"Young Justice New World Chronicles"
"The Lost Son"
By Heliosion
Chapter 16: On the Precipice of Normality
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own the DC universe or its affiliates for if I did I wouldn't have grown men flying around with their underwear on the outside of their spandex pants. Or make a superhero whose special power is driving a taxi.
Oh yeah this is based in an original multiverse world. In this case Earth X for this is a fanfiction and I haven't had the opportunity to read every single comic produced by DC hence continuity will suffer so I will create my own in the spirit of Young Justice.
Constructive reviews only people
"In others news, in a surprising debut, a new shining knight has joined the ranks of the protectors of Gotham City. According to police reports, a teenager calling himself 'Superboy' intervened during the attempted rape of secretary Millicent Dowling. The new hero clad in armour and accompanied by renowned heroine Supergirl, cousin of Superman and Powergirl who is better known for patrolling the skyline of New York apprehended the criminal and handed him over to the police..."
"ABI change channel," Superboy commanded, floating in the air with his hands behind his head. He had been half listening to the local news, skimming all the local channels and was surprisingly dispassionate about being mentioned. Sure it was amazing to be recognised by the people he served but the thrill had departed with him after leaving the scene. Seeing the news networks talking about him felt like small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, all too much more important events had transpired since his unofficial debut with Doomsday that miraculously had managed to edit out all traces of his participation.
It was explainable though as he knew the satellite Conner now counted was missing (after the events of the hotel and Lex was still probably celebrating getting one over his old rival) because of the events surrounding Doomsday. To him it was the only way he could sleep sometimes; it was his version of counting sheep and it was the only way last night to catch his three hours when all the adrenaline had faded. The cold bucket of water down the back worthy fear after Mercy's tongue lashing for failing to inform them of his joyride across the world may have assisted it.
Lex had said nothing over the videophone except to remember to use his credit card, stick to the terms of the agreement next time he visited Themyscira and advised him to stay the night at the Roost just to let Mercy cool down.
So here he was Monday, the first day of school and it was approaching the time to leave. Hovering, surrounded by hundreds of small holographic monitors alone Conner was left with a rare time with just his thoughts to keep him company. What would come of this latest quest to understand the alien life form known as teenagers? How well would he assimilate into the masses of flaky, free spirited children who'd lived a life conditioned by the consumerism they so worshipped all their days and sheltered from the harshness of the real world by their parents? Would he be noticed as an outsider right away? Could he enjoy a life of monotony five days out of seven where he woke up, went to school for eight hours then went home and did his homework? Rinse and repeat but the night time activities would keep his life interesting and his weekends… They were going to be amazing, day dreams of learning from his Amazons sisters, Artemis showing him as she promised how to throw his new javelin maybe more and going to feasts afterwards were hotly anticipated. These optimistic halcyon Amazon days interlaced smoothly with imaginative thoughts of his patrols through the dark streets of Gotham, investigating hardened supernatural criminals and just maybe in-between all that day dreams of time with his new friends he could make today?
Sighing at his daydreaming, Conner went back to work reading the various news websites and using the interface cherry-picking out headlines for the computers to analyse. He did this keeping an eye on the stock market, reading scientific journals on meta-human studies and doing all this whilst skimming an eBook on adolescent psychology while at the same time Conner was reading a hardback text book Mercy had bought him on the Greek gods by turning the pages telekinetically. In one ear he listened to LCNN debating oil price increases in the Middle East influencing the turbulent political situation and another a special on the rogue state of Biayla.
There was some perks to being half Kryptonian. Eidetic memory (not the human version a real eidetic memory), adjustable hearing that could tune in several different sounds at once and a solar powered mind fast enough to interpret all the noise into thoughts without confusing himself. He could get so much done at once and on three hours sleep. Conner could only imagine a mature Superman's rate of productivity but this only reminded him that apart from a meta-human gene the teen wasn't truly a human.
That thought left an ache in his heart before Conner could silence it with logic. There hadn't been a thing from the man of steel on the rejection from the Young Justice Initiative. Kara had made a house call (floating in front of his top floor office fifty stories up) to Lex to get his cell number (somehow up to that point Kara and him hadn't exchanged numbers. Conner had assumed Karen would've arranged it and she knew where to find him to ask) and phoned it nine times last night, Donna- um mother left a sweet message on the answering machine on calling in later to ask about his first day at school and to finally to get to see the Roost.
Speaking of Justice League personnel one tiny monitor Conner was watching was playing a highlight reel, specifically the security cameras capturing Batman's uninvited tour of his facilities or more exact his exit in his Batwing while Conner was in Themyscira fighting the Cerberus. Anybody that avoided a solar powered laser defence system (capable of being fired from literally any angle) was scary and he was certain the slip up the dark knight made was a courtesy from one hero to another informing his junior that Batman knew where the teen was living and was keeping an eye on Conner Luthor.
