Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter. Just a Harry Potter fan trying to keep the series alive in my own mind. I'm a fan of exploring romantic relationships, particularly the build up. I'm very much into the slow burn. I'm also a canon fan of the original series. I don't consider "The Cursed Child" to be canon, so while you may find similarities, they're unintentional. When it comes to the original books, I try to follow their canon as much as I can. I'm not perfect though, so I may miss things. As far as the big stuff is concerned though, I try to stay on top of it. I've done two series thus far. The first being my next-gen, four part Teddy Lupin & Victoire Weasley series that I wrote some time ago. The second being my more recent Dominique Weasley trilogy. Favorite Characters: Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom Favorite ships: R/Hr, H/G, J/L, T/V You can also find me on Archive of Our Own: archiveofourown (dot) org/users/sweasley/works Since it can be a little confusing, here is the chronology of my fics! There are ten at the moment. They all take place within the same Post-DH/next gen universe. Here's a guide and timeline to figure them out for optimal reading. Novel Length Stories: "This Time Around" - Set from 2003-2004 around the lives of Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione. Told from all four POVs. Teddy and Victoire Series "The Start"- Prequel to both "A Year in the Life" and "The Spark" - Set around Ted's years at Hogwarts until 2016. Told from Ted's POV. (Part 1/4) "A Year in the Life" - Set between 2016-2017 - Victoire's 6th year at Hogwarts (Companion to "The Spark"). Told from Victoire's POV. (Part 2/4) "The Spark" - Set between 2016-2017 - Ted's first year out of Hogwarts (Companion to "A Year in the Life"). Told from Ted's POV. (Part 3/4) "Here, There, and Everywhere" - Set around the end of 2017. Sequel to both "A Year in the Life" and "The Spark" - Told from both Ted and Victoire's POVs. (Part 4/4) *NOTE* "Here, There, and Everywhere" does have two alternative M rated chapters available under my Ao3 account. They are their own story titled "Here, There, and Everywhere Ex. Chapters." You can find them at: archiveofourown (dot) org/works/24066277/chapters/57917572. I never posted them here because this series was T rated; by the time I finally moved over to AO3 years later, I decided to upload everything. Check them out if you're interested. Dominique Weasley "Don't F* It Up" Series "The Quidditch Trials" --Set over the course of a week in late summer of 2018. Told from Dominique's POV. (Part 1/3) "Something Found" -- Set between late 2018 and early 2019. The first half of Dominique's seventh year at Hogwarts. Told from Dominique's POV. (Part 2/3) "Something Lost" -- Set between early and mid 2019. The second half of Dominique's seventh year at Hogwarts. Told from Dominique's POV. (Part 3/3) Miscellaneous One Shots "A Girl and Her Broom" - A glimpse into nine-year-old Dominique's world. Told from Dominique's POV. "In the Bleachers" - Set in early 2016 during Dominique's 4th year. Told from Dominique's POV. My Author's Note's section. July 25th, Hey all, just checking in. Hope everyone out there is doing well and taking care of themselves. I've had a couple of people wonder what/if I was still working on anything, and I am. Currently playing around with the Jack story, which is still looking like collections of stories/moments throughout the years from his PoV. It's been a nice angle to take, since I've never had a character who could contribute much Muggle influence or insight. Jack's allowed me to bring some of that to the table. I'm also trying not to repeat much of what we've already seen--outside of obvious big moments--and trying to create new stuff that didn't make it into the original story. My kids go back to virtual school at the end of August, and seeing as I have no idea how much that will involve me, my goal is to have Jack's story out by then. :) Louis' story is still my next big project plan to tackle, but I've also come across another little idea in the downtime I've had. I've always said I'm trying to avoid the more popular next gen kids (like the trio's kids), but I got a little plot worm for Rosie and now I'm wondering...hmmm? I actually wrote a one-shot about her, and I'm now deciding whether I want to expand it into more of a story, or leave it as a one-shot. I'll post it either way eventually, but I need to make a decision where to take it. I definitely see a story there, but I'm also trying not to commit to anything too long at the moment. Either way, all of that will come after the Jack thing. That's up next. :) June 4th, Well everyone, we’ve reached the end of this trilogy. