Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hey there. At the moment I mostly read Harry Potter and Death Note fanfictions. Favorite Pairings HP: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus, Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Remus, Lily/James DN: L/Light, Matt/Mello I prefer fics that are on the angstier side, although not ones where everyone "has been raped and do drugs and cut themselves daily because they believe they're a whore." I like subtler angst than that. Also, my favorite romances are those that start out (and possibly continue) as love/hate. Harry/Draco, Lily/James, Harry/Severus, and L/Light are usually pretty good about that. One day I might update my fanfictions, but I'm focusing currently on writing some original fantasy fiction. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the first draft of my first book, and it amazes me all the time how much harder it is to plot out something which is original and still compelling from start to finish. Anyway, take a look at my favorites list if you want to find some good stories to read. I don't promise that all of them are great, but at one point or another I found them entertaining and keep them on my list for nostalgia purposes more than anything. On the other hand, there are a lot of truly fantastic works on there that I still highly recommend. -WW |
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