Reviews for Coexistence is Boredom
Ill-Fated-Wish chapter 1 . 7/25
OMG this was soooooo much fun to read! I laughed so many times and had such a wonderful time reading your story. You balanced angst and fluff SO well. The first half was a thrill, the middle HURTED, and then the third part was just super enjoyable. I love love love how you wrote L and Light. You really did their characters justice. The banter was 100000% BRILLIANT! And I got emotionally invested in them haha. I know it’s been 11 years since you’ve updated but I do hope you’ll come back one day. This story is so great
Fallen in love chapter 33 . 11/14/2019
Reading this was a blast, from the high stakes tension to comedic bickering, the clash and friction between two prides, differing philosophies, and ever changing perceptions of each other. God (haha i can't help the image of L deadpanning to Raito), I can't get enough of these two, not to mention the depth you gave to all the characters! To be quite honest I stopped reading the manga as soon as a certain driving plot force met his certain plot driven demise, and my despise for Raito's God complex didn't help none in continuing. Yet by your writing (and the eyes of your L), Raito's pride and " hissy fits" (haha I still can't get over this accurate label) are actually endearing. I thoroughly enjoyed the psychoanalysis of how he came to be, with too much power and perfection and ability to manipulate (please) anyone yet a sympathetic sense of emptiness and apathy. On some levels I actually relate, wanting to be perfect because the environment expects it of you, striving for it, even becoming arrogant in self absorption, yet ultimately lacking a sense of self. He's human, as fucked up as his decisions made him be, and that humanity is also described with Mello, Matt, Near making them just as complex and interesting and not some concept/character design that I was too quick to judge.
Although not all loose ends are tied up, this work satisfied me on multiple levels (inner fangirl, analysis, introspection, alternative plot, the reflective quotes, the looming suspense, fun french translation, L's roundabout sarcasm,
the general humorous wording and witty dialogue) it was all just wonderful to experience. It was like reliving and seeing Death Note in a new Light (literally and figuratively). Thank you so much to have written and invested time into crafting an insane (fantastic) reality back then, I hope you continue to invest and create fantastic works today (whether through writing or any interest to may have) :)
Guest chapter 33 . 10/6/2019
Zela Night chapter 33 . 8/2/2019
I am sorry that this story is abandoned, but I am thrilled that it is still posted and avalible to read.
I adore this masterpiece!
Everyone is remarkably in character, and the switching POP's thing is one of my favorite plot devices/writing choices to read.
Natsuno Lawliet chapter 33 . 2/12/2019
Omg. Just 2 or 3 chapters left, are you planing finishing this one? Because, you know, your plot, your pacing, your characterizations, are probably the best one on this fandom. So yeah, please, finish this story. I’m super in love with this story and I really have problems finding good LxLight longfics:(
Guest chapter 3 . 12/31/2018
I know it has probably been a long time since this stroy has gotten any attention, but I am just finding it now. I just wanted to say this story is amazing so far. I know it isn't complete, but I still am enjoying it.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
How am I still checking to see if this was updated almost a decade later?
starkidheather chapter 33 . 7/15/2018
reread this again for the millionth time. still one of my all time favorite fics. i'll forever hold onto the hope that it will be finished one day 3
chenzike chapter 33 . 5/2/2018
the development of the characters and their dynamic and their position in this whole relationship thing is just so ... it gets better and better just like the writer's writing skill
so, love this!
chenzike chapter 1 . 4/29/2018
love this
Guest chapter 33 . 4/28/2018
Been rereading this and still love this fic so much. Hoping one day you'll come back to it~
NarupokeeAurorafan chapter 33 . 11/21/2017
Great story :D ! I loved it! The plot and character development is awesome! Please update this story soon :) ! I can't wait to read how it ends! Thanks, bye!
everyotherfreckle chapter 33 . 8/25/2017
I have read your story perhaps 3 times, and my feeling every time is that you perhaps do all the characters in death note more justice than the original author, Ohba, ever did.

I love that you've made all characters immensely complicated, that you've teased out the details of what makes these brilliant men truly brilliant and threaded it into a gripping plot of cat and mouse then conquerer and half-conquered.

The depiction of interpersonal relationships in this story is, to put it mildly, exquisite. It isn't as easy as a kiss and it's better in real life and why should it ever be that easy in fiction?

If you should ever feel like bouncing ideas for the ending of this exquisite piece off someone... you're welcome to use me as a sounding board.

Also thank you from the bottom of my heart for portraying Misa Amane as part of the L/Light dynamic. She's a misunderstood character and that so many authors leave her heartfelt openness and sense of humor unexplored because she is a threatening, pretty woman seems a waste. To me you'd have to be a crazy person not to want to toy with Light/Misa... Our anime Bonnie and Clyde as it were.
kasia224 chapter 1 . 5/2/2017
oh wow that was an incredible story, you're a brilliant writer! I'm sad you likely won't finish the story but it was a pleasure to read!
Unnanimouse chapter 33 . 2/3/2017
I have read this story twice over and it is so good. You must have your reasons for discontinuation, but I do wish you continued. It's simply amazing. The dynamics between L and Light are so cleanly wrapped up in such a way that I wish THIS was cannon. I had honestly, wanted to write more of a review, but there's no length which will emphasis how amazing this is. Kudos to you, dear author and thank you.
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