That thought was frightening! Well they didn't call him the god damn Batman for nothing.
"Incoming transmission from Orbital Watchtower," ABI chimed pleasantly.
Conner was a blur of speed just above the ability of the human eye to see. In one blink of an eye the teenager had tidied up his messy lounge and his text book sitting tidily on the table. The wrinkled red bodysuit with black tiger like stripes on the arms he had been wearing was fixed in the next blink of an eye making the teen spick and span thanks to telekinetic power smoothing it out. It would've been faster but the tensile strength of the fabric he was wearing could only support a few tons and he was scared of ripping it with exuberant telekinetic ironing (it didn't matter to him being it was his easiest ability to control but for convention's sake he wasn't answering like a stripper period).
"Patch it through into a single window and place all other windows on standby mode."
"Understood," ABI confirmed and did as instructed first pushing aside all the busy windows that shrank into small flashing cubes. The artificial intelligence booted up a large, dominating floating holographic window and on the screen sitting in the Monitor duty station was the same man who infiltrated his state of the art facility without setting off a single alarm.
"What can I do for you Batman?" Conner hoped he had hid his apprehension.
"Was I interrupting anything?" he drawled. Conner shivered involuntarily like he was being interrogated. Who was supposed to be the demi-god here precisely? Talking to the legend of Gotham made it hard to remember the man was only supposedly 'normal' with no real powers.
"I'm just finishing the preparations for my first patrol tonight then I'm getting ready for school… sir," he added the last part just in case. It was helping holding back the twitching talking to him induced in his fingers. Before on the Watchtower it had been easier, all those new revelations to swallow had stunted the presence of the charismatic Batman. Now the man looked to be looming over him ready to pounce and he was in space! He was going to have to get ABI to lower the default height of the monitors for the next encounter.
"We will be meeting on top of Wayne Enterprises headquarters at eight tonight sharp to talk about your contribution," Batman ordered and Conner nodded urgently. "But that is not why I've contacted you. We have a problem, one only you can rectify."
"If I can help you I'd be honoured," Conner promised. A stir of excitement was poorly concealed in his body language, the teen whilst conscious of Batman's notorious ability to read body language and in turn could construe it as unprofessional but an opportunity in aiding the league?
"It's to do with your rejected application to join the Young Justice." Man, if that didn't sound ill-omened. "Certain issues have arisen as a result regarding the status of one of its members, one Wonder Girl."
"Is she being punished for telling Red Robin I was associated with Lex Luthor?" Conner asked anxiously. He hadn't actually put much thought in it. Logic with a cool head ruled she was most likely asking a friend the hybrid presumed she spoke to in confidence but he remembered her reaction to Lex on the monitor the first time they had met. Looking at it now it was something to deduce possibly perhaps regarding her stance on finding that information and how it could've been done deliberately with malicious intent to create the situation that occurred from revealing said information. His first impression on her seemed to rebel on that thought however, the blonde girl seemed fun, free spirited and the Amazon/Kryptonian teenager had no desire to be told otherwise. He was still struggling to understand people and when they were trying to hide something he lacked the wit to figure it out yet.
"Not exactly, the league has already dealt with that breach of the regulations internally and issued the necessary reprimands." It was said with a tone that firmly declared the matter was closed and any questions were not welcomed. "No, this is about a motion raised by Supergirl and Powergirl to have her removed from any Justice League sponsored program for proving she is unable to keep secrets such as secret identities when disclosed under article three of the charter. I've already debriefed Red Robin and he admits he didn't consult her before revealing it to the team in the hopes of using the information to sway opinion for a vote about your participation. Unfortunately being members of the league your cousins had access to this data and this is the result."
Conner was mortified at the speed and vehemence of his 'cousins' and how protective they acted. They reacted unlike anything he expected, preconceptions of noble do-gooders long gone up in smoke was reinforced at times like these. It was both heart-warming they cared that much and awkward because of the way they were going about it. Two hot headed, family orientated people who up until his arrival couldn't be in the same room without a snipe fest united in a common cause: Superboy, Conner Luthor, the boy Kon El that they had dubbed him together and was it ever becoming apparent the alliance's potential to cause problems that individually they couldn't conceive.
What kind of monster had his arrival created? Being taken back to Cadmus (if it still existed) was only scarier to him or the latest being trapped in an enclosed space with this man talking to him. Well only time could tell the long term ramifications of what would become of the arrival of Superboy to his cousins if you took this into account.
"So what's the problem then?" Superboy asked, knowing he was being led in this conversation and honestly he wanted to be, knowing Red Robin was manipulating things in the background. Those beady eyes behind that lead plated mask were impenetrable, increasing the allure of his legacy as the dark knight that added to the hold over Superboy. "I imagine the motion would be defeated by a majority vote if you asked them to."
