Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Just another old dude messing about with JK’s works for lack of something better to do One feature of my HP universe is that the kids get their Hogwarts letters on their 11th birthday; other than that, things vary according to my whims and senility Also, I am a perfectionist who has trouble posting stuff until I’ve gone over it a million times; the trolls may use this statement against me, but luckily, I only care about MY standards, not theirs. This also means that I won’t start posting something until I’ve worked my way through the entire thing—nothing is as disappointing on ff-dot-net as a brilliant story that never gets finished. For those of you reading Chapter 2 of Harry, the Dragon, and the Self-Imperius, I apologize for the repeated uploads. Still trying to get the hang of , specifically how to format and make sure it's correct BEFORE spitting it out to the world. Feel free to shout out, "ROOKIE MOVE!", much as we did in college when someone spilled the beer during a game of speed quarters... |
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