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it. While it’s been months for you all, this is years in the making for me. Almost a year ago exactly I sat down and started hammering out that first chapter in Something Found; two hours a day--or whatever my kid’s nap time allowed me--I would play with this story. The fact that it’s over is insane. I can’t believe I can finally put this particular story to bed. I’m happy and sad at the exact same time. :) From day one I wanted a different story than Victoire and Ted’s. One of my favorite tropes is childhood best friends falling for each other, which is why they were always a draw for me the second I read about them. It was a sweet story about two people who needed to figure out their feelings to find their happy ending. It was one of the first things I’d ever written, and I’m still pretty fond of it (even though I’d change parts if I could, lol). With Dominique, I wanted something different. I wanted a character who not only had to figure out feelings, but also herself. I wanted a character who wasn’t searching for love, but found it--eventually-- in an organic sort of way. I wanted a character who f*cked up for reasons she could have controlled, but struggled to grasp. And mostly I wanted a character to demonstrate some real growth. I’d promised a busy year full of ups, downs, and all arounds, and I’m hoping that’s what I delivered. :) As for future projects. I need a bit of a break of the heavy plotted, drama filled, novel-length stories, so I’m going for something lighter. I’ve got enough asks for it, so I’ve been fleshing out some moments from Jack’s POV; including stuff we haven’t seen (and yes, I’ll give you the meet the parents. Lol). I’m looking to keep it on the shorter side--a handful of chapters, mostly a collection of one-shots vibe instead of any real linear story. I don’t think it should take me too long, especially now that I can dedicate my time to it instead of splitting my time between this story one that one. And what about Louis? It would have been impossible for me to wrap his story up in the epilogue (because I tried). On that note, I don’t think I can leave the story here, if I’m honest. There's more to tell. I’ve done Victoire. I’ve done Dominique. Why not Louis? Seems he’s been keeping busy, and I’ve already laid groundwork for him to have a story to tell. It makes sense to pick things up with him; I really should wrap these Weasley/Delacour kids into a true story trio. Just know that I’ve got some early ideas; I’m working it out. But I’m doing something lighter first! So, thank you again, and I truly mean it, for taking the time to hang out with me and this story. Thank you to the collection of you who commented on every update. You guys are SERIOUSLY the best and I've come to look forward to see your reviews every time they pop up. To everyone, thank you to every piece of feedback, critique, and praise; I truly appreciate it all. So, N.E.W.T.s! My research into N.E.W.T.s started when I needed to know what was considered "good" and then elevating it for someone like Louis--who would have gone above normal. I needed to compare him to someone who achieved a lot, but unfortunately, JKR doesn't really tell us much about characters and their N.E.W.T.s—just that they did well or got perfect scores. So, I reverted back to O.W.L.s, because she gave us more info there. Not only that, but she gives us Bill's, which is a GREAT jumping point for me to compare Louis against his very bright father. If Bill is doing well on his O.W.L.s, it's safe to assume he's doing just as well on his N.E.W.T.s. Cool, I'll start there. Now, I also used Percy as a base, since he was also a high achiever who did really well on his O.W.L.s and got perfect N.E.W.T scores (whatever those were). We know from canon that Bill and Percy both got 12 O.W.L.s., which immediately begs the There are twelve subjects at Hogwarts (not counting specialized study and I'm not counting that). Did that mean Percy and Bill got an O.W.L in everything? Hermione got 11, and she was only taking ten subjects. And when she had taken 12 subjects, she'd needed a Time Turner and had burnt out quickly. So, did Billy and Percy get Time Turners? Are they better students than Hermione--who was painted as the brightest witch around? I never once in canon got the impression that Percy was cleverer than Hermione. He was super clever and a high achiever, but Hermione level? I didn't see it. She was next level. SO RIGHT THERE, SO MUCH CONFUSION! How are they getting so many O.W.L.s? Did they get Time Turners!? I mean, JKR was never great a math, we all know that, and her details for that stuff get wonky, so I had to assume some things. I was originally under the impression that you would only get a handful of N.E.W.T.s (maybe 5 subjects if you're a good student?) since that's similar to how the British schooling system works. But I was also under the impression you could only get a handful of O.W.L.s too unless you're a super brain like Hermione. But it seems that Bill and Percy can get 12 too, so I guess it's easy enough for all the clever kids to do. None of this was making sense. That's when I stumbled upon someone explaining (and this was an assumption, but it was one I liked so I ran with it) that two N.E.W.T.s may have been awarded per exam sat--one for the written part of the exam and one of the practical part of the exam. This I liked, because it would explain away these crazy 12 scores that seem impossible to achieve without a Time Turner. I could see a clever student sitting something like five subjects and earning up to 10 N.E.W.T.s. I could see someone like Percy or Bill sitting an extra class because they're high achievers and getting 12 N.E.W.T.s. I could see Hermione sitting more than all of them and getting way more. This fit the mold for me, so this is what I implemented into my story. So, that is why I N.E.W.T the way I N.E.W.T. It's not that these kids are sitting