"While you would be correct unfortunately your mother supports the measure as does your aunt and your grandmother," Batman started, startling Superboy with the inflection of irritation Conner detected when his grandmother was mentioned, "They want to send her back to Themyscira for remedial training and I don't believe this draconian measure is warranted so I'm asking, no I'm requesting if you would speak up for Cassandra on her behalf."
"Doesn't her mother object?" Conner asked curiously. It was apparent the Batman wasn't used to asking for people to do things. The teenager guessed most people didn't get the option.
"Not if she values her job apparently," Batman retorted. The man really looked like he just wanted to run his gloved hand down his face in exasperation. Conner couldn't blame him and admired his candour… It didn't stop Conner from being scared of him.
"I have school today but I can…"
"Lower your EM field for approximately five point three seconds on my mark," Batman ordered with his commanding presence adding some weight to his demand, "Our Zeta beams will bring you to the Watchtower. It shouldn't take more than an hour to resolve the matter with your input."
"Alright," Superboy accepted hesitantly. Did they have to do this right now? Weren't most of the YJ teens themselves and had schools to attend? If having to be normal wasn't enough to stress about, potentially being the key to the future of a heroine he could one day be sharing the burden of saving the world with wasn't helping but he didn't see any reason to deny Batman. It was time to cool down his overprotective relations. "ABI synch voice command of the Batman to lowering the EM field for five point three seconds, one time only. Send automated message number four to Mockingbird after my departure and have the car waiting outside the compound for when I return."
"Command accepted, system standing by."
Superboy adjusted the monitor size to ten inches and took a step back so he was directly under the skylight. "At your leisure sir."
"We have members of the Young Justice here as character witnesses so please come fully garbed if you don't want them working out your identity." Batman folded his arms and glared. Well he always glared but the tight material of his uniform showing off his coiled muscle had the effect of hurrying him, making his next words redundant. "I can wait."
Superboy floated down onto both feet. Not willing to keep the man waiting and pulling his bracers in a cross shape, he imagined battle and a flash of magical energy the armour's liquid metal flowed out and enveloped him into the latest incarnation of Superboy. He embraced the euphoria and the urges of battle for a moment, enjoying the head rush.
Conner admired his gauntleted left hand and flexed the fingers. The armour was very heady in its power over him. "I'm ready sir."
"Understood," Batman gruffly said, "Do I just command your AI to drop the barrier from my end?"
"It'll react to your vocal commands using the transmission and the voice we have on record sir to make sure it's you. Just make the command when ready."
Batman pressed some buttons on his end and he was ready.
"ABI disable EM field," Batman ordered. There was a distinct hum in Superboy's hearing and an examination of the field with his eyes outside saw it flickering enough for it to be compromised before the familiar light of the Zeta tube changed his surroundings to the Orbital Watchtower.
Unlike the Luna Watchtower, the Orbital one currently over Africa appeared more compact and built for rapid deployment and stationing of Justice League members currently on duty across the globe. Its top tier was consumed with a viewing platform showing the glorious planet Earth, the beautiful cradle of human civilisation, the savannah and the deserts of the north and the surrounding black space. Just below it and an observation platform was the control centre where a certain Martian was operating the station taking a turn as assignment coordinator and from his telescopic gaze directing their Javelins out and about on maintenance or assignment where large equipment would be too energy costly to send down with Zeta tube. Below that Batman was climbing down from the Monitor room. Under his feet and across him on both sides like a spider's web three wide Zeta tube platforms were set up with narrow walkways connecting it to a bustling canteen. Looking under the surface to satisfy his curiosity with a sly glance of his x-ray vision located bunks, restrooms which pipes led to some alien device near the core (he assumed it dealt with waste disposal like recycled it or something?) and taking up most of the space in the back was a conference room with a lot of skeletons inside, some definitely alien when his eyes changed synchronising with his super hearing to infra-red detecting multiple heartbeats and differing heat signatures. Two of them were impenetrable to every one of his conventional senses and leaving just vague physical forms to denote humanoid life. That would be his cousins exercising their displeasure with a vengeance.
And they were the ones waving their arms in the air, gesticulating quite angrily. Conner closed his eyes this time while he winced in mortification at the scene and barely gathered enough courage to tune in to hear the tone of their words. Was this being embarrassed of his family members? He didn't like the feeling of wanting to bury his head in the floor and pretend this wasn't happening. This wasn't going to be pretty.
