Captive: Chapter 7: The Night Finally Comes

It had finally come

Yoshimori fidgeted in his chair as he sat in the room, the room he shared with Gen. It was the night of the bonding ceremony and he felt nervous. There was no way out as far as he could see it, he was trapped in this world and was now about to lose his innocence in front of a bunch of people. He trembled at the thought, looking at the clock on the wall he noted the time

Six o' clock, only two more hours

Suddenly there was a knock on the door,

"Um…who is it?" he called not wanting to open the door

"May I come in?" a voice asked, he didn't recognize it, without another word the door opened revealing another male. He had long dirty blond hair and light brown eyes and some kind of green marks on his face and an eye-patch over his right eye.

"Would you happen to be Yoshimori-san?" the male asked as the other nodded

"Yeah? Who are you?" he asked

"I'm Tesra" he introduced himself politely, "I was sent to see if you needed anything" he said as Yoshimori blinked

"Um…not really no…"

"Oh then…I will be waiting outside if you need anything"

"Wait" Tesra stopped, "Um…I was just wondering, do you, I don't know…who is…" he didn't know how to phrase his question

"Did you wish to know who I serve under?"

"Huh? Yes" he nodded, it was like he read his mind

"I serve under my Master Nnoitra" he said smiling shyly, Yoshimori thought about it for a second, Nnoitra, he was Shinji's master or something like that.

"He's the really tall guy right?" he said using his hands for emphasis and watched the other

"Yes I'm am Master Nnoitra loyal servant" he said and Yoshimori blinked again, there was something…of about this guy.

"Now if you'll follow me I need to escort you to the changing room and ceremony" Tesra said, Yoshimori said nothing, reluctantly he rose from the bed and exited the room. As they walked down the hallway, it was silent, awkwardly silent.

'Maybe he can tell me more about this ceremony' Tesra was different from the others he had met in the manor. For one he wasn't that much of a pervert and didn't press at him or scold him about rules, secondly he had an almost somber aura around him and talked about his master with much respect and admiration. Also he didn't seem like he was anyone's pet really, most of the one's he met had some kind of simple or something that marked him as such. Some had tattoos or jewelry, Tesra didn't seem to have anything like that. He remembered that Shinji had a gothic five on his hip bone and the tall gut had a tattoo of a five on his tongue.

"Hey Tesra?"


"I needed to ask, do you know anything about this ceremony?" he asked as the blond thought for a second

"I ceremony is a bonding between a master and his pet, in this they create a union forever entwining together" he said full-heartedly

"So…um you did this ceremony with your master" he said and Tesra suddenly stopped, looking to the side Yoshimori could see a grim sadness on his face.

"Is…is something wrong?" was he upset

"Huh? Oh yes I'm fine…it's just…" he looked off for a second before returning to his composure, "We should get you fitted for your clothing for the ceremony" he said and they continued down the hallway,

"Here we are" he said as they stopped in front of a large double door. Opening it Yoshimori wowed as the light was turned and he looked inside, it was a large room, luxuries with a bathing area, change room, hair station and a large walk in closet.

"Wow this room is amazing" he said

"This is a special changing room, it has everything you'll need for the ceremony" he said walking inside

"So...what do we do now?" he asked, "Well first you'll be bathed, then we'll get you fitted and choose an outfit, then hair, some make up, and then we wait until you're called to the ceremony" he explained

"Now let's draw you a bath, you must be clean for your master" he said and went into the other room leaving a slighly nervous Yoshimori. Once the bath was drawn Yoshimori felt relaxed as he was surrounded in the vast spa like tub filled with bubbles and the sweet scents of oils.

"Man this feels really nice" Yoshimori sighed,

"I am glad you are relaxed" Tesra said brushing through black locks

"So what are these ceremonies like, I mean what do others do besides watch some loss their virginity" he mumbled the last parts,

"To tell the truth, I've never actually been to one of the ceremonies" he said still brushing the others hair, "Never, but I thought all masters and their pet's went" he was Nnoitra pet, at least he thought, he knew a few of the others who had more than one pet.

"Yes I am...but Master Nnoitra..." he paused for a second, "He usually tells me to stay in my room while he goes" he said rather sadly but tried to keep his composure.

"Why would he do that?"

"It''s what Master Nnoitra wishes, I don't disobey his wishes" he said, Yoshimori sighed to himself, he felt...sad for him.

"Alright we should get you out of the tub and get your hair done and clothes ready" Tesra said, Yoshimori just nodded and got out of the tube. Once back in the room he was now dressed in a white robe and was now standing in front of a large closet, opening the doors his eyes was met with a large room full up racks upon racks of clothes.