ten, twelve, fourteen subjects, it's that they're getting two credits per exam. Hope that makes sense of my thought process. :) Pinned Messages: February 7th: Why Dominique? Same reason I initially was so drawn to Victoire and Ted. They’re less explored. The latter, maybe not so much (especially now), but I liked the idea of the next-gen kids living a relatively typical, post-Voldemort life. Everyone went straight for Albus Potter and Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy, but I had no real interest in them. Give me the (very likely) super attractive offspring of Bill and Fleur! Throw in a little Remus Lupin’s kid and I was sold! Victoire and Ted it was! Let’s play in that world! Then, going down the rabbit hole even further, I found myself drawn to the idea of Dominique and Louis--those Weasley kids we knew even less about. All we actually know about them is who their parents and sister are. They may not even be twins. Louis--who is the youngest--could be five to Victoire’s sixteen for all I know. Dominique could be much younger as well. I mean, in my head they aren’t and NEVER will be. I’m sticking to that. Making them twins was an accident. I started that T/V series not long after DH came out (and before the family tree was known); I gave Victoire a brother--who was essentially Louis, just not called Louis. But there wasn’t a Dominique. Then the family tree came out and--yes! There was a younger brother! I’m still canon! But wait...there’s also a middle child. A girl. This was a problem, seeing as I hadn’t accounted for that. And I’d already written chapters with a younger brother who wasn’t that much younger than Victoire, so fitting in another kid in between Victoire and Louis would have been impossible. Unless... So Dominique and Louis became twins. It ended up working since twins run on the Weasley side and I got the Weasley twins part two. I now cannot even imagine the two of them not being twins in my head. And when Louis returns in Part 2 and 3 and you see how I like to imagine he plays into Dominique’s life and story, here’s hoping you can’t either. At least in my vision. I’m just waiting for JKR to rock my whole world and claim otherwise. Then I become AU, I guess. :) But it’s funny how the character that never was; the one I never planned on became, probably, my favorite. The antithesis to Victoire’s prim and proper. She became fun to write. I created a series around her. So, that’s why Dominique. February 6th: I've had a lot of people seem surprised I've decided to come back after a decade long break. On some level, I was too. It wasn't that this series took me ten years to write (I started writing it last summer). I actually had every intention of writing it as soon as the T/V series wrapped, Not long after that T/V series finished, I moved. I still remember sitting down one night, frustrated with unpacking, to start this Dominique journey, and all I could scrape together were a couple of one-shots (which I posted). I got busy. I got a new job. I got married (and we're about to celebrate our 10 year anniversary). I traveled. I got pregnant with my daughter. Then my son. I quit working. Then had another daughter. Two girls and a boy. No twins, though. ;) Anyway, with kids off in school and my youngest napping, I found myself with some (very little) free time. I wanted to start writing again because I do love to write, but I didn't have nearly the time I used to. It would be a slower process, but when you do what you enjoy, you make time. And I did. I hope to do something original one day, but I needed to shake the cobwebs off and see that I could finish something again, so I decided to revisit this world. This story never really left me. It kept creeping up on me from time to time, constantly evolving. I cannot even tell you how many version of this thing I mentally wrote. I think it's only a shadow of its original self, but I'm kind of glad I got really busy and let it grow and change. I cringe at some of my earlier ideas. A part of me wants to refurbish the T/V story (nothing would change plot wise; I just want to clean some stuff up) but that wouldn't happen until this whole series was posted. Perhaps if I ever expand to other sites, I may. I need more time in the day. It was just nice to actually complete something again. I just need to keep up momentum. :) January 31st: As far as how my posting schedule goes, I do like to try and post one to two chapters every other day (sometimes every day). While I would love to put the whole thing up at once, building a readership is crucial; that requires letting it simmer a bit to allow for reviews and feedback. Those of you that review multiple times are amazing and certainly help drive my desire to post faster. If waiting chapter by chapter bugs you, come back in a few weeks once it’s all up. Dominique’s entire series--unlike the T/V series--is rated M. Dominique and Victoire are different characters. That’s all I’ll say about that. Feel free to report typos (I appreciate it!) or let me know if I’m totally off the mark when it comes to British-isms (hi, still American). I won’t change my spelling (lol), but I do like to try and get words and phrases right. If it's blatant and something you know a British person would never say, let me know. I’m always open to those comments because it helps improve authenticity. |