"Come with me," Batman ordered from behind him. Conner jumped in surprise, not intending to expect the man coming from behind when the man originally was in front and couldn't hear the man's heartbeat. The teenager almost flew five feet into the air until he collected himself enough to lead the teenager through the cafeteria… where all the heroes were sitting eating and watching his impression of a spooked rabbit. The teenager recognised some of them, Black Canary with the sonic cry who'd been taken out of the Doomsday fight in seconds just by the inertia the beast made with his wild punches. Sitting next to her was Plastic Man cracking horrible jokes and contorting into impossible shapes for the red clad Flash to snort uncontrollably. Holding the blonde woman's hand under the steel table was the Green Arrow, master archer and martial artist, the polar opposite of Batman who had never been seen with a projectile weapon like the Huntress. He was reminded of a psychological analysis from a division of Luthor Corp that speculated on parental issues or some twaddle.
Like the dark knight, the protector of Gotham city had family issues? Conner smiled at the thought and that seemed to be taken well by some of the Justice League. To his chagrin some of the men could've thought he was being cocky.
"Okay no more thinking at all ever," Conner's Californian surfer mind thought. He just ran up to hide around the cowl. "Just try not to make any enemies on your first day."
"Did you say something Superboy?" Batman enquired brusquely.
"It's nothing," Conner hurriedly said, "Could we hurry this up. I've got school," he added, following curtly with, "Sir."
"It's just right this way follow me."
Batman was an example of a man who earned his respect like a king through his actions. Every member of the league he passed in the cafeteria stopped what they were saying and looked up to acknowledge the founder of the league. All of them made some kind of address and Batman's stoicism exposed who was favoured or who was tolerated and it varied with an eclectic flavour. Plastic Man was on the good list and on the receiving end of one of his brief nods, others like Fire or Ice quickly returned to whatever they were doing suggesting a closer working relationship and only one member of the league didn't do anything nor emerged from his mutilated newspaper who was also gluing articles from it onto a scrapbook.
The Question had Conner's utmost respect for having the ability to just ignore Batman but Conner was aware of the conspiracy theorist's supposed mental instability and conjectured if it was the insane ones like the people running around Gotham who ignored Batman's powerful aura. It could explain why the town wasn't devoid of criminals with that guy on the prowl and maybe a reason to have something properly set up to monitor Arkham Asylum.
"Looking good kid," a golden hero said with a wink behind his amber visor in passing. Conner's memory deduced that it was Booster Gold, minor league hero famous for wanting to be famous. Conner was about to say something back until Batman just stopped stiffly but with an air of menace that literally made anything he said to the nice if boastful guy a mere squeak before catching up at the door to the conference room.
You didn't need super hearing to know it was heated inside. Batman unaffected just stormed in and the shouting stopped like there hadn't been an argument in the first place. Conner came scurrying in after him and into the large conference room. So many young heroes were sitting amongst their mentors or with friends. This was the Young Justice, heroes of tomorrow. He should be there sitting there too and yet he was more interested in the poor state of Wonder Girl sitting in the front under the spotlight. His heart went out to her knowing Kara and Powergirl were glowering and only kept at bay by an unsympathetic Wonder Woman and more cool headed Donna but that anger melted when he came in. Again Kara (she did seem more happy to be casual with her powers) flew over to greet him, with her usual exuberant hugging, tight enough to warp his armour and Karen; Powergirl slapped him on the shoulder.
"I am so jealous of your armour," Supergirl gushed, admiring the smooth magical metal with her finger. "I need to remind my dear cousin to finish the fabrications he promised a year ago."
"He promised me one as well," Powergirl concurred, "Maybe a discussion after we deal with the girl."
Conner had no idea what they were on about but saw an opportunity to pounce and maybe save Superman wherever he was. Glancing back at the blonde Amazon teenager, Wonder Girl genuinely appeared morose and fed up, sagging like a wilted flower. He caught her eye and made a small smile. Of course Batman was quicker to vocalise his intentions on Conner's behalf.
"I brought Superboy here to speak on behalf of Wonder Girl. He's here to ask for leniency."
"Is that true?" a relieved red headed Martian girl asked.
"Whoa I figured he would totally stick the knife in," a yellow clad Kid Flash said thoughtlessly. A green female archer stomped on his foot and smiled confidently at Conner who returned it hoping his resembled hers. There was one person on his side in the enemy camp and that was better than none at all. Others looked at him with pity or wariness.
"Did you force him to do this?" Kara accused, hovering so she could see over Conner's shoulder and pointed accusingly inches from the dark knight's face. It was lucky she was mindful of herself when she unleashed her emotions or that finger could've penetrated his cranium better than a diamond tipped drill. "Did he force you Con… Kon El?" she added, her concern making her forgetful about her environment. "You don't need to do it if you don't want to. She," Supergirl said compassionately, stabbing her finger at Wonder Girl's flinching body with less compassion. "Broke one of the biggest rules!"