"So let's get your clothes picked out" Tesra said, "Since it the binding ceremony you'll need to wear something nice, yet accessible"

"I won't have to wear a dress will I?" he cringed

"If your master wants you too, what are your master's favorite colors?"

"Well...I know he likes dark blue" it was the only color he could thing off

"Okay let's see" in the end Yoshimori did wear a dress, it was more like a party dress for a club. Silky short blue fabric that hug his body in the right places showing off his figure, he had a pair of black boots and a matching blue choker.

"Well...I guess it could be worse" he tried to comfort himself as he looked at himself in the mirror,

"Yoshimori-san" looking back he saw Tesra holding a small box

"What's this?" he asked taking the small box

"Your master left that for you, he wants you to wear it for the ceremony" he said, opening the box Yoshimori's eyes widened, inside was a silver necklace with blue gems hanging from the chain, what caught his eye was the large gem in the center that held a molten golden glow in a deep blue.

"This is..." it was beautiful, Tesra helped wrap the necklace around the others neck making sure it was secure.

"You must be very happy" Tesra said


"Not many masters give gifts to their pets, especially those who have only been here...for such a short time" he said Yoshimori remained silent at this,

"Now then let's finish your hair and then you'll be ready for the ceremony" he looked at the clock and noticed it was only 7: 30, just half an hour left. After brushing and combing his hair, Yoshimori was ready, image wise, for the ceremony. The two left the room and began walking again, it was silent and Yoshimori could feel his nerves again.

"Hey Yoshi-chan!" a voice called, looking up he saw a familiar figure coming down the hall, dressed in a pair of black jeans, a light yellow blouse and black shoes,

"Oh hi Shinji" he greeted the male, "Wow Yoshi-chan you look really sexy~" he said as the boy blushed

"Yeah well Tesra's the one that really did all this" he said pointing to dirty blond next to him, looking over Shinji looked at the other male and the smiled his piano grin,

"Oh is that right, good job Tesra" he said as the other just nodded and gave curt bow, "Thank you"

"So Yoshi-chan ready for your big day?"

"Not really..."

"Oh don't be nervous, you'll be fine" he said latching onto the others harm, "Come on I'll take you to ceremony, you're going to have so much fun" he said pulling the other along,

"Okay! Okay!" he said as he was pulled along, "Bye Tesra" he said to the other who continued to stand where he was, "Have a good night Yoshimori-san" he said with a short bow. Once they disappeared down the hall, Tesra sighed rather sadly. Turning around he walked back the ways he came, he couldn't just stand around there was too much work to be done.

Tesra's P.O.V

Earliar that day...

Walking into the room I looked at the room, my heart was racing. I was in my master's room, I could feel his essence surrounding me, smell his scent, and I could almost taste him. My master never wants people in his room and is very adamant about others not to disturb him for any reason.

Closing the door, I take slow steps taking in every small part, every corner, from the floor to ceiling and back again. Walking to the bed I begin removing the sheet's and placing them in the basket. Grabbing the new ones I carefully and neatly place new sheets on the king sized bed, smoothing the silky black satin sheets and changing the pillow cases and fluffing the large pillows placing them back the way they were.

Picking up the basket I place it on the bed, hands travel lightly over the sheets, grabbing them I pull them up to my face, sniffing the sheets I can smell the musk of my master, so strong it chokes me with each whiff. I could wrap myself in this smell, this strong safe smell.

"Oi what the hell are you doing" I know that voice, with a gasp I turn around, my heart felt like it would burst from my chest as I turned to see my Master standing in the door way,

"Good evening Master Nnoitra" I greet him with a bow, a sign of respect, "Tesra" he said with a groan, "What the hell are you doing in my room?"

"I...I was just changing the sheets my lord" I say eyes on the floor, "I didn't mean to offend you Master Nnoitra" I say trying to remain calm.

"Tch, whatever" he walked into the room passing by Tesra and seated himself on the large curved couch that sat in the middle of the room.

"Oi!" his master called

"Yes Master Nnoitra!?" he said rushing toward the couch where his master sat, "Bring me something to drink" he said as Tesra nodded

"Yes Master Nnoitra, is there anything specific you desire?" he asked

"Nah, just bring me the tray from the bar" he said motioning to the small bar on the other side of the room. Moving quickly I went toward the bar and grabbed a silver tray placing various drinks I knew master would like. Bringing the tray back I presented it to him,

"Your drinks my lord" I say, I watch as he eyed the drinks, pinking one up he took a swig of the fluid and sighed, "Where's Shinji?" he asked me, I nearly frowned but kept my composure,

"He's with the other's pets Master Nnoitra, he said they were having a welcome party for a new pet and would be back this morning" I said

"Right" he grumbled swirling his drink around in the clear bottle, "Damn it, forget he was off with the other pets" master sounded upset, I wondered if I should try and comfort him,

"Fuck!" he grumbled leaning his head back, his jet black hair cascading over the couch, "Great now I've got no one to mess with" you have me master Nnoitra, I'm right here, I'll do anything for you, I want to say but the words won't come out.

