as she rubs her head. Serve her right for sneaking up on him like that.

"Yea, we help you fight those ninjas. We don't go around doing that just for anybody." The boy in red said with a grin.

"How often do "we" do that actually?" The floating girl asked playfully.

"Not very often…maybe only every few months." The boy responded with a shrug, keeping the same happiness in his voice.

He sighed, looking at his "friends" as they converse. Only a few minutes ago they were attacking him.

"You started it." He heard the girl in black say.

If he weren't looking at her, he would have sworn she was talking to the other two occupiers in the room. They stop talking and look at him.

"Yea you attack black bat. I only jumped in to defend her." "I was trying to calm you down. Until you head butt me." They each stated their case for coming at him.

He turned to "Black Bat" who responded simply and plain. "Never threw a punch."

Thinking back to their little scuffle, none of them deliberately tried to hurt him. Just defend black from him. He looks away from them in shame. They were just trying to help and he does this.

"It's okay." The floating girl said.

"You were just doing what came natural. You didn't know any of us. Plus, we did let the bad guys get away." The boy in red just shrugged.

He looked at them wondering did they truly forgive him or were they just trying to be nice. Before he could ponder anymore, a loud buzz went off. "Hey Supergirl where are you guys?" He could hear a female voice coming from "Supergirl's" ear. "Oh hey oracle! We're at that abandon warehouse with our new family member."

New family member who is she talking about. Black bat gave him a piece of broken glass, positioning it right at his chest to reveal a giant red s on his chest. It appears to be in an, equally as big, red shield. Weird he didn't notice it before. She then pointed to the floating girl chest. Which had the same insignia but in a smaller version.

So they must be from the same clan. It explains why he has her super strength. However, the flying, he cannot do that. Maybe if you try hard enough he can. The buzzing noise and the female voice vanish as the blonde turn to them. "Well that was oracle. She said since we got him. We should bring him back to the manor."

"But are you sure that ok with him?" The boy inquired.

They all turn to him awaiting his answer. He nods, giving them a stern look. "Okay so its settled lets head over to Wayne Manor." Supergirl said as she took off the window follows closely behind by the boy and black bat. He took a last look at the abandon building, before starting after them.

On the way there he learns many things about his "friends". The boy was name red robin. He had wings that allow him to fly in the air, or glide he forgot exactly how red robin had explained it. Supergirl was a kryptonian and so was he. They had many amazing powers.

But the one who had not said a word the whole run, jump, flight. (He wasn't sure what to call it. Each of them had a different way of moving.) Was black bat, the girl with the amazing fighting skills. He knew she was an average human but somehow she could take on a kryptonian. It was odd.

Oh, he also learns that he could not fly. Try jumping off the roof and thinking about flying. Only thing he did was fall. If it was not for Supergirl, he would but splatter on the street. Then again, she did say he was invincible. But if he didn't have his flight, who knows if he had his invincibility. He didn't really want to test that power out yet.

When they finally reach their destination, the female kryptonian dropped him off in front of the manor. Which still look a lot like a castle to him. She told him to "Stay put and wait until we come back." As she picked her two partners up and flew overhead. So that brings us back to where he is now.

All he could do was sit there and wait. Then he noticed the door had begun to open. Taking a deep breath, he waited as it open fully. Caused when it did, he would meet his "Family". Guess all he can hoped is that there not ninjas.

Okay so that chapter one. Should I continue? I would really like to. But I need motivation. I need comments people. All comments all welcome.

While you are at it answer some questions for me. Who would you like superboy to get snuggly with? Is Bruce alive in this one? Yea that all really. Sorry but everything else I got figure out.