"I would be happy to correct Batman for his bullying," Powergirl remarked astutely and folded her arms. The result had five boys in the group arching their heads to get a better look of her elevated cleavage. Conner averted his gaze (human morality demanded the gesture) and that was when Red Robin and he locked eyes. He glared icily behind his domino mask (Batman was his mentor and the owner of the signature gaze) and it seemed to ask a silent question. Conner didn't hesitate to nod sharply and the mechanically winged hero looked away.
Was it the start of a beautiful friendship? Yeah right if only he was so lucky!
"No I want you to drop all this," Superboy requested and sighed with relief that Supergirl didn't lose her temper.
"Kon El," Karen said slowly, "Are you sure? She did cause you to lose your place…"
"What's done is done," Conner stated with confidence. He was really all okay with not being part of the team for now. Time would pass, they might change their minds, invite him again to be a member and he would welcome the offer with open arms. The ramifications of fleeing the Young Justice headquarters catalysed his arrival to the Amazon homeland, becoming a hero doing a quest that concluded with him killing a mythical beast wearing magical armour given to him by his patron gods as part of his new duty.
These outcomes made it seem selfish to be upset or hold a grudge now. He sort of owed them… Logic was again his best friend, battered and bruised from inexperience but next time something went wrong or not in his favour he could cope better.
That was the logical viewpoint.
"Superboy," Diana interrupted. "What do you think should be her punishment? Do you think we should we recall her and have Artemis retrain her in the ways of honour and the Amazon way?"
Taking a moment to pick his words carefully, knowing his aunt was testing him Conner started Wonder Girl's defence. "As an Amazon warrior myself I feel it's the wrong thing to do." Speaking over the gasps (expected as Amazons had been exclusively been women until he escaped his test tube) and increased chatter he added, "She's just my age, still a fledgling and at our age we lack the wisdom you have aunt and of course because of that we make mistakes. Nobody's perfect," Conner said ironically, boldly stepping through his Kryptonian bodyguards to Wonder Girl, keeping watch and analysing the younger heroes for anything he could ponder on later, "You make mistakes, I make mistakes, probably more than the normal person but at no time did I have the impression this whole incident was done with any malice." Wonder Girl sagged even more but now it was in relief. "I genuinely feel she told Red Robin because she felt it was the right thing to do and I know he's respected for his exemplary life fighting crime in a city that seems to breed criminals from birth. Besides it was going to happen sooner or later that they'd find out I'm pretty close with Lex Luthor." He continued seeing the right time to get that bombshell out of the way. Over the muttering that erupted amongst the junior capes, now or never, sink or swim, honesty would bury him or score points, "I'm going to keep it that way. He's supplied a lot of resources for my future operations on the hero gig. Some might think he hasn't reformed but I will stake my faith in him that he has changed. He instead of pouring his vast intellect into schemes to kill Superman now just focuses his energies on conquering the corporate world which if you follow the stock market you should know he is. So no," Conner stated, mustering the courage to carefully squeeze Cassie on the shoulder. His strength almost flowed into her; it seemed as she stood taller than before, more confident and could've been mistaken for stealing his own as it was waning. He wasn't used to speaking to his peers. "Don't punish her. This might have turned out for the best. I'm an Amazon because of it and I couldn't be happier. Now if you would excuse me I need to get ready for school."
The buzzing from the woodwork had taken away the last of his bravery. Too anxious to find out what was said, spotting paper notes had been passed around and Batman was eerily still, his version of blazing mad because Nightwing, the supervisor it appeared wasn't doing anything about it. He approached his mother, whispered a greeting in the midst of an embrace, waved to his aunt whom appeared pensieve and then excused himself, Troia not Batman hot on his heels.
Batman looked ready to rescind his vow not to kill at any moment. He pitied Nightwing for what was no doubt going to come next.
"Did you really mean that?" Donna asked when the door closed with a hiss.
"Mean what?" Conner asked absently. He was replaying the scene in his mind, pondering his speech and evaluating how he might have appeared to the Young Justice.
"About," she shyly said, "Being an Amazon… I never asked you really."
"Of course it is," the teen answered, "The gods," Conner added, thinking they were mythical beings and perhaps they had arranged him to escape or the opportunity, "Brought us together and they were so welcoming. They wanted me and grandmother, Aunt Diana… you… mum…" Conner lost his steely nerve there but Donna was eager to fill the gap by giving him another cuddle. The young woman, slightly out of her depth here was coping well regardless. There was much to be proud of here if you looked underneath the underneath.
"You better get off to school now," Donna said, squeezing his shoulder as she pulled away from their family moment. Conner was only noticing now that they had an audience of observing league members. J'onn was waiting in the wings obviously wanting to talk to one of them. "I'm going to go offer Cassie some support in there now, maybe give her a little advice about being more discreet with sensitive information and let her meet you at your school. She also attends it so you'll have one friend there at least."