"Oi Tesra!" he called me again, I love it when he calls my name it shows his need for me, he needs me, just me.

"Yes Master Nnoitra"

"Go run me bath" he ordered and he I quickly nod, "Yes sir" I say walking quickly to the bathroom. Running to the bathroom I go to the large tube and began filling the it with warm water making sure it was just right.

"Your bath is ready Master Nnoitra" I say, my master had just walked in and had already shed his clothing and was now standing in the room with nothing but a towel, I have to force myself to stifle a blush seeing my master bare, his long body and his muscles it's almost too much. The rippling of the water tells me he has entered the water so I look back and see him leaning against the edge of the pool like tube.

Leaning down I sit on my knees next to him just in case I am needed and I hope I am. Maybe master will permit me to enter the tub with him, other times when he baths he's usually with Shinji. I watch as he touches them with his long fingers, kisses them and holds them close.

"Would you like me to wash your hair Master Nnoitra?" I asked hoping he says yes and allows to run my fingers threw his long black locks.

"Hn, yeah why not" he waives me off and I hold back a smile, going to the side I grab some products from one of the shelves and began my tasks of tending to my masters hair. Pulling out a comb I begin running over those long locks. Master Nnoitra likes long hair, my hair is long I've been growing it just for him. As I continue to comb his looks I can hear him relaxing more letting me know I'm doing my job right and it feels me with happiness.

I like this time, when I can spend it with Master Nnoitra, just me and him.

"Oh Nnoi~" a voice calls ending our time together, looking back I see a blond entering the room,

"Oi weren't you supposed to be at that party or whatever for Gen's new bitch" Nnoitra said waking up, Shinji just smiled walking further inside,

"Yeah, but we cut it short with the ceremony being tonight and all" he said, "Oh a bath~" he said, "Move over I could use a soak" he said already shedding his clothes, I remained quiet, screaming on the inside as I watched the blond male sitting in the tub with Master Nnoitra, his form sitting so close to him, a luxury I'm not even allowed.

With a sigh Shinji submerged himself in the water, "This feels great, my muscles feel so relaxed" he said with a relaxed tone as he leaned against our master. I again tried to keep from frowning, but decided to return to combing my master's hair,

"Enough" my master suddenly said I was surprised at first, though I guess I should be lucky I got to spend even this much time with Master Nnoitra, I should treasure it. Placing the comb and other products back on the shelf I look to see my master and Shinji still in the water as Shinji talked about the party and the newcomer.

"Do you require anything else master?" I ask, but he doesn't replay and I knew I wasn't needed now and decided to leave them alone. Walking into the next room, I see master's clothes on the floor and begin picking them up placing them carefully on my arm, I'll add them to the laundry.

Looking back to the table I see masters drink and his cigarette in the ash tray still smoldering with heat. Picking up the glass I stare at it, master's lips touched this glass. A mere object was allowed the grace of his lips, placing the cool glass on my lips I drink the remainder of the liquid. Once the last of it was gone I felt a warmness inside me, looking down I spy the cigarette, it too touch masters lips and continued his air from inside his body.

I would save it for later, grabbing the last of the clothing I place it in the basket, the echoes of moans and splashing of water I knew I had to leave. After leaving the room I moved down the hallway and passed the rooms until I made it my room, my soul room that master had given me. Placing the laundry down to the side I closed the door and locked it tight. Moving to my bed, I sat down on the single bed, looking at my hands I looked over the cigarette, master's cigarette. Reaching into my nightstand I found a lighter. Clicking the flame alive I relit the stick, placing it between my lips and breathed in.

I could feel my master with each drag, each line of smoke burning my insides like my masters hot kisses, tasting him on my tongue. I felt like I could cry feeling my master inside me, tapping some of the ashes off I laid back watching the smoke circle above. I had master's liquid running through my veins and his breath in my lungs and now one could take it from me. I smiled happily

'It's mine, all mine' I smiled again, sadly I knew must save this before it burns out, rubbing out the cigarette in the tray I place the remaining bud with the rest of the mementoes' of master, it'll be safe there, no one will steal it. Closing the lid I place it back in its hiding space, I need to get the laundry done.

Later that day I was informed that I had to get Gen's choosen ready for the ceremony, I would have thought to decline if I hadn't learned Master Nniotra picked me, me. If I did well my master would be pleased with me...

End of P.O.V

After walking for a while they came to these large double doors

"Hope ya ready" Shinji said before knocking on the door...

To Be Continued...

Next time, a lot of SEX!