![]() Author has written 8 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter. All this space to write in...let's see... About Me: I just graduated with a BA in English Literature, realized that it is pretty much useless and am now spending my time dodging student loan collectors and planning my escape to Europe. Full time volunteering=a hassle free year. Favorite Books: All of Harry Potter, Twilight series (stop judging me!), Blood and Chocolate by Annette Klause, Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop, and The Circle Trilogy by Tedd Dekker. Classics like The Lord of the Ring Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia (or anything else by C.S. Lewis), Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion (by Austin), Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida, Dante's Inferno, and Shakespeare's Hamlet and also Twelfth Night (basically anything Shakespeare).(Also pretty much any other book that has been published and some fanfics that I wish were published) Favorite Quote: here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) ~e.e. cummings In defense of Twilight: I always get teased for my deep love of Twilight, because of the recent explosion of fan-girls who make us all look like loonies. In my defense, I read Twilight immediately after it came out, and have been a dedicated fan since the first chapter. I pretty much am Bella (shy small-town klutz with long dark hair who prefers Austen and Shakespeare to gossip and guys) so the fantasy of someone gorgeous and brilliant and sweet and rich falling in love with me is a little too hard to pass up. I am currently enamored with Remus/Sirius fics and have started a new community Hungry Like the Wolf. They never really seemed like a couple to me until I read remuslives23 and ArtemisDea's piece Kept, but now I can't see them as anything but made for each other. If you have any good fics that you would like me to add that I have missed, please PM me and I will check them out. Favorite Typo's (Because I was an English major and am therefore entitled to find them hilarious) Luscious Malfoy Blaise Zambini "He had terrier written all over his face." (terror) "cock hard abs" "no signs of fowl play" (foul) "thanks to #*&*!*# for beating this chapter" (beta-ing) "looking around to asses the situation" (assess) "time to face the preverbal music" (proverbial) "please thrust me." (trust) "groaned at the sinsation" (sensation) "trickled down the back of his sarcophagus" (esophagus) "a game of wizard's chest" (chess) "Parceltounge' (I imagine that this sounds something like a bunch of packages jumbling together, with the occasional sound of something breaking due to postal negligence) "He had innocents in him" (my brain instantly went OM NOM NOM) "Just clam down and be quite." (Two for one.) "it looked delouses" (delicious) "at the binging" (beginning) Forgive me for being something of a review whore, but reviews are my favorites. If you read any of my stories, please take the time to drop me a line or two to let me know what you thought of it. It is not so much that I want the warm fuzzies (which are always welcome), but I would really like to know what works and what doesn't in my writing, so I enjoy feedback that lets me know what I should improve. If I am not given criticism, then I cannot improve, which is my biggest reason for writing. Currently Writing: A Ron/Hermione songfic based on The Pussycat Doll's I Hate This Part for AngelicKat445's iPod Songfic Challenge A piece about Sirius in Azkaban and what he thought while he was reflecting on the worst moments of his life--tentatively titled Think Happy Thoughts Many apologies to anyone (please be someone?) who is waiting for updates to any of my stories. I have recently started a completely new job in a new country on a new continent, so I am still reeling from all of the various challenges and differences thus associated. I promise to begin again once all is sorted. |