"I'll keep an eye out for her," he promised.
"May I interrupt for a moment?" J'onn said from their left. The man was half-phased through a wall and again Conner thought he would never get used to seeing the Martian doing that. "It's in regards to your lessons your mentor requested about your telekinesis."
"Um okay," Conner said, remembering it was mentioned after his accident with the cargo ship as the Martian fully emerged from the wall. He hadn't really put much thought into it lately, so much had happened but what had caused him to black out? The Roost said he was physically okay. Maybe it was something to ask Lex?
"I'll call you tonight," Donna promised, "Now I better calm down my sister. All this business with you being my son and this champion thing recently has left her a little high strung. Mother wants to get you back over as soon as we can and Artemis has been asking questions."
"Tough life," Conner said, hoping his joke was amusing. To his relief she smiled brightly and took off back to the meeting room. Perhaps she planned to stop Batman from tearing Nightwing apart as well?
"I don't have much to say unfortunately," the Martian Manhunter said when he was given Conner's full attention, "After careful study of what information we have on your tactile telekinetic ability I believe your telekinesis operates on a different manner altogether from my own. I can propose a few meditation techniques to allow greater mental clarity but I believe yours is more intricately tied to your physical self than my own which is entirely projected outwards. I think I would hinder you more than assist and I do apologise but I think it is better you explore the limits of your powers on your own."
A large mouthful but in essence Conner picked out he was on his own with the tactile telekinesis. He hadn't been struggling with it too much, just needed a few pointers or maybe an explanation on why he blanked out. Shouldn't it be at the same kind of tier of power as his other abilities or was it because they weren't really his to begin with being implanted meta-human genes that made it different. He would need to ask Lex. His father always knew somehow.
"Thank you for taking the time," Conner thanked politely, "I better get off to school now."
"Have a good day Conner Luthor," the Martian said telepathically then vanished by phasing through the floor.
Seriously Conner believed he would never get used to that!
Conner walked to the teleporter platform and allowed the Zeta beam to deposit him just outside of the EM field. Spotting the waiting black limousine, he deactivated his armour and flew swiftly into the Roost not to seen and changed clothes into a smart white shirt, blue blazer and grey pants. Then using the stairs the hybrid slowly walked around to the waiting smartly dressed driver whom opened the door and admitted him inside.
"Hello Conner," Lex drawled, "Have fun with the league?"
His son smiled at him happily at the unexpected pleasure of sharing the company of his father. As the car pulled away, Lex Luthor took a moment to drink in the scene, satisfied he'd outdone himself by being there for his son's first day of school and gave him his trademark smile like Conner was an interesting puzzle to solve. The self-made billionaire was a very satisfied man; another stage of his project was coming along nicely and his greatest feat to date.
"It was just a small matter Batman needed my assistance with in resolving Lex," Conner replied to his greeting.
Lex Luthor hadn't been more proud of something in his life well not since he overthrew his father in a hostile takeover of his company and arranged the 'accident' that silenced his supporters on the board.
Conner Luthor was becoming comfortable with wealth. It was in his body language, the nonchalant way he treated the limousine, sitting down hard on his leather seat like he owned it or the expensive equipment inside. His son was taking out a bottle of chilled water from the icebox when before the teen always sought permission submissively and the way he was slowly calming himself down after his little trip to the Orbital Watchtower was masterful. He was even being deliberately vague in his casual statements!
Compared to the child who was running away from his problems this Conner Luthor, a true Luthor in the making was rising to the challenge and making Lex's life all the more fun too. Being ousted from his anonymity by Doomsday was worth the millions the billionaire lost during the attack.
The Justice League had paid for the destroyed satellite, (Flash had taken the longest time ever in living memory to press the button to transfer the funds) significant compensation for loss of earnings and forced Superman into a restraining order forbidding him from interacting with the billionaire for six months unless supervised. Oh it had been nearly better than sex to pay someone to stream that moment Superman was given the court order by a court appointed lawyer to his office, on a private jet flying through Europe.
And so worth the six million dollars he paid Deathstroke for managing to do it without the man of steel seeing him.
"Excited about your first day at school?"
"Yes I am," Conner said confidently, only betrayed in his little white lie by not directly looking Lex in the eye. He was nervous, but very aware of his movements, still afraid of accidents that would expose him as not normal to the populace. In time this would be remedied. Powergirl was sanding away at the rough edges of the other powers he was unsure of, Supergirl was offering familial support (providing a bridge to both sides of his heritage as his kid's personal cheerleader since his father figure was playing the deadbeat dad to the best of his ability) to him over her reluctant cousin (reliable sources had noticed some friction) and he had the support network of an entire nation of warrior women which was very fortunate if his cat scans were anything to go by.
That was one of the objectives of cancelling his morning appointments. Scans of Conner's brain after his encounter with Doomsday revealed an anomaly and revealing this could put his son back on his road to being the ideal hero the world needed. It was news better told to him in person as he wasn't sure how the teen might react.
"You're a Luthor," Lex complimented, giving a very manly whack off his son's granite like body, "I have every faith you'll live up to that name." His lip curled upwards approvingly at the way the teenager lapped up his praise but scrutinised it at the same time. Oh he thought his father couldn't see the way his brain works but Lex wasn't a super genius for nothing. Anything he put his mind to succeeded (ignoring certain attempts to kill a certain Kryptonian) and learning how to understand his fellow man to better manipulate them had taken observing his father who wasn't as great as he thought he had been when Lex stabbed him in the back after patiently following a two year long plan to oust him.
"I'll do my best Lex," Conner earnestly promised, still a bundle of stiff nerves.
"Try not to destroy this school battling androids," Lex joked, seeing the need for humour. His son was tentative still about some forms of human behaviour like humour but laughed anyway on cue like a Japanese businessman at an important meeting. If it wasn't for his money, Conner would be having a trying time adjusting to high school.
"I'll do my best."
And that was the moment he gave the gift to make his transition easier. Lex opened a small lead lined box, extracted a sliver of a blue stone Conner felt before he saw and his trusting son didn't move until Lex opened up a hidden compartment on Conner's ABI watch. He slipped the blue kryptonite into the chamber then closed it.
"ABI activate pedestrian mode," Lex commanded. The watch acknowledged the command and made a warning sound until his teenaged son hissed at the sudden loss of his abilities. "ABI hero mode," Lex ordered and the watch sealed the blue rock off under a slip of lead, returning Conner back to his full power.
"What is this?" the teenager asked.
"To help you integrate with society and to prevent any accidents while at the same protecting your secret identity for classes like gym I built in a function to your watch to nullify all your powers. I had no desire to write up some implausible medical condition to deny you the full high school experience."
"I can be normal?" Conner asked in fascination, admiring the watch. Lex didn't like the way he said 'normal' with such pleasure. There was no need for alarm, the former evil mastermind hid it perfectly as usual and moved like any situation to prevent any dangers to his future plans.
"Normal for school and socialising my son," Lex countered stressing the rare complimentary term of endearment, which again did the job of corralling the teenager's interest in something Lex would rather avoid in case it worked against his interests. "The stone was hard to acquire so I apologise for the delay."
"So I just say pedestrian mode and my powers are bound?" Conner persisted.
"Almost all of them," Lex corrected, "Your Kryptonian abilities are nullified but it isn't known if that includes your tactile telekinesis as that was created with human meta-genes and you will always be stronger than most humans beings. I've studied Superman's genetics and he is clearly from a world with higher gravity."
"Can't have it all I guess sir," Conner stated, poorly hiding his disappointment but unwilling to test it. Lex mentally left a reminder in his incredible brain to have Mercy schedule an appointment with his psychiatrist. It would seem he had longer to go than the bald businessman had guessed. The former adversary of Conner's biological father took a look outside to where the freeway was meeting the interstate to the city's limits and calculated the time left based on the mathematical formula he created with various variables on the way to the Roost. He estimated ten minutes were left before arrival. It wasn't the optimum time to reveal a serious medical condition but it was now or never in an environment the demi-god Superman was guaranteed not to hear just in case the league were not aware of the situation.
"Conner," Lex started, "I have something important to explain to you before you begin your first day of school. The teenager's social perceptions had improved; the teen had sensed the importance of his words by either the tone or by reading his deliberate body language. He was alert, putting all his attention to what was going to be said.
"What is it Lex?"
"You remember the incident with the cargo ship? You passed out after exerting your tactile telekinesis to lift the ship?" Lex waited for Conner to nod, like he was including him in the dangerous conversation rather than simply dropping the bombshell on him. "Well my scientists have discovered something that could potentially be troubling."
His teenaged son was troubled by the statement, unnerved but very inhuman capable of absorbing the news. His analysis of the Amazonian alien took in the factor of his son's capability to process bad news when it wasn't immediately happening with him like his failure to enter the Young Justice Initiative. It was a potential set back or a blessing in disguise; Lex had contingencies for both scenarios in place.
"Was it really all that bad?" Conner asked quietly, "I sort of…"
Lex interrupted him graciously. "Our results indicate that our genetic engineering implemented when we first found you is for lack of a better statement unstable. It only asserts itself when you overtax your tactile telekinetic powers; say according to safety estimates relatively six times your body weight as they aren't native to your body."
Conner had the lost in headlights look to him and blinked. "I can't use the only power I've actually mastered?"
"Just using it too often and over a certain weight Conner," Lex corrected, rushing to reassure the teenager. All that confidence gone in a few words, Lex had underestimated the importance his teenage son put on that one particular power. "I have scientists working on the problem day and night. It could be any day now they cure this problem and your life isn't in any great danger unless you overdo it. Each time you do I presume you felt some pain maybe after your encounter with Doomsday?"
"I felt a few twinges," Conner admitted, "But I never really paid much mind to them."
"Well we think that was when the genetic augmentation we performed became strained and undone during this battle, the first time you had to wield your powers in such a way. It probably caused the first of perhaps a few aneurysms that were quickly healed as they were healed by the yellow sun energy stored in your magnificent genes before you knew you had been seriously hurt. In time if you continue to rely on it too much your brain could fail to heal swiftly enough and you may die but that just means you'll have to work harder with Powergirl to master your Kryptonian abilities." Lex adopted the confident stance he was legendary for and immortalised in the Daily Planet by crossing his legs and acting like he was a benevolent god.
To his glee Conner was actually pulled into the act, hungrily taking comfort that had been up till now hidden well by his stiff façade. The boy was really learning from his mistakes. Rejection from a glorified club house had left him in tears but just a couple of days later he was mastering his emotions or maybe again it was the different way he was being fed the information?
It was something to ponder on when he had a minute from his incredibly busy schedule. After this he had a meeting in Hong Kong to get to. He hoped the communist run company sprung for better catering this time.
"I'll do it!" Conner promised, "I will work harder. It'll… be harder without my telekinesis to fall back on but I'll do it."
"And that's why you're a Luthor, Conner," Lex praised, "Anyone who has the Luthor name doesn't whine or just give up when the going gets tough. We power through all problems the world throws at us and overcome them. Remember that lesson when you're in class today and you'll be fine."
"And I'll maybe one day be able to use them again like I used to?"
"In time and enough research perhaps," Lex said indulgently, no point in breaking this good mood for semantics, "I've set up an entire research team dedicated to it."
His mental count of time remaining for their journey taking into account the rush hour traffic left them where he planned. They had pulled into the city where the limousine was pulling around the corner. A strategic use of the automatic windows opening that had sealed the sound from the outside until this moment exposed the teenager to a convenient distraction, the cries of teenagers whose language was as indecipherable to the teenager as Esperanto.
Lex was grateful for the diversion. Conner would have time to take in the fact his powers had limits in some areas in his first class when nothing was expected of him and to contemplate the hard times ahead to master the powers that wouldn't lead to his premature death if used indiscriminately. The trials would teach him expedience and carefulness in how to implement his mighty powers much harsher than the lesson taught by the destruction he wrought battling Amazo.
"I won't disappoint you and I promise to master my powers until your scientists find the solution," Conner promised as he stared out the window. The vehicle had stopped at the front gate of the school. Lex had flashbacks of his own time in Smallville high school, remembering the clichés, the jocks and the nerds. He imagined his time being rich and young with such relish and to think he was dropping off a son to go through the same experience.
The phrase out of the frying pan and into the fire came to mind. It seemed apt.
"I know you will," Lex said, projecting his confidence to the teenager. "Now Conner Luthor I leave you with the words of my father who heard them from his, 'Conquer and seize the day'." They had been the words of his father, wise ones but he in the end failed to obey that tenant himself and allowed his son to outmanoeuvre him. He was comfortably assured his boy wouldn't do the same thing… He hoped… The teenager was a Luthor.
The driver picked that time to open the car door and Conner went to exit. He stopped, conflicted in wanting to say or do something until the teenager smiled at his father gratefully and left the car to begin another new chapter in his life.
"I'll speak to you after school dad," Conner said with his back to his father. Lex smiled at the futility of hiding his apprehension at the gawking children seeing the new rich kid. Boy was this going to be a learning curve for the hybrid.
"Have a good day at school son," Lex called, pulling up the window, pleased he had used the rationed compliment quietly to know the teenager had been using his super hearing, "Try not to disappoint."
Conner Luthor was his son but he was still a project as well, the objective: to create the ultimate hero with his values. He may no longer fund projects whose objective was to kill the man of steel. No this was better. Conner would replace Superman in the hearts of the people and guide the way to a world where technological achievement replaced the reliance on heroes.
So far it was going well and all Lex had was time to learn how to be patient. He had the time to get plenty of practice.
He could already imagine the rewards.
"Our destination Mr Luthor?" the driver asked over the speaker.
"But first dealing with the communists," Lex thought irritably, "The airport," he ordered.
"Yes Mr Luthor," the driver said.
"They better not serve those damn crab cakes again."
Such was the harsh realities of being Lex Luthor, multi-billionaire visionary and son of the most powerful teenager on Earth.
A/N Tana Moon and Roxy Leech appear next chapter! God bless the Superboy universe and Comixology for giving me the ability to read those old comics!